Sorting List Of Numbers - Some Are Larger Than Others
Jun 7, 2013
I'm having some problems sorting a list of numbers that some are larger than others, but it would sort it by how large the number is in regards to 123 or 45... 45 would go first instead of 123... I tried to change the column to numbers but it still won't work. as well as in the custom sort section. I'll try to upload a sample...
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Mar 1, 2014
with this problem (which I've been trying for weeks to solve).
I have a column ("C") of 640 numbers, which I need to randomly sort and place into the adjoining (ten thousand) columns. I then need to correlate each of these 10k columns with column "B".
The problem I have with the attached (which works for small numbers), is that when I increase the table size to 640 rows and anything more than a dozen or so columns, it takes forever to calculate and Excel often crashes.
random ver 1.04 280214.xlsx
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Oct 13, 2008
I want to sort the list like this:
1) If there is a zero (null) value in all 3 months, these records should be at the bottom sorted by record name (I did not show this field in my file).
2) If there is a non-zero (non-null) value in any of the 3 months, the records will be sorted with each other by total change.
Is there a way to do this without me doing sorts multiple times and manually moving rows of data around (which is what I have done to arrive at the list I have attached)? I am not experienced with VBA or Macros, and would prefer a detailed explanation if a solution is using either method.
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Oct 29, 2013
Using Excel 2007, I have a very simple spreadsheet made up of only two worksheets that I am using to track the songs played by a band during a current tour.
One worksheet is called "Summary" and the other is called "Setlists". In the Setlists worksheet I list every show played (10 shows so far), and every song played from each show. In the Summary worksheet I have very song listed that has been played during the tour in one column (A), then the number of times that song has been played in another column (B). Column B, the number of times each song has been played, is populated by a COUNTIF function that looks at the Setlists worksheet and counts each instance of each song.
What I want to do, very simply, is to sort on column B in order to display the list of songs from the most played to least played. That is where I run into a problem. When I sort my list of numbers, I end up with a seemingly random list that certainly isn't from most to least and I can't figure out why.
Is it possible that the COUNTIF function which populates that column of numbers is somehow throwing off the sort?
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Apr 11, 2014
It is a product list of office stationary with codes, descriptions and quantities. Using this spreadsheet we input into the quantity how many we want of the item, all well and simple you could call the list a stationary order form.
What I would like to be able to do with this Giant list is to have a function that would extract items off the list into a cleaner consolidated form. As in, if I wanted to order some of item A, C and F, I would like for the second table to just Show ACF without every letter in between or blank cells.
I know a simple method would be to have an IF formula to return the information to a new sheet that I could simply remove blank cell rows (unordered items) and ready for print each time. But I would love to know if there is a better way this could be achieved.
I have basic/intermediate knowledge of excel and can setup the data if need be in order for the function to work, but I can't seem to find the correct function for this project.
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Mar 27, 2014
I have a large amount of data, 40,000+ rows about how students do in remedial classes including from whom they took the classes. I have pulled from it a subset of student success as relates to the separate instructors. Now I would like to extract a consolidated list of those instructors for whom the student gain on criterion based pre and post course assessments is above a specific level. I have no trouble writing if statements that will look at two types of data, the course taken and the average student increase to determine which instructors meet or surpass the criterion, but I can only do that within a list that includes all the instructors. Because there are more than an hundred such instructors, it would be easier for the dean if I could provide a short list of those that meet specific criteria. I believe that it would be an array that I should use, but I have been fooling around with this for 2 days now, and am finding myself at a series of deadends!
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Feb 6, 2014
I am looking for a formula to search two columns.
1) The first column needs to be search to match a text string.
2) If the text string matchs, I need excel to evaluate the number in the second column and find the MIN value of all numbers associated with the text string.
Joe 50
Jim 12
Joe 10
Rob 25
Jim 8
Rob 99
When searching for "Joe", the function would return 10. When searching for "Jim" the function would return 8. For "Rob", it would return "25".
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Feb 27, 2014
I have the following data
A1 - 65.23
A2 - 1923.52
A3 - 945.18
A4 - 182.54
In column B
B1 =exp(A1)
B4 =exp(A4)
both are fine, however
B2 =exp(A2) - it is showing #NUM
B3 =exp(A3) - it is showing #NUM
Same case for all larger numbers
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Nov 25, 2012
I have a table that receives the number sequence 1 and sequence number 0.
I need to calculate the highest sequence numbers that repeat in Secunia lines.
See for example the last line.
1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 = 5
I have a sequence number 1, where it repeats 5 times segudamente.that is greater than other sequences.
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Dec 12, 2012
I need a formula that states: If the number in A1 is larger than the number in C6, but smaller than the number in B6, select the number in D6. But, if the number in A1 is larger than the number in C5, but smaller than the number in B5, select the number in D5 and so on through Row 2.
[Code] ....
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Aug 26, 2009
I should sort numbers in ascending order from left to right, but the numbers sort only from right to left.
This is what I want:
And this is how it goes:
There are also numbers that have letter at the end (1.2.3a), and the cell format is text.
