Summing Up Cells Based On Values Of Other Cells
Oct 25, 2008
I am working on a sheet which calculates payroll. I have a list of people in column A, and in column B, i have their different professionnal status. Their wages vary according to their professionnal status and are in another column C. How can i sum up the wages of only certain people, based on their common professionnal status in column B?
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Aug 30, 2012
I've got a table with columns for each day of the month, the second row contains the days of the week (MON, TUE, WED, etc...). I want to have two cells at the end of each line, one for summing the numbers in the working days (mon-fri) and another - for the sum of the numbers in the weekend cells.
The idea is the change the content of the second row every month so that the days of the week correspond with the respective date.
what formulas should I employ to accomplish this task and how exactly to do that?
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Aug 6, 2014
On the "CurrentCustomer" worksheet tab I am trying to accomplish the following:
When the merged cells in the F column (F3, F25, F47...F443) equal the word "Contract", I need the corresponding total cells in the E column (E23, E45, E67...E463) to add up, if and only if the corresponding F column merged cell equals "Contract".
For example, using the first three ranges, if F3, F25, & F47 all equal "Contract", I need the corresponding E23, E45, & E67 to add up. If F3 & F47 equal "Contract", but F25 equals anything other than contract I need E23 & E67 to add up only.
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Jan 6, 2008
I have the following data in 1 of the tabs.
I want a unique count of sequences in a different for that class only if that particular row in 'A' or 'B' is populated. The result set should be as follows:
Can this be achieved through a formula?
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Mar 18, 2014
In my financial modelling I often have a calculated number of months of inventory. This number varies. I need to use this number to calculate the actual inventory value. For eg. it may be 3.2 months of inventory; in this case I need to sum 3 cells (current month, current month -1, current month -2) plus 0.2 of the fourth cell (current month -3)
But I may need to change the number of months of inventory to, for example, 4.2. In this case I would need the sum of four cells plus 0.2 of the fifth cell etc etc.
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Mar 26, 2007
I need to highlight a cell when its value exceeds parameters based on the production line it comes from. If the line is K11, then i need this cell to highlight when its value is either < 0 or greater than 221. If the line is K21, than it needs to highlight when its value is <0 or greater than 474.
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Feb 24, 2009
The simplified example below is intended to calculate the sums from the data values in the upper data set and place them in the appropriate cells in the lower summary table. Example......
I would like to find a single-cell formula that will handle the multiple instances of either the X or Y headings (ex: there are two 'Yes' Rows) and still reach the appropriate summations. I would like to accomplish this without resorting to Macros or manual cell references if possible. I've acheived some limited success with array formulae so far, but find that the multiple instances of 'Yes' cause only one row to be summed before the formula finishes.
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Feb 27, 2012
I have a statement from an account (which happens to be the government) in which they list every invoice they are paying and each item on that invoice. But they don't have an invoice total. I'd like a way to add up the item totals for each invoice and put the total in column D. Each invoice could have 1 to 10 different items on it.
A(invoice#) B(Item) C(total) D(invoice total)
111 widget 1 $5
111 widget 2 $10
111 widget 3 $8 XXXXX
222 widget 1 $5
222 widget 5 $15 XXXXX
333 widget 2 $10 XXXXX
444 widget 5 $15 XXXXX
I had thought an IF formula would be the way to go.
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Feb 15, 2010
Attempting to sum Book Values for Units.
Unit numbers in one column, Book values in adjacent column
Some Units have one occurence, others have multiple.
Some Book Values will sum up to 0 while most will have a positive value.
Attached shows small portion of data that presents range of issues I'm working with.
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May 22, 2014
What I have In Column B, I have the datesIn Column I, I have engineers name What I need I want a macro to generate Serial Nos. (1,2,3....... n) in column A If an only if the date in column B is today's date and the engineer's name matches with the PC's username
The following is my code
[Code] ....
Above code runs without errors but does nothing.
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Jul 22, 2014
I am trying to create an inventory control system that keeps tracks of what's in bins based on additions and subtractions to the bin. I am hoping to generate a summary output of bin contents based on the transaction list. I know how to do this using pivot tables, but am looking for a VBA or excel function solution since I will have hundreds of bins and thousands of transactions.
