Single Column To Repeating Pattern Of Columns?

Nov 22, 2013









In the above (repeating for say, 50 or more cartons), is there a way with a macro(I know nothing about) or pivot table(see macro) to get the following format/result?




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Parse Through A Column Of Numbers And Find A Repeating Pattern

Mar 13, 2009

I need a function or VB code to parse through a column of numbers and find a repeating pattern. The column has some initial numbers that do not fit the pattern and I need those returned along with the repeating pattern.

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Repeating Pattern In Excel?

Jul 15, 2014

I'm trying to repeat a pattern which outputs 4 equal numbers and then increments that number by 1 for another four row as follows

and so on

how to do this?

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Random Pattern Is Repeating

Apr 12, 2007

I made a code that automatically checks the date and then compares it to the date of the last save. If it is a new date then the colors of the tabs will randomize. It can also be done manually via a button. The problem is that I have now realized that the colors are always have the same pattern. Every day the first color is an orange color, no matter how many times I randomized yesterday...and so on. Is there a way to make the randomness not have a repeating pattern?

Sub MMVII_4_9_b()
Dim NewDate
If Sheets("Scrappaper"). Range("F2") = Date Then
NewDate = 0
NewDate = 1
End If
'Determines whether it is a new day or not
Sheets("Scrappaper").Range("F2") = Date
'Updates the date
If NewDate = 0 Then
'Does nothing if the date is the same

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Pulling Data From Repeating Cell Pattern?

Jun 6, 2014

I have a weather graph I am putting together for fun and cannot figure out a way to bring data in for a table based on a consistent data pattern. My high temp averages are in column C along with other annual averages (High (Cell C7), annual avg. (Cell C9), low (Cell C8), precip (Cell C10) etc.) for that year, my data will go back 50 years. I am trying to find a formula that will bring the temp data into another column so I can create a graph of just the high temps or precipitation or any other measure. I have color coded the cells I am looking for.

Essentially, I am hoping that in column H, I will have a year (2014 for example) and column I will search for a match between column A and H (year), if a match is found, it will bring in data from that year for a specific category (Temp for example). OR, another option would be to to skip the cells and just pull in data from the cell (High temps would be in cell C7, C18, C29, C40 etc.) through a =C7+11 (cell count, not adding to number result) type of formula.

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Combine Columns Into Single Column

Mar 5, 2013

I have 100 columns in 1 worksheet, each column has 200 rows, I want to combine all these columns into a single column.

Therefore, Column 101 or a new worksheet Column 1, will have 20000 names.

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Transpose Each Row Of X Columns Into Single Column

Apr 27, 2008

I need to combine data in 5 columns into 1 column as below. The columns to be merged are always identical in length up 20 000 lines.(Full example attached)
Raw data in columns A,B,C,D,E as below

A1 B1 C1 D1 E1
A2 B2 C2 D2 E2
Converted should be

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Pasting Multiple Columns Into A Single Column?

Jun 21, 2013

My starting point is a big data set that needed to be validated by several users. I split the data set into smaller sets that were sent out. All users have filled in the same column called "Input"

What I would like to be able to do is to paste their input into a single column on my original data set and keep the name of the input next to it. Is it possible to paste without overlapping prexisting data ? Something of the likes of F5 ("Select blank cells/text") ?

I've attached a simple file with dummy data to explain myself.

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Two Columns Data In Single Column Conditionally

Jun 7, 2014

I am having data in two columns (A & B ). Now I want to get the data in the single column(column C) . Here column A(Name) & Column B(Mobile No). it is something like below.

Here is my input data:

I want to get output results like below in the column C

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Convert Single Column To Multiple Columns

Dec 6, 2007

How can I sort a single column of data to multiple columns of data. e.g. I want to convert ~1800 rows of data from 1 column to 3 or 4 columns.

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Move Multiple Columns To Single Column

Jan 17, 2008

How can you move data from multiple columns into a single column? I have attached a short example of the data I receive. (In reality, the data could be hundreds of columns and/or hundreds of rows, but this is representative of what I might receive). It does not need to be sorted and including the header row in its own column is optional. I do not know VBA all that well but can muddle through it if someone can give me an example of what the code should look like.

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Moving Data From Multiple Columns To Single Column

Mar 28, 2012

in moving data from multiple columns to a single column. I have attached a sample image from an excel file which details the requirement. The first column contains a qualifier, that should remain constant when the data from columns B to the end move to a single column "B". The number of columns for each row is different, however, there is a maximum number, say 25. As mentioned in the image, when the data from columns B to the end is moved in to column B, column A is retained fixed, to the original value, and the original data below it is pushed below. Any pointers to how this can be achieved by VBA or without VBA?

