Probability Distributions; How I Go From The Data Sets I Have With Such A Large Discrepancy Between Them To Plotting Their Probability Distributions

Jun 3, 2006

I have two data sets one measured and one modelled and I am testing a conceptual model that proposes that only where the tails of the probability distributions of each data set crosses will you experience an event. I'm enclosing an example file which contains both data sets and some descriptive statistics as well as the associated histograms and a diagram of what I'm ultimately trying to achieve. My question is how I go from the data sets I have with such a large discrepancy between them to plotting their probability distributions?

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Correlation Between Two Different Distributions

Mar 11, 2014

I am using excel to do a monte carlo analysis of a process. Until now, all my distributions have been uncorrelated, but from now I would like to produce distributions with a given correlation. This is a fairly easy process for normal distribution, but in this case one of the distributions is Weibull and the other lognormal. I don't have a stats background, so how to implement this. Producing the two distributions is no problem, but I would now like to be able to alter them or the original formulae so they are correlated properly. If it would greatly simplify the process, the lognormal distribution could be replaced by a normal, but not the weibull.

The formulae I'm using for each is:

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Calculate Future Value Of Required Minimum Distributions For IRA

Jun 12, 2009

I've written the following code. It calculates the future value of required minimum distributions for traditional IRAs. When I enter the function in excel, it drops the last argument. I've tried changing the order of the arguments, and it always drops the last one. The arguments are : marginalTax (marginal tax rate), r (expected return on investment), t (time), begAge (beginning age), RDT (as range -- required distribution table; looks up the percentage required at each age), IRAValueat70 (calcualtes the value of the IRA at 70 years of age)

Function RMD(r As Double, marginalTax As Double, begAge As Integer, t As Integer, RDT As Range, IRAValueat70 As Long)
age = begAge
endAge = begAge + t
Dim holder As Long
Dim RMDnow As Long
Dim RMDall As Long
hat = 70
If endAge < 69 Then
If begAge <= 69 Then
Do While hat < (endAge)
RMDnow = (IRAValue / (Application.VLookup(age, RDT, 2, False)))
RMDnow = (1 - marginalTax) * RMDnow...........................

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Apr 11, 2007

This is more of a probability question than Excel - but I know Excel has functions to work out the answer (and I was hopeless with probability maths at school so knowing which function to use is also a problem)

Here's the deal:
There are 43,000 tickets in a multiple draw lottery/raffle
There are 1,730 prizes available.
Each winning ticket is returned to the pool after being drawn, so in theory, one extremely lucky ticket holder could take home every prize.

However, what is the statistical probability (chance) of winning a single prize and what formulae/functions does one use to generate the answer?

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Probability: Binomial Distribution

Nov 27, 2006

There is trading system which generates a winning trade per ONE stock in ONE month’s time with a probability of 5/12 (0,4166%). If the system trades 10 independent stocks the probability of any number of winning trades occurring out of all of them in ONE month is shown below:

None 0,0046
One 0,0326
Two 0,1047
Three 0,1995
Four 0,2494
Five 0,2172
Six 0,1272
Seven 0,0519
Eight 0,0139
Nine 0,0022
Ten 0,0002

I took these values from a book…I tried to reproduce these values in the spreadsheet that I attached. My table looks as follows:

0 0,0046
1 0,0033
2 0,0023
3 0,0017
4 0,0012
5 0,0008
6 0,0006..........

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Calculate Probability To Reach At Certain Point

Jun 3, 2014

I want to know if it's possible to calculate the probability that a certain range of values, reach to a certain point.....

The range is this (example):


What I want to know is if this tendency will reach to 1000. Or how many steps more will be need to reach 1000.

Like I said, and don't know if this is in the right place, but if you put this values in a graphic you will see that the tendency is growing. I assume that this tendency will reach to 1000. But will be in the next 10 steps or in the next 30.

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Inverse Probability Mass Function

May 5, 2014


I want to do inverse 0.30057 To get -0.7525 ,NORM.INV(0.30057,0,1) This function returns only cumulative distribution .

