Sum Cell Range On Specified Worksheet

Aug 29, 2009

I have the following line of VBA code that sums a range of cells on the active worksheet. I need to change that to sum on a specified worksheet. Is there a way to do that? I thought it would be simple, but have had no luck... Actually using variables for the cells, but simplified here for example's sake.

If Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(Cells(2, 2), Cells(123, 2))) = 0

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Worksheet_change: Macro In One Worksheet To Run When Any Cell (in A Given Range)on A Different Worksheet (dataentry) Is Updated

Mar 27, 2007

I want a macro in one worksheet to run when any cell (in a given range)on a different worksheet (dataentry) is updated. I have spent along time trying to make it work with no avail. The code I use to start my macro is as follows.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Cells.Count <> 1 Then Exit Sub

If Target(1, 1).Address = "dataentry!H5:IV72" Then
If Not Intersect(Target(1, 1), Range("dataentry!H5:IV72")) Is Nothing Then

On Error Resume Next
Application.EnableEvents = False

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Select Range In Worksheet Where Last Cell In Range Is Variable?

Jan 27, 2012

I am trying to write code to select a range in a worksheet where the last cell in the range is variable.

Sub DataTest()
Dim LastColumn As Integer
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim LastCell As range


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Deleting Range Of Cell In Other Worksheet

Oct 2, 2011

How can i delete a range of cell in another worksheet 2? for example, i have a data in B1:F1 in sheet 2 and i want to put a button in sheet 1 which will delete the data in B1:F1 in sheet 2.

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Save Worksheet As PDF And As Specific Cell Range?

Mar 26, 2014

I have a macro assigned to a button that saves the worksheet as a PDF in a certain folder, but what I cant do is make the Macro look at a certain cell to save the file as a specific batch number.

This is the macro I have so far, I want the macro to do as below but to also look at cell L3 in the same worksheet and save it as the number what is in that cell.

[Code] ......

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Out Of Range - Copy Cell From Multiple Sheets In New Worksheet Column

Dec 14, 2012

Here's what I'm trying to do (improperly apparently!!):

Book1, ''Master'' is the sheet, I'm copying info into, and Company info are the sheets im getting info from each of my .xls files in a folder, ie cell C2. Just in case, to be clear, I have all my vba projects opened from each .xls book, and need to copy, from each .xls book, in Company info, cell C2 into Master column A:

Sub collate_cell_data()
Dim dest As Range, wbNew As Workbook, wb

Set wbNew = Workbooks.Add

[Code] .........

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Find All Ranges In Worksheet And Copy Actual Cell Range To A List?

Mar 14, 2013

I have 10 worksheets. I would like to create a macro to find all the "2" values on worksheet 1, and have the actual range that the cell is, compiled into a list -example: I would like the list to be similar to this= (A1,B15 ,C8)

I even tried to record it but it doesnt show me the actual range that the data is found in.

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Show/Hide Worksheet Command Button Based On Cell Value Being In Another Range

Apr 8, 2008

i have a workbook with two sheets. i have a command button on sheet 1 that inserts another worksheet from another workbook based on a cell value in sheet 1. i would like this specific command button on sheet 1 to be hidden or disabled until a value is entered into a certain cell on sheet 1 that matches a value in a named range on sheet 2.

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Worksheet Events: Use A Worksheet Event To Change The Background Of The Current Month Two Columns In The Range To Yellow Color

Jun 12, 2007

In cell A1, I have the month number (eg, 1, 2, 3,). The month number reflects current month and will automatically change with every month. For example, right now it’s 6, next month it will automatically change to 7. Each two columns in Range A10:X20 represents the data from January to December. I want to use a worksheet event to change the background of the current month two columns in the range to yellow color and the two columns in the range will be visible when I activate this sheet.