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Split Single Column Into Multiple Columns And Rows

Aug 20, 2008

I have 300 rows worth of data that looks similar to this, all organized in one column:

John Q. Smith
2111 NW 13th St
Anywhereville, USA, 55555
(555) 555-5555
Joe P. Snider
5645 NW 45th St
Anywhereville, USA, 55555
(555) 555-5555
Patty Williams
6454 NW 34th St
Anywhereville, USA, 55555
(555) 555-5555

As you can see it is consistent with the name, position, address line 1, address line 2, Phone number, for every single entry. All my names are already alphabetized so I don't have to worry about it. What I want to do is have the information for each entry translated into 5 separate columns so it looks like this.

John Q. Smith Programmer 2111 NW 13th St Anywhereville, USA, 55555 (555) 555-5555
Joe P. Small Organizer 5645 NW 45th St Anywhereville, USA, 55555 (555) 555-5555
Patty Williams Accountant 6454 NW 34th St Anywhereville, USA, 55555 (555) 555-5555

Supposing I started the sheet in the top left corner at A1, I was just going to have cell B1=A1 then Cell B2=A6 then just autofill down column B but it doesn't work. I have seen some people do something similar to what I want with VBA but I am convinced there has to be something simple in with an excel formula seeing as my information is already so organized and consistent.

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Move Data From Single Column To Multiple Columns

Feb 29, 2008

I saw this thread from June Cut & Paste Macro: Move Address From Column To Row and I think this what I would like to have my macro do. I have one column which is copied and pasted as text in excel and there is several blank rows.

I attached the spreadsheet example - it has 40 lenders, with the top row being the lender name (A1), followed by address(A2), city-state (A3), two blank rows(A4-A5), lender type (A6), approved date (A7), one blank row (A8), lender specialty (A9), telephone (A10) , e-mail address(A11) and two blanks rows (A12-A13) and A14 starts over again. For this example there should be 8 columns and 40 rows (lender name, address, etc...). As I mentioned I think the previous thread's macro would work with some minor tweaks. I couldn't figure out the best way to handle the blank rows and or remove the blanks and what to add or take out of the macro code.

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Fill Handle Pattern (not Finding My Pattern)

Jan 31, 2007

Pre-requisite: I would consider myself to be very poor with excel, based on what I've read on this forum and found on my web-searches. I have a worksheet that has a list of data on the left going vertically, then a summary of this data going horizontally across the top. It is not arranged in such a way that transposing the data will do what I want. I am pulling the 5th word out of the title of each block of the vertical data and need to show this word on the horizontal section.

When I use this formula to pull the 5th word: =MID(MID(MID(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ","^",4),1,256), FIND("^",SUBSTITUTE(A2," ","^",4)),256),2,FIND(" ",MID(MID(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ","^",4),1,256),FIND("^",SUBSTITUTE(A2," ","^",4)),256))-2)

I need to increase A2 to A30, then A58 (up by 28 every time) in every instance in that formula. The fill handle increases the values by 1, instead of 28 (even if I do 3 or 4 instances manually) How do I do this? I've run into this problem in other scenarios, and there HAS to be a way to get around it.

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Excel 2007 :: Transposing Many Rows And Columns To One Single Column

Oct 22, 2013

I am trying to reformat the attached doc into one single column, It's a race listing of overseas marathons and I need it to look like this

Event Name
Event Date
Entry fee

in date order, one event after the other in a single column so I can flow it into a word doc ready to be designed. I need to apply in Excel (I am using 2007) to get this doc into the required format?!!

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Moving Data Cells From Multiple Columns To Single Column

Nov 14, 2011

I'm trying to work out how to take all cells with data from multiple columns and stack them in a single column.

Here's the history...

I have multiple part numbers in single cells in column A. I perform a text-to-columns function. The resulting part numbers spread across multiple columns (say, B through K). Now I need to get all the part numbers, in their own cells, stacked in column A for one continuous list of single cell part numbers.

Is there a VBA option for cutting only the data cells from Column B-K and pasting the data at the bottom of column A while avioding blank cells?

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Excel 2010 :: How To Take Data From Multiple Columns And Add Them Onto Single Column

Mar 8, 2013

I have a long list of data with many columns and I'd like all the information to be in one column without manually copying and pasting each column and adding to the first column. The data has different amounts of rows and columns as well. An Example is below. I'm using Excel 2010. Is there a formula or something for this? This isn't the data I'm using but just an example since I do this frequently.

