Scatter Will Not Use Given X-values In Plotting Data?

Jun 12, 2014

I'm trying to make a scatter plot from two columns of data; the first, a series of decimals between 0 and 1, the second, a series of percentages between -40 and 140%. Essentially, I'm charting a performance (%) vs. a 'batting average' (decimal between 0 and 1).

However, when I plot these data points, the x-values the chart takes are, I suppose, the relative position of the data within the column (i.e., 5, 9, 32) as opposed to the actual values (.33, .71, .92, etc). I've tried manually selecting the data, copying only the values into different cells...nothing seems to work. Each time, I get points like (11, 61%) instead of the desired (.48, 61%).

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Plotting On Scatter Graph

Jul 15, 2009

We have a special testing machine in the lab I work in, and it measures reflectivity from reflective vests etc. A special instrument takes a reflective reading and reports back a X and Y value which is used then as a co-ordinate and gets plotted on a graph.

The machine measures for 8 colours, and takes four readings, so for example the first color will be Flourescent Yellow. and then it produces 4 "X,Y" readings, which get plotted onto a graph, and joins all 4 points to create a box as shown in the link >> Graph with joined plots

This is a small capture of the spreadsheet with the values >> spreadsheet

Basically, I need to know how to take the values in columns X and Y, and then make it plot onto a graph as one point, and then join the four points for that one colour,

end result being the grapgh will have upto 8 boxes on it.

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Plotting Chart To Get Data Values

Nov 19, 2006

Say I have a line graph pic in jpeg. Can I plot the critical points (by clicking) on the line graph plot, so as to be able to get the (x,y) data, and thus, have all the data points to be able to re-produce the charts in XLS?

Basically, in other words, I would like to reproduce the line graph in XLS.

Or has anyone developed this kind of application, or can anyone redirect me to the right direction?

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Plotting A Function Without Values In Cells

Sep 6, 2008

Is there a way to plot a function, for example y = a + x*b or y = e^x in a graph without it having x and y values in cells of the spreadsheet?

That is, in y = a + x*b, for example, what I'd like to do is have an input cell for a and b, but no cells that show a value of y for every corresponding value of x , and a graph on a chart showing what the function looks like. Thus, the graph would only rely on inputs of a and b and on nothing else. A program called MathCAD does this, but I'm not sure how to do this in excel.

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Make A Graph Without Plotting Zero Values

Oct 22, 2008

I've two collumns, after some index the values of cells are zero
how i can draw a chart without selecting those zero cells?

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Stop Chart Plotting Values

Dec 7, 2007

I want to do almost exactly this, but when I assign null using "", and plot the result on a graph, the graph thinks that cell is populated with a 0. Let me try to be a bit clearer. I have a range of dates in Col A, and percentages in B and C, but my last 3 dates in Col A have empty cells in B. Cols B and C are separate series. The line graph is (correctly) plotting series C, and series B, whose line stops where there is no more data.

What I need to do now is replace those empty cells with a formula like the one above. Ie, IF(ISBLANK(x1),<null>, <formula>), but using IF(ISBLANK(x1),"", <formula>) doesn't make the line on my graph stop.

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Excel 2003 :: How To Ignore Zero Values When Plotting A Graph

Feb 15, 2005

Using Excel 2003. I have a data range for a graph. The values in the cells are the results of a simple If function - If(m28>0,n28,0). The results are taken from a larger data input exercise. But, the graph line (a simple graph!) plots the FALSE value (0) when I would like there to really be no value & hence no plotted point if the result is FALSE.

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Excel 2010 :: Plotting Values V1 / V2 / V3 And V4 According To Given Date And Condition

Mar 25, 2014

Excel Version : MS Excel 2010
Attachment filename : <Forum to plot the values.xls>

My requirement is i want to plot the values V1, V2, V3 and V4 from the given condition (A1 / A2 / A3 / A4) and the given date.

If the given date is not available then the formula should take the older date than it not next date. For example if the given date is 10-Mar-14 and the date is not available for the given condition then it should take the older / earlier dates like 09-Mar-14 or 08-Mar-14 like and it should not take 11-Mar-14, 12-Mar-14.

