Require Count On Basis Of Condition
May 8, 2012
I have data like
col A col B col C col D
DLM2.2 kWDLM75 kWDLM55 kWDLM160 kWDLM11 kWDLM1.5 kWRDLM110 kWRDLM2.2 kWRDLM11 kWRDLM55 kWDLM11 kWDLM30 kWDLM45 kWDLM1.5 kWUS40 kVAUS10 kVAFD45 kVAFD45 kVAFD6.4 kVAFD25 kVAFD45 kVAFD11 kVAFD11 kVAFD150 kVAFD10 kVAFD18.5 kVAFD25 kVAFD18.5 kVA
The problem is col B having M type and col C contain their respective ratings. I want summary report.
Rating 2.2 should give me total count, but if you see there are types.
In col A -
blank cells
so, 2.2 DL = the perticular count
2.2 RDL = the perticular count
Only M type having subtype DL and RDL.
Im col B, there another subtype also like US or FD. For that also particular rating show their exact count.
Is that possible? I want excel formula not vba code.
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Jun 22, 2009
I want to count from each cell that doesn't contain "0". So if cell C2=100, I want to be able to count the number g1*2 from that cell and return a value. But then I want to start another count from c5 to the number of g1*2 and then another count from c8 etc basically any cell that contains a value other than "0", I want to start a count from.
The point of this is that the half life will expire after that count, so I want to be able to add the drug levels on an ongoing basis until the count of the half life has been reached. But there will be further dosing along the way before this half life is reached and these values need to be added to the existing value until the half life expires.
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Dec 10, 2013
I am trying to make my excel sheet more robust to get data on weekly basis. I assign tasks to different members of team by entering the assigned date in column next to the member names. Next week, say on Monday, I need to get total number of tasks assigned for each of the members till Friday (last working day of previous week!). I need to get this data every week.
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Jun 18, 2014
If I have 2 excel files. One with data about electronic equipment and one with more general counting data, i will explain..
For example the electronic equipment excel file contains data about notebooks, desktops, epads etcetera and also prices and how old they are etcetera. The excel file also has a column for serial number, so for example a notebook serial number looks like this: 23N34ERT3 and an epad SN looks like 25OKE445EE. IF i filter the SN on text and begins with: ??N then it will show me only notebook data(because the N stands for notebook). Same if I only want the Epad I just filter on ??OK, so i get all the epad data.
now for the general counting data file, in this file i actually want to put data which i get from the other electronic equipment file. For example i want this data to be retrieved:
a. total number of rows of notebooks from the electronic equipment file
b. total number of rows of epads from the electronic equipment file
c. how many rows there are for notebook that are 0 - 1 years old(in electronic equipment file there will be a column called product_Years so in this column you have data like: 1,4,12,3) + that are from model: A from the electronic equipment file many rows there are for notebook that are 2-3 years old + are from model:A from the electronic equipment file and then going on for 3-4 years model:SD etc......
e. in the electronic equipment file there are prices for each model, i also want to calculate the prices for each rows which i get here in the list above.. These rows must be calculated with prices from electronic equipment file
Is there any easier way than constant filtering and copy pasting the data?
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Apr 12, 2014
So I have one sheet that needs to pull data through to another sheet (which is a stats summary)
I have a drop down list containing 4 options all of which have to be counted separately on the stats summary sheet. However I only need them counted when a value is input in another cell in that row.
For example: I select option 1 from down down menu, but I only want this to be counted on the stats page when I enter a date in the "date" cell.
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Jul 2, 2009
I have a column with different cities that customers visit (Barcelona, Lisbon etc) and another column with their booking requirements (All inclusive, breakfast only etc)
I'd like to set up a count on the total number of customers who are going to Barcelona and having all inclusive.
I've tried using nested if statements with vlookups and a countif but can't seem to get that working.
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Jun 26, 2008
I need a unique count of the ID number. What I need is to check and see if the row has a number in it and if it is greater than 0 and is not blank. If the row has 0 in it, then that is not counted in the count. For in stance .....
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Aug 21, 2008
i've got a list of values that need summing, but only if i certain value is in another cell:
a b
1 paid
1 paid
1 not
1 paid
1 not
i need a formula that will count all the values in column a only if column b is set to "paid"
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Jan 10, 2008
I need to calculate the lookup value that have more than one...
I want to hav a simple analysis on likert scale
I hav students from 3 (or more) institute (A,B,C). 3 survey questions...
