Sum Up Numbers Within Cell - Ignore Text And Other Characters?
May 28, 2014
I have a cell which contains the following information:
01E4R3; 01W5; 01M4G3; 01W5
I want to sum up just the numbers in that cell. In this example, the answer should be: 30
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Oct 15, 2012
I'm faced with receiving data for time, in a text format, as follows:
Example of possible cell contents...
I'm not interested in the secs value but need to isolate the h (hours) and m (mins) values to use in another formula as numbers. The time could be shown in either of the above formats with either; (a) just secs, (b) mins & secs or (c) hrs, mins & secs... and of course the hours or mins values could be 1 or 2 digits in length. How can I determine (using formula only, not vba) what the values for hours and/or mins are dependent upon what is present?
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Jul 26, 2013
I was wondering whether it is possible to have excel ignore the text portion of a given cell. Or alternatively, have excel add in units (or specified text) after you input an initial value so that the cell can be used in a formula.
I have noticed that if I have cell A1 as 1 min and autofill, excel will recognize the number value and still put 2 min in A2, 3 min in A3, etc. However I can not use a function or any formula as the result will be #Value or another error.
I am looking for a way to be able to use the cells in formulas, and I do not want to put the text portion of the cells into another row/column.
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Mar 13, 2008
I have a cell (B2) I would like to apply multiple data validations to.
I know I need to use the custom formula option but don't know how to write the formula.
I don't even know if it is possible, but here is what I'm after
I need to make sure the cell is 4 digits long
I need to make sure the cell starts with a zero (Because the cell starts with a zero I have it as a text cell)
I need to make sure the 2nd number is not 0 if A2 begins with 5 (A2 is also a text cell).
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Mar 29, 2014
I would like to ask if there's a way to generate a random 4 characters in one cell and the specific random 4 characters that has been generated will be copied until the last cell of my preferred choice?
The format that I want is that:
yymmdd / random 4 characters that has been generated / 4 numbers that will increment sequentially
For example:
in A1: 140330QWER0001
in A2: 140330QWER0002
in A3: 140330QWER0003
But here's the catch, the file that I am using when closed then opened again will generate another random 4 characters with the same format. If i opened this file tomorrow:
for example the date for tomorrow is March 31, 2014, the file will do:
in A1: 140331TYUI0001
in A2: 140331TYUI0002
in A3: 140331TYUI0003
I tried to record it, the Rand() function when copied will generate another 4 characters.
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Apr 16, 2009
I have several excel spreadsheets cataloging the right ascension transit times of various extrasolar planets. I need to convert all the times (in 24-hour format) from UT to PDT (that is, subtract seven hours). Unfortunately, each transit time is included in the same cell as the date the exoplanet's star is visible, like so:
Now, I have a lot of data that I need to convert. I do not want to go through manually and change each cell's value manually. Unfortunately, I cannot figure out a way to use a formula to do so; I do not want to modify the date (the top value of each cell), and the colon separating hours from minutes screws up the rest of the formula.
So, how can I use excel to automatically subtract seven hours from the bottom value of each cell, without doing anything to the rest of the numbers in each cell?
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Oct 7, 2009
If I wanted to get a cell, say A1, to multiply a value, for example 7, by the results in another cell, say B1, but NOT multiply if that cell's value is a minus number, is there a way of getting Excel to do that?
Normally I'd just type =SUM(A1*B1)*7, but how can that be reconfigured to ignore minus numbers? e.g. if B1 contained -5, ?
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Aug 14, 2008
I pasted in 1369 characters (including spaces) to a cell, and NO MATTER what I try, all characters will not print.
If I have the cell up for formatting on the function line, all text can be seen, but for some reason it cuts off the last sentance or more and will not show it in print preview.
I've tried all kinds of cell text formatting, cell merging, etc. with no luck. The only work around I found is to just have the "missing text" on the following row.
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May 6, 2009
This is very similar to my previous post, which was solved. Now that I've extract the numbers, I need to extract the text for the specific work activities, for example 13Z or 9GGG. I'm assuming some variation on this formula:
is the solution, but I'm struggling with making the correct alterations.
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Aug 18, 2014
Is there a function that can remove all text and other characters from cell and only keep the numbers? The numbers can be randomly in the cell so not only in the end or beginning.
See attached file.
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Aug 8, 2007
This should be simple, but I am struggling with finding a way to use the search or find function to identify text characters. This is my situation, I have for example a cell that contains FW023 or D1234. I need to be able to count the number of characters that are text.
i would think I would be able to do it with the search or find function, but can't figure out how to get it to just count the number of text characters with in it.
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Nov 18, 2008
a formula that will count the txt chars in a cell example ie "aa99" result would be 2 or "aa99aa" equals 4
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Mar 27, 2008
I have some cells in a spreadsheet that contain unique numbers as the beginning of the cell (these numbers are always ten characters). In the rest of the cell there is text. the data would look something like this:-
SGGHNVT561 - 3yr Maintenance
I also have some cells which dont have the unique number at the begging, so the data would just look like:-
3yr Maintenance
In another table I have a list of the unique numbers and the name that they correspond to, for example (this is the 2 columns)
SGGHNVT561 - Dave
HUKIDO8946 - Stuart
HJUTIFHE78 - Graham
I have ben trying to construct a formula that only searches the beginning of the cells to see if it containts one of the unique numbers and if it does to put the name of the person beside the cell. If the unique number is not there to return a value like 'Check'.
i tried vlookup but then i ran out of ideas :/
this is what i came up with so far:-
=IF(P7="","",VLOOKUP(P7,'[Master List.xls]Sheet1'!$B$2:$C$5,2))
The only problem i can see that this is looking for the full cell to be within the master list - but its really just the first 10 characters I want it to check
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Feb 27, 2014
In an active cell I have this value : " Hello.xlsm"
I need a MACRO code that will take out the characters ".xlsm".