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Feb 25, 2009
I have three columns that are added together. Depending on where I need them to go, I need three options. For example, E6,E7,&E8 are added up, on E9, I need to be able to direct it to "A @ E10", "B @ E11", or "C @ E12"
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May 28, 2014
I'm attempting to create a formula that'll sort a range of numbers and then return the corresponding values based on a specific place within the sorted range.
In this case, I'd like the following numbers sorted smallest to largest:
15, 9, 11, 19, 22, 17, 24, 19, 17, 24
The result would return something like:
9, 11, 15, 17, 17, 19, 19, 22, 24, 24
Then I'd like it to return the value based off of the formula in cell U13 & U14. In this case, it'd return the value in the 2nd and the 9th position (bolded above). I tried to use INDEX(), but it's returning the values in the unsorted list. I'd like it to return values from a sorted list. Also, I'm trying to solve this using a formula (not Sort & Filter) or VBA.
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Oct 15, 2008
I have managed to produce a table which uses formulas to calculate the amount of 'points' someone/a team has accumulated over a period of time however it seems that for some reason or another I cannot sort the table into order of 'who has the most points'
above is the final standings but as you can see the 'sort' function isnt working, and if i do any other sort the name of the person and the points no longer correspond... i.e. it ends up putting the names in alphabetical order and leaving all other columns as they currently are, or it changes the points column, leaving the names in the same place...
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Nov 13, 2008
I have a list of 2,000 plus numbers and the list contains numbers and text. When I sort or filter, the only option is sort A to Z (or Z to A), but the result is all of the numbers are sorted, then the numbers with letters are sorted. How can I sort both? I attached a excel example of what I am looking for.
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Oct 20, 2009
I have some numbers in a column which due to other cells not yet being filled in are returning a supressed #div/0! error. This is fine, but when i go to sort the column it puts them in the wrong order. I would like to record a macro, and assign it to the column header in order to sort the column.
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Jul 31, 2013
I have three columns expressing death dates (date, month, year). The months and dates are finally sorting correctly within the same year, but I have it set to sort by year first.
The column starts off fine with 1860, goes up to 2013, then starts back at 1884 and goes back up to 2009. I can't find any difference between the two groups: there are some of the same years represented, there are blank month and date cells in both. I have a worksheet with birth dates that sorted fine; the only difference I can find is that birth dates only go up to 1997, but the column is formatted as General, so the turn of the century shouldn't be a problem.
I've tried highlighting the whole thing before sorting as well as selecting one cell as usual. I've also tried formatting the column as Text. I can't think of anything else.
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Apr 14, 2008
I'm trying to develop this formula for days now.
how can I not list repeated nums from a array example:
675 863 765 982 856
no repeat nums: 675, 863, 982, 856
as 765 was repeat of 675 it should not be used.
keep in mind same goes of 3-4-5... repeats,
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Nov 15, 2006
I have a spreadsheet with three Columns. Column A contains Account numbers that are both Numeric & AlphaNumeric for eg 3000, 3001A, 4001, 4501D.
I need VBA code that will forst sort the Numeric accounts 3000, 3001, 3002 etc and then then AlphaNumeric Codes 3001A, 3002B, 4501D etc
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Dec 15, 2006
I have numbers like this and their sorting wrong. I want to sort in decending order by last digit to the right.
How it's sorting now: (sorting by first number sequence)
I would like it to sort like this:
These WERE text numbers that were formulated to read like dates. Is there any way to munipulate how to sort? I'm just looking to sort it like it was a date. I get text files in formats like this:
09062006 and I formulated them to read 09/06/06 like it would be a date.
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Jun 17, 2014
A column holds numbers and numbers with suffixes. The conventional sort function pushes the text values to the bottom. I need them sorted along with the numbers.
Microsoft's KB says to add a column formatted as text and then to RETYPE ALL OF THE VALUES! Splendid. But my file has hundreds of records. Re-typing all of them would be a major pain. On the other hand, if I had started typing while trying to find a way to sort the darn thing I might be done by now.
Here's what I know so far: If we create a column, format it as text and then populate with 1, 2, 3, 4, 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, etc. it will sort exactly correct (1, 1a, 2, 2a...) after selecting the "sort numbers and numbers stored as text separately" when the Sort Warning appears. If you try to create the sample I typed here, you need to be careful that the area is formatted as text BEFORE entering the text. You apparently cannot change the format of an existing column of data to Text or if you do it does not have the desired effect when sorting. It might be useful to know if this can be done too. MS suggests not.
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Aug 3, 2014
I've question in sorting: I've 2 column in one datasheet. one contain value of numbers and the other contain names of employes. i want to sort the name of the emplyes by the values that is on the first column.
Anther question is how to make it dynamically so ill not sorting it every time that the values of the first column is changing.
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May 10, 2013
There must be something I'm doing wrong, because I have a list of numbers and when I select Data --> Sort --> Column G, I am not given the option of sorting "From smallest to largest". Only from "A to Z" or viceversa.
