Retrieve Data From Multiple Worksheets By Criteria
May 24, 2008
I have multiple worksheets to add employee details using a form and create worksheets (copy templateSheet and paste) for each employee using their uniq user id, which works fine. I have 12 worksheets named by month (Jan, Feb, Mar.... Dec). I have only 2 worksheets Jan and Feb for test.
I want data from employee worksheet's (worksheets created by employee user id) to be in 'Jan, Feb... Dec' worksheets to use a criteria (userid, worksheet name) to get monthly holiday booked data from employee worksheet (userid and worksheets name are same) to month name worksheet. I can do it manually (Example: =rahmanm!C3
) for each row and column, but I will also have a function to delete employee name and details. Is there anyway in VBA I can update worksheets (Jan, Feb, Mar... Dec) from employee worksheets (rahmanm, hallD, aldridh.. ).
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Jan 6, 2014
I have a complicated situation with Excel since I need a formula that can SUM data from the Pull 1 worksheet into the summary Sheet. I attached my sample for your reference because it is a bit complicated therefore I can not explain. It is better if you look at my Summary Sheet, need formula that can retrieve the same information.
Formula Test.xlsx
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Jun 26, 2007
I would like a formula to lookup a value across worksheets and if found return the worksheet name that coresponds to that value. I do have this formula below but it will not retrive the correct worksheet name if there are duplcates values.
So I tried to use the define names formula method:
Col_B =N(INDIRECT("'"&XWSLST&"'!B"&(2+MOD(S,N))))
N =8
WSLST =Sheet1!$A$2:$A$3
and modified the formula into this manner: =INDEX(WSLST,MATCH(TRUE,COUNTIF(Col_B,B2=S)>0,0),COUNTIF(B$2:B2,B2))+1
I left a sample workbook below that in column E are the values that I'm expecting.
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Feb 26, 2013
how to Transfer data between worksheets using multiple criteria?
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Feb 16, 2010
I have data on a worksheet (“Interface”) that I need to copy over 7 other tabs for analysis.
("Module_1", "Module_2", "Module_3", "Module_4", "Module_5", "Module_6", "Module_7").
The linking Field on the Interface tab defines what row I need to paste the data to on Module 1-7. The column headers are the same on both the interface and other tabs (“YES, NO, N/A, BLANKS, STANDARDS MET, STANDARDS NOT MET, NOT APPLICABLE”)
The tab is selected based on the row
Module 1Medication Management
Module 2Privacy
Module 3Process
Module 4Patient Safety
Module 5Medical Records
Module 6Infection Control
Module 7Environment of Care
I’m trying to modify code written for a similar purpose with no luck. This is the code I'm trying to modify. I know I'm not on the right track yet.
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May 15, 2007
Spreadsheet contains 15 worksheets, all named differently, "apple", "pear" "plum" etc etc. Worksheet has data columns A to E including in column E a "Next Review Date".
On worksheet 16, called "Crumble" .... I want to click a macro that will cut and paste in all the data from the 15 fruit worksheets where the date is
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Oct 18, 2013
I have a workbook with many sheets of similar but not identical data. I need to extract columns from each sheet based on 5 header criteria and paste them to a single sheet. Each worksheet contains these 5 criteria.
I've been working with the VBA script I've pasted below. It's grabbing the 5 column criteria that I have in sheet 12, and comparing them to sheet 1 in the workbook, then copying them to sheet 12. This much is good, but I need the script to also return the data from the other worksheets as well. I've tried modifying the script based on other loop functions in other scripts I've found, but I'm not having any luck.
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Mar 6, 2014
Current program i use follows these steps:
-Empty cells
-Remove comments
- Fill Headers
- Retrieve Data (From the path Results (a subdirectory))
- Sort on date and time (column D)
My Problem: The programma now used retrieves every file in the subdirectory again and again.
If it has like 100-200 files it takes a very long time.
Is it possible to make a function for this that only retrieves files when the filename is not imported already? (Title is in the D Column)
Wish: a function that retrieves only the required data and skips measuring data thats already there.
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Jan 8, 2010
I have to write some VLOOKUP formulas to pull several items from a report, the problem is there could be multiple items for each lookup value as the example below:
Company Data ABC Monday ABC Friday ABC Thursday DEF Friday GHI Monday
I need to reference every piece of data for every company but using the VLOOKUP formula, I am obviously only able to get the first instance of the lookup value (company ABC)
How to I write the formula to lookup the other data? The practical appliation I am using this for has anywhere from 300 to 400 lookup values.
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May 14, 2012
I have 2 nearly identical workbooks and I need to update historical data from the old workbook into the newer one.
My current Coding Snippets that I want to use look like the following:
Sub UpdateWorkbook()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim r1 As String
Dim r2 As String
Dim r3 As String
Dim r4 As String
Dim r5 As String
Dim r6 As String
Now, this code isn't working I suspect because the Copy and PasteSpecial Functions don't work the way I wish to.
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Sep 11, 2009
I'm trying to get a "IF" formula to retrieve data with a two criteria formula and I can't get it to work. Here is the formula and a copy of what I trying to get the data to pull from any suggestions? I'm needing the "AA3825" to show up where FALSE is now.