Bin number
Product Code
[Code] ......
I want to have the following table auto generated.
Product Code
Sum Quantity
[Code] .......
I'm using an array formula right now, but it is proving to be extremely slow.
=IF(ISERROR(INDEX('Harvest Generator'!$E:$I,SMALL(IF(LEFT('Harvest Generator'!$E:$E,LEN('Harvest Generator'!$E:$E))=LEFT(B$3,LEN(B$3)),ROW('Harvest Generator'!$E:$E)),ROW(1:1)),B$2)),"",INDEX('Harvest Generator'!$E:$I,SMALL(IF(LEFT('Harvest Generator'!$E:$E,LEN('Harvest Generator'!$E:$E))=LEFT(B$3,LEN(B$3)),ROW('Harvest Generator'!$E:$E)),ROW(1:1)),B$2))
Where Harvest Generator is the sheet where my table is on.
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Nov 6, 2008
summing monthly values based on different date ranges. For example if I have multiple contracts with different start and end dates and based on those date ranges, I want to sum the respective monthly production totals, how would I do that in a formula. I started to set up the table to include "start date month" and "# of months in contract". Is there a way to sum based on the start month and # of months in contract.
For example if hte contract started in Jan08 and ends in May08, the calculation would start with month "1" and sum over 4 months.
Here is an example: ....
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May 9, 2008
I have Master sheet where I collect info from sub sheets. All sheets are similarly formatted, ie. product numbers on column A and headers on row 2. I need to sum values from all sheets based product number and header. Master sheet includes all product numbers and some extra headers, sub sheets include only needed numbers. Headers on sub sheets are identical.
Currently I have this thing solved with following formula:
Where B378:B385 includes sheet names.
But problem with this is that column is hard coded, so I have to know that that value I am looking for is in column L. That wouldn't be show stopping problem on its own, but I have columns all the way to DR and copying formulas for each column takes a lot of time when I have to manually update each column. Just copying cell holds that L:L and doesn't change it.
So, in addition of getting values for specific product number I need to get values from specific column based on column header.
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Apr 25, 2006
I want to sum the values in cells E2:P110 based on the values column D. The
values in D are formulas resulting in something that appears to match D112 in
some cases. I'm using the following equation:
My problem is that D2 :D10 have a formula in it and it's not matching. If
I enter the result of the formula, all is good. How should I deal with this?
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Dec 9, 2008
I did my search, but cant find and knows what key search to look/type for...
If i have data A1 through A10, such as 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3
How can i get column B1 through B3 as 1 2 3 ?
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Oct 26, 2008
I am trying to sum up a list of cells that have formulas attached so if there is no number in the formula it shows up as #N/A how do I make it so wherever there is an #N/A it equals 0?
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Jan 20, 2014
I would like to lookup and return results based on the values of two cells A1 and B1.
The returned results are from column G to column I and always returned in the same location of the spread sheet.
For example if P2560 is selected in A1 and D10 in cell B1 then after lookup the results would be the values of G3 to I4. Alternatively if A1 is P2560 and B1 is D20, then the results are the values of E5 to I7 and so on.
see the attached spreadsheet for more details. This shows the main data (A2 to I15) and the expected results depending what value is selected for cells A1 and B1.
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Apr 18, 2014
I'm using the below macros to hide or unhide rows based off of a value in column A. Column A contains an If statement that looks for a value in column F, and depending on whether the corresponding cell in column F contains a value the if statement returns either True or NO-IF(F>0,True,"No).
It currently takes quite a bit of time to run this macro. Given the specs on this machine, I'm convinced that there is probably some loop or inefficiency in my code.
Sub Button1_Click()
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Range("a59:A1472")
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Sep 12, 2005
I have a column say column A. It has a pattern of cells where there is a code C10A3(alpha numeric) in say A1 and then in cells A2-A9 there are descriptions (alpha only). This continues uniformally down to cell 300. So every x amt of cells down a code appears and then below this for x cells is a description. What i would like to do is create a macro to concatenate the code waith each of the descriptions and paste it in the adjacent cell to the description. So....
A1 =C10A3
A2 =Global
A3 =America
A10 =D05a9
A11 =Global
I would like to concatenate A1 and A2 and have the output in B2 (C10A3Global.)
