Select And Import Delimited Data File (ERA)
Feb 27, 2012
I need to summarize some data from multiple files but I can't seem to have the user select the file and import it.
It's a ERA(electronic remittance advice) 835 file that will import with the "Import Text File" routine. I've added the "GetOpenFileName" to it but apparently have not appropriately adjusted my "QueryTable.Add" routine.
I removed the .Refresh Backgroundquery:=False line as this was causing an error and this not SQL data.
The desired files have names like this: C123456.835.EDIPROCESSERPROCEEDED
My simpleton code reads:
Sub IMPORT_835()
' IMPORT_835 Macro
Dim InputFile As Variant
InputFile = Application.GetOpenFilename(Title:="Choose your file", _
FileFilter:="All Files (*.*), *.*")
[Code] ........
No data is imported, Why?
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Aug 7, 2006
I am importing a text file that has a lot more than 256 columns. The data will be updated weekly with a different text file. I know how to get past the 256 column limit when importing a text file like this. This link explains the method I am using to import the text file. [url] Since I am importing onto several sheets I get the dialogue box asking me to choose a file to import from for every sheet when I use RefreshAll. The same file that is used by the first sheet will be used by the rest of the sheets. Each sheet just imports a different section of columns from the text file. I want to avoid choosing the same file 30 plus times (once for each sheet) when I click refresh all. Is there a code that would allow me to choose the file for the first sheet, and the other sheets would follow suite?
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Mar 12, 2003
I was wondering if their is a simple macro to transpose data from rows to columns so I can export to a tab delimited file. This particular list is 5 lines underneath each other and then the next entry.
There are no spaces between entries.
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Mar 4, 2006
I have hundreds of email addresses listed in a Wordpad file- entries are
separated by a comma. When I use the Excel Import function, all data is
successfully imported into an Excel spreadsheet- BUT in a single row. I would
like to have this info in a single column (A)- then I could easily
alphabetize the entries and eliminate duplicates.
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Sep 9, 2006
is there any way for a worksheet to import and merge (append) tab delimited files from these directories:
C:TempmergeV¿ñ (2)data.txt
C:TempmergeV¿ñ (3)data.txt
C:TempmergeV¿ñ (4)data.txt
C:TempmergeV¿ñ (5)data.txt
- contents of data.txt have range A1:Pn, where 'n' is last row, different for each file
- found a previous thread very similar to what i wanted, but donno how to edit this to suit my purpose
[Solved] Importing: Import many TXT files to singe workshee
BTW, does VBA recognise directory folder with unicode characters? I can rename my directory if it doesn't.
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May 27, 2014
Macro to copy data from Excel sheet and creates a Pipe delimited text file.
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Jul 11, 2014
I have several files from different departments that I have to extract sections of data from and compile into one central file for reporting.
I am very new to VBA but would like to set up a button so that I can import data from closed files in different departmental directories. I have recorded a macro and got it to work if the file is open but I can't seem to get it to work if the file is closed.
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Jan 31, 2007
My task is to make an excelfile that import data from other excelfiles. These data should then be summarized. There's not always same files. I should be able to add more files.
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Nov 28, 2008
how to word it but if someone understands then please help. I have two excel data files namely Book1.xls & Book2.xls. Both files have different data in it. Both files contain macros. When these macros run the files become **FINALIZED** version.
Originally, I get the above files in my email as txt. attachments. I then move these two txt files to my desktop in a folder called Folder-1. Then I open these files as an Excel and save them.
Basically, I need to know if two txt files are sitting in a folder-1 on my desktop. What can I do or what can I clik that....those two text files get converted into excel automatically, including running that macro I talked about in the above paragrah.
To put it differently, if I have two txt files Book1.txt, Book2.txt in a folder, how can I automatically create an excel **FINALIZED**version which sits right next to their txt version.
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May 6, 2009
I am working on a file that is going to import and then manipulate data from another excel file automatically. I would like this to be as smooth as possible and I am running into a problem. The file I am importing the data from is password protected, so I am opening it in read-only. Also, the file contains links to other excel files.
What I would like to do is indicate in the code to open the file in read-only format so that the user doesn't get a message box asking for the password. Also, is there a way to suppress the message box about updating the links? I have tried application.displayalerts = false but that didn't solve my problem.
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Aug 21, 2013
I'm looking for a macro that will import the last row of data of each .csv files from a specific folder, i.e., c: emp, into one new worksheet.