How to calculate how many students form each institute that score 1/2/3/4/5 (base on the likert scale, maybe up to 10) for every single question (in my sample worksheet, i named it as Item1, Item2, Item3 as a sample questionaire)
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Jan 22, 2009
Can someone please help me with formulas to calculate the # of Unique Customers, #of Items, and Amount for Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 for the year in A2 (which contains a drop-down list).
Please see attached sample workbook. (I can’t figure out how to combine the formulas for count unique items with a specific quarter.)
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Jan 18, 2010
I need a formula that will return a total for the number of cases that have been closed within 6 months. Also I need a percentage total for number of cases that have been closed within 6 months. So the conditions are that the case has been closed and within 6 months.
I tried to use a IF formula that returned a 1 if within 6 months and a 0 if outside 6 months and then just SUM() the column, however for some reason that just returns 0. I am using Excel2003
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Mar 15, 2009
I have a formula that tests the minimum time in a column. If the time is the minimum it gets a PB (Personal Best) notation. My problem is once a season there is a competion that needs to be recorded on the worksheet however I do not want this time for this competion counted in the MIN test or to get a PB allocated. I have worked out how to ignore the PB but I cannot get the MIN test to work properly. Dates of comp are in Col B, data (times) in Col C and formula for PB's in Col D. When a cell in Col B (Dates of comp) = Region I want the MIN test to ignore the value in the adjacent cell in Col C.
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Mar 16, 2009
problem is in the same vain as my last thread "Formula to count MIN with condition". In the attached worksheet samples, Col B has competition dates, Col C is time/distance data, Col C (filled down) is the formula that recogises if the time/distance is a PB.
Once a season there is an event "REGION" where I want the formula to ignore the data in Col C adjacent to "REGION". The date of REGION changes every year and could be anywhere in Col B. The first attachment is what the sheet currently looks like and the second is what I want it to record, specifically D11. Even though D10 is a better distance, it would be ignored as it is REGION.
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Oct 30, 2012
I've an excel sheet with 1000 rows data. I need a formula to count number of unique items in a column with a condition. Please find a sample data sheet.
I've tracking list that has ordered and delivered items for a given month on weekliy basis such as Week1(W1), Week2(W2), etc. I need a formula to count number of unique item delivered on this month.
Item 1 to item 8 delivered and item 10 also delivered in week 4, So totally I need to get the result as 9.
I was trying to use "countif" for validating and counting each row, it's throwing value! Error =1/(COUNTIFS(A:A,A2, c2:c23, ""&0)) i.e., = 1/countifs(unique items from column A, then nonblank cells in column C) but it's giving Value error..
I just need to count the unique item with another condition.
Item details
Order week
Delivered Week
Item 1
Item 2
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Dec 25, 2012
Build table with 2 matching condition.
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Mar 19, 2009
1. Count of Unique Print Customers
2.Total of Print Revenue
3.Count of Unique Online Customers
4.Total of Online Revenue
5.Count of Customers advertising in both Print and Online
6.Total Online and Print Revenue
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Jan 26, 2010
I have a spreadsheet with employees performance results for the last 12 months. Column A contains name, columns B to M contain text "Gold", "silver" or "bronze". I need to count how many consecutive months thay have achieved "Gold" status BUT must include latest month.
So, if column M contains "silver" or "bronze", the consecutive answer (column N) would be 0. If col M = "Gold" but L doesn't then N = 1. If M and L = "Gold" then N = 2 etc etc.
Is there a formula I can use in column N for this without doing 12 "if" functions?
I think this needs to be an array formula but the ones I've tried I can't get to work.
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Nov 15, 2006
I have a spreadsheet which looks like this:
I'm trying to figure out how to set up a macro which can generate a correlation table for each row. For instance, I would like for the macro to cycle through the row labeled 'List1' and record each cell value (B1, C1, D1, etc). Then, I would like to compare those values to the row labeled 'List2' to determine how closely they correlate. If List1's columns were identical to List2's columns, (order does not matter), I would want those two to have a correlation of 1 or 100%. If none of those two lists' columns match, I would want a correlation of 0 or 0%. In the end, I would like to only keep the List rows which are most uncorrelated with each other.
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Dec 15, 2006
the report I'm creating has rows of refreshable data with a header and I need to find a way to count number the rows where a "yes" value appears in column J, then paste that total number into another new sheet in cell E9. I saw it on here a few days ago, but didn't mark it
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Apr 30, 2007
I have cells in a column, which contains text and numbers. I want to count the number of cells that have value greater than zero.