And A1 and A3 with the output in B3 etc. This should continues until A10 (where the cell contains alpha numeric characters) where nothing is entered in B10 and then in B11 there should be D05A9Global....
The only difference between the description and the cell is numeric characters...
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Mar 30, 2007
I have three columns of data. I want to give the average sales per person per year but I don't know how to combine two columns in the formula.
I want the output to be something like:
Average Sales Per Year
For example, I want to give 2006 sales for Sarah.
I know that I could add an extra column to my first table which concatenates the Manager and Year. HOWEVER, In my example it would be fine but in my sales report there is a lot more data with a lot more going on. I don't want to have additional hidden columns that people might stumble upon and change).
I want to use formula and NOT code as other people will be using the sheet and making changes to it. I want them to simply be able to autofill any additional rows rather than me having to update code.
I have attached my example.
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May 29, 2014
I wish to copy a merged cell (3 cells) based on if only 1 of 3 cells to the right contain "X". if the top cell does not contain "X" than the merged cell is not copied. Also, is therea more elegant to copy 3 columns at a time rather than do one at a time as my code shows:
' CopyICUCAPU Macro
Dim i As Integer
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Dec 25, 2009
I am attempting to use the if function that looks at a cell to see if it is a certain value and if so it adds the value of the cell above with another cell.
Here is the formula in cell AH26: =IF(G26=Variables!$F$4,AH25+AF26,AH25)
the problem is if the G25 did not equal Variables!F4 then AH25 is basically zero or the formula so when cell G26 does equal Variables!F4 then AH26 is supposed to sum AH25 with AF26 but AH25 cell's contents are a formula. How do I get it to ignore the formula and add AF26 with zero instead of the formula?
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Apr 17, 2012
I'm trying to add cells that aren't in a range.
Some of those cells are blank and I'm getting an error.
I want excel to treat those blank cells as zeros.
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Mar 26, 2013
I am working on a sum formula for a column and I only want to sum if the value is a multiple of 15 or likewise if the value divided by 15 is an integer. I know that I could use several sumif statements to accomplish this, but there isn't really a maximum value. Is there a simpler way to accomplish this? I am comfortable enough with VBA so that is definitely an option as well.
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Dec 7, 2006
I have concatenated the following cells:
A1, B1, C1
The data in each cell is:
1, +, 2
I can concatenate them to show "1+2".
My question is, can I then perform the calculation that the concatenation produces?
I would like to be able to enter different operators into B1 in order to carry out different calculations.
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Dec 30, 2006
I'm using the following code to filter a particular range(it works perfectly fine). However I need to SUM Column 'L' once the data has be filtered. and place the result in the LASTS populated cell in Column L. At the moment I am selecting all the data in the column even the data that has been filtered out.
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=7, Criteria1:=">16", Operator:=xlAnd
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May 16, 2008
I want to sum two cells, doesn't sound that difficult but I want to be able to change one of the cells over time. Hence, if B1 is the total sum cell, and A1 is what I fill in. B1 starts at 0, and if I fill something in in A1, B1 will sum itself and A1 (Unfortunately this gives me a circular reference).
So what I'm looking for is some way to use paste special automatically in the formula B1 I guess.
It is possible and how?
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Jul 10, 2008
I have the following formula that is not working:
It displays #VALUE! instead of the weighted sum I want. The reason for this is some of the cells are blank. If cells O72 and P72 are blank, how would I get it to sum just K72 and N72?
Other rows might have different missing cells, so the formula would have to work for different combinations of missing cells, but the weights will stay the same.
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Oct 15, 2009
I have one cell (B10) that will contain either "high", "medium", or "low". Based on one of these 3 values, I'd like to shade cell J15 a color with some white text. I got 1 of the 3 keywords working, not sure how to add in the other 2.
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Mar 19, 2014
Now I know that merging cells is usually not a good thing in VBA, but I'm working on a data report that just looks bad unless longer pieces of text can span several cells to minimize column width.
So here's the problem:
I have a column of 1's and 0's in columns E and F, and text in Column G. I want to merge the cells in columns G and H for that specific row if there is a 1 in either the E or F column for that specific row. And I need to do this for a long range...rows 7-5000. Any ways that VBA can do this?
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