Hi, I desperately need help with a pivot-table and can't find anyone else who's ever had this problem...I have a very large healthcare data table which for simplicity I will describe as follows. In essence the first two columns respectively are (A) location and (B) month. Let's say the third column (C) is the number of cases of the disease kidpox treated in each health centre during that month. The fourth column (D) is the total number of cases of everything treated during that month in each clinic. The fifth column (E) is the proportion of cases of this disease over all consultations for each health centre and month, and the formula in E2 is .....
Workbook contains the following sheets : PIR TrackerChartsSAMPLEFINALValidations
When a change occurs on PIR Tracker, the following occurs:
VB: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim Rng As Range Set Rng = Intersect(Target, Range("A1:A500"))
[Code] .....
I also want the pivot tables on SAMPLE and FINAL to be updated. What do I need to do?
I would like to be able to select several non-sequential rows in a worksheet called "Data" (using a check box or just entering a value in Column A) and then be able to press a Command button to copy the selected rows to another worksheet called "Estimate" at the bottom of a table, and delete the designators in Column A (i.e. deletes the value, or unchecks the boxes) so I can repeat the process again if needed.
I uploaded a simplified version of the workbook I'm manipulating for reference. I'm looking for a formula where I can get the ROW heading of a table to be returned based on the max value of a certain column. My column headings in the table are months. I have separate place in the workbook where I have the Months listed in a Column (A9:A......) and in Cells (B9:B....) I want to return the row heading name from the table. The tricky part is that the column headings don't always stay in same place, so Jan isn't always in A1, sometimes it is in B1 or C1 of the table.
Essentially from my months listed is separate part of the workbook. In the cell next to each month I want to match that month with column in the table. In that column find the max value and return the row heading.
I am attempting to return a value in a table using an IF statement, but without referring to other values in the table.
My first column contains price break quantities; 5 10 20 50 70 100
The top row contains selling quantities; 1410192541517699105
The IF statement should return a "Y" in the cell if the value in the top row is greater than the value in the first column, but only for the relevant price break, i.e. the column with 51 in the first row should only have a "Y" in the row with 50. This would be much easier if I could work out how to post the workbook!
The formula cannot refer to other row values (otherwise it would be easy), and cannot use VB.
My aim is to return a value from a table (Price of models) using a two way lookup method.
E.g. The code is CA45-AI, I'm looking for a formula to match the first 2 letters 'CA' to the TYPE RANGE (cell range) so excel knows to return a value from the CA row.. then, match the number '45' (from the CA45-AI (cell b3), so in the end.. excel returns the value (price) '90'.
Another example, Cell B5 is RA34-AI, so excel should return a value of 80 from the Price Of Models (cell range).
The table is made of 4 columns, with several times the same values. Each column has a specific range of value. No possible combination can exist twice. Meaning I won't have two rows that are identical. It looks like :
Main (Sheet1) - Got a table with several informations relative to a number of a house House1 (Sheet2) - Want the information extracted from Main (Sheet1) to a table. House2 (Sheet3) - Want the information extracted from Main (Sheet1) to a table.
So basicly i want to extract the info from Sheet1 if it matches the Number of the House on sheet2.
With Vlookup can only get a cell value as i am not an expert in excel
I have a table with different values on different dates. To get the newest value on the lastest date I'm using this formula; =INDEX(F5:K5;MATCH(9,99999999999999E+160;F5:K5)).
However, how I can get the second latest value? In this example I want a formula to to return the value previous price;
Latest observation Latest observation date Previous price previous price change date 01.08.2012 02.08.2012 03.08.2012 04.08.2012 05.08.2012 06.08.2012
This is a hard one, I promise! Is there a way/formula/VBA to return multiple unique values from a table or from multiple columns with criteria?
My Objective
I want to create a table that has unique company names in the first column (done already) and all the connections that belong to a given company in the columns #2....#n. Like this:
Column1 Column2 Column3 ..... Column n Company X1: Co. ABC Co.XYZ Co.Acme Company X2: Co. SEB Co. Becme Co. Cecme .... Company Xn: Co. X1 Co. ABC Co. Acme
I have a small sample that has 20.000 rows and 25 columns of data of 1946 unique companies downloaded from my schools database. This means that doing this by hand would take forever!
The data has many duplicates which makes this complicated. The first column shows company name and columns 2...n present connections. Like this:
Column1 Column2 Column 3 ...... Column n Company X1: Co. ABC Co. XYZ Co. Acme Company X1: Co. ABC Company X1: Co.Acme Company X1: Co. XyZ Co. ABC
In this example Company X1 is connected to companies ABC, XYZ and Acme. The formula should be able to filter/omit overlapping entries.
I have a table of data and need to create a function which requires value (string), range and column number. This will then look for the value within the range and return the data for every match of specified value within the table.
I am trying to return a value from table below (column 4) based on values in the 1st 3 columns. I have data with the 1st 3 columns but need to lookup each and return the 4th so I have tried some formula's with if and vlookup statements but keep getting lost....
I looked for a way to represent my data in a cleaner way than this but couldn't find any tools....a point in the right direction would be helpful. I guess the old plug-in that converted Excel->HTML isn't available?
