String Manipulation With Exceptions

Jul 23, 2009

I have a macro that loops through a column of text and removes all text after a hyphen. Example: AU9929-PK becomes AU9929. I need to set up some exceptions that when it processes certain text it does not truncate it. Example: AU9929-ASST stays as AU9929-ASST. So far there are twelve exceptions but this could increase.

Note: The list which includes shop number, description, sku, sku description, quantity, unit price and more is sorted in a particular order as other operations are performed on it that requires it be in a specific order.

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VBA String Manipulation

Sep 1, 2009

I need to be able to take someones name which is in a single cell in the format "First Middle Last" (could be more than one middle name) and then split it up so that it fits the following format:

Last name (must be 50 characters)
Middle name (must be 15 characters)
First Name (must be 15 characters)

I'm unsure on the right combination of operators to use to variably concatenate strings in this way. I'm confident I can figure out how to add the white spaces after a name to make it fit the character requirement but I don't know how to split the initial name up into it's 3 parts. Names longer than the character requirement will just be truncated.

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Fancy String Manipulation

Aug 1, 2008

I am trying to let the user call my subroutine in the following 5 ways but am lost using string manipulation -

Call FindReplaceAll(“C”, “123”, “1.23”) ‘ In Col C replace 123 with 1.23
Call FindReplaceAll(“2”, “123”, “1.23”) ‘ In Row 2 replace 123 with 1.23

Call FindReplaceAll(“C:E”, “123”, “1.23”) ‘In Col C-E replace 123 with 1.23
Call FindReplaceAll(“2:4”, “123”, “1.23”) ‘In Rows 2-4 replace 123 with 1.23

Call FindReplaceAll(“C9:E19”, “123”, “1.23”) ‘In region C9-E9 replace 123 with 1.23

Here is what I am trying to do in psudo
Sub FindReplaceAll(sType As String, sFind As String, sReplace As String)
If sType does not have a colon in it then
If sType = “A-IV” or sType = “a-iv” only then
Columns(sType &”:”& sType).Select
If sType = “1-65000” then
Rows(sType &”:”& sType).Select

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Numeric String Manipulation Query

Dec 23, 2009

I have a sizable spreadsheet, which has one column where the cells are mostly numeric strings of up to 6 numbers - there are variations, which I will mention.

What I need to do, is to treat the numbers as individual figures, and add them, then divide by the number of figures. e.g. cell value '123456' I need to process as (1+2+3+4+5+6)/6.

The variations are that '0' has to be added as 10, and any letters need to be added as 12. '-' and '/' which are the only non-alphanumeric values should be ignored.

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Using String Manipulation To Create And Change Wroksheet Name.

Dec 5, 2008

i have a worksheet called 'week 1' and want to write vba code so that a new sheet called 'week 2' can be created. However i want to write code so that it doesn't matter what sheet i am on, a new sheet would be created with the name week and the next number up. ie. the last worksheet is 'week 7' then the code should be able to create a new worksheet called 'week 8' ect. I currently have this code but it keeps returning an error message. anyone know how i could do this???

Sub nSheet()
Dim nm, i As Long
nm = Worksheets(Worksheets.Count).name
i = 1
Do While WorksheetExists(Left(nm, Len(nm) - 1) & i)
i = i + 1
Loop = Left(nm, Len(nm) - 1) & i
End Sub

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Listing Values With Exceptions

Feb 28, 2014

To establish the order for on duty personnel every month, I need to find a proper formula.

I have attached the workbook.

So, when I pick out a month from a drop list in cell A1, in column B returns (based on a formula) net work days of that month.

In range H:T, I have a table with the personnel names (in the header) and the individual holidays.

What I want is to have a formula in column C, that returns the name of the first available person (not on holiday in that day), in exactly the same order as it is in the table's header.

Attached File : ON DUTY.xlsmβ€Ž

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Lookup Table With Exceptions?

Apr 7, 2009

I'm currently using a lookup table to determine programs to run on a machine, however I have 3 exceptions to this and can not get my code to work.

Currently the code looks at column D for the type, then column F for the thickness of material. It then calculates the etch time required using the rate (all shown as 1 currently) on the cal_sheet and then rounds this up to a whole number. This is then compared to a second table where the program details are listed against etch times.

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Macro For Filters With Exceptions?

Jan 20, 2010

I am using Excel 2007. I have a list of 100 names all ranked from 1-100. Is there a way to create a macro that can filter out the top 20, a specific name and also any names with the cell colours blue and yellow?

At the moment using an advanced filter based on criteria I can filter out the top 20 and the specific name I want but can't work out how to leave the coloured rows in as well.

