Userform To Display Range And Populate User Input

Jan 9, 2013

I have a few questions here.

1) Can a userform procedure be place in the midst a larger macro, so that it can get input from the user before running the rest of the macro? ie If the user leave the input field blank, the macro will exit will a msgbox.

2) I have a range(A1:A3) that i want my userform to display. This range is dynamic. The user will require to input the corresponding country next to it. how do i code the this? I will need to use a listboxes and textboxes right?

for example: userform shows city on the left, user will need to input the country on the right.

A1 - California (user input on the right)
A2 - Shanghai (user input on the right)
A3 - Mumbai (user input on the right)

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Display Selected Cells Depends On User Input?

Jul 17, 2013

I am trying to display number of lines which depends on value pass by user. Actually user is passing some value. on which some group of lines has to be display.

for 1 value 9 lines
for 2 value first 9 lines + another 9 lines
for 3 value first 18lines + 9 lines
and so on till 52.(this 9 lines are set of some column and rows)

thus cant use macros..

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Is Userform Textbox Input By User Default TEXT?

Mar 31, 2009

If it is how do I convert the user input for the text box field as number. thx

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UserForm - Keep User In Textbox If They Made Format Input Error

Oct 27, 2012

I have a userfrom with a text box which is used to receive a telephone number from the user. The 'Event' code that checks the formatting of the telephone number is "tbCustTel_Exit". If my user enters a format other than what is acceptable for a tel number, they get an error message telling them to re-enter.

My problem is they still end up EXITING that text box they made a mistake in? How can I override them exiting the text box if they make a mistake - and keep them in the text box so they can try and re-enter the tel number again?

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Forcing A User To Input A Set Number And Type Of Character In A Userform

Apr 10, 2007

I want to force my user to input a date in a userform. I have a normal Textbox and assumed i'd be able to set the properties to mean that imput had to be an integer and the format had to be "00/00/00" but I can't see how to do this.

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User Input Into A Range

Jul 14, 2006

This code works fine if i use static ranges, but i would like the user to input the column in which the data is stored.

'Get data for the locations of the gaming license numbers needed for the comparison
varPlayerHost = InputBox("Please enter a single letter for the" + vbCrLf + _
"Column that the Player Host License" + vbCrLf + _
"numbers are in.", "Player Host Number Location", "H")
varHostLicense = InputBox("Now enter the column letter for the copied employee" + vbCrLf + _
"license numbers", "Employee License Number Location", "U")

'Set the ranges for the data to be compared
'This is where I am getting the error???
Set rRangeA = Range([varPlayerHost,1], Range(varPlayerHost, 65536).End(xlUp))
Set rRangeB = Range([varHostLicense,1], Range(varHostLicense, 65536).End(xlUp))

'The actual comparison and deletion of record that match the license numbers copied.
'When this function finishes you will be left with a spreadsheet that only has patron
'information left for the patrons that have an invalid host number.
For Each rCell In rRangeA
If WorksheetFunction. CountIf(rRangeB, rCell) > 0 Then
End If
Next rCell

This exact code is kicking an error
"Run Time error 1004"
"Method 'Range' of Object '_Global' failed"
Not quite sure where i went wrong.

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User Select Range Through Input Box

Sep 21, 2009

I'm trying to get a users' selected range to display in a cell as stored text.

therefore, If a user selects A1:D7. The text in Cells("G", 10) will be:"A1:D7"

w/o the quotes.

I've attached an example workbook.
Here's the formula thus far:

Sub SelectRangeBox()
Dim rnBody As Range
Dim vaMsg As Variant
vaMsg = Application.InputBox( _
Prompt:="Please enter the message-text:", _
Title:="Message", _
Loop While vaMsg = ""................................

Actuall maybe my thread should be Titled. user selected cell range displayed in input box save to cell as a text value.

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Color Range With User Input

Mar 8, 2007

I have searched for code in the forum to help me here but could not get any of the possible choices to work for me. I have a spreadsheet that is password protected but would like the user to be able to change the color of the fonts based on the user's choice. The protected page (one of many in the spreadsheet) has various cells that are unlocked so that the user can enter data. The rest of the page is locked. I have allowed all users of the worksheet to Select Unlocked Cells only. I have attempted to allow them to Format cells as well, but each time the program is re opened this feature is no longer working. (The program has a macro that ensures it opens in protected mode each time.)

So I would like to set up a Macro that allows the users to set the color of 6 rows and 5 columns based on their choice. An example of the configuration is:
1234Color Choice


Using the above format, I am imagining the I would have a Key with color codes (using the ColorIndex Properties). The user would type in the appropriate number for each row and click a button and the rows (5 cells each) would change to the selected color.

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User Input To Set Last Column In Range To Copy

Apr 9, 2009

If possible could someone please help with changing the below code so that column "D" in the rngIn part of the code can be a variable. i.e so the user can select one, two, three or four columns (with visible data) to be copied. The "b3" part is a constant.

