Trying To Capture Point In Time Data In New Fields Each Day

Oct 2, 2008

Trying to capture data from specific fields (which are populated with live data collected elsewhere) into new fields based on date. Ex:

A1 - A4 have "totals" derived from an external source, and the fluctuate daily.

I want to take today's totals and drop them into D1 - D4. Tomorrow, I want totals dumped into E1 - E4, the next day they go into F 1- F4, and so on... in other words, I'm tracking daily totals over time.

I've started with a macro that I would attach to BeforeSave as follows--

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Capture External Data Refresh Date & Time

May 29, 2008

In the Data tab under Connection Properties, I have "Refresh every x minutes" checked. Question is how do I capture in a cell within a sheet the last time it was refreshed?

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Capture Current Time

Feb 4, 2010

I am preparing a template on the con-call done with various states. What I want to do is to capture their log in time to the call.

1) As soon as participants log in, we need to input the time of that moment. Click or double click with the cell should give me the current time.

2) Need to calculate how many participants, logged in to the call On-time by considering the log in time captured.
3) Similarly, we need to count the participants joined within 10 minutes of call and who are late comers.

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Convert Column Data Fields To Row Data Fields In Pivot Table

Feb 8, 2014

Austria - A10Sum of SeiA51CountryHourSum of SeiASum of SeiT
Sum of SeiT4.88Austria - A10514.88
1Sum of SeiA561562.83


left side pivot created in vb 6.0 & right side pivot table created manually in excel.

i want to generated pivot table using vb 6.0 same as right side pivot.

Set PRange = ws1.Range("R1:Y" & finalrow)
Set PTCache = wb.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:=PRange)
Set PT = PTCache.CreatePivotTable(TableDestination:=ws2.Cells(1, 1),


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Capture System Time On Button Click

Feb 28, 2014

I have created a break tracker where i have to key in time manually. What i want is to click the desired label field and there will a button next to it which will deliver system time on that particular field while i will click on it. And i also want a working button for date as well. 2 separate button 1 for time and 1 for date.

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Time Sheets - Converting Decimal Point

Nov 16, 2008

I have just started a job and given a task to input some timesheets that were done manually. The problem is that I used decimal point instead of the colon. When I try and format the cells I do not get the real time.

Here is an example: ....

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Filter Column To Show Dates After A Point In Time

May 11, 2009

I have a column filled with dates in DD/MM/YYYY format. They go back to 2006.

I want to filter all dates from last monday onwards how do you do this?

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Adding Date And Time Fields

Nov 24, 2008

From an outside source, a date is brought into one cell, and time is brought into another. Is there a way to combine them into one cell with the format of m/d/yyyy h:mm?

I tried concatenate, but that did not work.

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Difference Between 2 Date And Time Fields

Jun 14, 2013

I have tried several ways to calculate the difference between 2 dates/Time fields. Here is what i have tried and the issues i am encountering.

Cell F3 Has the Create date and Cell G3 has the resolution date and i need to calculate the difference between the 2 in months, Days, Hours, Mins and seconds:

1st option - =G3-F3 and set the format of the cell to mm "m "dd"d" hh"h "mm"m "ss"s "

The problem is, for some reason the months isn't calculating correctly and appears to add 1 month

2nd option - =DATEDIF(F156,G156,"y")&"y "&DATEDIF(F156,G156,"ym")&"m
"&DATEDIF(F156,G156,"md")&"d "&TEXT(MOD(G156-F156,1),"hh""h ""mm""m ""ss""s""")

This appeared to work however because it looks at the date and time separately, when there are 22 hours difference which spans over 2 dates ( Created 13/06/2013 10:30:00 Resolved 14/06/2013 08:34:00) its shows as 1 day and 22 hours which isn't correct.

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Automatically Change The Point Name To Match The Point Name In Column

Dec 10, 2008

I have a pivot table as shown below which is pretty straight forward however I am trying to create a macro that will automatically change the point name to match the point name in column E then copy that resulting dispaly to another sheet then pick the next point name in line and do the same thing and repeat for 50 rows, so my end result will be 50 pivot tables ready for printing. I can do this manually but I am trying to make it automatic...BTW the point names in column E change everyday but the pivot table supports the name changes.

Option Explicit
Sub PointName()
Dim Ws As Worksheet
Dim Rng As Range, Cel As Range

Set Ws = ActiveSheet
Set Rng = Range(Cells(2, 7), Cells(Rows.Count, 7).End(xlUp))

For Each Cel In Rng
Ws.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Point Name").CurrentPage = Cel & " "

With ActiveSheet
.Name = Trim(Cel)
End With
End Sub

I turned it off for a while and when I turned it back on I am getting an error
Unable to set the _Default property of the PivotItem class

Debugger is highlighting

Ws.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Point Name").CurrentPage = Cel & " "

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How To Capture Streaming Data

Oct 6, 2007

I have streaming data coming into my excel spreadsheet. The data is in 1 cell and its a number that changes almost every second. How can I capture and store this data.