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Use Of Wildcards & Exceptions In A Lookup

Dec 15, 2009

I have a workbook (Data) that I am entering "job title" into column G. Based on key words in the job title I am then manually entering "level" into Column V.

I have created a worksheet (Level Matrix) that has the following

Column A = Job title
Column B - Level
Column C = Exceptions

What I have in column A are the key words - as an example *Director* (wildcard Director Wildcard); in column B is the word Director

What I want the system to do is look for the word DIRECTOR anyplace in the job title entered into Column G of the data worksheet (hence why I have the title between wildcards. IF it finds it then I want to add the level automatically (from Column B of the Level Matrix worksheet).

However if the compare finds any of the words in the title that match any of the words in the Exceptions Column (Column C of the Level Matrix) then I DO NOT WANT To autoload the Director level- it would load DNA. As an example- an Art Director would not load "Director" becasue the word "art" is one of the words in the exceptions column of the Level Matrix.

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Sort List With X Exceptions

Aug 22, 2007

I need to create a custom sort which will cause entries "TBD" and blank to appear at the bottom of my spreadsheet. Any other value will be sorted alphabetically. I'm not sure how to create my sort list to do this. I tried "*, TBD " but this did not work.

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Report To Identify Exceptions And Highlight Them

Feb 12, 2014

I have a workbook with timesheet records for a list of resources from multiple locations. These resources have logged time against the projects which is captured on a monthly basis. These time records are against holidays declared by the company. I would like to see if there are any of them who have logged time incorrectly on a holiday.?

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Conditional Formatting - Color Exceptions

Aug 11, 2009

When using conditional formatting, I have it set to the following:

C2=60 (Reference Cell)
C3=5 (Reference Cell)

Conditional Format Settings
If C3 >= C2/12 then pattern set to Green
If C3 < C2/12 then pattern set to Red

Here is the problem - when you have a value in C3, everything is fine, it's either green or red. If C3 is blank, it defaults to green because the conditional format is true.

Is there anyway to add something in there to have no color when C3 is not populated?

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List File Name With Multiple Exceptions

Oct 2, 2008

List File Name with multiple exceptions. I have this

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A Formula For Copying Prices With Exceptions

Dec 26, 2008

I am having a problem combining two databases. I have database E and F. I need to take any price that is $0.00 from Database E and replace it with the data from database F. The catch is that there isn’t always a price to replace it with. Also, there are parts in database E that do not appear at all in database F. Below is an example (there are about 20,000 lines of data total)

In the examples above I have placed both databases together. Column four has the database designation. As you can see the 1748 Hose reducer has a price for F but none for E.

Basically I need some formula like the following:

If (part number xxx) and (part number XXX) from column 1 are the same, replace the price data from E with the price data from F but only if E = $0.00

Is this possible?

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Delete All Named Ranges With Exceptions

Oct 11, 2006

Basically I have the code to Delete All named ranges in active workbook, but I need it to skip over two named ranges called Categories and Length. Is there a way to adjust this to delete all named ranges in active workbook except a named range Categories and another called Length

Dim rName As Name
For Each rName In ActiveWorkbook.Names
Next rName

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Make Cell Blank For Exceptions (calculating Blood Sugars)

Aug 14, 2007

I am calculating blood sugars for my daughter and putting them in a spreadsheet. The formula is simple:

Blood sugar - target blood sugar / 20 which yields the amount of insulin that she needs to take. I want this cell to be blank unless I enter a value in the cell above it.

Next, I take the value from that formula and add it to the amount of insulin that she takes for eating.

The value in the top formula can be 0 or less, but, if the value in the bottom one is less than 0, I want the cell to be blank.

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Text Manipulation

Dec 30, 2009

Column A

Column B
Column C


What formula do I need to use in column A to get the desired results as per Column C?






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Clipboard Manipulation

Oct 6, 2007

I am looping through and copying screens of mainframe data and appending them to the clipboard. Once done, I start a Notepad and paste it for future massaging. Now I need to perform a check on each screen which requires copying something from the screen, assigning to a variable, and checking it. This overwrites what I've already stored on the clipboard. Is there a way to store what I've got on the clipboard, then use the clipboard for something else, and then reload the clipboard?

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ISBLANK: Finds Out Which Entries Are Unique To Each List, And Places Them In The EXCEPTIONS Sheet

Oct 26, 2007

I'm having problem with the ISBLANK function. I have attached my workbooks if someone would care to look at them. My macro basically loads two lists from other workbooks (old & new (attached)). It then finds out which entries are unique to each list, and places them in the EXCEPTIONS sheet.

Column C in these sheets should say TRUE or FALSE as to whether the corresponding cells in Column B are blank but it does not work. Book1.xls contains my macro.
Old.xls and New.xls will need to be selected when prompted.

