Retrieve Data From A Cell Based On Date In Another Cell

Feb 22, 2014

In the attached spreadsheet I need a formula to extract the value from column C that matches the date in Column E where the date in column E is equal to or falls between the dates in Columns A and B.file now attached.

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Macro To Retrieve Specific Information Based On One Cell?

Dec 31, 2013

I have a spreadsheet using an Input Form (user cannot get to the spreadsheet to enter data - they must use the form). This is working well.

What I need to do now is allow the user to retrieve data that is already entered. Example: Spreadsheet has 100 unique records (rows). In each is ID, Name, State, Dues, and about 20 other columns of information.

I need to allow the user to key the ID # and then up pops all the other information for just the ID provided. I will also need the ability for them to then change that information if needed.

So if they key 13WIL they will get Wilson, TX, $50, etc. And then they can make changes to any field needing a change. Add a phone, change and address, etc.

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Retrieve Partial Cell Data

Jul 31, 2014

Is there a way I could achieve copying cell's content minus some characters?

For example in the cell A1 would be: "two apples"

I would put into the B1 cell something like =A1(-4charactersincludingspace) - the result in B1 should be "apples"

Is it understandable what I mean?

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Copy Data Based On Date In Cell

Mar 22, 2008

I am trying to build a summary report that pulls from two different worksheets within the same workbook. Here's the context of my problem:

Worksheet 2: Column A has a list of dates. The corresponding information for each date is within the row. Sometimes, there are repeated dates with different corresponding information.

Worksheet 3:This is my summary sheet. This report needs to update daily and only pull data related to "today's" date. My question is if i have three rows with the same date but different data, how do i tell my summary sheet to display all three rows for that date. So far, I can only get it to pull the data from the last row with that date.

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Retrieve Cell Data From Another Excel File And Paste Into Specified Cells In Current Spreadsheet

Dec 8, 2012

I have a spreadsheet witht the following design:

Column A = Date
Column B = Value 1
Column C = Value 2

I have a folder with excel files named by date (e.g. 081212 = 8th December 12). Within each of those files is Value 1 and Value 2. They are always in the same cell (B6= Value 1, B16= Value 2).

How can i create a macro/script where the Values in Column B and Column C in my spreadsheet are automatically updated where there is a Date in Column A but no values in Column B or C?

In other words, i need the script to read the date in Column A and if Column B and Column C are blank, then it needs to find the corresponding date excel file and copy Value 1 and Value 2 into the cells in my spreadsheet.

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Delete Cell Data Based Off Expired Date

Aug 19, 2014

I need cell A1 data deleted once the date in B1 has passed.

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Querying Data From Oracle Based On A Date(s) In Cell H1 (or H1 & H2).

Mar 19, 2008

I currently have an Excel file with the ODBC connection and using my own SQL. Doing it this way would require the super user to go into each sheet then to the SQL each time to change the dates. I know there is a way to allow them to simply change the dates in cells H1 (or H1 and H2) then refresh data and whoolaa it would be updated.

My goal if possible via this board and all the knowledge available would be to have a spreadsheet allowing a super user to change the date in Cells H1 and H1 & H2 on sheet Tst1 and have the data returned to sheets (Tst2, Tst3) based on my own SQL statements.

Here are some parameters that I think you might need to know.
(And as you may guess I do not have much VBA experience so if at all possible use my naming convention shown below. and feel free to write for a first grader.)

User Name (not actual): "UID"
Server (not actual): "DEV"
Password (not actual): "PWD"
File Name: Excel_ODBC.xls
Sheet Name: "Tst2"
Output Cell: "A1" for both sheets.
Oracle table name: UAB .................

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Double Lookup To Retrieve The Contents Of One Cell And Put Into The Main Sheets Cell?

Apr 18, 2013

I get a report each day with a list of issues. the "group" that works the issue and the "priority". Based on these two factors, i need to do a double lookup (vlookup?) to another tab or file to match the priority and group and see what value should be brought back for each lines results. For example, if group1 had a prority3 issue, the lookup would find the value from the other sheet or file and bring back the value and put it at the end of the row where the formula is.

Attached are examples of the sheets.

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IF Function To Retrieve Value From Set Of Data Based On Condition

Mar 28, 2012

I have huge set of data listing almost 20 columns and 400 rows..i am trying to apply a formula for one of them..

Condition: Onshore or Offshore

Data to be retrieved: list of locations at onshore and offshore

Result expected: If a particular cell is selected as onshore then allow user to select only Onsite locations same for offshore

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How To Retrieve Data Based On Last Column Of Worksheet

Jan 18, 2013

In column A I have client names and columns B to P I have numerical data and in column Q I have a formula which gives me a percent, i am trying to think of a way/ a function that will return for me the client names when the value in Column Q is >=100%. It seems like it would be some type of reverse Vlookup.

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Retrieve Data In Row Based On Matched Value In Column

Jun 8, 2008

In a sheet from A:E, the headings on the first row are:
ID, Name, Gender, and Age.

