Set A Range Based On Area Selected Using Mouse?

Oct 2, 2009

I'm trying to set a variable for a range based on the cells selected. For example, I want variable "myrange" to be set to range("A1:D14") if I click on cell A1 and drag it to D14. So far everything I've tried ends up getting the good old "1004 - Application defined or object defined error".

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VBA For Fill Zero For Empty Cells In Selected Range Using Mouse

Feb 13, 2013

I require a VBA code to fill Zero for empty cell in seceleted Range. Range will be select by Mouse.

I try following Code.

But It will not sucessed.

HTML Code:
Sub Zero()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim Specifiedrange As Range
Dim Rng As Range


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Set Print Area From Selected Range

Jul 12, 2006

I have some code which selected a certain amount of columns depending on
whether they contain values or not. Once I have this range set and I select
it I want to set this as the print area. I am not quite sure how to do
this. for example I tried:

ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = ActiveCell. CurrentRegion.Address

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Print 2 Selected Area (highlighted Area)?

Apr 11, 2013

How can I print 2 selected area (highlighted area). I know there is a trick to do that. Right now I can only select (highlight) one area to print, but would like to know how to print 2 or more areas at same time

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Limit Scroll Area - Code Activates Only On Mouse Or Keyboard Input

Apr 21, 2007

I have a worksheet that serves as a navigation page for the workbook and use the following code to restrict from scrolling off the viewable content. The problem is that the code doesn't kick in until either a click if the mouse or keyboard input. This initially leaves the worksheet open for scrolling until input is received.

How do I make this code activate when the wb is loaded? Code in the Thisworkbook module already makes the menu the visible sheet, and code limiting the scroll area is in the sheet module.

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
With ActiveSheet
.ScrollArea = "A1:L11"
End With
End Sub

I've also tried using "Range("A1").Select", but it doesn't work either. How can I get this to work correctly?

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Print Area Range Based Upon Formula

Feb 26, 2012

I am trying to dynamically set a print area based upon a formula from the contents of 2 cells. What I need is the print area range to be C1 to Ix, where x is the result of ((A2/B2)+2).

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Mouse Focused Onto Textbox When Option Button Selected?

Mar 9, 2014

I was trying to have the the mouse focused on to the textbox when an option button is selected, but it seems not working.


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Refer To The Last Row In A Selected Area Using VBA..?

Nov 3, 2008

I'm trying to do is add a signature box (for inventory-taking accountability) directly below the pasted area after I paste it. Now, of course, the copied and pasted area could have 5 rows or it could have 15, and when I copy it from the first sheet and paste it into the second it doesn't preserve the name of the range on the second page, so what I really need to do to add the signature box directly below the last row in the pasted area is specify the location in relation to the last row in the pasted selection, but I don't know how to do that. Using ActiveCell always refers to the top-left-most cell in the selected area. So...

If I have an area selected, how do I refer to the bottom-right-most cell in that selection (in the same way that ActiveCell refers to the top-left-most cell)? Or at least the bottom row? Or, even better, the row below the bottom row?

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Remove Selected Area

Apr 17, 2007

I need to worked out Hours worked in a timesheet. This was the easy part, the hard part is the clause tha HR threw in, which is:

If you have worked and 8 hour day WITH 1 hr lunch then you qualify for overtime.
if you work a 8 hr day and work through your lunch (1 hour) (so equivelant to 9 hrs) you still do NOT qualify for overtime there for Overtime = 0.

This is cause some people work though their lunch to get overtime, but legally they have to have a break so we are not paying overtime for it. I have basically tried in a formula to replicate this but it works with some data and not with all. attached is an example, as you'll see the formula works in some cells, but not others.

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Group Shapes In A Certain Selected Area

Jan 10, 2007

I don't think this is possible, but I thought I would ask.

I have buttons on a sheet.

Then I have drawings, that I make, using different shapes.

Instead of selecting all shapes on the sheet, I want to just select the shapes in a range say B17:F28 so I can group them.