AA3825S0KK14120ORAA3825281/867/907612/30/20081/3/20090431/FAC310/NA1003315 BAYOU DR SHORE ACRES TX;AA3825;PC-Y;FIXED HI-OPN IN CA;DT GOOD TO SNI;STR 20;10:03 AM1:15 PMFALSERepeatRR3592281/867/90761/6/20091/9/20090431/FAC485/NA300;RR3592;PC-Y;REPAIR HI OPEN IN F2 CA PR, ST-22, MLT 3509:42 AM12:30 PMAA3825S0KK14120ORAA382528/LXRC/563568 /SW1/10/20091/10/20090416/FAC340/R11003665 W FM 1960 HOUSTON TX*8413, EB CLOSE, CABLE PAIR- REPAIRED*8:48 AM12:45 PMFALSERepeatTM472828/LXRC/563568 /SW1/12/20091/13/20090418/FAC600/R1100*8413, EB CLOSE, REPRD F2 CABLE PAIR-*11:56 AM9:15 AMAA6206S0KK14160ORAA6206281/445/77191/19/20091/20/20091212/CPE310/NA4008627 WHITECASTLE HOUSTON TX;AA6206;PC-Y;DEF SET STR 30 T-R 3500 T-3500 R-3500 GRND4:47 PM3:22 PM
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May 30, 2014
I want a summary list of data from all columns of worksheets that contain the target data and only where the value in col D is 1. So, in the attached example, the data to be checked is on Sheet1 and Sheet2 and the result should be shown on Summary sheet. There will be some tabs that don't need to be checked for the data so it's not a case of check all other tabs except for Summary.
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Nov 21, 2006
I need a summary page in a workbook that will pull data from multiple workseets with mulriple criteria.
I have treid sumproduct, but that doesn't seem to be working when I select a range from multiple workseets.
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Nov 20, 2012
I have multiple sheets with the same format.(all columns have same format) in column "A" i have a value lets say "B1-1".
What I need to do is to copy from all sheets the rows containing in column "A" the same criteria("B1-1") to a new sheet and skip the rows that have a blank cell in Column "A".
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Jul 27, 2007
I have a spreadsheet with columns A:AH. I need to be able to retrieve the last 50 entries based on a number from column M (Area). For example, I need a message box asking me what Area I want. (The choices are 1 to 7). When I select the Area number I need to retrieve columns G:J for the last 50 entries for that Area. In selecting the entries, it needs to ignore any rows where there is either a blank cell or a period in column I. This is a dynamis spreadsheet with rows added almost daily.
Zipped spreadsheet attached.
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Nov 29, 2005
I've been using the following formula from the xldynamic website detailing
sumproduct usage as a base for retrieving uniqe instances in a data series.
I've been trying to modify the formula to allow me to utilize one additional
Original formula:
Here is my formula:
I'm trying to say how many unique instances are there for column O, where
column m = "1986?"
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Jul 20, 2014
Is it possible to retrieve an arrary of the autofilter criteria. I know this is possible in pre 2007 but with 2007 onwards I can't find a way of doing it.
I know I can get all the available items in a list by using the scripting.dictionary and also by using the visible cells I could see what could be filtered but that is not really accurate for what I want.
If I have multiple columns and look at the filtered information in one column I can retrieve an array of the visible cells from that column but that is not necessarily the criteria that is in the column. i.E. If another column has a filter rows may be filtered that would have otherwise been visible.
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Jul 12, 2014
I need a macro that would consolidate all data in multiple worksheets of multiple workbooks in one Master file.
All the workbooks will be in one particular folder. The macro should search for data in all the workbooks and consolidate it in one master excel workbook.
I am currently using both excel 2007 and excel 2010. This macro would really reduce manual work as currently consolidating data from 45 to 50 sheets takes an ample amount of time...
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Dec 31, 2012
What can I do to link my worksheets together? I need the months to link from january to december.
I'm trying to come up with a system to maintain attendance of employees. How do I come up with a rolling system to add and deduct the points as their attendance changes? The goal of each employee is to have the least amount of points as possible, because he/she will be penalized once they receive a certain amount of points.
Let's say that Jane was hired in October. She has accumulated 10 points by December from tardies, call-ins, etc. By the end of January, she has perfect attendance; she is awarded half a point to be taken off toward her 10, giving her 9.5. In February, there is a day she does not show up, so now her total goes up to 12.5 (3 pointed added because of NCNS-no show no call). In March and April, she has perfect attendance, so now her total is 11.5. (half a point allowed for each month with perfect attendance)
By rolling, I mean a formula that will calculate continuously over month after month and have the points roll over month to month.
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Aug 31, 2012
I have a worksheet entitled 'Data'. In this worksheet there is a table consisting of 4 columns plus relevant data:
Benefit Type
Delivered or Enabled
Saving of $4M over 24 months.
I have been trying to create a formula that will enable me to pull data from the 'benefit' column(column D) so that the cell contents populate in a single cell in a table in a different worksheet.