I enter the data in sheet “DB” and I want to retrieve the data in sheet “Report”. I want to lookup the data range for each ID listed in Column A and retrieve all data from the matching row in a report form/look.

I have tried to use the vLookup formula, but when defining the range of the column (A2:A), it would return “0”. When defining only the range that contains data, it displays the correct information....

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Add A Date Time Stamp In A Cell After Data Is Entered In A Different Cell And Date

Apr 18, 2014

I am working on an Inventory Spreadsheet. I have need it to date time stamp that willpopulate a different cell /field when text are entered in a different cell/field and will not change all the previous dates entered on the spreadsheetevery time I re-open the spreadsheet. I formula I am using is =IF(E3<>"",IF(D15="",NOW(),D15),"")and it changes each time I open thesheet to do the inventory so I do not know the date of the last inventory. Iwant to capture the actual date that the inventory was completed in thesecond/different cell?

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Excel 2007 :: Get Cell To Refer To Date That It Contains And Change Cell Colour Based On That?

Dec 19, 2012

I work for a UK charity and have a list of funders in an Excel 2007 spreadsheet.

One of the columns refers to the date on which a new application for funding can be made to that particular funder.

In many cases new applications for funding can't be made for 1 or more years since the last application - sometimes as many as 5 years later. How to get a cell to refer to the date that it contains.

For example, say I have in cell A1 "The Acme Funding Organisation" and in cell B1 (i.e. the "Reapply when?" column) a date of 01/04/2013 (British date format, i.e. 1 April 2013) then what I want Excel to do is to look at the date in cell B1 and if that date has been reached to highlight the cell red. That way I'll know that the reapply date has been reached & that a new application can be made.

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Excel 2010 :: Change Colour Of Cell Based On Date In Other Cell?

Jan 10, 2013

I am trying to create a sheet in XL 2010.

In Column A each cell will contain a date (differnet from other cells in that column) when inspection was last done.

Column B is when the weekly inspection is due.
Column C is when bi-weekly inspection is due.
Column D is when monthly inspection is due.
Column E is when 6 monthly inspection is due.

I need a formula to change the colour of cells B, C, D & E when each inspection is due depending on the date entered in A

I am hoping its possible that the cell colour can stay for 2 days after the due date and then return back to blank after the second day.

For example if cell A1 has a date of January 1 2013 then on January 8 2013 cell B1 turns red then on January 10 2013 the cell returns back to normal.


Inspection Date
Weeekly Due
Monthly Due
6 Monthly Due

January 1 2013
Change red Jan 8 & return blank Jan 10
Change red Jan 15 & return blank Jan 17
Change red Feb 1 & return blank Feb 3
Change red June 1 & return blank June 3

Ive also attached the worksheet

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Excel 2013 :: Change Text In Cell Based On Date In Another Cell

Apr 14, 2014

I have the the following spreadsheet: [URL] My formula in Columns A to E is the following:

=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE)),"Branch Not Open",VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE))

I would like to do the following in Column A: If the date in Column C is greater than today, then Column A must also say "Branch Not Open". I have tried the following:

=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE)),"Branch Not Open",VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE)),IF(C:C<=TODAY,"Branch Not Open, IF(AND(C:C=>TODAY,VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:I,9,FALSE)))

But Excel does not like the formula at all.

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Populating A Cell With A Calendar Month Based On The Previous Date In Another Cell.

Jan 9, 2010

Trying to word this right. I have one cell with a date of 01/01/2010. I have other cells that I want to be equal to this cell plus 1 or more months.

For example A1=01/01/2010

I want A2 to = 02/01/2010 based on one calendar month entered into A1. So if A1 changes 03/01/2010, A2 will = 04/01/2010.

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Conditional Formatting - Change Cell Color Based On Date In Another Cell

Oct 9, 2013

I have two columns. In column B is the date of "last check". I column A is the date of "next check". I would like to have cell A2 in yellow color 334 days after the date entered in cell A3 and than in red color 365 days after the date entered in cell A3. Same thing for cell B2 related to date entered in cell B3. Yellow color in cells announces that check will expire within 30 days and red color that check has been expired.

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Conditional Formatting Blank Cell Based On Another Cell Date

Apr 1, 2014

I am trying to alert our purchasing mgr when order dates are approaching or not meeting our project deadline.

As of now i have the following rulesif order date is due today or past due - redif order date it greater than project date - redif order date is due within 2wks - yellow

Now all I need is a rule where there is an order without a due date but the project deadline is within 2wks (yellow) and past due or due today (red)


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Macro: Changing Cell Color Based On Date In Cell

Jan 12, 2009

I did a search on this site and found some code I was looking for (see link: - Leith Ross's response code).

The code works perfectly, however, if I save the workbook with a different spreadsheet on top than the spreadsheet referred to in this code, I get an error message: Method 'Range' of object '_Worksheet' failed.

I should state that I did change "Private Sub Workbook_Open()" to "Private Sub Auto_Open()".

I assume I need to modify the code but am unsure as to how.

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Value Entered In A Cell Based On A Date In Another Cell.

Dec 23, 2009

I need a formula that will basically just display a 1 or 0 in one cell based on the date in the cell next to it.