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Find And Capture Data

Jan 24, 2007

I need to find a term "aa" and upon finding this term, the term on the right must be "bb" before we capture the number. Output will be 15 for this case.

Note that we do not know which cell "aa" will occur in, but the term "bb" will always be on the right of "aa". Can anybody help me with this? I have attached an example for your reference. Hopfully by modifying the below code, i can get the value i desired.

Sub test2()

Dim xx As Variant

Set rng = Cells.Find(What:="aa" , After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt _
:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
If Not rng Is Nothing Then xx = rng.Offset(0, 3).Value
MsgBox xx
If rng Is Nothing Then xx = 0
MsgBox xx

End Sub

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Formula To Capture Data In Cells That Are After It

Aug 12, 2009

I have a moving average spreadsheet that I am having trouble with. In column F of 'Data for Pivot' Tab, I have a set of data that doesn't begin populating until 101 data points (cell C8 in 'Mov_Avg_Chart' is the input; in this cell F138 of 'Data for Pivot' tab) after data begins populating in Column E of 'Data for Pivot' Tab (in this case data begins populating in Column E in row 38).

What I would like to do is have the data in cells F38 to F137 = the value in cell F138. From there on forward (cells F138 and onwards), I would like the formula to calculate data in the same way as it is currently calculating it. That is, I would like the values in cells F38 to F137 be 0.00110 (in the current example). However, the data will be constantly changing. Thus, sometimes the data in column F will begin at a different cell than cell F138. In essence, I want the formula: when column E begins populating data but column F has not, I want those column F values to equal the value of the first populated value in column F (which is usually numerous cells below this value).

I just can't seem to get this one right after spending considerable time on it. I would appreciate any help you can give on this.

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Data Auditing - Capture Changing?

Jul 10, 2014

I have an excel file with column stating month and rows are phases ... for each Phases we add the revenue numbers by month and it does keep changes as and when scope changes. However, i am finding it difficult to capture the changes ... is there a way i can set the guidelines to ensure all historical data changes as and when any updates and it should store the historic inputs for consolidation ... i would like to be called as Baseline, Re-baseline1, Re-beseline2 like wise.

Sample attached : sample_auditing.xlsx‎

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Combobox Data Capture From Other Workbook

Nov 20, 2007

how data capturing works, using controls. I try to explain what I mean. I have a userform with a combobox that allows to select data from a worksheet in another workbook (database). Using VBA, I'm asked to define the "source" for the combobox. I don't understand the difference between controlsource and row source because when I close the userform, I find only the first field filled in (column "A"), while I would like the entire row to be copied.I also would like to have an "ok" button to allow me for multiple selection. In other words:

I select the desired data from the combobox
I click on the "ok" button ahd this event should copy the data (entire row) selected via the combobox on my worksheet without closing the userform in order to allow me to select other data on the same session. The row to copy data into is selected using the firstemptyrow method..

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Pivot Table Field List - Choose Multiple Fields At Same Time

Nov 9, 2011

In the "Pivot Table Field List" I have the option to "Choose fields to add to report". I have a large number of fields that I want to choose and "Add to Values" - so it is tedious to select each item individually.My question: Is there any possible way select multiple fields at the same time? e.g.

a "select all" option, orhighlighting a range of the available fields (either by dragging or holding the shift key)I've looked / tried above with no luck.

Any Excel Add-Ins out there that might address this? I'm fearing not since my searches have come up empty.

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Formula To Capture Completed Status For Relevant Data

Apr 2, 2014

I have attached the the excel sheet where in i want to calculate the total number of completed data points for one person.

Let's say "Wasim" would have completed 7 tasks and would updated the relevant cell as Completed.

Now in a huge data list How will i find "Wasim" and how do i calculate how many he has completed.

I believe Pivot table would be the answer here but is there any formula which would replace the pivot table?

(Please see the attachment) Example.xlsx

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Capturing Data: Capture Fleet No & Model From Book 1

Oct 22, 2009

find the attached file. Book 2 there is 4 columns ie,reg no,fleet no,product & model and on book 1 there is fleet no,reg no and model and what i need is to capture fleet no & model from Book 1.

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Macro To Capture Data From A Specific Cell Upon Selection Changes

May 22, 2007

I'm trying to do is definetly simple to a lot of you, but I'm struggling on how to get started. I attached a workbook that clearly shows my work! I'm almost there but not quiet. Basically the user will be able to make a slection that will be used to lookup values from a different sheet. Each selection triggers a ranking number at the bottom (red pattern) in the worksheet. Now I would like to capture all scenarios and display the ranking.

