Suppose i have the following in column A (in a range called MyWords):
I am looking for a solution which will given me the number of cells in 'MyWords' range which contain each of the following words. The desired solution in in the left column:
Word | Count
dear | 2
off | 2
ear| 2
count | 2
dent | 2
stud | 1
age | 2
I have two workbooks, (Invoice.xls) and (Inventory.xls) both using sheet1. When I fill out an invoice, with lets say 10 items on sheet1 column B, I need a macro to find those items in workbook "Inventory" sheet1 column A. When the item is found, I need the qty I entered on the invoice workbook "Invoice" sheet1 column C (same row as the item number) to be subtracted from the current total for that item in workbook "Inventory" sheet1 column C. I would like to run the code from the workbook "Invoice" before I do a "Save As". I have found other Vb code on this site that seems very close to what I need, but I just don't know enough to make the changes necessary.
I have a list in column L2:L352. I would like to be able to start at AD2 and drag horizontally so that AD2 = L2, AE2 = <BLANK>, AF2 = <BLANK>, AG2 = L3, AH2 = <BLANK>, AI2 = <BLANK>, AJ2 = L4, etc.... until L352 has been autofilled.
I have been using the wrong formula to count total entries in columns and only just found this error. The MAX formula in cell B4 is: =MAX($B$12:$B$36). If the all the rows are full within range F12:F36, then the MAX formula is fine to count the total within range B12:B36 (25) so I thought. But sometimes there are omissions between F12:F36. If there are 2 blank cells anywhere within F12:F36 for example, then B4 needs to show 23 respectively. In the sample WkBk B4 needs to show 8
I am trying to make some of my data validation dropdown list boxes narrower. I was told one way to do that is to use combo boxes. (If there are any other ways, please let me know!)
I don't think my combo boxes are working. I had tried to make a combo box appear in each data validation pulldown cell by using this tutorial:
I followed this tutorial word for word, but when I try to test the code at the end by double-clicking on a data validation pulldown cell, no combo box appears.
Is it possible that, once filtered, you can count the amount a filled in cells in a column range...BUT! These cells are ID numbers for stocks, so CAN contain duplicates which represent accounts, Therefore, any duplicate will be counted as 1...
12345325 12345325 435ghfdhy 5464OKff SEDDONF4
As we can see here there are 14 lines of data but only 7 make up the dataset
so if X was the variable assigned to this it would = 7
Is this possible, in a loop or some sort, Would VBA hold all the Instances in its memory???
Is it possible that, once filtered, you can count the amount a filled in cells in a column range...BUT! These cells are ID numbers for stocks, so CAN contain duplicates which represent accounts, Therefore, any duplicate will be counted as 1...
how I can, in a formulae, identify the last item(s) in a list of values. For example I have data in rows 1-25 with numeric data in. I want to put a formula in, say, row 100 that averages the last three data items above in the same column, but the number of data items will increase over time to use row 26, 27, etc. and I don't want to change the formula in row 100.
I have a list box on a form. When I click an item in the list, it hilights it with a blue background. How can then deselect the item that I had selected using code?
I use ComboBox to add items to the ListBox in userform
I am tring to loop through the ListBox to check each name in the ListBox, so ifthe name chosen by the ComboBox exists in the ListBox then donot add it, but both codes do check the number of the item in the ListBox.
I need to check the name of the item?
With ListBox1 For i = 1 To ListBox1.Value If i = ComboBox1.Value Then MsgBox "u cannot add this item" Exit Sub Next i
For i = LBound(ListBox1.List) To UBound(ListBox1.List) If i = ComboBox1.Value Then MsgBox " u cannot add this item" Exit Sub Next i
.AddItem tot.Value .List(.ListCount - 1, 1) = ComboBox1.Value End With
I have three companies in column A, In Column B I have a date of when an item was sent to them, in Column C I have the amount of days this item has been out with that company. Is there a formula that will count the number of days an item has been out with one of the companies per month, and find an average if more than 1 item has been sent per month. Two items have been sent to company A in Sep 09, one item has been there 10 days the other 20 days, the answer I would be looking for is 15.
I have two lists of components, a component from List A is added to one from List B and a total in £'s needs to be shown, simple enough I hear you say HOWEVER the LENGTH of component B is variable.