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Probability Density (normal Distribution)

May 11, 2014

I'm trying to make a bell curve (normal gauss distribution). I have some problems regarding the probability density curve, since its values are so low. If you look column N in the attached file - I used the NORMDIST command. Values should be somewhere between 0,2 and 0,4 - but they're about 100x lower.

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Generate Choices With Assigned Probability?

Nov 10, 2013

Lets say I have 20 cells. I want to randomly assign a label to the each cell from 5 choices, like "Blue", "Orange", "White", "Green", and "Black". But I want to assign a probability of selecting the labels. So the percent probability of choosing Blue would be 56% and White would be 23%, etc. . . is there a function that allows me to do this?

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Probability Combinations Of Events Occuring

Dec 4, 2006

I need a probability distribution for amounts to be shipped taking into account both the probabilty distribution on parcel sizes (amounts to be shipped) per ship as well as the probabilities on the number of ships arriving.

Please see the following:

Say you have a probabilty distribution for ships arriving, i.e. the probabilty of 1 ship arriving in a specific time period= 0.25 ( event a), the probabilty of 2 ships arriving = 0.2 (event B) etc. Please take into account that this can go up to about 20 ships per time period.

Each ship can have one of four parcel sizes, (demand that needs to be met) (the following are just example probabilties)

0 tons with a probability of 0.67 event 1
1000 tons with a probabilty of 0.08 event 2
1500 tons with a probabilty of 0.222 event 3
2000 tons with a probabilty of 0.022 event 4

Thus event a has a probabilty of occuring, in event a, events 1to 4 can occur with their respective probabilties.

I assumed events 1 to 4 stay the same for all ships arriving (as we are dealing with multiple products, each product will have different parcel size distributions, however I look at products seperately, thus only one product is considered here)

This is simple for 1 or 2 ships, but as the number of ships increase the number of combinations become excessively large.

Should i use a macro that determines permutations/combinations? I am kind of clueless on this one.

If it helps to put the problem in context; I am trying to determine a demand distribution as input for a stochastic programming model

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Generating Random Outcomes Based On Probability

Feb 10, 2009

Can anyone help, I'm trying to create some test data, eg 1000 rows in excel. In each cell a formula (?) returns some text such as Dog, Cat or Rabbit based on the probability Dog=0.5, Cat=0.3, Rabbit=0.2

I've come up with a messy solution of generating a random number between 1-100 and then using a lookup table where 1-50 = dog etc... it works but is long winded and difficult for other people to follow.

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Generating Random Numbers Based On Probability

Mar 8, 2007

1. I need to randomly generate either a 1, 6 or 12 every time I hit calculate (i.e. F9).

2. I want to specify the probablility of each result. For example, I want 12 to be the result 80% of the time, and 6 and 1 to be the result 10% of the time.

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Multiple Choice - Select A Value Based On Its Probability Of Occurring

Dec 24, 2009

I have the following table:

Each question is multiple choice (either A/B/C/D/E) and the values listed are the probability of each letter occurring. What formula would I need to put in the 'output' column for it in each row to output a letter based on the probabilities. E.g. in question 1, most of the time it would output E, but sometimes (rarely) A and very rarely B/C/D.

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VLOOKUP In Large Data Sets Of More Than 16384 Rows

Mar 27, 2006

I have a problem with VLOOKUP looking in sorted lists of more than 16384 items.
Basically it fails at 16385th item

I have developed a VLOOKUP function that looks up in multiple tabs in
multiple files and returns a value. However I have discovered that it fails
at row 16385. As Excel copes to 64,000 rows I regard this as a bug. Has
anyone else encounteed this problem? is it just my machine, is there a
solution / bug fix?

If I use FALSE when the item to be found is beyond 16384 the function
returns the 16384th value this is a warning to other users who may not have
noticed as I did not initially.

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Reorganizing Large Sets Of Data Composed Of Same Structure?

Jan 3, 2012

I have a spreadsheet that consists of 981 rows and 1152 columns (192 * 6). It is essentially 981 rows by 192 columns rectangles (if we think of it as a range) side by side. What I want to be able to do is cut 981 rows by 192 columns at a time and paste at the bottom of the first rectangle so forth so on.