Data Looks like:




Would like to look like:








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For A Column Of Cells Separate Text In Single Cell Across Multiple Columns

Nov 29, 2013

New task for work today, which involves creating a spreadsheet for all existing members of an organization. I went to the organization's website and copied all of the names & info, then pasted into a blank spreadsheet. All of the entries were separated into their own rows, but all of the information is only in one column. Take a look at my sample:

(NOTE: does not contain actual names or info) Book1.xlsx

This sample only contains 5 entries, but my actual list contains about 200; if it had just been the 5, I would have been fine with manually separating the information, but for 200 entries I need something much faster. You'll notice in the sample that the company, person, address, phone number, email, and website (when there) are not separated by anything. I know that using Text-to-Columns, I would technically be able to achieve what I need using the Delimited option, but I can't imagine this working without separators. I thought perhaps there might be a way to separate them based off font changes or something? Or maybe some way that I can insert a semi-colon or some kind of separator between the necessary data?

While the font is Arial for the majority of the entries, in terms of font changes: company font size is 12 and color is navy blue; the person's name is size 18, bolded, and dark grey; the address & phone number are size 9 and the color is light gray; and finally, the email & website are also size 9, but navy blue in color. However, you'll notice that two of the five entries are formatted differently. This is because formerly, the entire cell & its text were a hyperlink to the email. I went ahead and removed these hyperlinks, simply using a "Remove Hyperlink" macro walk through I found on the web, but now these cells are uniformly set to Calibri and size 11, my default font setting.

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Combine Multi-Columns Into One Single Column With Open And Close HTML Tag

Jan 10, 2014

I need to combine around 20 columns into one single column, then I also need to insert open and close html tag for each column moved. See attachment example or information below


<li>BULLET 1</li>
<li>BULLET 2</li>
<li>BULLET 3</li>
<li>BULLET 4</li>
<li>BULLET 5</li>

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Macro To Copy Data From All Columns Containing Header To A Single Column In Workbook

Apr 11, 2014

I am a macro newbie and I think this is beyond me.

I've been trying all morning with no success to make a macro that will copy data from all columns of one workbook containing specified header text to a single column in a different workbook.

So for example, I've got a workbook called coupon barcodes that has multiple tabs for each person redeeming coupons on sheets 2-88 (sheet one can be skipped) and some of the columns are labeled "voucher 1" in cell A4 or B4 or C4 etc. with a list of all the coupon barcodes that customer redeemed below that. I want all of the data from all of the columns in this workbook that have the header "voucher 1" to be copied and pasted into one column (order doesn't matter) also labeled "voucher 1" in another workbook I have open called vouchering database.

There must be a way to do this that is easier than searching the internet all afternoon again

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Repeating Sum Of Several Columns

Jan 31, 2007

I have several columns of data representing a shop operation along different years. Now I try to see how will it look like if I have 10 shops like this, all summed up. The problem is that each shop will have the same numbers as the other 9, just that it's first year of operation will be different.

Now, I don't want to have different sheet for each and every shop since their data is exactly the same. I only want to have 1 type of shop which I can add to a consolidated sheet but 10 times, and each time the first year shoud be different.

Just an example: If I have this data for my shop:

Sales: 10 12 14 16
Costs: 5 6 7 8
Operation: 2 2 3 3
Tax: 1 1 1 1
profit: 2 3 3 4

And lets say I have 4 shops opening in 2000,2001 and 2 in 2002 than my consolidated should look like this:

2000 2001 2002 2003
Sales: 10 12+10 14+12+10*2 16+14+12*2
Costs: 5 6+5 7+6+5*2 8+7+6*2
Operation: 2 2+2 3+2+2*2 3+3+2*2
Tax: 1 1+1 1+1+1*2 1+1+1*2
profit: 2 3+2 3+3+2*2 4+3+3*2

But again, I don't want to open a different table for each shop and than sum them up - I want to have only my one shop, and have a possibility to say when will I open my next shop and the consolidation will be automatically.

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Turn Repeating Row Values Into Combined Columns?

May 22, 2014

I have 1 column of pasted values that basically look like this
3:f etc...

And they need to look like this:
c1 c2 c3
a b c
d e f

I know how to separate the first column into two columns by separating the values by the colon. But how do I rearrange the values as above and combine all "1"s in c1 so it becomes the headers and the column is populated only with the values? The table is too big to do manually (thousands of rows).

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Alert For Repeating Numbers In Separate Columns

Jun 13, 2008

I am trying to do something that is probably impossible, but I figured if anyone could come up with a solution, it would be you folks here at Mr. Excel, so here goes.