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Aug 15, 2012
I am trying to do a VLOOKUP using a list based on our Part numbers in Excel 2007. When I do a normal sort it groups the numbers 1 thru 9 by the number of digits, giving me multiple list of 1 thru 9. When I do my lookup it will not find the shorter numbers. Is there some way to sort these Part numbers in order regardless of the number of digits?
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May 26, 2014
I currently have a six column table that I would like to:
1. Take in an input in the form of a number and a letter in two separate columns. (Most Recent and Second Most Recent are purely output)
2. Sort the inputs from most recent to least recent - only store the most recent two.
3. An update only occurs if Current differs from Most Recent i.e. no repeat values.
Begin with a six column table (E/O stands for even or odd).
Most Recent
Second Most Recent
Place a number/letter in the current section - which most recent also takes the value of.
Most Recent
Second Most Recent
Update the value of current - this moves 10/E to the Second Most Recent entry and replaces Most Recent with the new value.
Most Recent
Second Most Recent
Update the value once more - understand the process.
Most Recent
Second Most Recent
I tried this with IF statements but the circular referencing makes this seem approach seem difficult.
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Jan 7, 2007
I have a fairly large list (1200 rows) of part numbers that I would like to sort. The part number has text and numbers, with a number in the middle. I need excel to ignore this middle number when sorting (but not any of the other numbers). Excel currently sorts like this:
MKDSN 1,5/ 3
MKDSN 1,5/ 3-5,08
MKDSN 1,5/ 4
MKDSN 1,5/14-5,08
when I want it to sort like this:
MKDSN 1,5/ 3
MKDSN 1,5/ 4
MKDSN 1,5/ 3-5,08
MKDSN 1,5/14-5,08
The first few letters in the part number or the numbers at the end aren't consistant. But it's always the numbers after the "/" and before the "-" (where there is one) that I want to ignore.
At the very least I would I need the list in alphabetical order. I don't need the list to be sorted by the "ignored number" at all. Meaning, I would be happy with this result:
MKDSN 1,5/ 3
MKDSN 1,5/ 4
MKDSN 1,5/ 2
MKDSN 1,5/14-5,08
MKDSN 1,5/ 3-5,08
MKKDS 2/24
MKKDS 2/20-3,5
MKKDS 2/ 2-3,5
I don't mind getting rid of "/" or spaces or "," in the part number, but I would prefer to not split the part number between two columns.
I tried creating a custom list, but there are just too many varieties to list them all.
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Mar 2, 2009
Need to sort the following in excel:
(2,000.000)(1,000.000)(500.000)(200.000)200.000 500.000 1,000.000 2,000.000
to the following:
2,000.000 (2,000.000)1,000.000 (1,000.000)500.000 (500.000)200.000 (200.000)
How can I sort like this.
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Mar 28, 2014
I have a worksheet with a row of mixed cells near the top. By "mixed", I mean some cells have only numeric data (numeric-cells) and some have only words (word-cells).
GOAL: I want to sort the columns to the following order:
First all the columns with only numeric-cells in the mixed row, with those columns sorted in DESCENDING numeric order of the numeric-cells in the mixed row; followed by the columns with only word-cells in the mixed row sorted by ASCENDING alphabetic order.
So far all I have been able to accomplish is:
First all the columns with only numeric-cells in the mixed row, with those columns sorted in ASCENDING numeric order of the numeric-cells in the mixed row; followed by the columns with only word-cells in the mixed row sorted by ASCENDING alphabetic order. This was accomplished by a simple sort using ASCENDING order on the mixed row.
First all the columns with only word-cells in the mixed row, with those columns sorted in DESCENDING alphabetic order of the word-cells in the mixed row; followed by the columns with only numeric-cells in the mixed row sorted by DESCENDING numeric order. This was accomplished by a simple sort using DESCENDING order on the mixed row.
This may sound as confusing to you as it does to me, so I have attached an example file showing hypothetical Input Data and the Desired Result.
I did the example file in multiple steps, but that's too painful in the general case where calculations determine what is in which cell in the mixed row. All data are calculated, even the word-cell data AND so dependent on other data, and the columns in the mixed row that are word-cells and those that are numeric cells don't remain the same.
Eventually I'd like to do this with a macro, so if VBA has some power to do this that EXCEL commands don't, then that's fine.
I could probably live with the final result as numeric-cell columns sorted in DESCENDING order followed by word-cell columns sorted in DESCENDING order, but I haven't even been able to accomplish that AND it's not quite the goal.
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Oct 16, 2011
I am trying to sort some data which contains numbers and letters and can't seem to find out how to personalise the sorting function on excel. Is it possible to sort cell with a mixture of letters and numbers?
Here is a link to a file to show how far I have got! [URL] .......
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Feb 24, 2006
I have a database being exported to a spreadsheet with over 40 fields (columns) and 1000+ clients (rows). One of the fields (column C) incidates that referral source. I would like to copy & paste the list into sheet 1 and have 5 seperate sheets for each of the 5 different referral sources. So that when I go to sheet 2 the only thing I will see are the clients and their 40 associated fields that are referred (column C) by say "John Smith"
Is there a function or script that will search column C for "John Smith" and then fill in all the 40 fields on sheet 2.
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