Using ComboBox Array To Write Data To Specific Column?
Jul 1, 2014
I've been writing a UserForm in Excel that serves the purpose of a front-end contact/reporting spreadsheet.
I've managed to get a multitude of elements to work together as of yet, however have been having problems writing data to the correct place on the spreadsheet.
What I've already achieved:
The first interactive portion of the userform currently has a TextBox (ArtistAgentAddEmail) - this is the email that we would like inputting on the spreadsheet.
a ComboBox which is populated on 'Userform_Initialize' into an array (ArtistAgentAddDestination) - The range of this array is A1:AC1.
What I would like to do next:
The issue that I've been having is getting the email to be written into the correct column. Once I have typed in my email and chosen my destination from the combobox, I would like to write this email address in the column of the destination chosen.
E.G. The first 5 elements of my ComboBox array are: Neil O'Brien, CAA, CODA, ITB and PRIMARY. If i got an email from somebody in the CAA organisation to add a new contact to the reporting, I would like to be able to add this address via the userform underneath the previously added contact.
The code that I am currently using for my confirm button is:
Attached File : Userform Contact Sheet - 27th June.xlsm
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May 21, 2008
I am trying to enter only the named ranges in the active worksheet into an Array.
The amount of named ranges can be from 4 to 7 per sheet.
I'm self taught at VB (This posts on this forum have taught me - thank you!) and have got the below code working on a Workbook - but not on a worksheet level.
ActiveSheet.Names.Count returns nothing, changing to ThisWorkBook.Names.Count returns the sum of all .Names in the workbook.
Sub aTest()
Dim sArray() As String
Dim sJoin As String
Dim y As Long
x = 1
y = ActiveSheet.Names.Count
z = ActiveSheet.Name
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May 19, 2006
I'm trying to create a data entry form that uses comboboxes. I can populate the comboboxes with data from an excell sheet. There are 3 columns of data that are called to each combobox, and the list of data is the same in each combobox. When the chosen line is selected for each combobox I then want to pass all that data back to the excel sheet in the same column layout. I suspect this will need to be done with an array.
Basically, I want to have five tasks with timing details that are done from Monday to Friday - these are listed in excel. I want each of these tasks to appear in each combo box (two columns in the combobox) so that the user can decide which task will be done on which day. Then the tasks are passed back to excel as a timetable. If it were 1 column I could do it but the second column is causing me grief. I suspect this will need to be done with an array.
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May 30, 2014
I am trying to write a formula to read the cells in column H individually if cell is blank write no to corresponding cell of column I, if the cell has any sort of data write yes to corresponding cell of column I
Currently H uses this formula ='name of column from sheet 1'!P:P
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Mar 4, 2008
I am attempting to populate a ComboBox ( named "SRnumber2") on a userform (named "UpdateSR"), but have hit a brick wall. The following testing code was working but now it is not:
Private Sub UpdateSR_Initialize() 'This section of code initializes the drop-down boxes.
'Add list entries to SR Number combo box. The value of each
'entry matches the existing SR Information spreadsheet entries in column "A"
Sheets("SR Information").Select
SRnumber.ColumnCount = 1
SRnumber.RowSource = "A2:A200"
SRnumber.BoundColumn = 0 ...........
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Oct 29, 2012
I'm trying to do a Vlookup on a file that gets automatically downloaded to the computer from a website. The data is in lots of different data sets, like so:
Loans to countries
Loans to banks
Every month a new row of data gets added to each table, meaning the start and end cells of the array also shift each time.
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Nov 10, 2008
I have company asset data listed by item on wksht 1. Example:
Company A Computer 200
Company C Coffee Machine 21
Company A Car A123
Company B Computer 70
Company A Chair B14
Company B Desk C56
Company C Computer 59
Company C Desk C789
I want to sort and covert the column data on wksht1 to row data on wksht2. Example:
Company A Computer 200, Car A123, Chair B14
Company B Computer 70, Desk C56
Company C Computer 59, Coffee Machine 21, Desk C789
I'd like to do this via VBA/Macro(s) if possible.
I have to do this every month, so it would be nice to append the existing data to an "archive" file on wksht3 and then create this months data.
The data is imported each month via a text file with comma delimited fields which become the column data in the top example.
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Jun 14, 2013
I'm trying to find a way to use a macro to extract data from a specific column from Sheet1 based on the columns header/title and copied into Sheet2 into the respective column with matching header/title.
For instance, in Sheet1:
So the above table would be the result i'm aiming for.
NOTE, its not different workbooks. I'm looking for sheet to sheet macro.
I've attached a file as well if someone wants to have a go at it. There are no codes in it.