Financial - Delivered
Financial - Enabled
Tech - Delivered
Tech - Enabled
Green - Delivered
Green - Enabled
So, as an example, I am hoping that a formula can be created which pulls the text from relevant cells in column D when criteria from columns A, B and C are met e.g. Tech benefits that are Delivered in PJ2 would populate cell E3 ('Tech -Enabled') in Table 2 with:
Continued maintenance of hardware.
Increased capacity.
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May 14, 2014
I track distribution using 1 workbook for each sales rep. Each workbook has a separate worksheet (scorecard) for each of their locations showing which of our products are used in that location, for various functions. Each of the locations has a segment (bar, nightclub, casual dining, etc.), and a class (AA, A, B, etc.). All of the scorecards are identical, and are in the same file folder on our shared drive.
Location A Class:AA Segment: Sports Bar Rep: John Smith
Product: Product X Product Y Product Z
Well: 1 0 0
Back Bar: 0 1 0
Cocktail Menu: 0 1 1
I was unable to find an HTML maker so this is not an actual sample but what I'm looking at. The above data indicates that for location A (Sports Bar, Class AA), Product X is used as the well, Product Y is on their back bar and their cocktail menu, and Product Z is not used at this location at all.
I need to set up an analytic workbook where I can sum data based on multiple and grouped criteria, and for multiple reps ie- display a scorecard that shows totals for nightclubs and sports bars, class AA, A, and B, for a particular rep; OR display a scorecard that shows totals for nightclubs, class A for a group of reps. Ideally I would like to do this using drop down menus that allow the user to select multiple criteria in each of the drop downs, having the data auto-populate based on those selections.
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Nov 2, 2009
I have a workbook with many many sheets in it. The first sheet contains a single column with about 10,000 different values. I'd like to use each of these as search criteria against ALL data in the other sheets (of which there are a good 50 or so). If matches are found (they don't have to be exact case), then I'd like two things to happen:
1. The rows containing the matched search criteria in the first sheet are highlighted.
2. In the cells adjacent to the search criteria in the first sheet, hyperlinks to the matched data are created and named after the sheet upon which this matched data appears.
I've attached a sample file to this post with ideal sample 'answers' to queries made of the first 2 terms.
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Jun 24, 2014
I've attached a sample sheet to this message.
What I'm trying to do is grab data from the raw data sheet and paste it into the master sheet based off of certain criteria. I want to list any accounts that are not correct.
For example, I want to look through the Raw Data sheet, find the account that contains campaigns which are not correct, and then list the name of the account on the Master sheet. I only need the account name listed once on the Master sheet.
Sample Data.xlsx‎
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Jan 7, 2009
I have a workbook with 7 different worksheets (site_worksheets) containing data about various sites. I need to copy all this data into a single worksheet (worksheet_a). I want worksheet_a to update itself when another row of data is added to any of the site_worksheets.
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Jan 11, 2010
I have 9 sheets of sales data, some with over 50,000 records. I need a way to present this information in another worksheet so I can bring up just the data based on individual brands. I understand a pivot table is needed however I cannot see how to gather data from multiple worksheets.
For example:
I need to look at all the different sales for Product A, which appears in multiple worksheets. Product A is broken down to store-level, with records for number of sales in each store, one record for units and one for value (for the same store and product). Is there a way I can get the data for all of Product A in one worksheet so I can then easily add the totals across all stores by both units and value?
Store 1 - Product A - 10 units
Store 1 - Product A - £20
Store 2 - Product A - 7 units
Store 2 - Product A - £14
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Oct 31, 2009
The macro able to extract the value of each 'Summary' sheet A1 and B1
But it couldn't identify the value of 'total day(s)' of work/leave/unpaid leave.
This is because the location (rownumber) of 'total day(s)' rows is not same for each worksheet.
(depending the number of staff)
Actual Result:
Expected Result:
department:security 2875
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Apr 11, 2008
I'm trying to consolidate inventory for my department. I have Part#s in (column E) of all the worksheets and the amount of the product in (column C). I need a formula that finds the specific part# (in column E) and adds up the total amounts (in column C) in another worksheet has the part#s and amounts in same column.
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Feb 23, 2012
Im trying to import data from multiple worksheets. The data from these worksheets are scattered throughout the different work sheets.
I would like to extract the specific data from each worksheet into a master template that ive created. 80% of the worksheets templates match my master template.
Is there any way to do this without taking 1 week to complete?
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Dec 20, 2013
Consolidation of data from multiple worksheets of a workbook in a different workbook.
The, to be copied ranges are static at column B, E & AB. However, the data is required to be copied below each other for each sheet. Also the name of sheet is required to be assigned to every copied data in consolidated file...
Suppose i have 5 sheets with data... then in the consolidated sheet i need name of "sheet1" to be assigned to all the copied records and so on for all the sheets...
Sub trial()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim Wb As Workbook
Dim path As String
[Code] ........
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Jan 9, 2014
I run a report each month and I have several hundred lines of data with Heading 1 being the customer Name. I would love to copy this information to individual sheets based on the customer name as showed below (Output).
Raw Data:
Sheet 1
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5
[Code] .....
Sheet 2 = Rename to A
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5
[Code] ...........
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