Setting Graph Series Value Formulas Based On Other Dependencies?
Aug 29, 2012
A line graph is using a data row to plot the line; works fine. The data series ranges have been named for Week1 (H10), Week1_2 (H10:I10), Week1_3 (H10:J10), Week1_4 (H10:K10), Week1_5 (H10:L10), Week1_6 (H10:M10), Week1_7 (H10:N10), ...etc.
This is the data series formula name example to plot the data series from week 1 through week 7; ='Product Plan Q3 Week 7.xlsx'!Q3Wk1_7.
The series name formula Q3Wk1_7 for week 1 through week 7 is =$H$10:$N$10.
When this name is manually entered as a Series Value for the line graph, the graph plots exactly the way it is expected. The same is true if the Series Value is manually modified for some other ranges such as Week 1 through Week 9 (='Product Plan Q3 Week 7.xlsx'!Q3Wk1_9).
My challenge is to enter this Series Value based on the manually entered week number elsewhere; i.e., we're in week 7, the Series Value should be ='Product Plan Q3 Week 7.xlsx'!Q3Wk1_7. I've been trying to use an HLOOKUP table to select the correct Series Value formula based on the week number. The HLOOKUP works fine resulting in selecting the correct formula. I can also Name the range of data I want to graph and copy the name into the Series Value field with successful results. How do I get such a formula or Named range into the Series Value field without type it in? I want to set that Series Value to a range or name without having to select the line to manually enter the value.
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Apr 14, 2014
Is there any possible to add a series to a graph table without having the line in the Graph. i just want to show the difference for information and not in the graph?
i have tried some different things (like having the difference in white so it is not visible, formatting the Axis etc)
See attached picture. Excel 2.JPG
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Jun 30, 2014
I have a graph that auto updates but sometimes there is only 1 series and sometimes there is 2,3,4, or 5 series. Is there a way to have the graph update accordingly? and only have have the series that are valid be in the key on the graph. Currently the graph keeps all the series in the key even when there isn't any data for it.
Please see attachment. Use sheet 2 for the graph. and use the drop down menu to select catagory. this ia very quick mock up of the concept.
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Oct 24, 2013
I'm creating a Macro to paste a series of formulas from a template in hidden rows above to cells further down in the same worksheet. My code works fine if I set an absolute range as the Destination - here's a portion of it:
Sub TimelineRow150()
Dim TimelineMatch As Integer, ProjectPlan As Object
TimelineMatch = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Value
If TimelineMatch = 26 Then
I'd like to be able to copy and paste this code to run it multiple times in the same worksheet, (the TimelineMatch variable actually has 26 different options). Is there a way to replace the [Range("E150:AQ152").Select] portion of the code with a range that is relative to the Active Cell? (I'd instruct users that cell E be the Active cell before running the Macro, and E to AQ is still the range I need the copied data to appear.) I've tried using ActiveCell.Offset, but I keep getting an error of Method 'Range of Object' _Global' failed.
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Oct 26, 2008
I want to delete all series which are in graphs. is there any way so that i can pull total number of series in VB from graph, and then just do all the series one by one.
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Feb 21, 2007
I am creating a timeline using a stacked bar graph. The 3 colums in the source spreadsheet are title,start time and duration. The Two data series are start time and duration. I hide the start time series to give me timelines for each row in the spreadsheet. This works fine. What I'd like to do is to group the rows by title and distinguish by colour in the duration series but this doesn;t seem possible? I hope I've made myself clear.
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Oct 23, 2007
I have a table which provides the source data for a Bar Chart style graph. I need the colour of the different Bars to change depending on the values in the table. For example. If the value is over 1% then the bar will change to the colour Red otherwise it will stay Green.
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May 15, 2008
I have a scatter graph that has over 100 curves that im need on one graph that at the moment i putting each x and y and name in by hand in series. I have been doing it for hours and have looked round the site to see if anything similar answer on ozgrid would help but im baffled
i was just wondering if there is an easier way of doing this
i havent really used macros but iv been reading up on it can i used it to do this?
I have added the table and graph and this is how i would like all the columns to look like
its the table called graph that makes the curves that i would like to be able to add in quickly
the rest im not too fussed about.
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Apr 3, 2007
How can I avoid that an empty series shows up in the legend of a graph?
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Aug 18, 2006
how can i plot multiple series of values in one graph after checking some check boxes, which i have previously done, randomly?