The values should be plotted in the yellow cells.

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Excel VBA Plotting Of Bar And Line Graphs Given Arrays Of X And Y Values

Jul 14, 2014

Plotting of bar and line graphs given an arrays of x and y values in VBA? I want to plot the rDateRange and rOEERange.

Dim rInitialDate As Range, rFinalDate As Range, rDateRange As Range, Calculation As Worksheet

With Worksheets("Calculation")
Set rInitialDate = .UsedRange.Find(What:=DateValue(InitialDate), After:=.Cells(1, 4), LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchDirection:=xlNext, SearchFormat:=False)

[Code] .........

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Excel 2003 :: Ignoring Null Values When Plotting Bar Chart?

Jan 21, 2014

I have some data that I'm plotting on a bar chart and I'm trying to "HIDE" the columns with zero or null values. Basically, if the column is blank, I don't want a "gap" on the chart. I'm not getting this to work.

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XY Scatter Chart With Real X Values

Jul 26, 2009

I have 200+ XY pairs I want to chart and see a visual representation of their distribution. Then I want to cursor over exceptional points and see their identity. I don't need (nor want) data labels, disparate markers, nor a legend. I just want the points scattered on the xy plane. Also, the data set changes depending on user-controllable filter criteria.

There are two problems:
1. If I build it through the wizard as a single data series, everything is fine except that the charting process seems to replace the X value of the XY pair with a sequence number once I swap in a new data set, and ...
2. I seem to loose the individual point identities for cursor-over purposes.

The only solution I can think of for these issues is making each XY pair a one-point Series, but that's a hugely laborious way to do it. If that's it though, is there a way to globally load the independent data series and set every data point marker and color to be the same?

However, if I could do it as a single series, then I still have the issues above. Is there a way to prevent Excel from converting the X values to sequence numbers once a new data set is swapped in, and is there a way to identify the individual points for cursor-over?

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Data Plotting

May 13, 2008

how do I plot the axis data in my graph in an increasing order, when I have my datas in a random order?

In other words, I have bunch of data to be plotted as my x-axis. All numbers are within [0;1], but they all in a random order, like (0.001, 0.923, 0.120, ...). And I want them to be in an increasing order.

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Scatter Chart Coloration Tied To Cell Values

Dec 4, 2007

The idea of getting a scatter chart to have a smooth spectrum from is brilliant, but there is a slight problem I am having with it. The number of points possible in the chart determines the color, rather than the values of cells. I have a table with 100 rows and the chart is based off data from that table; however, instead of using cell references in SERIES, I have named ranges, as part of the table returns a shortened list of values based on user-selected parameters.

In short, this means that if only 7 values are returned in this shortened table, the coloration sees 7 values out of 100 and goes only 7/100ths of the way from red to green. Is there a way to get the coloration based on a certain value in the worksheet for that row? For example, if I have a list of test scores ranging from 0% to 100%, can I get the same coloration to show for a score of 88%, regardless of whether one record is selected or all of them?

Also, if I wanted a user to be able to easily change the parameters of the spectrum so that they could see a spectrum of scores from 50% to 100%, can I get the macro to look these values up from the worksheet?

There are two modules in what I am using now, the class module is called CSpectrum and reads:....

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Charts Stop Plotting Data Error Bars After Certain Number Of Data Point Selected

Dec 23, 2013

In the attached document is a timeline made from a scatter chart. Error bars using custom values are used to show the length of each task, however I can't get the chart to include error bars for the last 2 data points (tasks).

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Plotting Data With 35 Points?

Jan 25, 2014

I have a data for sedimentation along a pipe. I measured sediment concentrations at different lengths of the pipe, after different intervals of time. So I have 35 concentration values, take at 5 different points along the pipe, at 7 different times. Is it possible to plot a chart with these 35 points, with depth on y-axis, time on x-axis? These 35 points are percent removals (0-100). .