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Display A Selected Area Of A Sheet In A VB Form

Jan 22, 2009

I need to display a selected area in an excel sheet in a VB form! I am not sure how to convert the selected area to an image ! The area already contains some images! I am attaching the file for ur refrence!

I need the portion which is within the frame to be converted as an image and get displayed in a Vb form!

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Data On Clipboard Is Not Same Size And Shape As Selected Area?

Dec 15, 2013

How to turn off or default the warning box message ...

"Data on the Clipboard is not the same size and shape as the selected area. Do you want to paste the data anyway"

I hate having to click yes on this every time I paste something. I do it hundreds of times a day.

My tables is centered and merged because my external date changes sizes each time I paste to the table.

I have looked all over to try and find an "OFF" warning/message button for this. I just want to know how to turn it off or default it to never pop up again!

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Taking Selected Area And Checking Matrix Size?

Feb 20, 2014

So far I have this just for testing but I do not know what I would do to have the user select a region and for me to test if it is a valid size for a matrix. (2x2 or 3x3 are the valid sizes).

Public Function MyInverse() As Variant
Sub Size()

Dim row As Double
Dim col As Double

[Code] ...........

MsgBox "You have entered an invalid size of the matrix. Please enter a 2x2 or 3x3 matrix."
End If
End Sub

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Programmable Print Area: Macro To Set The Print Area According To The Amount Of Data In A Particular Range Of Cells

Feb 25, 2009

Using Excel 2003 I am trying to write a macro to set the print area according to the amount of data in a particular range of cells. I find I can include this instruction

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Fill In Vertical Values To Selected Area With Horizontal Orientation

Feb 20, 2013

I want to put vertical values to a selected space with horizontal orientation

See the excel file : FILL IN SELECTED DATA.xlsx‎

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Display Range Based On Option Selected In Dropdown Box

Jul 12, 2013

I attached a sample spreadsheet but I was wondering if there was a code that could display a range based on an option selected in a dropdown box.

excel help.xlsm‎

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Conditional Formatting / VBA Based On Selected Time Range

Nov 26, 2013

Attached is a workbook. I have manually highlighted the cells to give idea of what I would like the outcome to be.

Moonah OPS sheet.

In Row 5(Shift times), under the drop down menu in cells B5:J5, there is a range of Shift times.
And for the purpose of this I have selected
B5 as 0800:1621, manually highlighted B11:B27
C5 as 06:00, manually highlighted C7:C24
D5 as 07:00:1521, manually highlighted B11:B27
E5:I55(RDO, REC, SICK, Travel) can remain as manual input if it is to much to work out.

Is it possible or just a pipe dream, to use some method to automatically highlight a range of cells based on the C5:J5 'time'?

If the time is an actual shift time, the colour will be green and dark green writing as default, then we can allocate jobs/training/meetings and manually colour them.

Daysheet DAY MONTH YEAR template - Highlight.xlsx‎

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VBA Runtime Error 1004 - Macro To Select All Cells Of Same Color Within Selected Area

Mar 26, 2014

I have the following code that allow me to select all of the cells with the color same as the active cell within a selected range:

Sub SelectCellColor()
Dim CellColorFormat As Long
Dim RangeString


I'd like to ask how can I fix the error so that there will not be a limit of the number of colored cells in a selected area?

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Copy Rows To New Sheet Based On Date Range Selected On A Form

May 8, 2009

This spreadsheet must perform calculations for every line since new items are added every day, so VBA is probably better than copying formulas down every line of the spreadsheet:

With the press of a button, I need to be able to select a range of dates and copy all lines within the range to a seperate sheet with the desired name under the same headings they currently reside under. I have included some modified code that is being used in another spreadsheet that was created for me, but I do not pretent to understand all of it and I no longer work with the creator of the spreadsheet. How do I use a button to open the form for date selections and entering the name of the new sheet, and then use the start button on the form to begin the matching and copying to a new sheet? If there is an easier way I am all for that too.