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Sum Variable Range Of Numbers From Worksheet Without Activating Worksheet

Apr 29, 2013

I care about is the line starting wks4.Cells(Di, 2) = I am trying to sum data from a variable length column in worksheet 3 and place the result in column 4 However, when I hit enter after entering the formula into =SUM() I get

Compile Error:

Expected: list separator or )

Sub Macro1()
Dim wks3 As Worksheet Dim wks4 As Worksheet
Set wks3 = Worksheets("Sheet3")


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Macro To Change Range / Action Depending On Worksheet (range To Autofill)

Sep 17, 2013

Currently my Macro should: Turn off any filtersNumber column A from 1 to 1000 (starting in A14)Drags formula from K14-O14 down to last row of data shown in column Athen puts cursor in last empty cell in column B ready for user to enter data

On point 3 - I want the range to be K14-O14 if active worksheet equals "EXCHANGES" but if its on the "VALUATIONS" tab the autofill range should be L14-P14

I have found bits and pieces of macros on the internet and put them together so if my macro below is not the most effective for my needs but here it is in it's current state:

Here is my macro:

Sub AddNewEntry()
Dim wks As Worksheet


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Cutting And Pasting Varying Size Range To Next Available Row In Another Range (on Another Worksheet)

Jun 25, 2014

code to take jobs that are done on one spreadsheet and send them to the next available row of a specified range on another worksheet. I am also looking to incorporate a way to delete the empty rows that are left behind.

I have already made code to select the completed jobs, but am still unsure how to approach the next part. I can't even paste the selected range to another sheet without errors from range sizes.

The following code is done up to the point where I cut my selection.

Sub Update()
Dim c As Object
Dim rngA As Range


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Subscript Out Of Range When Selecting Range In Closed Worksheet

Apr 28, 2006

I am receiving a 'subscript out of range' error on the lines of code below.

I would note that all variables are declared and all seem meaningful as regards what you would expect at that point.

Below is a snippet from the immediate window which indicates what the values are:
completecashname C:CashDevelopmentMyFolderoutputCASH042706.xls
cashsheetname Formatted Sheet
cashcurrcolumn A
cashfirstrow 2
cashlastrow 876

Also the workbooks are both closed at this point (but it makes no difference)

Set CashCopy = Workbooks(CompleteCashName).Sheets(CashSheetName). _
Range(CashCurrColumn & Cashfirstrow & ":K" & Cashlastrow).Value
Set PelPaste = Workbooks(completepelname).Sheets(PELSheetName). _
Range((PELCurrColumn & PELlastrow)).Value

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Excel 2007 :: Automatically Change The Worksheet Tab Names With Cell Value In Each Worksheet?

Feb 14, 2012

I am fairly new to macros and have trouble with VBA. I have a file with multiple worksheets. Each worksheet contains the name of a specific location in cell A8. I want this name in cell A8 to be the name on the worksheet tab for each worksheet in my file but do not know how to accomplish this. Is that even possible?

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Conditionally Hiding / Unhiding Rows In One Worksheet By Referencing Cell In Different Worksheet

May 3, 2013

coding a VBA macro for one of my workbooks, in which I need to be able to hide/unhide various rows in one worksheet depending on the value of a cell in a worksheet elsewhere in the workbook. The rows start off hidden by default.

As a simplified example:

Worksheet1 has a cell that has option "Set 1," and "Set 2." Worksheet2 has two sets of rows (say, 20:30 and 40:50) that need to be hidden/unhidden depending on the cell in Worksheet 1. These are hidden to start with!

So if Worksheet1's target cell says "Set 1", then on Worksheet2, rows 20:30 would stay hidden and rows 40:50 would be revealed, and then if the target cell says "Set 2," then on Worksheet 2, rows 40:50 would then be hidden, but rows 20:30 would then be revealed.

I was thinking of using something like this:

Rows("20:30,40:50").EntireRow.Hidden = True
If Target.Address="'Worksheet1'!A1" Then
If Target.Value = "Set 1" Then
Rows("40:50").EntireRow.Hidden = False
Rows("20:30").EntireRow.Hidden = False
End If
End If

I think this might work, but every time I try to run this I get various errors, like not referencing my target cell correctly.