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Plotting Chart With Selective Dates And Data Series

Oct 8, 2013

I have a database where I would like to plot graphs from data of different periods and different series.

My current method is to go to the data set formulas and changing data range. The tricky part is that I might skip data series because I am selecting the series required for each chart.

How to do plot the different graphs efficiently and quickly.

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Find A Data Point On XY Scatter

Jun 11, 2008

I now have a XY scatter graph with 109 individual points (representing schools) and a macro that tells you the plot details when you hover over. It's ok if you want to know which school is down the bottom but if you don't know where the desired school is in the first place, it's a lot of trial and error before you find it.

What could I look to add that gives the user the option to have a single data point highlighted (on selection?) so they don't have to manually look for it?

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Combining Area And Scatter Data Into Chart?

May 16, 2014

I have a series of X-Y Data (0-10 in both axis) that I want to overlay on an area chart to show outliers outside of an accepted condition. I have been able to create the area chart and the scatter chart separately but when I try to combine them the axis gets messed up. I tried using a secondary axis but I am not that skilled

I have attached the data and my feeble attempts at creating this chart.

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How To Change XY Scatter Plot Data Labels

Jan 22, 2014

I need to label points on an XY scatter plot with a different set of label points than those provided by simply assigning data labels (don't need series name or x and/or y values displayed but an additional field of data). I can't use an add in (work machine) and would like to do this without using macros.

The project has 4 fields

plot# type x y

I need to label the XY points for each series (type) by their plot #. The attached image/file shows what I'm looking for (added plot # labels manually for sake of display, in reality there are >2000 plots so I cant do it manually.

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Use CurrentRegion As Source Data For Scatter Plot?

Mar 1, 2013

I have a spreadsheet in which the amount of data is not predictable. There are always a different number of rows and columns in this spreadsheet. I need to be able to grab the data that is in it starting with B1 and going to the last row and column with data and put it into a scatter plot. The code that is currently in my macro is as follows:

ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Range("ForChart!$B$1:$J$1000")

Note: ForChart is the name of the sheet where the data is housed; I have other sheets in this macro.

I know that the last line is the problem. While I figured out how to select only the data I need, when it goes to put it into the chart, it's still using an absolute reference and I don't want that. There are sometimes more columns than J and fewer rows than 1000. I want that data range to be whatever CurrentRegion selected. Is that even something that Excel can do?

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Start Scatter Line Data Later In Graph?

Jan 13, 2014

I am reporting on the amount of certificates issued over a period of time. Basically the government stopped released data on the amount of one type of certificate being issued during this period and started releasing data on another type. I am having trouble displaying this other data which starts around half way into the time period. So all the data starts in June 2010... but this other data starts in June 2012.

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Data Labels Points In Scatter Plot

Jun 19, 2008

I am attaching the Excel File along with this mail. In chart there is data points have been mentioned in scatter plot like (38,15 etc) Instead of these points I want the names that I have mentioned in column A2:A9. I used to make lots of charts related to this and it is very diffilcult for me to manually punch all these names and most importantly the thing is that I cant download the software available on due to some issues can you give me the VBA code for this which will automatically paste these names only I have to change is the data range and its very urgent................ASAP

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Color Code Data Points On A Scatter Chart (2007)

Jun 12, 2009

Does anyone know if there's a way to color code points on a scatter chart based on their values in a "3rd dimension" (i.e. other than the 2 dimensions represented by the chart axes).

You might imagine a scatter chart that plots transactions by price (y) and units purchased (x).

In that scenario, it might also be nice to color code each point by the region that made the sale.

The only way I know to do this is to manually create separate columns of data for each region, so that each region can be plotted on the scatter chart as a separate data series.

But since I'd like to experiment with several color coding alternatives, I'm wondering if there isn't a simpler way...

For instance, Rob Bovey's "XY Chart Labeler" can add data point labels to a scatter chart...

Is there, perhaps, another add-in that might enable color coding of data points based on a 3rd set of values?

