Searching Multiple Worksheets And Retrieving Data

Aug 27, 2009

I have two lists. One is a database (Worksheet 2) with a lot of information, and another is the list (worksheet 1) I need to fill up the data for. What I want to do is to search for the names that are in worksheet 1 in worksheet 2, and if there is a match, retrieve the missing data in those rows, and paste it back into worksheet 1. For example:
Worksheet 1: Joe
Tim 23

Worksheet 2: Alex 45
Joe 23
Mark 47
Tim 44
Matt 24

I basically want it to be able to search for the corresponding name, and then pull the number associated with it.

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Retrieving Textbox Data From Multiple Worksheets Into List On Mastersheet?

Sep 20, 2013

I am trying to pull data from multiple textboxes on multiple worksheets and compile it into a list on a mastersheet. I have searched multiple forums and I have been unable to piece together anything. I have attached an example workbook of the data that I am trying to compile. I am trying to pull the data for the textbox next to NAME, SS#, and SCHED. I have tried recording a macro for 1 sheet and then modifying the macro to work for on all worksheets but failed miserably.

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Retrieving / Returning Data From Different Worksheets?

Jun 19, 2014

I want to be able to choose a country from a drop-down list, and then have the spreadsheet retrieve/return values from that country, whose input data is located in a different worksheet. E.g. I want to be able to change the input according to what country I am looking at. I was able to do this with simple IF functions,but I'm realizing that this is not good enough. I want to eventually expand the number of countries that I want to return data from, and then the formula is not dynamic enough.

Example spreadsheet attached.

To make it simple: I want to be able to return the correct values for "page views" and "high" and "low" according to what country I choose from the drop-down menu in cell C3 on the "value calculator" sheet.

Also; in cell N15 and N16 I want the alternatives to be yes and no, and they cannot be yes at the same time. H

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VBA - Searching Multiple Worksheets And Pasting Results In Single?

Jan 17, 2014

I have multiple worksheets with part numbers and prices for different computer parts. On each worksheet I have multiple sets of part numbers and prices but I only need one the information from specific part from each worksheet. Luckily, the part number I need is also the name of whatever worksheet contains it. I want to take the part numbers and prices from the parts I need and put them in one master sheet called "PartsNumbersCombined". Currently I haven't even attempted to format the data in PartsNumbersCombined, I am just trying to actually pick up and move the correct data. Here is my code:

Sub harvest()
ShtCount = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count
For i = 2 To ShtCount


The part numbers are in column A and the prices are one row down in column C. I feel like I am close but I can not get anything pasted on my master sheet.

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Searching Multiple Worksheets For A Date And Pasting The Entire Row Onto A New Worksheet

Jun 24, 2008

I have been searching the boards long and hard for this solution and have yet to find that applies fully. Every day I need to search through 20 worksheets for transactions occurring on a specific date and copy the row onto a new worksheet. I would like to run a macro that would allow me to search for a specific transaction date in column C of each worksheet and if the date matches it will copy the entire row to a new worksheet.

The issue I am having is that the transaction lists are a running sum of all the transactions for each account. Therefore, the range that the macro needs to search will change daily as well. Furthermore, the date that I would be searching for could potentially appear in column A or B but I only want the row if the date matches that of column C. Also, on some sheets there may not be a transaction at all.

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Multiple Workbooks With Same Data Retrieving Info

Oct 17, 2013

I'm trying to solve i have multiple books but each book contains same information e.g

Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Book 2
Sheet 1

Sheet 2

etc ... there is also multiple sheets in each book all are same layout just each book is different customer.

I'm trying to do is have a Listbox that shows all customer name and link back to His/her file location. Then retrieve certain information and display on blank workbook?

Can this be done without opening workbook
Considering i have 20+ workbooks and growing is this even possible
Cannot merge workbooks into one as this info is supplied by third party

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Retrieving Multiple Rows Of Data From One Single Item?