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Feb 5, 2014
I am using Excel 2013, and I am following the example here: VBScript Scripting Techniques: Read Excel files without using Excel that reads in Excel data as an ADO record set to a classic ASP file using VBScript. I am not able to import all the Excel data successfully, and I need to know what I'm doing wrong. Note that in all these samples cell A1 is the heading text "Column1" and the main data starts on cell A2 (consistent with the example code).
When my source Excel data looks like the following:
It imports everything OK. However, if I move the X to the next row:
...the "X" cell gets imported as an empty string. So the imported array looks like this:
arrSheet[0][0]: Column1
arrSheet[1][0]: 1
arrSheet[2][0]: 2
arrSheet[3][0]: 3
[Code] ....
But if I add another X to an earlier row in the source worksheet, like so:
...this gets imported OK.
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Mar 24, 2014
.Find and Replace data
I have a file that I keep importing into Excel that shows up in Column A. The Range typically varies to how short or how long the end of the file is. But every time I import a file in, the last 20 rows are the same. The 20 rows I want to replace with other values on another sheet.
This is a simple example:
I would want to replace the numbers with the letters. The biggest thing is if I can filter or have excel find the end of the file (using a shift+crtl+End) or something and have a formula on sheet2 that it can reference; then replace. Any way to have excel automatically find the end of the file and replace values without manually doing it.
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Jun 11, 2014
I've never actually had a reason or need to use macros for data import or manipulation. At the moment I'm trying to work on a modeling problem which will output the data in the form of a large text file. The data is divided up using 1000 energy bins, and 1000 timing bins for each tally (unique set of output data) like in this file [URL].....Unfortunately because of the applications for the data I can't reduce the number of bins, and the software being used for the modeling will not provide a more convenient form for the output file.
How to create a macro that can extract this data from the output file and import it into a designated excel spreadsheet. It would be preferable to import each set of tally data from the initial output file into it's own spreadsheet, but as I said I have no experience using macros and I'm not even sure where to begin in making something that would work. or even a basic source for examples
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Nov 15, 2006
every day i get a .txt file containing data. i need to copy all the data from this file to excel...
i want a VBA code that will select the .txt file from given location and copy entire details from that file to Excel..
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May 17, 2009
importing some selective data from txt file to excel. Only the following rows I need to pull out from text file into the Excel i.e. Project row, installation row, and two rows immediately below the installation row. This is my logical procedure..
1. Macro look for the rows that contains the word "PROJECT"
2. Open an excel file
3. Pull the row from txt file to this new excel file.
4. Macro look for the rows that contains the word "INSTALLATION"
3. Pull that row with INSTALLATION AS WELL AS Two rows immediately below the INSTALLATION row.
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Jul 25, 2006
I have a tab delimited text file with more than 256 columns that I would like to place into an Excel worksheet in a specific format using VBA.
Here is a sample text file showing the way the data is laid out. The actual text file has several hundred rows and columns, depending on the number of tests.
This is how I want the data to be placed into Excel:
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Jan 4, 2014
When I export data from .csv or .tsv file to .excel file then all the preceding zero's disappear and the code 0010 display's like 10.
I know I can manually import data from csv to text(option "fromtext" in excel) but i want to do it automatically.
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Mar 17, 2009
I have a workbook which, amongst several worksheets, also includes 12 blank worksheets (one for each month of the year).
Is it possible to have a macro that will (a) first prompt the user to select an excel file to import (the excel files to import are provided each month and only have one tab); then (b) select which worksheet to import the data (values only) from the selected file into.
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Apr 27, 2009
I have this task to solve:
a) import a txt file to excel formatting it as text
b) in column D remove the preceding space
c) find duplicates in column A and delete the entire row with the older one according to Date in column B
d) then convert data in D according to Conversion table integrated into the code and print conversion results into column J.
e) the last step is to print/copy columns A and J so that it looks like the final table in Sheet2.
Here are files attached.
sample data.xls
sample data.txt
conversion table.xls
To summarize, I need to go from a txt file like the one attached and arrive at the table in Sheet2 of sample data.xls file attached.
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Dec 23, 2011
I'm using excel 2007 and I'm trying to import data from a .txt file into excel and analyze the data. One of the columns in the .txt file contains descriptions for each row and its in multiple rows. Is there a way to import the .txt file so that it will show a description for each row in one cell?
I imported the data into excel but the issue is the description.
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Apr 27, 2012
I am using Excel 2010 and I want to import data from a text file, but the problem is that the data is more than 1048576 rows of excel. Is there any solution though codes if one sheet fills up and import remaining data to other sheets ?