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Conditional Data Point Colors For Scatter Plot Chart

May 5, 2008

I have to create a chart XY Scatter plot in excel. I have to differentiate the data points color based on the another column "category". Now I can change the data points color manually. Since the number of points is huge, is it possible to color the data points based on a column?

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Excel 2008 :: How To Add Data Labels For Scatter Plot Coming From 3rd Column

Jul 29, 2014

I'm using Excel 2008 for Mac & cannot figure out how to add a data label to an XY scatter plot that comes from a 3rd, separate column.

I have 3 columns of data: (A,B,C)
Labels, X values, Y values

When I select the Data Source for the Chart, there is a greyed out box for Category X axis labels, which is where I remember such information going in PC versions of Excel I used to use.

From the formatting palette, the only options to select for labels add the values of column B, but I need the reference from column A.

I'm not familiar with macros or visual basic. How to add these labels? This is Mac, Excel 2008.

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Excel 2010 :: Parsing Data From Text File To Create Scatter Plot?

Jan 11, 2014

I have a text file which is attached as "rawdata". It contains records of something (let's call it temperature) at different times on different days. My goal is to display a graph of temperature versus time so that I can visually analyze trends. I have hundreds of these files, all of different lengths. it is very important that I automate this process as much as possible.

Detail: (Here I describe what I have done so far; if this is inefficient or unnecessary, feel free to tell me) I open Excel 2010, click File, Open, and select the file that I want to parse. It is a TXT file, so the Text Import Wizard comes up. For step one, I select Fixed Width. I select File Origin: MS-DOS (PC-8). On step 2 of the wizard, I create column break lines to place all dates in the far left column. The next column contains the first column of numbers before the first dash (-). The next column contains only the dash - I will later select "ignore this column" to eliminate them. The next column contains the time stamps. I continue adding column breaks in the wizard until all of the data are parsed into columns in the same manner.

In step 3, I format the first column as "date (DMY)". The columns with the dashes I select "do not import". Everything else is "general". I click "finish", and the resultant workbook is attached, called "import".

Now, as to what I want to do: I want to display the "temperatures" as a graph vs a date/time axis. The reason I find this difficult is because the temperatures and times are not in neat columns, but are in 4 columns that go in a left-to-right and top-to-bottom progression and are broken up every few lines. (I am interested only in numbers that are displayed immediately to the left of a time-stamp. Therefore, the "record #"s should be ignored. We can delete the rows that say "record #" if can be done automatically.)

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Excel 2003 :: Daily Stock Chart AND Random Scatter Chart Data

Jan 14, 2014

I need to plot various data on top of stock charts.

This data could be irregular in date: it could be weekly, or simply random.

To plot this data by itself requires a Scatter Chart.

From what I know so far, you CANNOT DO THIS.

However, I suspect this could be done if I build a Stock Chart from scratch using a Scatter Chart.

Error bars can be used to make the tails, however, I don't know how they built the body bar which has the characteristics of a bar (border, and interior.)

But since I don't really need those two characteristics, I just need a wider error bar line that is provided in the chart edit window. I'm guess through a macro, there are wider line widths assignable.

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Plotting Data With Two X Axis And 1 Y Axis

Dec 19, 2013

I have a data set that is a spectrum of (y)intensity vs (x)energy I was wanting to add an additional X axis at the top of the graph showing the wavelength conversion for the energy value, is that possible in excel? and if so how?

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Probability Distributions; How I Go From The Data Sets I Have With Such A Large Discrepancy Between Them To Plotting Their Probability Distributions

Jun 3, 2006

I have two data sets one measured and one modelled and I am testing a conceptual model that proposes that only where the tails of the probability distributions of each data set crosses will you experience an event. I'm enclosing an example file which contains both data sets and some descriptive statistics as well as the associated histograms and a diagram of what I'm ultimately trying to achieve. My question is how I go from the data sets I have with such a large discrepancy between them to plotting their probability distributions?

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Graph Plotting...?

Jul 12, 2009

I use spectrometer in my reesearch. The datas are in (a, b) format in single cell. Is it possible to seperate a and b seperately? like a in seperate cell and b in seperate cell?

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