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Apr 23, 2008
Looking for code that returns the cell address of a series in a pre-existing graph. I have a graph that already has Source Data manually assigned to it. Is there a way to find just the cell values or location of a single Series in a SeriesCollection object? I know that in order to assign a series of data to a Series object, you do something like this:
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = Worksheets("My Worksheet").Range("A1:F1")
The issue I am tackling with is a graph that already has preexisting data in the Series object, and I just need a quick and easy way to find the address of this data set.
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May 30, 2008
i have created a xlColumnStacked chart using VBA in excel 2000. i would like to place a line in the center of one of the Points(). How can i locate a specific point, for example Points(1), so what i can then "draw" a line in the center
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Jun 30, 2008
I've been trying to work out a code for a while now to plot some series in rows on a graph. The wonderful Mr Pope helped me with one before but for series in columns but i just don't seem to understand it enough to use it for this problem. the graph already has 2 series plotted (called the envelope) so i have to use seperate series to plot the data.
Basically the name of series is down column A
but the range is from E1 to Y1
and the data to be plotted on the graph which already has two series plotted in it is E2 to Y2, E3 to Y3 etc. iv been trying to use this code but failing miserably
Sub adddatatopsd(Name As Range, XData As Range, YData As Range)
With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart
With .SeriesCollection.NewSeries
.ChartType = xlColumnClustered
.XValues = XData
.Values = YData
.Name = Name
.ChartType = xlXYScatterSmooth
End With
End With
End Sub...........................
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Jan 7, 2014
I am in the process of setting up some graphs. The graphs will show the last 6 months of data so they move as each month is goes. I saw a slick way of doing this using the count function but this did not quite fulfill my needs. What I was looking for is to be able to input the start month in a cell. The cell would be part of the function within the formula. I created a simplified version of the spreadsheet below.
Then I created my names using the ctrl-F3
I then created the graph I wanted and wanted to use the formula =SERIES(Sheet1!$B$3,!chtCat,!chtIssuesReported,1). This kept getting an error indicated nothing really. It basically says there is something wrong with my Series function. I have a working version of a similiar worksheet I have been basing my entries on. They look almost identical but mine is failing. I also created a new file and tried this and it still fails. I can run the formula evaluator within Excel 2010 against the !chtCat and !chtIssuesReported names and they both return the correct value (which equals areas on the spreadsheet). I have also tried to enter the spreadsheet name and a tab in front of the names to get them to work and still get an error. Basicall I am trying to create the graph below (this grpah is using the hard coded locations)
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Apr 15, 2014
I want to add a user-form on a chart, which will have check-boxes that will allow me to select series(lines) that I want see and compare in a chart. Currently my line chart has 24 series (Lines) which makes the chart very difficult to view and looks very busy. How do I add list of check-boxes that will allow me to select one or multiple lines that I want to see at a time?
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May 15, 2008
I'm using the following code to set the colours of the slices of all the pie charts in my spreadsheet based on each slice's legend's label: ....
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Oct 5, 2008
My report ran great on small data set, but on large data set the calculation has scrolled to a crawl. (A one hour crawl in 2003 and a 6 minute crawl in 2007.) I read something about dependency limits, and ran the macro provided on Mr.Excel, which calculated close to 500,000 dependencies, which I assume is my problem. Then again, I thought I couldn't have more than 65,000 or so dependencies, and if that's the case why does it run at all?
Sheet1 has about 25 columns, most with sumproduct formulas that check for data returned by queries on 11 or so other sheets. For example:
=SUMPRODUCT(('Job Costs'!M$2:M$14180=C728)*('Job Costs'!F$2:F$14180>=$U$6)*('Job Costs'!F$2:F$14180
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Jan 21, 2014
I need to 'fill down' a series of formulas in several columns - but the number of rows I need to fill down will vary dependent on my raw data.
See attached file.
Worksheet 1 - contains the raw data which is copied and pasted in from an external source. In this example, there are 20 records.
Worksheet 2 - brings in the raw data from worksheet 1 and does some calculations. The formulas are in the first 30 rows - in case the number of records grow. But what happens if the number of records is, say, 40?
I have a much bigger workbook in reality - so having too many formulas will increase the file size.
Simple example.xlsx
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Jan 19, 2013
The charts I received have many Series formulas that reference and external spreadsheet
Is there a way that I can modify them and reference the same sheet name but locally
For your information
When selecting menu Formulas and then "Show Formulas" chart data series do not display
When selecting a Chart the "Show Formula" selection is not available (at least I did not find it)
In addition, when selecting the Chart, Then Design, then "Select Data", it replies in the pop-up with the comment "The data range is too complex to be displayed...."