Jan 3, 2014

retrieve the multiple rows of data from one specific item to another worksheet inside same workbook. below attachment is my sample workbook.

inside the workbook, eg.. please have a look on Sheet 3 (the record of the item and its description) will store on Sheet 2. From sheet 1, when user choose the item from drop down list, and click the button will direct to the retrieved result in sheet 2. my question is i cant retrieve the multiple rows of data exactly in the sheet 2. it only remains one item for one row of description.

and below attached picture is what i wish to achieve =)Capture.PNG

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Searching For Multiple Data

May 24, 2006

I have been using the VLOOKUP function to search a table of data for a specific value in order to then give me the corresponding data associated with that value. I can do this and it works!!

However, as I am searching for names some people have more than one set of data and the VLOOKUP only finds either the first set of values (if the FALSE command is used for ‘range_lookup’) or the last set of values (if the TRUE command is used for ‘range_lookup’). I have attached a small example:

How can I get all values to be displayed?

I know that this may have been explained horrendously but I have written and re-written this several times and this is the best I can get!

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Dynamic Worksheets And Retrieving Values For Non Blank Cells

Feb 4, 2010

I am setting up a questionnaire which needs to be dynamic. The questions in the questionnaire are pulled from a 'baseline sheet' using check boxes and an if statement, i.e. each question in the baseline sheet has a tickbox next to it, and if it is checked then the question is populated into the questionnaire sheet.

Im wondering if there anyway for the worksheet to populate the input cell with the next cell value from the baseline sheet if the first is blank? So if a box is not ticked, it will intelligently seek out the next box that has been ticked and retrieve that value. Essentially, my goal is to not have any blank spaces in the questionnaire which is what is happening now.

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Copying Data From Multiple Worksheets To Multiple Worksheets In Another Workbook VBA

May 14, 2012

I have 2 nearly identical workbooks and I need to update historical data from the old workbook into the newer one.

My current Coding Snippets that I want to use look like the following:

Sub UpdateWorkbook()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim r1 As String
Dim r2 As String
Dim r3 As String
Dim r4 As String
Dim r5 As String
Dim r6 As String


Now, this code isn't working I suspect because the Copy and PasteSpecial Functions don't work the way I wish to.

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Searching And Unhiding Specific Worksheets Using VB?

Mar 12, 2014

I have five worksheets hidden in my workbook. All of these worksheets have either "Yes" or "No" written in cell C4. (3-yes, 2-no)

I also have a search bar in the form of a textbox and a command button.

I want to be able to type "No" in the textbox, click the command button and have the pages with "No" in cell C4 to unhide.

Some screenshots if necessary:
Sheet1 (yes): Gyazo - ce85d71bc03cd2ceaa1030e22445800f.png
Sheet2 (no): Gyazo - 65f876d6e7d749bd1ca25ad957fbda99.png
Sheet3 (yes): Gyazo - 0cb442f1d34e7d744884f73e1afe2646.png
Sheet4 (yes): Gyazo - 6f0ce150322208fd93dc5fc6f4f66481.png
Sheet5 (no): Gyazo - 772f48f8a82e53713794e6655fe56fca.png
master: Gyazo - 1b71470f3de47cef347050588bca819c.png

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Vlookups For Searching Specific Worksheets

Jun 22, 2006

I'm building a spreadsheet which has a formula which performs a vlookup on a sheet. Now I want to leave the vlookup formula so that you don't need to change it. What I want to achieve is that the vlookup table array references a cell in the current worksheet which is a name of another worksheet.

What this will enable me to do is to keep the forumla unchanged by by changing the cell with the worksheet name in it points the vlookup to a different sheet. This is because I have multiple sheets which have similar data on and I don;t want to edit the forumla to point to the different sheets.

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Retrieving Multiple Solutions With Vlookup

Feb 11, 2010

I am attaching a file that I have just really been struggling with. I have been through multiple forums and ideas but just can not seem to find one that will completely resolve my issues. There are two tabs in the spreadsheet. I want to bring information from the detailed one over to a summary. Please take into consideration that this has been extremely simplified from my original information just so that I could post it. I am not going to use pivot tables, as this is going to be distributed to others at some point so most information will be hidden except the summary. The product and type are normally coming from a drop down list also. The summary format is by request of management so not much choice in changing it.

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Lookup Retrieving Multiple Values

Jun 26, 2012

I am trying to use a lookup to find the quantity of a certain fabric. However, more than one style uses the same type of fabric. Is there a way to do a lookup that retrieves multiple values?