Column A is a finished product and B-D are the ingredients to make it however values in Column A are also ingredients (sometimes multiple times). I want a formula that searches for values in Column A within the table B1:D5 and returns an array, if possible, of the finished products where Column A was used.
For example, searching for Sugar would return "Flour, Water". Searching for Water would return "Milk, Eggs" (I'd rather not have Milk listed twice but beggars can't be choosers).
I have a pivot table which I am interested in filtering in several different ways. The table contains a category for AREA on the Y axis and BLOCKS on the X axis. When unfiltered the tables displays AREA 1,2, and 3 and has a full list of parts. I can then filter the table by AREA to look at one area specifically, and when I do the BLOCKS list shrinks to only those which correspond to that specific AREA.
My problem is that I want to be able to reference on another sheet the value that corresponds to AREA 1 Total regardless of whether the table is filtered to only AREA 1 or if it is unfiltered. I cannot just reference the cell because AREA 1 Total is in a different cell when unfiltered then when filtered. Is there any way to do this?
Table 1 is a long list of unique items in no particular order, each of which belongs to a unique group of items, for example:
ItemsGroup ID apple pear grape fig banana guava peach mango
Table 2 lists all the Group ID numbers and in the same row as each Group ID number, shows the names of all the items belonging to that group, one item in each column. Different Groups have different numbers of items in them. For example:
Group IDItem1 Item2 Item3 etc. 214applepeargrape 33fig 7bananaguava 59peachmango
Is there a formula I can use in the second column of Table 1 to look for each item in Table 2 and tell me what group it is in? For example for "apple" or "pear" or "grape" it would look in Table 2 and return the Group ID number "214".
I'm trying to return 2 values from a table selection, based on a value i.e. if I look up the table for "Team 1" - i'd like to return Team 1 v Team 6, Team 9 v Team 1, and so on, to a Fixtures Section in a different area of my Excel Sheet.
However, the look up value "Team 1" could be in column J or N. I've tried Index, Match, VLookup, IF statements etc....
I'm trying to write the proper "DAVERAGE" function in cell "B2" below that would return the appropriate value from the Second table. I've used this function before but typically the "criteria" defined is specific whereas i'm hoping i can make this one simply reference the proper value in the "A" column along with the corresponding row "1". i.e. Daverage of "Tiger Wood" responses for "Q5".
I am having trouble with getting a value (which is the row and column value) from a set of numbers. I have attached an example table to try and make things clearer. What I have is a table with a set of Row Headers, and Columns Headers all numeric. e.g Columns headed 1, 2, 3, 4, Rows 30, 40, 50 etc. I want to find the 1st occurrence of a value e.g. 1.0 in the table (by 1st Up mean closest to top left), and then give me the value of the Row and Column Header that corresponds to that.
So for the example attached, I want to get the row Value 200 and Column 6 from finding the 1st occurrence of the number 1. I have tried various combinations of index and Match etc. But I can't get my head around the fact that the position of the 1st no. 1.0 can change, therefore I can't use any releative positions etc.
I have a spreadsheet with two different rating scales (People & Business) that have a value of 1-5 per person. From this I created another column 'Sorter' that gives a person a single value of 1-25 (5*5 possibilities from the two rating scales.) I am trying to place people into a table based off of the column 'Sorter' as shown in columns U-Y. The real table cleaned up is in the table tab.
I am trying to write code so I can control the PivotFields on a PivotTable from another sheet in the book. I cannot figure out how to get Excel to return a list of the fields in each page field. If I record code to change the Animal PivotField to show dogs, i get the following:
the formular that i have in the attached file is returing all the customer numbers Is it possible to return only one value of each the data is in the "data" sheet and the formulars are in sheet1
In a large spreadsheet that receives external data, I have codes (U, N or V) allocated at various times to different rows as shown in sample worksheet attached. Elsewhere in the spreadsheet, I need to display (for later export) these codes along with their respective number in a sorted list. Please review the attached:
In the spreadsheet you'll see a column of codes, the next column is the data reference number, then to the right is three columns, one for each code. As displayed in the sample book attached, each Code column is to display the data reference number (from column 2)that matches that column's code.
What formula can I use to list these numbers in the appropriate columns?
I've inherited the following code, which uses solver to create a sensitivity table for a given return in a derivatives model:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 'Yield Analysis 'Application. ScreenUpdating = False x = Range("Correlation") v = Range("SwapCur") w = Range("DebtLTV") Range("ValYLD").Value = 0.005 For i = 1 To 5 For j = 1 To 7 Range("ValYLD").Value = 0.005 Range("DebtLTV") = 0 a = Range("IRRung") b = Sheets("Cashflow").Cells(35 + j, 4) c = Range("SwapFX") d = Sheets("Cashflow").Cells(35, 4 + i).................
It seems that the code does not cope well when negative numbers are used as inputs, as the results it gives are unexpected and incorrect. I have fiddled with various elements but to no avail. All inputs are percentages. i= 1to 5 are always positive, j 1-7 percentages, centred around "SwapFX". It is these inputs, along with "swapcur" which are now negative, and previously have not been.