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Oct 9, 2008
I have a directory where our customer service people deposit forms each day. The form is always the same, with a number of columns that need to be copied into a master list. From there they are analyzed, sorted, etc, then exported, so the number of rows in that list varies from day to day as well. Is there some way to have VBA import each file sequentially from a directory if I do not have the exact file names?
I am using this import code from a macro to start with:
Sub importdata()
' importdata Macro
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=Array(Array( _
"ODBC;DSN=Excel Files;DBQ=C:Documents and SettingsMy DocumentsTender Document(1).xls;DefaultDir=C:Documents a" _
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Oct 9, 2008
I have a directory where our customer service people deposit forms each day. The form is always the same, with a number of columns that need to be copied into a master list. From there they are analyzed, sorted, etc, then exported, so the number of rows in that list varies from day to day as well. Is there some way to have VBA import each file sequentially from a directory if I do not have the exact file names?
I am using this import code from a macro to start with: .....
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Feb 4, 2008
I'm trying to create a excel sheet with macros that will generate a tab delimitd file which is a journal voucher and I want to upload that .txt file to our financial system (SAP). When I create a tab delimited file manually, that is I enter all the values in excel and save as .txt it works great. But I have created a spreadsheet where the useres (all employees on the financial departement) enter the info required. I have a macro validating that all fields are correct and so on.. When they are finished they sedt the spreadsheet to me (an excelfile) via email, this is done by a submit buttom(macro) and the I have a hidden sheet in the worksheet which gets all the values that are necessery and then I create my tab delimited file using the well known save as fileformat=xltext macro. But SAP will not accept this file. I get error messages as convertion erros in line 4 column 6 and so on. The sheet which is saved as .txt is 100% with formulas, it gets all the value from another sheet(sheet1). I use the formula =IF(Sheet1!$E17=0;"";Sheet1!E17) in the cells with E17 changing to whatever cell is required. What can be wrong here? May it be that all the formulas (columns A to H and row 2 to 1001) somehow mix it all up and even to the cell is empty is the formula is somehow hidden in the .txt file and that messes it all up??
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Jul 12, 2012
I need to import thousand of txt files into 1 worksheet keeping the file names as data. Each txt file has 2 columns :
1 0.65914
2 0.65945
3 0.86062
... ...
and each txt file represents recordings made at specific time and date (e.g 0158.DSG_RAWD_HMS_21_ 0_ 0__DMY_29_ 2_12_pulses). I would like to have 2 columns: 1) with the time taken from the name of the txt file (e.g. 21:00:00) and 2) the associated recording. Something like this:
21:00:00 0.65914
21:00:00 0.65945
21:00:00 0.86062
and so on for each txt file and all the recordings piling up in 1 spreadsheet. I have tried to run few codes in VBA, but I have no knowledge of it and none of the code worked. I am using Excel 2010.
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Jul 15, 2009
I have the following code (borrowed) which converts the current .xls worksheet to a tab-delimited .txt file. The problem is that i need to add a PIPE to the end of each row/record as well, so that the records would look something like this:
currently there is no PIPE following the last character (3 or 6) and i am getting this:
I was hoping there would be a way to revise the VBA to add a PIPE at the end of each row/record.
Here's the code:
[Code] ......
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Jul 15, 2009
I have the following code (borrowed) which converts the current .xls worksheet to a tab-delimited .txt file. The problem is that i need to add a PIPE to the end of each row/record as well, so that the records would look something like this:
currently there is no PIPE following the last character (3 or 6) and i am getting this:
I was hoping there would be a way to revise the VBA to add a PIPE at the end of each row/record. Here's the ...
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Aug 30, 2013
I am trying to open up an asterisk delimited file then shrink the data, then after I want to save it back as an asterisk delimited text file. How would this be done in vba, as well as manually?
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May 21, 2014
I've a word form that collects free text and tick boxes. I'm reading these into separate rows on an excel sheets. So far what works...
I've got excel vba converting the word to a delimited text file
I've got excel vba to remove the erroneous rtns that people have entered into the free text that was things up.
In the free text there are commas entered as well as the tick boxes and this is a csv. Example
"how do I do this, I don't know",1,1,0,1,"really seems to be a challenge!"
If I just use excel to open the text file then the columns work out ok and on a single row - I think the 'text qualifier' is playing a role here.
But I can't replicate this in VBA. If I record a macro it's a query table and I don't know how to amend the code to read into rows.
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