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Retrieving Values Based On Matching Values On Separate Worksheets

Feb 17, 2010

Is it possible to have a formula where it will retrieve a specific value on one sheet based on matching values? Unfortunately, hlookup wont work as there are several values in the table where the 'lookup_value' is the same.


On sheet 1 (titled BSRC), I have a table which has a list of values in column 1. On column two I have the 'lookup value' which needs to be matched and all values underneath it to be retrieved from sheet 2 (titled CSRD). The 'lookup_value' range is on row 9 of sheet 2.

I have attached a sample spreadsheet for clarification.

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Excel Vba - Searching Several Worksheets Of Closed Workbook And Copy / Paste To New

Feb 28, 2013

I want to write a macro that will copy data from all worksheets of a specified workbook and copy them into a new workbook.

To give some detail, I receive a report each morning containing failed deliveries. I also export a list of failed deliveries from a system (SAP). These reports rarely match so I must compare the two daily. I do this using INDEX and MATCH functions but now my boss wants all the data in a single report so I would like to harness the might of vba to consolodate all the data in one workbook.

The lists of failed deliveries are contained in worksheets marked mon, tue, wed... so I need to search all worksheets for all delivery numbers and copy all of the data into a new book. This becomes complicated because on Monday there is only one tab marked mon, on tuesday there are two (mon & tue), one wednesday there are three and so on.

I have started on some code but I am getting nowhere fast. I have managed to muster an input box which asks for a date (this will be used to search the file path for a file named "failed deliveries & "mm/mm/yyy")

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Consolidate All Data In Multiple Worksheets Of Multiple Workbooks In One Master File?

Jul 12, 2014

I need a macro that would consolidate all data in multiple worksheets of multiple workbooks in one Master file.

All the workbooks will be in one particular folder. The macro should search for data in all the workbooks and consolidate it in one master excel workbook.

I am currently using both excel 2007 and excel 2010. This macro would really reduce manual work as currently consolidating data from 45 to 50 sheets takes an ample amount of time...

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Retrieving Data

Dec 31, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with several tabs. I am wanting to lookup data in tab "A" based on data in a list. For example:

I may have:
Tab A
Tab B
Tab C
Tab D
Tab E

I have created a validation list containing A, B C, D, E I would like to use Hlookup to look up data imported into the table in Date order.

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Retrieving Data From A Website

Jul 31, 2013

retrieving data from financial website databases like and I'm trying to make an automatic stock analysis model to read from the website database and retrieve the data into excel sheets. For example, when opening the excel model the user gets a popup to enter the stock ticker, the user enters the ticker and gets a set of data. Is this do-able in excel?

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Retrieving Data From Text?

Sep 22, 2013

i have a long list of what were once file names in excel that i need to retrieve data from. i have attached an example file with 2 file names which i recomend to view while reading this request.the file has 2 spreadsheets. the first one is just the file name in the format in which i recieve it. the second one is a table that i need to fill out from the data in those file names.

i have a problem with the following columns in spreadsheet 2:

1. column C: i have the command to copy the site name as it is to this column, but what i need is for the program to read if the site name is ZANUAH or ADORA and then write only Z or A. note that these two site names have a different number of charecters in them.

2. columnd D: similar problem. i need it to read the lab name and write AL if its MAGAMA, BA if its Ben-Ari and SH if its shafir. i have the command for excel to simply copy the word, but how do i make it write the letters that represent the lab name rather than the lab name itself?

3. column E: the report number is the 6 digit number in the file name. i have the command which retrieves it, but it has trouble when the length of the number changes. its important to note that sometimes the number might contain non-numerical characters like 219641-1.

4. column O:i have the command to get the data from the parentheses next to PSD in the file name into a box. what i need is to get it to copy just the letters C or NC from the file name into this column, without the number.

5. column P: same as column O, but here i need just the number, without the C or NC.

6. column T: all i need is for it to copy the last 2 letters from the file name, which i know how to do. the problem is that since the file names come with a .pdf at the end, all i get is df. so in fact i need it to copy th 6th and the 5th letters from the end of the file name, which is above my abilities.