Also, I need to keep a total of all items by month as well as a monthly and annual average of the Total Item Value on the FY09 tab. This will eventually produce another sheet when a button is pressed to submit as a report. I think part of this answer is in using the MONTH(serial_number) function but I can only get this to work for a single cell. I need to search the entire Distribution 'D' column, match all the months to the FY09 tab to the respective month, and calculate the totals and averages. I think SUMIF may also be needed as well but need the MONTH(serial_number)to work first. If there is a way to code all of this in VBA that would be fine as well.

I have a pivot table on Sheet1 where I am trying to get the totals and averages described above but I am not sure it can do what I need. In column 'B' I need the total number of each item as well as the total number of all items. I tried various formats and adding the totals from the Totals tab but I have not figured it out.

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Copy And Paste Selected Range Into Another Workbook Based On Headings And Next Empty Blank Row

May 14, 2014

I have a worksheet with some info that is filled in from other employees. I have Customer Name, Date of Oldest Invoice, Avg. Days Beyond terms in column N42:N44, with the data in column M42:44. I want to copy and paste that into another workbook, I need to transpose the data and then paste it into the next blank row. IF POSSIBLE, I would like to have some of the column headings the same as the above fields, and I would like to paste the data into the correct column heading.

Currently I have the code listed below. It copies the data, opens the spreadsheet, (this is where it fails) find the next blank row and transpose and paste the data. It does transpose and paste the data but it does not look for the next blank row, instead it just transposes and pastes the data in the last cell that was active when the work book was closed.


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()' Paste Macro
' Macro recorded 5/14/14

Workbooks.Open Filename:="L:Financial Services! FRA !! Preston !3rd Party Collections Accounts 2014.xls"

[Code] ..........

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Fill Range Of Cells With Text When Listbox Option Selected - Clear When Not Selected

Jul 25, 2014

I am using this code to hide or unhide rows of text on another sheet:

Sub ProcessSheet1ChangeOnCellJ7(ByVal Target As Range)

Dim sAddress As String
Dim sValue As String

'Get the address of the cell that changed without '$' signs
sAddress = Target.Address(False, False)


When the "Not Pursuing" list box option is selected (in cell "J7" or "J8" in Sheet 1) I need to add (or over-write) "Not Pursuing" to the range of cells in column "B" (in the "Tasks" sheet), but only for that particular Goal, meaning a limited range of cells in column "B". If the "Pursuing - Show All Tasks" option is selected for a Goal then these same cells need to be blank so that the appropriate person can enter their name into the cell.

The purpose for adding "Not Pursuing" automatically to these yellow highlighted cells is that it will facilitate filtering of tasks by individual in the "Tasks" sheet..

Again I have tried several times to upload a sample file and am unable to, which I know makes it more difficult to solve. (Is there some common mistake people make? I know it's an allowed format and is very small in file size....)

Code solution can be entered directly beneath:

If Target.Value = "Not Pursuing" Then
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Tasks").Rows("29:29").EntireRow.Hidden = False
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Tasks").Rows("30:48").EntireRow.Hidden = True

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Cell Value Based On Mouse Location

Jun 25, 2007

Is there a way to have excel track where my mouse is hovering(say if I have it hovering over cell A4) and have it return the value of A4 in a different cell (e.g B7)?

This would occur in real time - that is, as my mouse moved over the spreadsheet, B7 would update in real time.

Note I would also accept someone selecting the cell - hovering (no select) would be ideal but selecting is OK.

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Select A Range On Sheet1 Using Mouse?

Mar 28, 2014

when i select a range on sheet1 using mouse e.g i select the range ( d5:d16 )

this range (d5:d16) should be appear In texbox1 and press any key to lock this range in textbox1

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Set Print Area Based On Sort

May 15, 2008

I have a worksheet which contains data for 6 different groups. I have a sort macro already that sorts them into groups (group 1, group 2, etc.) What I want to do know is set the Print Area so I can just print each group individually with a button("print group 1", etc.)

The worksheet is set up as follows:

Columns B-H are the data I want to have printed. The number of rows is different for each group. I want to set the Print Area based on Column H. So, if H=1, set the Print Area for Columns B-H and all rows that have H=1. This seems like it should be simple enough, but I haven't quite been able to put the pieces together yet.