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May 8, 2013
I have a table like the one below, only it has a few hundreds of rows and columns and I need a solution in order to fill in the blank spaces with 0 and 1 in order to get the total by row and by column. Is there any way to do this with a formula/macro ?
1 May
2 May
3 May
4 May
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Dec 2, 2008
Is there a more convenient way to write something like this:
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Dec 25, 2009
i write array like this: Array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7 until 100) how to make it simple, not to write number until 100
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Jun 20, 2008
I have the following assignment to do, problem is I'm new to arrays and functions in VBA and nothing is working for me, i get errors no matter what i try, (for example i don't know how to feed the array to the function, and it won't let me write a range to an array)
5.A) Write a function that takes a 2D array of doubles, a single cell range, an optional cap and an optional floor.
B)Write the array on to the sheet with the single cell range parameter being the location of the top left of the array on the sheet. When writing the array to the sheet, for each value in the array where it is below the floor put the floor on the sheet, where the value is above the cap put the cap value on the sheet, otherwise display the original value. The input array should not be modified.
All code should be what you consider production quality.
Dim topleft As Range
array1 = Range("B8:C18").Value
'array1(1, 1) = 2
'array1(2, 1) = 3
'array1(1, 2) = 6
'array1(1, 3) = 9
'array1(2, 2) = 4
'array1(2, 3) = 5
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Aug 8, 2006
I have 4000 rows of data with numbers in it (only one column...column C). These numbers are consecutive but these have breaks in between. So I am trying to find out where those breaks are and output those points in a list. So here is a macro that I came up with...but these array doesn't seem to write out results.... can anybody help please?
This macro tries to compare the two adjacent cells and if the difference between the values is greater than 1 then it copies that value in an array and writes that value in a cell in the same sheet.
Sub Macro1()
Dim temp(1, 1000) As Integer
i = 0
previouscell = 0
For Each cell In Range("C:C")
currentcell = cell.Value
abc = previouscell + 1
If currentcell <> abc Then
temp(1, i) = currentcell
i = i + 1
Range("D" & i).Value = temp(1, i)
End If
previouscell = cell.Value
Next cell
End Sub
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Jul 30, 2014
I have this code:
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim myarr() As String, size As Integer, i As Integer size = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets(1).Columns(2))
user = Environ("username")
when the FOR-LOOP finds the username inside the column B (many times will have more than one result) I would select all the rows that have this username and display that data into a listbox but not only the rows that have the username but also I would like to get the next column C and D in the same row and display all those data into a listbox.
taking the table above as example I have USUARIO2 twice in the column B so I would like to get that row and also the DATE and the STATUS from this USUARIO and display it in a listbox. If I'm the USUARIO2 and I click in the button Then I will have a listbox like this:
What should I add into my code to get this result?
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Jun 11, 2014
I am using arrays to try and move select data in a row between workbooks. I read in the data to an array, I set the value of the range I want to write to to the array. That part works well.
However, the range I am trying to write to is part of an Excel Table (ListObject). There are formulas in that table that I need to keep as formulas. I know (well, believe) that if I populated the data into the array manually and skipped over the formula cells it would not change those cells at all.
How can I (after populating the entire array with data) go back and say "The data at index 3 is really nothing, so exclude it."
I've tried setting the value to Null, Empty, and vbNullString. My array is currently typed as a Variant.
myArray = Sheet1.Range("A1:A10").Value
myArray(3) = ????????
Sheet2.Range("A1:J1").Value = Application.Transpose(myArray)
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Apr 14, 2008
In VBA, is it possible to write to a text file, on 1 single line (without carriage return or line feed) the values of a dynamic array? For instance, I have the array:
Dim my(n) As Double 'n is changeable
my(0) = 0
my(1) = 1
my(2) = 2
I want to write to a text file, like this: Write #filename, my(0), my(1), my(2) '..... until my(n) but n is changing
I want them on 1 line, because I use the other direction (up - down) for other things).
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Mar 7, 2007
I have created one-dimensional array and now I try to copy the data from array to some specific Cells in worksheet. But it seems impossible all the time!
Sheet2.Cells(56, 3 + m) = LossLocationInt(m)
NB: LossLocationInt(m) is an array containing value in it. But, this doesn't copy to the Sheet2.Cells(56,3+m). For clearness: the array has type variant
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Apr 21, 2006
I am trying to run a macro once a particular word shows up in the combo box. now in my chase i could try to use VBA code to run the macros such that once the arrow is used in the combobox to select a certain word a particular macro labled the same name as the word chosen would run.