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Sum A Range Of Cells Based On User Input

May 2, 2009

I have a range of cells that I want to sum based on a range inputed by the user. The range begins with cell c27 and ends with cell au27. I want the user to be asked the beginning cell and ending cell of the range they want to sum and then output the answer.

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AutoFilter - User Can Choose Range And Input From / To Date

Mar 19, 2012

I have a work book.

In column C27 and down, the user can input a date.
In column M27 down, the user chooses pass or fail.

N8, contains a date chosen by user as the "From" date and P8 the "to" date.

Cell o11 is "Passed" and cell 012 is "failed"

The user can choose a date range and input the from and to date in N8 and P8, this will count the number of pass and fails and input the number in O11 and o12.

Formulas are below.

=COUNTIFS('Aff MFR'!C27:C1663,">="&'Aff MFR'!N8,'Aff MFR'!C27:C1663,"="&'Aff MFR'!N8,'Aff MFR'!C27:C1663,"

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User Friendly Way To Display Range Value

Jul 14, 2009

I am writing a macro in which the user selects several ranges (entire columns) for the macro to manipulate. I display a userform to the user that contains 16 refedit objects (1 for each range that they picked). Unfortunately, the value that appears in the refedit boxes is not very user-readable. It looks like this:


I can assume that all of the ranges will reside in the same workbook, so I have been cutting the workbook name portion off as a string and displaying it in 1 place only. I can leave the value of the refedit as: Sheet1'!$B:$B, but even that is not very friendly. Of course if I do change the value of the refedit controls then I will need to "fix" them before attempting to access the range.

Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to display the sheet and column of the range to the user?

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Moving Average Input Range Display

Mar 30, 2007

I am using the built in moving average function to calculate the moving average of a set of numbers. There are a few things that i would like to do.

First i would like to have the last result displayed in a single cell. Then next to that cell i would like to have a cell that would specify the period of the moving average. I would like to be able to change the period in that cell and have that change it in the actual function. And finally i would like to have the moving average in a chart that would also change its period once that is changed in the respective cell. I realize that this might need some VB coding which i am currently learning.

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Copy Formula Across Based On User-defined Input Range

Apr 4, 2008

I have a cell B10 which contains a formula.

I would like a macro which copies this formula across the same row.

However, the macro should prompt the user to select a range.

Based on the range selected and in particular the columns in this selected range, I would like the macro to copy the formula only for the columns specified in the selected range.

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Populate Userform Combobox From Range In Different Workbook

Jul 28, 2012

I am looking to fill out a combobox (say combobox1) in a userform from a set of ranges located in a different workbook (that is in a different location).

For example, the cells that would need to be in the combobox are B5:B41,D5:D40 and F5:F45 and the file location is W:WCWORKCENTERS.xls

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Populate Userform Combobox With Unique Values From A Range

Jul 26, 2012

I found this thread which deal with populating unique values in my listbox.

Here is the thread link. [URL] ........

What these line of code mean (the ones in red).

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

Dim v, e
With Sheets("maintenance").Range("c2:c500")
v = .Value
End With
With CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")

[Code] ......

Note : I simple tried to check the value of v by giving msgbox (v), just below the line v = .Value.

But I got run-time error 13 : Type mismatch error.

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Select Range Of Cells Based On UserForm Input Value?

Jun 18, 2012

So I'm creating a UserForm that takes user input to create a worksheet based on the values input. My question is: How to select a range of cells based on a variable input value? For example, it asks how many competitors there are, and the user can input 5, 8, 10, etc. So I want that many cells in Row 1 selected, whatever the value input is.

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Display Worsheet Range On UserForm

Nov 8, 2009

i want to insert a range of cells from a worksheet onto a userform. how can this be accomplished? i use excel 2007, so theres no spreadsheet control. active x controls i dont know anything about and i heart its unsafe.

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Prevent The User From Saving The Data Input From The User Form If Any Of Those Three Fields Is Left Blank

Feb 9, 2010

I have a user form that has a combo box "City" two text boxes one called "Flight" and the other "Date". What I'm trying to do is to prevent the user from saving the data input from the user form if any of those three fields is left blank. The code that I have so far checks all of the required fields, if any are left blank a message notifys which field(s) is left blank and return the focus back to that field. But the rest of code also fires.

What I really need is either to stop the code if any fields are blank and return the focus back to the blank field, the user completes the field(s) and clicks the save again, or better yet, pause the code until all the required fields are completed and then complete the save. (There is actually another 200+ lines of code in this sub, but I deleted it to keep the post a little shorter.)

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Check A User Input To See If The User Has Entered The Date Correctly

Feb 17, 2010

I am trying to check a user input to see if the user has entered the date correctly. I am using the code below but it keeps giving me a "Type Mismatch" error.

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Display Contents Of Named Range On Userform

Oct 18, 2007

i have a userform with a text box in it a i would like to display all the values in a named range called "emp1"

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Fill Date Across Columns Based On User Date Range Input?