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Highlight Area In A Chart Based On Set

Nov 30, 2011

I have been measuring variation against some key performance indicators and trying to plot them on a chart i.e., line chart.

Is there any way in Excel that i can highlight in different colours the area between the variable and benchmarks? I want to fill the area say as green when the variable performed better than benchmark (area between the variable line and benchmark line) and as red if variable under performed than benchmark (area between benchmark and variable.

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Print Area Based Off Cell Value

Apr 3, 2012

I have a code Ive been trying to get to work. It works fine with selecting the print area based off a cell value, it just wont update when ever the value changes.

This is on the Sheet's code

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
If Target Range("A1") Then Exit Sub
Call PrintbyName
End Sub

And this is in a module

Sub PrintbyName()
Dim rng1 As Range, rng2 As Range, rng3 As Range, rngPrint As Range
'Refer to the named ranges
With Worksheets("Permit Page")
Set rng1 = Range("$A$1:$bx$603")
Set rng2 = Range("$A$1:$bx$493")
Set rng3 = Range("$A$1:$bx$493,$a$549:$bx$603")


I wasnt sure if I was suppose to fill out where it says "nothing".

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Set Print Area Based On A Condition

Jan 16, 2007

I have a worksheet named "TQUOTE" with the print area defined as A1:E:286 resulting in 5 pages printing ,however if there are only 3 pages of data I will be left with 2 blank pages being printed. (along with the header rows which are set to repeat for each page ). I should mention this worksheet is included in a list of sheets to print based on the response to a user form. Would it be possible to have the print area change based on the an empty cell that related to the next page break? eg. If the page break for page 1 ends at row 55, if a cell in row 56 were empty then set the print area to be A1:E55 If the page break for page 2 ends at row 85, if a cell in row 86 were empty then set the print area to be A1:E85 and so on ?? I do not have the skills yet to write this macro , and i bow to thiose

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Calculation In Range In Formula Area?

Mar 3, 2014

I'm trying to do this:

Column A, B C
A has lets say 100 elements with certain ratings.
B has has a,b or c for each rating from column A.
C returns a for each rating from column A.

I search for a rating with this formula:
= INDEX(range,MATCH(rating;range,1,1,1))

Now I have the relative position of the rating in that range. Now I want to search for "b" in column B that reflects that rating. For instance:

10 a 1
20 c 1
30 b 1
40 c 2
Search rating = 40 so C would be the answer.

But in that range A1:B4 I want to search for the position of the last b from column B

I tried this but I can't calculate the ranges:

x= INDEX(a1:a100,MATCH(40;a1:a100,1,1,1))

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Set Print Area Of Dynamic Range

Dec 17, 2006

I have a sheet with a top portion like a fax cover letter.
Starting at row 17 I merged from B thru L.
This is where the user will type in a message.
The message can extend several pages long, so I merged about 100 rows same as 17.
My sheet only will extend to column N.
There may be instances where the user may leave several rows blank in between what they type.

I am looking for a way to set the print area from A1 to the last row of data and not the last row with formatting.

I have a command button the user is supposed to click when they want to print the sheet.
This is acceptable, but if there was a way around that it would be better.

I do have code in the sheet that will automatically adjust the row height in the merged cells if the data gets too wide. I do not want to upset that.

I have just recently started to learn VBA, so my knowledge of the various commands and syntax is limited.

This is what I have right now that doesn't work.

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim LastCell, DataCells As Range
Dim LastDataRow As Integer
Set LastCell = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)
Set DataCells = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlconstants)
LastDataRow = DataCells.Cells(DataCells.Cells.Count).Row
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = Range(ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1), ActiveSheet.Cells(LastDataRow, LastCell.Column)).Address
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True
End Sub

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Set Print Area Based On Cell Values?

Mar 12, 2014

I am trying to set the print area based on cell values, but I keep getting errors when running the macro. It fails where I have highlighted, but rc.Value shows as the proper number.

[Code] ....

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