There are about 40-60 formulas as shown below!!
The sheet name with data is D_Brand_Q
HTML Code:
' here is a sample of the current formula
' This is the desired formula
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May 28, 2009
I am working on a user form which is pretty much functional, I have it set up where one combo box controls the results of the next based on user selction. I would like to take this one step further and base all the results on the selection of an option box. I have triplicated my results for the option box in the 'control' worksheet, but can not figure how to filter the results based on the inititial 'user type' selection.
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Sep 27, 2011
I am trying to create a line graph that will incorporate multiple columns of data in one series of data. The reason I do not place all of the data in one column is because it could exceed the maximum amount of rows allowed in excel. Also I need the data split up for viewing purposes.
I can easily just graph one column but how do I combine all the columns into one line graph with the data being in separate columns. Basically all the columns will be my Y values and X values are just 1:n.
Example Below:
Column AColumn B Column C159261037114812
Now in the example all of the values are x values.
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Nov 19, 2009
I'm trying to write some code to make an existing chart display the correct series of data. However, on the ".SeriesCollection..." lines, it gives me the error "Object does not support this property or method." I'm using a Bar-Line graph, if it makes any difference.
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Feb 7, 2012
So, I need to figure out how to make the populated contents of a single dropdown box dependent upon the selected results in two other drop downs.
As there are ~35K lines in the sheet, creating Lists is impractical, and VBA is out due to client security settings.
My data sort order is: Region Name > Area # > Facility Name
I have a drop down to select the Region I want to work in.
The drop-down for Area # populates based on the selection from Region Name.
The hang-up is that the area numbers are 1-4 for each Region.
So, I can't simply populate another drop-down for Facility from the result from Area #, but it has to be based upon the results of both of the former results.
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Apr 2, 2009
I've got two sheet's in a workbook. The first contains data and is setup with dates in column A, day of the week in column B, and values going across by day in column's C through H. As an example it looks as follows:
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May 3, 2007
I have inherited a spreadsheet from someone else that rather cleverly (in my humble opinion) sets the colour dependant on the contents. ie negative value is red, zero is amber and positive is green.
i like the idea and would like to use it on a spreadsheet of my own, but have tried to find out how it is done and can't!
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Nov 12, 2012
Is it possible to put image in comment base on the value in cell ?
For example
c1 c2 c3
R1 A
R2 B
R3 C
I can put A.jpg to C1R1"A", B.jpg to C2R2 "B", and C.jpg to C3R3
Or irregular arrangement ??
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Apr 12, 2006
I have a dynamic chart which I would like to show markers in a SeriesCollection anywhere the backcolor of any of the corresponding source cells is ColorIndex = 36; otherwise no marker is shown. Something along the lines of:
VB: AutoLinked keywords will cause extra spaces before keywords. Extra spacing is NOT transferred
when copy/pasting, but IS if the keyword uses "quotes".
With Sheets("Chart").ChartObjects(1).Chart.SeriesCollection(1)
For i = 1 To UBound(.Values)
If "something here to check if .Interior.ColorIndex = 36" Then
.Points(i).MarkerStyle = xlMarkerStyleCircle
.Points(i).MarkerStyle = xlMarkerStyleNone
End If
Next i
End With
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Feb 12, 2014
This is probably very simple but I'm having a problem finding how to change the color of a bar based on the value. For example, when the bar reaches 100% I want the bar to turn green while the other bars in the graph stay the same.
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Jan 13, 2014
I am making a dynamic graph with use of listboxes. Please see attached example.
In the example doc is a graph which is now static. Based on the rows I selected in the table, for store 1 and for february.
What I'd like is that a user can select a store and a month in 2 listboxes and that the graph is dynamically created based on dynamic selection in the table. I think I need to use the OFFSET function and some defined names but I'm not sure how.
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Oct 26, 2012
I have a question about creating a line graph, here's the scenario:
Once per week I update our inventory quantity in cells B1, B2, B3. I'd like to show these quantities on a graph which compares the quantity with the date. When the quantity gets updated it would automatically add week 2, when the quantity gets updated again it would again expand the graph and add week 3. Is this even possible?
Week 1
Widget 2
Hammer 1
Saw 6
Week 2
Widget 4
Hammer 1
Saw 6
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