I am trying to focus on the active cell and not a range.
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Sep 2, 2008
Is there a way to specify if there are 46 characters in a cell, to apply text wrap, indent the second line, and resize the row height to 25.5?
For example, I always will have text on merged cells B7:C7. I'd like to have a macro that determines if the text goes over C7 (I figured that it would take 46 characters to do this), that the merged cells will be text wrapped, then row 7 will be resized to 25.5.
I know how to record a macro that will text wrap and resize the row height but am not sure how to do the "if" condition.
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Feb 1, 2008
I wish to limit the number of text characters in a cell and have excel prevent the entry of additional characters after limit is reached. I have tried the Data Validation but it does not preven the entry of additional characters. I want to be able to show the error immediately when the limit is reached and no additional characters are permitted.
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Feb 27, 2014
I am trying to select and move text from one column to another. I have roughly 1,000 cells in column A and I would like to tell Excel to select characters at certain positions and move them into the adjacent column.
I want it to look like this...
column A column B
Each cell in column A has a 9-letter sequence. I would like to move characters 2,3 and 9 into the adjacent column
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Apr 14, 2009
I'm am trying to restrict the length of data that can be entered into a cell based on a drop down in that row. I have achieved this, but what I need to be able to do is use data validation to restrict the cell length to one of two values - so for example the length can only be 6 OR 9 characters long.
I cant see how to do this. At present the best I can do is rectrict to between 6 and 9 - but this would allow 7 and 8 which is not allowed.
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Oct 16, 2006
I'm trying to automate a very laborious process where text data is taken from a series of cells in excel 97 and is turned into HTML tables - I've got it all working except for one thing, when I extract the contents of the text the paragraphs are lost and are merged into one long piece of text - obviously I need to insert <br /> characters where the paragraphs are to get this working. how I can extract text from with some kind of marker for the paragraph sections? Or is there a way to insert characters where the excel cell has a paragraph mark (ie a return key has been pressed).
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Aug 12, 2011
I've scoured the internet for this answer and have not found a formula that works.
I have a list of domain names/URLs in column A of workbook 1:
I have a list of domain name extensions in workbook #2:
I want to determine if the cells in column A workbook one contain any of the strings in workbook 2 - note that I need to look at the string, not the entire cell in workbook one. If there is a match, true, if not, false for that cell within workbook one.
It's sort of a reverse array lookup with text. It seems that cross workbook and text is what causes the challenge.
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Feb 14, 2012
How can I delete characters unallowed in file names in cell text all in one go instead of below long macro. (i.e. can you minimize the below vba)
These characters that I wanna delete
"/", "", ":", "*", "?", "< ", ">", "|"
Selection.Replace What:="""", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
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Mar 25, 2014
I am looking for a formula to grab only the numbers withing a cell that has text in it i.e (John Peters142 lp) or (Sally Jones54) or (Terry Cram310 jkb) sometimes there will be text after the number and sometimes not, the format is as shown with no space between name and number but a space after the number.
I added a sheet for visual example.
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Oct 12, 2006
I need the " solutions cells " to match to the " source cells " and return a " yes " or " no ". in cells d4:d10. Ex: #1 cell C4=01234598, it will conduct a search & match of cell A5 which contains the number 123, since cell C4 contains all 3 numbers from cell A5, then the formula would result in a " Yes ". The match has to contain all 3 numbers from the solution cells to the source cells.
Ex: #2 cell C7=67891234, it will conduct a search & match of cell A8 =901. Since cell C7 only contains the 9&1 from cell A8, it would return a " No " because cell C7 did not contain all 3 numbers from cell A8. I'm not sure if the IF, Match, Index or Count formula is the right one to use, they all seem to partially work, but still don't complete this problem.
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Jun 24, 2007
I have cells A1 through A10 which can contain numbers or text. I want to be able to sum this range while always ignoring the ones with text so as to eliminate the error when summing.
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Oct 27, 2009
I use the following sum array formula in a range of data, but receive a #VALUE!-error, because of some lines with text. Is it possible to ignore text like this by using IF(ISERROR...) or something else, combined with the array-formula below.
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Dec 19, 2006
I am trying to do is add together numbers in the same cell though in different sheets. However some of the sheets will not have numbers in them and it comes up with an error value. How can I ignore this and still have a value be returned if there is no values entered in some cells?
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Apr 10, 2014
I need to get a code that will just read the text in a cell that contains text and numbers example abc123 I want it to only read the abc as the numbers can change and cant write them all into my macro all the time.
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Oct 31, 2010
multiple numbers and text are in single cell which are separated through spaces or comma, is there any formula which can bypass text and add all the numbers in the cell.
For example:
red 12, yellow 10, green 5 27 red 3, blue 9 12 yellow 21, blue 3 24
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Mar 2, 2014
I am working on the monthly duty roster that is attached. I have the cells at the bottom configured to total how many early shifts, late shifts and off days each Trooper has. My problem is that I often need to add text to show what type of leave is being taken, or numbers to correspond to the special notes section numbered 1-24, and so on.
Is there any way to use conditional formatting to do this so that the totals at the bottom still sum correctly? Badge numbers are used to identify each Trooper. I have included them at the top for reference. The reason that I referenced them to total by cell instead of individual badge numbers is that I am attempting to format this so that any badge numbers can be entered at the top. This form will be used by other groups of Troopers if I can get it to work.
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Nov 13, 2009
Lets say we have several numbers and combination of letters/numbers. What can we use to commonly refer to them correctly,
I tried to use
Like “*####”
But that’s not correct
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