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Combining/merging Multiple Rows From One Worksheet Into One Cell In Another Worksheet

Jan 28, 2010

I'm trying to create a macro to merge multiple rows into one cell and display in a new worksheet.

This seems really simple but I've tried to re-work some other examples I've found online but none seem to do exactly what I need. I'm also pretty new to VBA , so it's highly possible i've missed something.

I need to display each set of Notes for each DonorNo in one row - with each note separated by a space.

I've attached a sample of the data and what I need for the output. In the actually file I have around 70,000 records so the prospect manually merging the rows is horrifying.

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Autofilter Another Worksheet Data Based On Cell Value In Another Worksheet?

Aug 13, 2014

I have a 'Summary' worksheet which is shown as:


Example 1

The table, which works correctly, looks in another worksheet 'Report' for 'Example 1' within the date range of August. This uses COUNTIFS.

Ideally, what I'm wanting to do is have an auto-filter on each of the cells - 'Example 1', 'Example 2', so if a user wants to see what rows on the 'Report' sheet, falls into this criteria, it auto filters the other worksheet, and takes them too it.

The action would be - Click on the cell of 'Example 1', the macro auto-filters based on the cells value in column F of the 'Report' sheet, and takes the user there. The macro would have to take into account the date filter as well, which uses cells A1,B1 for August, and C1,D1, for September.

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Formula To Compare Sum Of Range To Cell Value And Return Cell Count Of Range Used

Jun 3, 2014

I am trying to find out how many weeks our current inventory will support our sales. I am trying to research formulas that will do this, and coming back with things like OFFSET, MATCH, INDEX but am not certain the best way to put them together to get what I need. I use excel daily, but this is a bit mroe advanced than I am used to


Starting in cell B4, I would like to count how many weeks of Demand can be covered by the specific Available On Hands in row 3 for that week, put the number of "Weeks Covered" into cell B2, and then fill over to the right in row 2. Right now, the values in row 2 are from my own manual calculations, but I would like a dynamic formula that will sum up the values in row 4 up to (but not greater than) the value in B3, give the count of cells that reached that sum (or even better with decimals to show the percentage covered), which I will copy over into B3:B13. Not sure if that makes sense, or if I can explain in a better way. The yellow cells are what I am trying to create a formula for and am currently stuck.

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VBA To Add New Worksheet When Range Changes

Jul 16, 2014

[Code] ....

I have a code that copy a template and rename based on a range in a sheet call master.

However, I want to update it such that when new names excluding empty cells are included in the range, automatically searches all the worksheets and the create a new template and rename based the cell value.

Below is the code:

[Code] .....

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Go To Range In Another Worksheet

Feb 1, 2008

I want an easy way for users to cross- reference a range in another worksheet. The specific range referenced will be dependant on the value in the currently selected cell in column B. I have tried using BeforeDoubleClick but the event does not seem to fire and the double-click simply goes to edit the double-clicked cell. Code below.

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
'*** Reveal Chorus Mapping
Dim PracticeStr As String
Cancel = True 'Prevent going into Edit Mode
If Target.Column = 2 Then
'get value in cell
PracticeStr = Replace(ActiveCell.Value, " ", "")
'take user to range with that name
Application.Goto Reference:=PracticeStr
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

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Finding A Name In A Cell Within A Worksheet In Another Worksheet?

Jul 29, 2013

I have three work sheets.

Worksheet A contains the Names that I want to find in Worksheet B and C. Trouble is, the format of the names are different in each Worksheet.

For example:

Worksheet A, Column 'Name':
Kyle Rowlie

Worksheet B, Column 'Name':
Kyle Rowlie, Head of Excel

Worksheet A, Column 'Name':
Rowlie, Kyle

What I need to do is create two columns in Worksheet A that identifies Kyle Rowlie is duplicated in Worksheet B and C.

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Naming A Worksheet From A Cell In Another Worksheet

May 20, 2008

Is it possible to name a worksheet by entering the name in a cell from another worksheet in the same workbook? I am building a macro and am missing this crucial step.