Mar 5, 2014

based on user date ranges entered on sheet1, I'm trying to write code that will write each month of the date range on other sheets across the 2nd row. at this point I'm getting "object required" error at "Set DateStart = Cells(2, 6)"

I also want the date format to be mmm-yy (Mar 14) on the sheets even if sheet1 has a different format. I tried using sourcerange instead of DateStart, but that didnt work either.


Dim projStartDate As Date
Dim projEndDate As Date
Dim DateStart As Date[code]....

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UserForm Input (a Button That Opens An Input Box Or Dialog Box)

Jul 4, 2006

I have to design an input user form (a button that opens an input box or dialog box), which asks user to "Enter number of "columns"".

User enters a number i.e. 2 or 3 etc

It then asks user for the headings of these coulmns and places first column heading in A1 and second column heading in B1, third in C1 and so on ...

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Userform VBA - VLookup Data Range From One Workbook And Populate Into Another Workbook

Feb 9, 2013

what VBA is required to have a combo box in a userform look up data in a different workbook, then populate that data into the drop down list of that combo box for a user to select.

I have managed to successfully create a vlookup for a combo box in a userform that looks up data in a named range in another worksheet within the same workbook and then populate that data into a field in a worksheet within the same workbook. However, I want to change this so the combo box on a userform (in one workbook) will look up data from a named range in a second workbook without opening the second workbook. At the moment, the code I have that will 'submit' the user selected data from the combo box drop down list works.

The code that has worked so far to vlookup data for the combo box from a worksheet within the same workbook is:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim pName As Range
Dim ws As WorksheetSet ws = Worksheets("vlookupsheet")
For Each pName In ws.Range("ProjectName")
With Me.cboProjectName
.AddItem pName.Value
End WithNext pName
End Sub

Do I need specify the file path of the second workbook that will contain the data for the combo box as well as the name of the worksheet and named range in that second workbook?

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Input The Name And Have That Data Populate A Different Ten Cells

Jul 13, 2006

how to do some complex stuff in Excel but sometimes I don't know how to do some really easy stuff. After I have named a data set of say a certain ten cells in one column, is there a function or a way to input the name and have that data populate a different ten cells? For instance if I have a huge amount of data all coded and I want to take equal but different portions and run them through a template, how can I make it so I just have to enter the a code for any of the data I have coded and have it populate momentarily where ever I need it to go? I'm sure this is very easy to do unless I have explained it inadequately.

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Populate User Form

Jan 16, 2007

I have created a user form for which I would like to do the following:

1)Select Last name using a combo box and with this all other fields should be automaticallu populated

2) If I make a change on the user form, it should update the relevent cell as well

All data is in the sheet 'Staff'

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VBA Required To Input From TXT Files And Populate Workbook

Jun 12, 2013

I have numerous text files named HOSTNAME.txt with the below information imbedded.


Instance shutdown complete
Thu May 02 19:36:01 2013
Instance shutdown complete
Thu May 09 20:19:58 2013
Thu May 09 20:25:26 2013
Instance shutdown complete


In the file, the date always follows the action. The sequence as you can see is not always complete which indicates a issue.

Each File will represent a row in my spreadsheet and the columns will then have the headers STOP,START,STOP,START,etcSystem



I would like to use the captured data later to calculate downtime, everything can be changed except for the structure of the text file.

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Populate More Than One Worksheet From A User Form

Oct 19, 2009

I've only just starting using Excel for anything other than basic calculations and have got a little stuck with a user form. On my attached spreadsheet I am trying to set up a form for staff incident reporting. There is a Contents worksheet and then each incident has it's own detailed worksheet. The user will click on 'create new incident' on the Contents page.

This opens a user form. From this form I want to populate the contents worksheet. I then also want it to populate the relevant incident worksheet. I can populate the contents page but I need help getting the correct Incident worksheet populated at the same time. Hopefully all will become clear running the file.

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Using A User Form To Populate Spreadsheet

Jan 20, 2010

I’m looking to use a user form to populate a quotation template, I have been able to link the first part of the form to the sheet as these are static cells but I’m struggling in getting the items details area of the form to work as I need. Below is a brief description what I need.

Item Details area

Move down a line after every time the add button is pressed and clear contents of the text boxes for the next item.

Also I want to make each * denoted item required before you can add a new item

I’ve uploaded a copy of the file if my description isn’t too clear

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Populate Textbox On User Form

Feb 9, 2007

File attached

1) I have a user form that picks data from a spreadsheet - This is for scheduling a course. Works fine

2) I have a second form which should do 2 things:
a) On the bottom half of the form, select people from sheet 'Staff'. Works fine
b) On the top part, I would like to select a course (using combo box) and fromt this select a date for when the course has been scheduled (from sheet 'Scheduled Courses'). Courses are run a few times so have multiple entries. With some help, have done this and it works well

The problem is that when I select a date for a course using combobox2, I would like to populate the text box 6 & 7 with the cost of the course and the location. This goes wrong as it starts taking cost and location from the first cell. Eg when i select SPIN Selling, all is fine as this are the first courses. However If I take 7 Habits, it gives me costs for SPIN. If I take OM, it still gives me costs for SPIN. The dates in combo box 2 appear fine

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