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Data Manipulation And Weighting

May 25, 2009

The data is arranged as such, there are a list of call types and in another column, there are a list of call lengths. Currently I have a COUNTIF which searches the call type column for certain call types ie BA is off peak but this only tells me how many off peak calls they have made, I need to make it tell me how many minutes of off peak calls there are.
IE this is an example
Call Types Call Lengths (minutes)
BA 1
BA 1
BA 3
BA 2
at the moment my formula would only count this as 4 but I need it to calculate it as 7. This is a very big data set containing around 900 entries per sheet.

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Date Display Manipulation

Nov 14, 2012

Below I have a table with dates. The actual dates will be added in over time. I want to display the amount of days in the column btwn planned and actual but since it is subtracting a date from a blank cell, the #VALUE function is displayed. What function can I use to tell excel to keep the cell blank until a value other than #VALUE appears.


5/30/12 12:00 AM
5/30/12 2:30 AM

12/15/12 12:00 AM

1/19/13 12:00 AM

2/23/13 12:00 AM

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Info Manipulation Formula

May 13, 2007

With my limited knowledge I am having trouble constructing formula to break the following info that I receive frequently from my credit card company into 3 columns - Date, Details, Value


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Manipulation Cell Colours

Jun 22, 2009

Is it possible to create a formula that looks at a cell (say A20) and if TRUE changes the colour of A22 to green if false to red?

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Formula For Text Manipulation

Oct 25, 2006

I have a file with a physician name and title in the cell as follows:

"James A. Jones, M.D."

I need a formula to reverse the last name, drop the title "M.D.", get rid of any additional periods after the middle initial and put it in upper case:


There are some names without middle initials also so this may present an additional problem.

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Data Manipulation From Txt File

Jan 16, 2007

I have test.txt file. The data in test.txt file so messy (there are headers and some data lines start with letter "A" and need to ignore). There's no <TAB> in data file, all are single space and <enter>. I can do nothing about data files.

Open test.txt file
SUM all product quantity, put result in xls file in A1
SUM all Total price in the txt file, put in xls file (same file) in B1
Close test.txt file

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Data Manipulation & Grouped By The Name Field

Aug 4, 2009


Where all question 1 fields are put into a row, 2 in another row, etc (this may be more than 2 sets of questions), grouped by the name field. I have had a look at Pivot tables but they dont seem to do what Im after.

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Create Email, Font Manipulation.

Sep 17, 2009

Im Creating a email based on useform control values. Here is a part extract of how im creating it.

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Pivot Table Manual Manipulation

Apr 27, 2007

My pivot table is not auto summing each column properly, and I can't manually enter a formula to do so. I tried adjusting the settings of the rows and columns through the pivot table wizard, but no luck. Is there a way around this limitation?

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Chart Title Manipulation With Macro Code

Sep 2, 2006

I have a program that updates values quarterly when run. The spreadsheet that it works with also contains a couple of pie charts that correspond to the updated data. the charts only have one series with category values. I recorded a macro to see the code excel uses for creating a new chart and tried to modify the statements to my needs but have been running into runtime error 1004 ("Method ' Cells' of Object '_Global' failed"). The code is as follows I don't have any trouble until the last two statements.

Sub Chart_Updater()
With ActiveChart
.HasTitle = True
If Chart1var = "COLI VUL 1 Fund Chart" Then
.ChartTitle.Text = "COLI VUL 1 Allocation by Fund Provider " _
& sday & "-" & sday & "-" & Lyear
ElseIf Chart1var = "COLI VUL 2 Fund Chart" Then
.ChartTitle.Text = "COLI VUL 2 Allocation by Fund Provider " _
& sday & "-" & sday & "-" & Lyear
ElseIf Chart1var = "COLI VUL 7 Fund Chart" Then
.ChartTitle.Text = "COLI VUL 7 Allocation by Fund Provider " _

The variables fundtr1, fundtr2, and emptycolvar are public, and are all returning values, so there is no problem there. Also I can't use ranges like "A1:F7" because the range needs to be variable.

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Image Manipulation In Photoshop To Lose The Cell Data

Oct 12, 2009

I've created a humongous spreadsheet in Excel- 26 million cells and a file size of about 500mb. The result of these calculations is a pattern derived by conditional formatting. I'd like to get the pattern into Photoshop- It would actually simplify image manipulation in Photoshop to lose the cell data, and the underlying formulas are of no use.

The file seems to be too big to save into a PDF file. Is there another way to get the Image into Photoshop?. The other alternative is to reduce the file size by stripping out unnecessary cell data and formulas without losing the pattern.

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