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Retrieving Data Of Certain Cell

Jan 28, 2009

I am trying to get the data out of a cell and put it in a textbox in my userform.
What I have is a Worksheet that has autofilter on. After the user clicks certain objectbuttons, there is only one row, that has data in it, displayed. The cell I'm after will always be in column A and be the second visible row.

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Retrieving Data From Table ...

Nov 21, 2008

I have a fairly simple matrix table that im needing help in which way to retrieve the information correctly.

Starting in row 10...
My Column A has length that i want to return

My Column B has a minimum value that i need A2 to be larger than, say 20
My Column C has a maximum value that i need A2 to be smaller than.
My Columns C & D, E & F, G & H and so on then have different sizes also available... but thats for me to work out later.

Is the best way to achieve this with a series of If statements as Vlookup only returns values to the right, and i want the value on the left, or what is my best way of tackling this problem.

I can attach a sheet that i started if the above makes no sense but my formula is useless so far...

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Retrieving Data From A Cell

Nov 24, 2009

I have the following in Column A. 01. Artist - Title

I manage to put 01 in Column B and Title in Column D
I am struggling to split between the "." and the "-" to show Artist in Column C
I am using in Column B

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Retrieving Data From Closed Workbook

Dec 27, 2013

I'm trying to retrieve data from a workbook that is currently closed. The formula below works only if the workbook containing the data is open. Is there a way to use the following formula to retrieve the data from a closed workbook?

[Code] ......

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Formula For Retrieving Data Using Criteria?

Mar 4, 2014

I am trying to work out a forumla that will bring through data onto a worksheet for teacher analysis. The data is being extracted from our MIS and put into the attached template. When I change the class on the analysis sheet I want to be able to the pull through the relevant learners attached to the class along with their data.

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Retrieving List Of Data From A Table?

Jan 4, 2014

I'm trying to create a automated calculator that i can customize and adjust. start and what functions should i be using. I've looked into Vlookup/Hlookup and it does not seem the function i need to make the workbook work. Basically what I need is when I enter a item on the A column excel would retrieve the list of Ingredients to the calculator worksheet and multiply it by the amount of variable entered. Then product will be printed and added together to the "sum row".

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VBA - Retrieving Data From Google Spreadsheet

Nov 8, 2013

I have a googlespreadsheet with 4 columns. date, id, name, positive/negative.

What I would like to be able to do is to call a procedure from an excel document to copy/retrieve all of the information between specified dates on the google spreadsheet and place into another worksheet in the excel document.

The spreadsheet is hosted in my googledrive and is confidential (i.e. I cannot publish it), so I am assuming I will need to add password credentials into the code, which will be an added complication.

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Retrieving Data And Automatically Gets Updated

Jul 14, 2008

I have a `master` listing that has a list of material on it.
Lets call it test.xls

Each employee has their own work work-book with only one sheet inside the work book, lets call this test1.xls

I want users to be able to add information in test1.xls and the list test.xls automatically gets updated

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Sorting And Retrieving Data Based On Two Columns?

Oct 19, 2012

I am working on a new budget spreadsheet that I am creating. I want to accurately calculate credit card expenses. As everyone who has a credit card knows, charges made this month are not due to be paid until next month. To make matters more complex, charges made from (for example) January 20 until February 19 are not due to be paid until March 20. With that in mind, I created a spreadsheet with a different tab for each month. Each tab has a place to put in all expenses. Here is an example:



Obviously, The above example is from January. IN the February tab, I want to calculate everything in the "Expense" column that has a date in the "Date" Column before Jan 20 and where it says "Kohls - Frank" in the Category column. Of course, in the March tab, I would need to grab all of the "Kohls - Frank" expenses after Jan 20 from the January tab, and everything before Feb 20 from the February tab.

I figured out how to add up everything with the following formula: =SUMIF(Jan!A:A,("<="&DATE(2013,1,20)&E32),Jan!C:C) How can I filter on the Category tab?

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Retrieving Horizontal Data To Combobox On Userform?

Mar 10, 2014

I wanted to retrieve data from horizontal cells to the combobox i created on the userform.

I tried watching some code from other progs, but its not working.

From my combobox1, I want to go read the data from the sheet "TMATERIAL", range "b3:h3"

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