I need to sort a dataset by a column that may sometimes contain blanks. I'm sorting by time in decending order however excel is keeping any blank rows at the top.
Is there a way i can sort the column decending but keep the blanks at the bottom?
I have a sheet with 12k plus lines of data... Attached is a sample.
I am trying to sort by any one of the column headings, without losing the order of the ADDRESS field.. Sometimes there are 2 lines, sometimes there are 3 lines of ADDRESS... Also, the first column, "DBA" has 2 lines sometimes 3 lines per entry... When I try to sort, it tells me I have to unmerge the cells.. but then when i sort, it alphebetizes everything seperatley so the addresses get splut up...
I have a pivot table in sheet1 and references in sheet2 like
Code: ='Sheet1'!A1 and so on to copy the whole thing to make it the source data for a bubble chart.
Now, I want to convert the table in sheet2 into a list via Ctrl+L to be able to sort by names with a dropdown menu. Unfortunately, I have to copy all rows from 1 to 1000 to account for possible increases in the pivot table size. This results in blanks in the list and when I want to sort it, I have 990 blanks before the first data rows show up. Not very neat
I'm having a complex issue that I've tried solving with =SUMPRODUCT(SUMIFS( and regular old =SUMIFS(, but all to no avail. Here is the issue at hand:
I need to look up three criteria, one of which is a text column.
Column A - Qualifier, is this a qualified sale (yes or no)? Column B - Salesperson, who had the sale (Jacob, Charles, etc) Column C - Date, when did this happen (2.2.14, 2.14.14, etc)
I need these three criteria to return a sum of Column A - how many are a yes. The formula that typically works for me for such a big sum, when only numbers are involved for the summing, is:
I have an array which I am attempting to use a simple Product function on. If one of the cells does not have a number, but instead contains 'N/A' or some other type of text, how do I get my Product function to result in 'N/A' rather than having the Product just ignore the text.
I cannot attach an XLS file but just pretend Cells A1:H1 read 1, 2, 3, N/A, 5, 6, 7, 8.
I've been having problems coming up with a formula that will take a start date and an end date and come up with the number of weeks INVOLVED within this date range (each week being a Sunday through Saturday).
My problems is that the start and end dates could be any day of the week and not necessarily the same day (meaning divisible by 7 doesn't always work). I tried using ROUND((A2-A1)/7,0)+1 where A1 was the start date...and A2 was the end date.
The problem I had was if I picked a Monday as the start date, and went 12 days out (The saturday of week2)...it came up stating 3 weeks were involved - AND if I selected a Friday start date and picked the following monday in week 2 - the result was 1 week involved when 2 different weeks were involved.
I have a range I would like to select but this includes blanks. I would like the VB to skip these blanks and find the last value / text in this row and then select that entire row.
I need to create a macro that searches for blanks in column G, from row 2 to the last row of the worksheet, and then inserts the value 1 in these blank cells.
I have been copy pasting different solutions from this site and amended them a bit, but my excel skill are not sufficient for this.
In order to produce my report I am trying to use a MACRO:
I have a column of data in row AZ. I do an AutoFilter for BLANKS. Then I want to put the word "non-base" into each blank cell in column AZ. I put the word "non-base" into the first row in column AZ. I then try to copy down the "non-base" to the end of the filtered data (all the blanks). I have tried to double click, I have tried to do CTRL End DownArrow but it just goes to the end of the spreadsheet instead of to the end of the filtered data.
I have copied the data and then held down the SHIFT key in the last cell and pasted in the data. This works but when the new data comes in, the following week, the number of blanks will be more or less than the last weeks data and my macro fails because it may or may not get ALL the data.
I need to get to the LAST BLANK CELL OF FILTERED BLANKS EACH TIME, replace the Blanks with "non-base" and have it do it consistantly.
I have this code that checks for cells that "" and then transfers a range to a separate sheet. I am running into problems if in the specified range all cells are "". How can I update this code to allow for all cells in the range to be "" without giving an error?
Sub Search_Notes_Main() Application.ScreenUpdating = False ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Analyst Main").Select Dim ConstantCells As Range, Cell As Range Set ConstantCells = Range("B11:CX11").SpecialCells(xlConstants) For Each Cell In ConstantCells If Cell.Value "" Then Cell.Select ActiveCell.Offset(-2).Range("A1:A4").Copy ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Notes & Ticklers Upload").Select Range("B22").Select
I am after a formula that will calculate the blank cells since the last cell with a value in it.
Eg. I'm putting the formula in Column AW and have values in AH & AR and want to know the number of blanks since the last value which should be 4 in this case. I will need to copy this from row 1 to row 1000.
I'm currently working on a macro that looks in a column for non blanks.
I want it to check column B and I want it to paste any non blanks (numbers) to column C in the same row. Also, I don't want it to replace any values in column C with any blanks.
Here's what I wrote but it doesn't seem to work.
Sub rankthis()
Dim myCount As Integer
myCount = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A"))
For Row = 1 To myCount If Cells(myCount, 2).Value "" Then Cells(myCount, 2).Copy Cells(myCount, 3).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues End If
I am using a simple SUM formula like this, =SUM(D10:E10). I would like for the SUM cell to be left blank until a value is entered into the cells D10. Currently it calculates the SUM as 0.
I work in school which for example offers 20 courses for every student. Therefore I have a spreadsheet which has students name in A and B then the 20 courses spread from C to V.
Each student will study 3, 4 or 5 of the courses and will have value in the corresponding column (their teaching group) the rest of their row will be blank.
For each student create in columns X, Y , Z, AA and AB I would like to be able to pull from the 20 courses those which the student studies. Therefore finishing up with C to V hidden and just the student names and the 3, 4 or 5 courses they study.
Any ideas? if one method is to get them into one cell how do I get them into the 5 columns; i know DATA : Text to Columns but won't have anything to Delimit it with and can't use Fixed width as students will study subjects with different length charactors.
I have an array that includes blanks in it. What is the formula to use to output the array of values without the blanks? Example: I have an array (Cells A1:A10) with thirty blanks within this 10 cell array. I wish to have the list of non-blanks outputted, presumably to the next column (Column B).
How can I minus 1 from this COUNTIF. Basically counting non blanks - but it keeps counting the title as well, even when i change it to start at row D2 (it just jumps back to D1 next time). =COUNTA(RAW_DATA_2!$D$1:$D$215)
how to set the format of a cell such that it will automatically add trailing blanks to the data entered into that cell while fixing the number of characters that could be entered into that cell?
I have a formula that needs to return blanks as blank and 0s as 0. The vlookup formula will return blanks as 0, or I can make it return a blank whenever it is zero (below), but some cells may have a 0 record that need to return 0s, not blank.
Right now I am missing a few records that are entered as "0". I have:
How would I concatenate a large range of cells, most of which are blank, and add a comma between each cell's value? My range is E2:Y2 (I will be filling down), but most of the cells are blank. For example, if I F2=9, I2=11 and X=25, I would like to display them as: 9,11,25. If in the next row, G=10, K=15 and Y=27, they should look like this: 10,15,27.
I'd like to concatenate the two columns in the file I've attached as a string of text that I can copy to another sheet. The second column in the file attached will be a vlookup from another sheet. However as shown in the file, I'd like to ignore blank cells and only concatenate if they have data in them.