Essentially currently data sets look like 1 2 3 4 5 6 - I want the cut paste process to move these rectangles to:


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Plotting 3 Sets Of Different Dates On Same Chart?

Jan 17, 2014

I have 3 different series: S, J, and D. Each series has a list of different dates, and I need to plot the results for each date, while comparing the 3 series. I have created 3 different charts to display the results for each series - list of dates. However, I'd really like to chart all 3 series on one chart, so that you can see how the 3 compare.

I believe my obstacle is that the list of dates are not consistent between the 3. I tried to get around this by creating one table with all the dates, and leaving blanks where necessary (on Sheet 2). However, this created a problem because the blanks showed on the charts as 0s.

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Data Plotting

May 13, 2008

how do I plot the axis data in my graph in an increasing order, when I have my datas in a random order?

In other words, I have bunch of data to be plotted as my x-axis. All numbers are within [0;1], but they all in a random order, like (0.001, 0.923, 0.120, ...). And I want them to be in an increasing order.

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Charts Stop Plotting Data Error Bars After Certain Number Of Data Point Selected

Dec 23, 2013

In the attached document is a timeline made from a scatter chart. Error bars using custom values are used to show the length of each task, however I can't get the chart to include error bars for the last 2 data points (tasks).

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Plotting Data With 35 Points?

Jan 25, 2014

I have a data for sedimentation along a pipe. I measured sediment concentrations at different lengths of the pipe, after different intervals of time. So I have 35 concentration values, take at 5 different points along the pipe, at 7 different times. Is it possible to plot a chart with these 35 points, with depth on y-axis, time on x-axis? These 35 points are percent removals (0-100). .

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Geomean Calculation Discrepancy

Mar 12, 2008

For a set of of paired values A and B, I calculated the Geometric Mean two different ways in Excel (Office 2003). First using the GeoMean function. Second using the equivalent formula,

which is:
(A * B)^.5
(i.e. the square root of A times B).

I was surprised to find that the two methods produced different results 11% of the time.

OK, the discrepancy does not appear until after 10 or 11 decimal places, but I would like to know which method produces the more accurate result. Does anybody know?

calculating the geometric mean using logs (wherein the geometric mean of A and B is equal to the anti-log of the average of their logs) produces discrepancies about 30% of the time, so I assume that is the least accurate method.

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Scatter Will Not Use Given X-values In Plotting Data?

Jun 12, 2014

I'm trying to make a scatter plot from two columns of data; the first, a series of decimals between 0 and 1, the second, a series of percentages between -40 and 140%. Essentially, I'm charting a performance (%) vs. a 'batting average' (decimal between 0 and 1).

However, when I plot these data points, the x-values the chart takes are, I suppose, the relative position of the data within the column (i.e., 5, 9, 32) as opposed to the actual values (.33, .71, .92, etc). I've tried manually selecting the data, copying only the values into different cells...nothing seems to work. Each time, I get points like (11, 61%) instead of the desired (.48, 61%).

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Plotting Chart To Get Data Values

Nov 19, 2006

Say I have a line graph pic in jpeg. Can I plot the critical points (by clicking) on the line graph plot, so as to be able to get the (x,y) data, and thus, have all the data points to be able to re-produce the charts in XLS?

Basically, in other words, I would like to reproduce the line graph in XLS.

Or has anyone developed this kind of application, or can anyone redirect me to the right direction?

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Discrepancy Report (logistics Field)

Oct 29, 2009

i am regular viewer of these forum..really this forum gave me many nice information. btw i am wrking for in a logistics field. i am not tats much professional in excel.

every year end i am preparing anual stock taking report in excel. but this time i like to take adavantage of membership of this forum by asking some some tips for this my anual stock taking report. so i am attached a sample file. in this file sheet-1 i put all datas of stock items. in sheet-1

B2= Item Code
C2= Description
d2= UOM (Unit of messurement)
e2= Closing stock (stock in system)
G2= F2-E2 (Discrepancy)

now i want only Discrepancy (if there is minus and plus...)item lists in another sheet (report sheet). how can get all this data there?