If the date is older than 180 days then a 0 will be displayed in the cell.

If the date is less than 180 days then a 1 will be displayed in the cell.

I have an attachement as an example.

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Removing Or Changing Data In A Cell By Inputting Date In Another Cell

Aug 4, 2014

cell a1 has yes cell b1 has yes and i want to type yes in c1 that will change a1 and b1 automatically to a blank cell

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Data Validation To Ensure Like Numbers In Cell A Has Same Date In Cell B

Jan 10, 2008

I am trying to set up a data validation to ensure that when a user enters a number in column A that matches a previously entered number in column A, the user is only allowed to enter the same date for the number it matches in column B.

For example, if:

Row 3 column A = 1320


Row 3 column B = 16-Dec-07


Row 15 column A = 1320


Row 15 column B must be 16-Dec-07

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Retrieve Adajcent Value From Looked Up Cell

Sep 4, 2009

I am trying to get a formula that will return the immediately adjacent value to a cell that is "lookup-ed". However, the Lookup cell is not in a constant column?
I tried Vlookup though this needs to specify a column, however i don't know the column until initial data is entered. if there's a formula that enables something along the lines of the 'thelookup cell plus one" that would likely work?

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Retrieve Email Address In A Cell

Nov 18, 2012

How would one retrieve an email address in a cell if it appears randomly ?

In Cell A1, let's say the content is:

Hi My name is Peter, my email is

In Cell B2, let's say the content is:

Good morning, you can reach me at

What I was thinking is maybe start by finding the @ with =Find("@",A1) this will give me the position of the "@".

How can I tell excel to give me the string before and after the @?

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Excel 2010 :: Copy Data From One Cell Based On Color Of Another Cell To Different Worksheet

Jan 30, 2014

I have an Excel 2010 spreadsheet consisting of many worksheets (20 or so). Each of these worksheets contain detail level data regarding different projects. One of the columns in these worksheets is the 'Status' column (column F). There is conditional formatting on this column where if the text is 'G' then change background to a green color, 'Y'=yellow, 'R'=Red and 'U'=Grey.

The first worksheet is a summary sheet that I would like to pull information from each of the detail worksheet's columns B, D, E, G and H if the status column (Column F) is 'R' or 'Y'.

The number of rows in the detail worksheet can change each week (as few as 0 and as many as 100)

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Excel 2010 :: Repeat Cell Data Based On Another Cell Column Dragging Down

Apr 24, 2014

Formula that will repeat a cell number as it drags down and as soon as the number changes. I am using helper column that shows the cell number. I need to drag this down about 1000 rows.

Excel 2010
Helper Column
Desired Result


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Replace Cell Contents Based On Matching Data In Another Cell (On Another Sheet)?

Apr 28, 2014

I am working with a spreadsheet that has our user data; User(First) Name, User(Last) name, Computer Name, MAC address, Phone Number, Seating Position and Network Port Number.

I have let this get horribly out of sync, moved computers around, and moved them while the MAC address column was hidden, As a result, I have a bunch of users listed as being at the wrong computer. I have a second spreadsheet I generated that gives me the logged in user for about 2/3 of my computers, with the computer name(Just 2 columns, 'A' and 'B'. I would like to have Excel match the computer name and then overwrite the user name. For example, if the first computer in my correct user list is DELL-99945ty2, and the user name is "Jimbo Jones", I would like it to search the first Excel doc(The one with all of the user data), and replace the user name with "Jimbo Jones". Is this simple and straightforward?

In my main spreadsheet, the user name is in column B and the computer name is in column G, So I want to use the values from Column B in my second document to find its match in Column G of the first spreadsheet, and then replace the data in Column B with Column A in the first spreadsheet.

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Disable/enable A Cell Based On A Condition Which Is Dependent On Other Cell Data

Jan 26, 2007

how can we disable/enable a cell based on a condition which is dependent on other cell data

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Store / Retrieve Arrays Within Single Cell?

Aug 31, 2012

I have created a number of complex functions that use or create 1-dimensional numeric arrays in VBA, and I would like to store and retrieve some of these arrays within single cells of a worksheet so that I can use them in dependent functions without having to store and display the entire array with one element per cell, and without having to recalculate the same intermediate array multiple times within VBA.

Are there any existing worksheet or VBA functions (or is it possible to create two functions) that can convert and store an entire numeric array within a single cell of a worksheet (e.g., as text), and then convert this back into a form which can be read and recognized as a numeric array by another function?

Or is there any other way to avoid filling my worksheet with arrays, or having to recalculate them each time within VBA?

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VLOOKUP In Reverse :: Retrieve A Name To Left Of Certain Cell

Jan 25, 2008

I have a large table with data to which I want to retrieve a name to the left of a certain cell.
Clear as mud so far!

I've put together a small example of what I'm after. In cell F9 is the MAX of cells F2:F7. In cell H3 I then want a formula that will find the MAX of F2:F7 and return the text five rows to the left of that cell. In this example it would be Fred.

The second part of this question is how could I get it to display if more than one person had the same total....

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