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May 23, 2012
Im using excel 2010 As it's 60 times quicker I was trying to speed up my code and replace all loops by putting the value into an array, and then transfer the array to the worksheet
It seems to be straightforward for math calculations like in this example:
But no luck with the one below. I was trying to test it on a simple loop which replaces two types of string into the 3rd one:
Dim lastrow, lastrow2, i As Long
With Worksheets("KPI5")
lastrow2 = .Range("N" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
.Range("T7:T" & lastrow2).Value = .Range("F7:F" & lastrow2).Value
For i = 8 To lastrow2
If .Range("T" & i).Value = "Modification" Then
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Oct 12, 2009
I have recorded (i.e. manually as opposed to writing VBA code) a number of macros to perform a routine, however they do not work when I change the filename.
Could someone please advise on how to edit these macros (which reference a specific filename) so that they work when the file name is changed. The macros copy and paste values from different worksheets and then run another set of macros. However all macros and worksheets are located within one excel file
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Jul 11, 2007
On one sheet (KPI) I have either the values "x" or "" in the range A84:A89 to mark wheter to use the corresponding project in the range B84:B89. On the sheet X-ref I have the same project names in range T4:Y4 and a corresponding target value in T8:Y8
What I want is the sum (or average) of the marked-projects target-values. The result should end up in KPI!G31.
In other words I want
but it doesn't work since the first range is an column-array and the second range is an row-array.
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Apr 22, 2009
What I'd like to do is; If column C contains data then insert a blank column and shift column C to the right.
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Jan 27, 2010
I am having a problem using data from my combobox to find the cell on the worksheet and write to the adjacent cell.
Worksheet name is Fleet
ComboBox Name is ComboBox7
TextBox name is TextBox3
I would like to be able to take the text from ComboBox7, find this text in Col A of worksheet Fleet and write the Value of TextBox3 in the adjacent cell in Col B. when
the CommandButton1 is pressed.
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May 13, 2014
I need to populate a combo box on a form with the column name (A,B,C...etc) and the first row data. I need the code to check all columns in-case of missing column data.
Its important to note the data will be dynamic. In my add in, a form opens on requests and asks the user which column he needs to action data on. this could be on any one of several non similar spreadsheets.
E.G.: Combox to hold the following data (see column D has no data or header row):
Column A - Date
Column B - Rep
Column C - Customer
Column D -
Column E - Product
How can i pass this info to the form ?
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Aug 5, 2012
I need to process weather data that is collected either hourly or daily for several weeks - so for example I'd have Column A showing hourly intervals from 00.00 to 24.00 with Column B showing rainfall amount.
I need to output a single total for each day, say in Column C. I'm thinking I need to specify an array of 24 values from Column B, with a loop to repeat through until it runs out of data ?
I've started to piece together a subroutine but I need a grown-up to debug it ;
'Option Explicit
'routine to sum monthly data and output
Option Base 1
Sub monthdatasum()
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Jan 7, 2009
I m trying a Combobox array formula
Private Sub Combobox7_CLick()
With ComboBox7
Sheet1=Evaluate = INDEX {(D40:D249,MATCH (1,IF($A$40:$A$249=A3,IF($B$40:$B$249=B3,IF($C$40:$C$249=C3,IF($D$40:$D$249=D3,1)))),0))}
End Sub
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Aug 14, 2006
I need the function to be looped for all the values in the first column and I'm told I need to enter all the values in the first column into an array. how do I enter the values in a column into an array in VBA? The range of the rows in the column varies over the worksheets that I need this function for so the array cannot be of a fixed range.
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Jun 10, 2013
I have a user form that has one combo box on it that right now references one column of data.
Now I am being asked to have three columns of data and the combo box to show one of the three when a certain criteria is met.
I believe it would be easiest to have an additional combox with a change event when the box is populated with "whatever" in the field
So S:3 to S:5 have A, B, C
And EC:1-EC:59, ED:1-ED:59, EE:1-EE:59 contain the data that should show when S:3, S:4, or S:5 is selected.
If S:3 is selected then the list in EC:1 - EC59 would show and so on.
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Nov 7, 2012
I have a VBA form and on form initialize I want to populate a combo box… My array to populate it with could be a massive list so I need to set my array before it populates
I have this code so far but I need my array to be from A5 to the last row in sheet 1
I know how to set an exact range but not one that changes.
Dim myArray As Variant
myArray =
With Me.ComboBox1
.List = myArray
End With
Here is a sample of the data I need to populate in the combobox.
[Code] ....
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Oct 9, 2004
I can set up a 2 dimensional array by using
array = Workbooks("Workbook.xls").Worksheets("Data"). Range("D_all")
as range D-all contains 2 columns and 20 rows
I can send that list to a combo box by using
Me.ComboBox1.List() = array
If I have ColumnCount set to 2 then both columns will be listed
If I have ColumnCount set to 1 then the 1st part of the array will be listed
But how do I list just the 2nd part of the array
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