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Capture And Calculate Data Based On Work Week In VBA Or Formulas

Jul 21, 2014

I have a requirements to capture the data and calculate the qty based on the defined work week. How to to this in vba macro or a formulas. I'll giving a sample data as reference. In my sample data i have already the formulas
but i wanted to automate the work week calculation specially if the number of days in a month has been change.

Btw, the values of every column is came from other worksheet. i copy paste this data as my sample.

For ex : Today is July and it has 31 days, the 31 days will be distributed to the defined workweek and calculate the contents of the corresponding column.

here is the distribution of columns per week as reference.

(31 days)
wk1 - Day1 to Day8 (8 colums)
wk2 - Day9 to Day16 (8 colums)
wk3 - Day17 to Day24 (8)
wk4 - Day25 to day 31 (7) columns

(30 days)
wk1 - Day1 to Day8 (8 colums)
wk2 - Day9 to Day16 (8 colums)
wk3 - Day17 to Day23 (7)
wk4 - Day23 to day 30 (7) columns

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Excel 2010 :: Click On Pivot Chart Data Point And Display Data

Apr 22, 2014

Pivot Chart. I would like to set up something to where a user can click on an individual value on a pivot chart (currently a line chart set up with 4 data series) and somehow display some underlying data. I have a lot of information stored in a data worksheet that I can't display all at once, but if a user sees a questionable data point, he/she can click and learn more about it from source data, or even a new query of the data worksheet.

I am using Excel 2010

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Filter Data Into Groups That Contain A Common Data Point Using Pivot Tables?

Apr 30, 2013

I want to use a Pivot table to filter data to show just the studies that contain patients from the 'South' area?

As per example below I want to be able to see all the patients in all areas but only for studies that have patients from the south. I put together an array formula that works well for small tables but is too much with one one my sheets that contains 200,000 rows.

Before filtering:

Study ID
Study Short Title
Study Patient ID



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Charts Stop Plotting Data Error Bars After Certain Number Of Data Point Selected

Dec 23, 2013

In the attached document is a timeline made from a scatter chart. Error bars using custom values are used to show the length of each task, however I can't get the chart to include error bars for the last 2 data points (tasks).

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Data To Right Of Decimal Point

Aug 19, 2009

is there any way to use the right function to return any data to the right of the decimal point?

eg 117.22 would be .22
108.1225 would be .1225
102.358 would be .358 etc

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Custom Data Point

Apr 24, 2007

If I check the box labeled catagory name on the intial creation or within chart options on the right click menu each data point gets labeled with the name of the catagory.

I would like to label a significant event at one of these data points does anyone know how to do this? If this isn't a built in feature does anyone have a work around that would look good?

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Changing Raw Data To Point Values?

Dec 4, 2012

I'm looking to change raw data into a "point" system. One of my value exchanges is every $1,000 equals 5 points. So if cell A1 equals $4,685 I am looking for cell A2 to give me a value of 20. (5pts times 4 increments of a $1k) The point value only changes at the $1k milestones, so the remaining $685 does not change the point value. What would the formula look like for something like this?

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Intersection Point Return Data

Jul 24, 2006

I have 100 rows and 100 columns, where row 1 is dates, and column A is times, and within are numbers. On a second sheet I have a column (A) with random dates and another (B) with times. What I need is a third column (C)on the second sheet that looks at the date and time, finds the intersection on the first sheet, and returns the number found there.

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Find A Data Point On XY Scatter

Jun 11, 2008

I now have a XY scatter graph with 109 individual points (representing schools) and a macro that tells you the plot details when you hover over. It's ok if you want to know which school is down the bottom but if you don't know where the desired school is in the first place, it's a lot of trial and error before you find it.

What could I look to add that gives the user the option to have a single data point highlighted (on selection?) so they don't have to manually look for it?

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Adding Data Point From Several Files With Several Sheets

Feb 11, 2014

I want to collect data from multiple files that have multiple sheets and data in them. Basically what I want to do is to copy every 600th data point for 6 times (1 hour) and then move to the next sheet. Once done with the sheets, I want to move to the next file. I had done a similar code before that worked, and now that I tweaked it, it doesn't work. Plus I'm getting a compiler message telling that "For control variable already in use". I have attached the code I'm using below.

[Code] ......

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Line Chart With Single Data Point

Jun 20, 2013

Showed a line chart using 2 vertical axis where the first was a single line along the graph (ie. 42%) then the second data series was a single data point that was above or below the line which easily showed if the result lied above or below the threshold.

How to get a straight line across the body of the just to be used as the theshold line?

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