I'm trying to set up two columns in Excel 2000; for simplicity sake, let’s just call them Column A and Column B. Each row in Column A will contain a code (a combination of letters and numbers) that represents one of 65 different workstations, and they could repeat multiple times. Each row in Column B will contain a number that represents a specific tool, and there are potentially hundreds of different tool numbers.

What I am trying to accomplish is to have something alert me when any tool number in column B appears alongside more than one workstation code in column A. It would really be nice if something like conditional formatting could be used to change the text to red or something when this happened. I know I can use filtering to accomplish this, but with hundreds of different tool codes, filtering just takes too long.

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Continue Vertical Pattern On Adjacent Column

Apr 10, 2014

I am trying to make printable book labels in one worksheet based off of values from another. The labels that I have are standard address sized and come in sheets with 3 columns and 10 rows. My "label" worksheet has 5 columns (with B:B and D:D as "spacers") I made a "calculation" worksheet that simply runs the equation I want to use for the labels from A1:A1000. On the "label" worksheet, I have this formula in cell A1:

=IF('Label Calculations'!$A1="","",'Label Calculations'!$A1)

This way, it won't return 0s for blank cells from the "calculations" worksheet. I dragged down the formula to cell A10, but would like to continue the pattern so that cell C1 would be:

=IF('Label Calculations'!$A11="","",'Label Calculations'!$A11)

and cell E1 would be:

=IF('Label Calculations'!$A21="","",'Label Calculations'!$A21)

and the pattern would continue with cell A11 with the formula:

=IF('Label Calculations'!$A31="","",'Label Calculations'!$A31)

Then cell B11 would be 41, C11 would be 51, A21 would be 61, etc.

I can do it manually by adding the function in the top row of each "page" (A1,C1,E1 then A11,C11,E11...) and dragging them down each "page." However, I may end up with 20 some pages of labels. I feel like there should be an easier way I can do this.

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Repetitive Pattern With Column Letters And Numbers

Jul 30, 2014

how can I modify the formula below so that after every row (i+60) the letter D changes to E then F, then G..... and so on. I want the following with the formula below:


and so on...

[Code] .....

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Index And Match With Repeating Values Without Repeating First Found Name

Apr 20, 2006

sorting data I use in a workbook for athletics. I've really chopped down my workbook for upload, In the worksheet "Leaderboard" I can call up stats for different lifts, and it finds (in this case) the top 5 lifts and the names for the kids that have those corresponding lifts.

My problem is that when two or more kids have the same lift, it will only call up the name of the first instance of that lift. You can see this in the "Leaderboard" worksheet, and the name "Adams, Andrew" appears for both lifts of 75. I would appreciate any help on how to correct this, as I've searched the Internet for weeks now looking for a solution. I've tried experimenting with different things as well, all to no avail.

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Repeating Macro Column By Column Until It Hits Blank?

Feb 21, 2014

This is for a template for teachers to analyze student testing data. On sheet4, wrong answers in each column are noted by a lack of a + in the corresponding cell. I want to paste the names of the students who missed each question into sheet 5.

I've done it by repeating a filter macro, but I manually copied the following separately for the 75 columns in the template.

Problem #1 - there must be a more efficient code, something that automatically loops to the next column

Problem #2 - the template has 75 columns, but many tests have fewer questions. I'm trying to find a way to stop the loop whenever it hits a blank cell in Row 10 on sheet 4. I've done it with an if/then in the last section on the above code, but where I'm at now, i would have to add that to the code section for each column. Which isn't that big a deal, but I figure there must be a better way.

The relevant portions of the workbook are attached here.

repeating macro until hits blank cell sample.xlsm

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Repeating Columns And Information On Multiple Sheets In Same Workbook

Nov 18, 2013

Is it possible to automatically have columns repeat through all sheets in a workbook? I keep an annual book, broken down by sheets for each month. I always have to add 5 columns to each sheet, and was wondering if there was an easier way..?

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Converting 2 Columns With Repeating Info Into Another Worksheet In Horizontal Format

Jun 28, 2013

taking a spreadsheet that has vertical repeating info in Column A and results in Column B and converting that to another sheet in a horizontal list. The main problem is that the repeating info in Column A may or may not always be the same for every customer; therefore, when it is placed in a horizontal format some cells may or may not have results. I tried a arbitrary lookup. Here is the formula I used:

{=INDEX(INFO!$A$1:$B$300, SMALL(IF($A$1=INFO!$A$1:$A$300, ROW(INFO!$A$1:$A$300)-MIN(ROW(INFO!$A$1:$A$300))+1, ""), ROW(B1)),COLUMN(B1))}

That got me started. I am willing to use a macro. Here is some sample data:

Table 1 has a sample of the info:


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