I would like it so that someone else could come along and change the name in the cell and the name of the workbook would change too.

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Rename Worksheet Cell Value In Another Worksheet

Aug 29, 2011

I have renamed worksheets according to a cell value in the same worksheet, but now I need to rename the worksheet according to a cell value in another worksheet.

Here is the code I tried:


Private Sub Worksheet_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
If Sheets("Set-Up Page").Range("B2").Value "" Then
'rename the worksheet to the contents of cell B2
Sh.Name = Sheets("Set-up Page").Range("B2").Value
End If

End Sub

I have pasted that code into the worksheet that needs to be renamed, but it doesn't work. I have also tried:

Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = Sheets("Set-up Page").Range("B2") Then Sh.Name = Target
End Sub

I like the first one because it checks for a blank value. There will be blank values depending on how many worksheets each teacher needs, so it will just rename the ones that have values filled in. Each worksheet will have the code referencing to a different cell on the Set-Up Page worksheet.

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Find Value In Range On Second Worksheet

Jan 18, 2010

I have two worksheets to track students registering for one day workshops, which are offered monthly. In my first worksheet called 'CourseCapacity' I track the number of students that can register for each workshop. It looks something like this:

Col A - "Title"

Col B - "Capacity"

My second worksheet tracks the current number of students registered for each workshop for each month. What I want to do is read the course capacity from the first worksheet and display it for the monthly offering of each workshop.

Col A - "Title"
Workshop101 - 1/23/2010
Workshop101 - 2/20/2010......................

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Select Range In Another Worksheet

Oct 23, 2009

I am using the below code which works perfectly in same sheet. But instead of range a1 and b1 in the same sheet (bold one), i want to use range a1 and b1 of sheet2. Range "Nazim" is named range in sheet1. And this code will be put in sheet1.

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Logging Changes To A Worksheet Range

Oct 29, 2009

i have a spreadsheet with the following range in a worksheet called "Data".
The range is A3:CH9 where column A contains the data label and row 3contains a label for each month. So the data itself is in B4:CH9

Is it possible to set a macro that logs any changes to the data in the range
B4:CH9 and log that change in another worksheet (eg: "Log"). It would say who made the change (based on the USERNAME), what cell was changed, when it was changed and what the value was changed from and to.

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Get Text From Worksheet Range?

Oct 12, 2013

I know this is wrong -


Function LoadStuff() As String
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
LoadStuff = .Range("A1:A132").text
End With
End Function

But can I make it work - or must you get each row one by one ?

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Autofill Range From Another Worksheet?

Mar 24, 2014

I am trying to autofill cells across a column that sum a range but move over 5 columns from another worksheet. for example, i want to take this range:

Schedule!AG6:AK6 and when I autofill, the next adjacent column will fill with Schedule!AL6:AP6, the next with Schedule!AQ6:AU6, and so on.

I have tried offset, but am not sure if that's the right formula.

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Copy Range To New Worksheet

Jun 2, 2014

Ok then, I can do this with record macro and it works ok, but im sure theres a nice way to get VBA to do this quicker and make it work for every row.

Story is - I have a spreadhset - which will have data in rows as normal. Each row when completed will have a button which when clicked - creates a new worksheet by copying one already there, then populates this new worksheet with the data from the first worksheet.

Dont ask why I am not allowed to use MS Access for this as its a bit of a long story.

This is what the record macro VBA shows - this works ok as I said but obviously takes a good few seconds and jumps around etc until its competed.

Sub create()
' create Macro


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Worksheet Range Protection

Mar 7, 2002

I'm trying to protect a certain range of cells in a worksheet from within Access.

My code is below:

Dim objExcel As Excel.Application
Dim objWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim objWS As Worksheet
Dim intColumn As Integer
Dim intRow As Integer
Dim intRecords As Integer

Set objExcel = Excel.Application
objWS.Protection.AllowEditRanges.Add Title:="Classified", Range:=Range("$A$2:$D$65536"), Password:="".........................

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