For example
Input part # ABC in A1 and £50 is shown as a total in D1, then input part # 123 in B1 and the length of 100 in C1 and the total changes to £100. Then if you change the figure to 200 the total changes to £150
I would like to perform an operation on each filtered range. To do this I need some kind of loop which would enable each item in the auto filler. I dont know how to do this. The loop i need is to enable one item, do operation (ex sum of visible rows --> i already have a code for that) then disable that currently visible range and enable next one, perform sum operation again.
This will (if I change the row reference at the end) return all Tom C's (If I change B2 to "Tom C") in sequential order but only the Tom C's and not the other Tom's (Tom B and Tom A). I have tried replacing the $B$2 with "*"&$B$2&"*" but that doesn't seem to work.
I have a budget document that has a selection (Named Range with list items in a drop down) Approved, Rejected, Awaiting Approval or Blank. What I would like to do is set a process that could approve all Awaiting Approval. My thought was to create another choice box at the top that allowed the user to choose approve all awaiting and it would select every matching item that was Awaiting Approval and change it to Approved. At the same time I would like it to set the date and time, this could just copy what I put in an associated field or be real time.
The below is causing me an issue as it is setting the ws value to equal nothing instead of sheet1 or sheet2 etc. I have my dimensions set above and there are no spelling mistakes.
It falls down on the VB : Set LastRow = ws.Range("a65536").End(xlUp) line but this seems to happen because ws is set to nothing.
VB: For iramp2 = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1 If ListBox1.Selected(iramp2) Then Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet" & iramp2) End If
I am a softball coach and I want to create a fielding roster for my team. I have all the players names in column A (A4:A14). I have positions listed in column L (L4:L15) as follows: P, C, 1B, 2B, SS, 3B, LF, LC, CF, RC, RF, X. Cell range B4:H14 (7 innings) is where I need to have drop downs, but once I select a certain positions for one player in inning 1, for ex., I want it to not be available for the next player in the same inning.
I created a drop down list (of various Input Groups) and I need to show the selected group's responsibilities on a separate sheet; is there an easy way to do this?
You can find attached the workbook I am working on.
In my workbook I have four sheets. Only two sheets are relevant in this case: "Sheet1" and "List". On "Sheet1" there in column A there is big range of codenumbers (highlighted with red). On the "List" worksheet I have a smaller list (highlighted with green).
I have a code also in module1 but the code is not working.
I would like my macro to do the following. Check the code number from the "List" worksheet (green) and search for it in "Sheet1" column A (red). If this codnumber can be found in column A then leave the number on the green list. If it cannot be found in column A then, delete it from the green list. If you open the file, you can see on the "List" worksheet that there are three code numbers in the green range. The upper and the bottom code number can be found on the "Sheet1" column A (red) range, but the middle number cannot be found. So if the macro would work correctly then it would delete the middle number, and leave the other two untouched!
Searching a text string on Sheet 1 to see if it contains any item in a list (on Sheet 2 Column 1) and if so return the value of Sheet 2 Column 2 next to the list item found?
It's a budget problem: Sheet 1 has my downloaded Visa statements. I want to categorise all items.
Eg Any item containing the string 'safeway' is categorised as 'General expenses'. So the list on Sheet 2 has an item called 'safeway' and in the next column 'General expenses'.
And for the item on Sheet 1 'BPAYN BUPA AUSTRALIA BPAY MBF monthly' I have an item in Sheet 2 that is simply 'BUPA' with category 'Medical expenses'.
I'm looking for click event code for a list box called lbActiveItemList that finds a match for the selected record in Column 1, to the Sheet ReturnData in Column A from row 6 on (using the G column to find the last row). Upon finding a match it should close the userform, and make the G cell for the matching record the Active Cell.
I have two cells and both have a drop down list. I would like Excel to automatically select an item from the second drop-down list based on the manual selection of the first drop-down list. The second cell needs the have the dependent item appear in the second cell not just be available in the drop-down list.
For example, Cell A1 has a drop-down lsit of the names of fruits, vegetables and flowers (apples, bananas, carrots, carnations, corn, daisys, tomatoes, zuchinni). Cell B1 has another drop down with three items (fruits, vegetables & flowers) which needs to be dependent on the first list. Further, I would like cell B1 to automatically select the appropriate item.
For example, if "carrots" is selected in cell A1 then I would like "vegetables" to be selected and automatically appear in cell B1. If "carnations" is selected in cell A1 then I would like "flowers" to appear (not just be available in the drop down).