I tried using DCOUNT, but I got no idea why is its not working
where the values are form I15 to I114.. and J5 contains the condition >0
Also, while I am at it.. Is there a straightforward way in excel to get the count of the max run of cells with values greater than zero.
for e.g if cells from 18 to 30 have values greater than zero , and cells 44 to 50 have values greater than zero. then I want it to return 13. i.e (30-18)
I am hoping that there is a simpler way than looping through the column in VBA
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Jun 22, 2007
1.I have a map which fill with value in the cell like shown below.
2.I need to count the value in the cell using VBA.
3.There are many maps with different value that I have to count manually. So it takes time to count the value on by one.
4.By referring to the map, I want the VB to count how many value in each cell within the range of the map only, which mean I just want to count how many 1, 14, 19, 2, 99 and others.
5.The answer will be displayed on the bottom of the map like this:
For example:
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Jan 22, 2008
Here in the code wbResults is a Workbook present in my present folder. In the Sheet1 and Column "I", the result of test cases is entered. The Result of the TEST CASES can be PASS or FAIL. So i am trying to get the total number of PASS test cases and Total FAILED test cases. BUT with the code i have written, i am not able to fetch the right data. Is the method of comparing wrong? or what else? i have tried to debug but nothing comes out.
Do While Not i = 1008
If (wbResults.Worksheets("Sheet1"). Cells(i, 8) = "PASS") Then
End If
i = i +1
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Feb 20, 2008
I work as a teacher and my role is the analysis of data, something I can do fairly easily using my Excel knowledge but I want to take it a step further (maybe this isn't the best was and another suggestion would be great.
The spreadsheets I use have 400 students in columns A (first name) and B (last name), in columns C to AC I have the students targets for the 26 subjects/courses we offer, a student would only study between 10 and 14 of these so in a row there would be blanks. In cells AE to BE I have the students current grades (those which show current situation/progress). The first student would be in ROW 2.
I want to show whether a student is below, equal to or exceeding their target and have done this using Conditional Formatting (3 separate conditions) using RED for below, White for Equal to and Green for Exceeding.
I now want to count how many of each colour there are in each row to quickly work out how many of the subjects the students are falling behind in so we can focus our efforts on these.
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May 28, 2014
I would like to check if there's a way to count the number of unique value with a given condition
Eg. condition where parcel count <> 0, also want to find out the unique value of district and postal sector
Attached is the files, and my desired result is highlighted in RED.
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Feb 5, 2009
Is there a way I can get Excel to sum/count in an IF equation if the condition falls between 2 points?
For instance:
I want to count the amount of days between two dates.. I am currently looking at something like:
=If(cell>[date1]&cell<[date2],sum(cell yada yada....)
Using <> wont work in this instance.
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Jun 17, 2012
I'm looking to get a formula to counting unique values listed in a column depending on a condition also find the attached file for more details
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Aug 13, 2012
I need to count the amount of unique values in a range, but only count unique values that also have a seperate condition. To illustrate with the 2 column dataset below....
Colour Letter
Yellow A
Yellow A
Green B
Yellow B
Blue A
Blue A
Yellow C
For this set of data i want 3 seperate cells for each 'Letter' telling me that, for 'A', the answer is 2 unique values (i.e. Yellow and Blue). For 'B' there is also 2 unique values (i.e. Green and Yellow) and finally for 'C' there is just 1 unique value (i.e. yellow).
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Jan 3, 2013
I'm trying to create a formula that tells me the following:
If the item is marked as closed (vs. active), then how many renewals/terminations replacements/etc are there? These are two difference columns in a worksheet.
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Dec 21, 2004
I have a column (A) in sheet1 with these values:
a1 04800128
a2 04800178
a3 04800128
a4 04805555
a5 04800128
And in Sheet2 - Column A and B has these values
a1 04800128
a2 04800128
a3 04805555
a4 04800128
a5 04800128
b1 Y
b2 Y
b3 Y
b4 Y
b5 N
I need to count in sheet1, where the code of sheet1 will be matched with sheet2 code and its status should be equal to "Y" .. I do not want to hard code these values as I have a huge data.
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Sep 8, 2006
I have a data sheet which has a number of columns
I am only interested in one of the column which is 'Type'. Within this column it specifies the type of order it is. I would like to count through the sheet and get a final count of the different order types on the other sheet, so if there are 56 instances of 'trace' orders then I would like this displaying on the other sheet as Trace = 56, and so on
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