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Discrepancy Between Word And Worksheet Syntax?

Oct 15, 2009

I should disclaim that I'm quite novice at that, so my approach to writing macros is to record individual steps to determine the appropriate method, then copy and paste.

In any event, I have a macro that creates a word doc from content in an excel file. I copied over the code for inserting a text field from the Word Macro Recorder:

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Plotting Chart With Selective Dates And Data Series

Oct 8, 2013

I have a database where I would like to plot graphs from data of different periods and different series.

My current method is to go to the data set formulas and changing data range. The tricky part is that I might skip data series because I am selecting the series required for each chart.

How to do plot the different graphs efficiently and quickly.

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Button Position/Coordinates On Worksheet. Discrepancy Between Versions

Apr 30, 2008

Add Multiple Buttons That Select Row Of Housing Cell. One of my Macro's places a button on a sheet using Top/Left;

Set sbut = Sheets("Listings").Shapes.AddFormControl(xlButtonControl, _
Range("J" & count).Left, Range("J" & count).Top, 50, 12)

When I try to find the row of the clicked button using the following code;


The code behaves differently in Excel 2002 and 2007. In 2002 it returns the row the button sits on, but 2007 returns the cell above the button. This could be because the workbook is an XLS running in Excel 2007 in compatibility mode? Is there a way to "nudge" the button down a little after it has been placed using .top/.left ? Or is the only way around this something like;

count = ActiveCell.Row
If Application.Version >= 12 Then
count = count + 1
End If

Is this a bug, or something that I am doing wrong ? The workbook needs to be a .xls to ensure that it works in older versions of Excel.

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To Insert Down Between Sets Then Border Sets

Apr 10, 2008

Below is a series of sets. Column A is the set number. I need a macro that will insert a row between sets and then put a border around each set. In my spreadsheet the sets are from A1:C500. Sometimes the sets are only 1 row, sometimes multiple rows. It looks like I will be doing one of these sheets every week. So far I have been doing it manually, but a macro sure would save some time.

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Excel 2003 :: Match Two Sets Of Data And Display Specific Data?

May 12, 2012

I have two separate worksheets:

I'm trying to find a formula that looks at Column A on both sheets (each client is allocated a unique number) and if they match enter in column D of the referral sheet the month they were seen but only if it is a 1st contact (appt type on column D of contact sheet)



way to do the calculation using Excel 2003

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Finding Matches Between Two Sets Of Data - Each Set Has Three Columns Of Data

Jul 13, 2013

I am working on large sets of data (more than 50,000 rows of data). I have two sets of data. Set 1 and Set 2 (master data) on the same worksheet. Both the sets of data have three columns each. I am using EXCEL 2007. I was able to accomplish step 1 below.. but I am totally lost with step 2 since i have an additional criteria for the "year".

I have attached the excel sheet as well. This is what I am trying to accomplish:

1) I want to find exact matches in set 1 and set 2 and highlight it or do something to show that a match was found. The challenge is the data in set 1 can occur anywhere in set 2.

2) Add to the complication .. my criteria for matching the year is different. If the Set 1 "year" is equal to or greater by 1 yr or greater by 2 yr when compared to Set 2 "year", I want to treat it as a "match".

For example, from the data attached:

Set 1 data in row 4 is: ATLANTIC ABSECON 2004
Set 2 data in row 3 is: ATLANTIC ABSECON 2003

I want to treat these two data as "MATCH" since ATLANTIC matches ATLANTIC, ABSECON matches ABSECON and according to one of my criteria for year, Set 1 "year" is greater by 1 yr than the Set 2 "year".

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Vlookup To Compare Two Sets Of Data And Change The First Set Of Data If It Is Than The First

Oct 5, 2009

I have tried nested ifs and vlookup to compare two sets of data and change the first set of data if it is than the first. But leave it alone if it either is the same or does not exist in the new set of data. It sometimes seems to work but i find it is not consistant. It looks simple but i think i am missing something.

if column A has identifiers and column B has results then it should work if the identifiers in column C are found in column A and it looks to see if column B and D are the same, then change B if different but leave it if either it is the same or not there.

D 33

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