Userform - Populate Combobox With Column Number And 1st Row Data
May 13, 2014
I need to populate a combo box on a form with the column name (A,B,C...etc) and the first row data. I need the code to check all columns in-case of missing column data.
Its important to note the data will be dynamic. In my add in, a form opens on requests and asks the user which column he needs to action data on. this could be on any one of several non similar spreadsheets.
E.G.: Combox to hold the following data (see column D has no data or header row):
Column A - Date
Column B - Rep
Column C - Customer
Column D -
Column E - Product
I want it to populate a combobox in a userform. Should it go in the code segment for the userform, in a module, or some other place? The following is code I originally found (by Leith Ross of this board) to find the last row in column "A", and load the combo box "ComboBox1"
I am trying to populate (via VBA) a textbox/combo box from one user form to another user form.
The first user form has a room number in a text box1. If certain conditions exists, a button is selected to bring up another user form (both forms are modeless).
I want to pass/populate some of the 1st user Form info into the other user form.
I have tried the on initialize textbox1.value = textbox other.value but no dice. I can populate a user form text box from a spreadsheet but from box to box in separate user forms has me a little stumped.
I need to populate the textBoxes from the selection from ComboBox I've created in a UserForm. I have attached the file that I was working on. I want to be able to keep selecting then populate the text box until I have finsihed.
I am looking to fill out a combobox (say combobox1) in a userform from a set of ranges located in a different workbook (that is in a different location).
For example, the cells that would need to be in the combobox are B5:B41,D5:D40 and F5:F45 and the file location is W:WCWORKCENTERS.xls
how can I build a userform to display all values from a row? in order to select a row, i was thinking to use a combobox to display values from one column and based on that selection, display all values in that row? the reason i want to use a userform is because i would also like to be able to edit that data.
Then hide the worksheet which essentially hides the workbook as only 1 sheet is present in workbook. This should make the workbook available every time a user opens Excel
Now when i initialize the form i get an error
Run-time error '1004': Method 'Range' of object'_Global failed
However when i unhide the worksheet the form runs fine. Do i need to declare the combo boxes differently than shown below The range "Tools" does exist on the hidden workbook.
I have a userform which inputs data based upon a chosen item from a combobox. Combobox3 pulls numerical items from Rows17 and below in columnA of active worksheet. The first problem I am having is that the combobox itself is cutting numerical numbers short. Items go out to the thousandths (ex. 1.001) but in cases where there is a "0" at the end of the decimal it abbreviates it (ex.1.01) is there anyway to fix this? The second issue is I would like to populate "Textbox4" with the columnC content of the item chosen. (Ex. User choses Item 1.001 (found in row118) then Textbox4 would = the value of C18) Below is the current code utilized for this userform.
I need to populate two combo boxes from excel sheet, the data will be like below:
Column A Column B A 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 A 5 B 100 B 101 B 102
So from the above data, one combo box should hold unique values A & B.
On selecting a value from the 1st combo box A or B, respective values should be populated in 2nd combo box.
So the data should be like below:
If A is selected in the 1st combo box, then 2nd combo box should only show the values 1,2,3,4 & 5. If B is selected in the 1st combo box, then 2nd combo box should only show the values 100,101 & 102.
Friends I need it in a macro and one important point is, this is dynamic and it is not static and the data can be more.
I am trying to populate a combo box with two columns of data read from two consecutive (or non consecutive) columns of data. The following code is what I have come up with after visiting several of the previous threads on similar topics (couldn't find one that gave a general, concise solution).
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim lngRow As Long Dim lngRowtot As Integer Parameters1.SG1.Clear 'Clear combobox SG1 in userform named Parameters1 'Find the number of rows required for the array and combo box lngRow = 12 'Start searching on row 12 Do While Sheets("Timber Properties").Range("H" & lngRow).Value <> "" 'Read until empty col H lngRowtot = lngRow - 11 lngRow = lngRow + 1 Loop Dim MyArray(1 To lngRowtot, 1 To lngRowtot) As String 'I get an error with the last ingRowtot on this line.....................
How I can refer to sheet...Without activating sheet. i have this
Private Sub carga_click() Sheets("Codigos de Area").Select Sheets("Codigos de Area"). Cells(1, 2).Select While ActiveCell <> "" ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select ComboBox1.AddItem ActiveCell Wend End Sub
I would like to populate a combobox with text from two different ranges:
I have an ID No in column A (range = ID) and a descripton in Column B (range = Description)
I would like the following to appear in the combobox:
"J.034 Kitchen Bench" at the moment I can only get J.034 from the following Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim cBase As Range Dim ws As Worksheet Set ws = Worksheets("Matdata") For Each cBase In ws.Range("ID") With Me.cboBase .AddItem cBase.Value .List(.ListCount - 1, 1) = cBase.Offset(0, 1).Value End With Next cBase Me.cboBase.SetFocus HideTitleBar Me End Sub
I am creating (or aim to create) an Excel based database. (Excel 2003)
On sheet 1 ... I have a userform ... most things are working okay so far. On sheet 2 ... I have a number of NAMED lists to use in combo boxes etc
One named list is two columns wide .. it is called "ParaNo" its range on sheet2 (not including Name header - which is in a merged cell acrosss both columns) .... is B3:C35
Column B3:B35 contains the numbers 1-33 sequentially Column C3:C35 contains a text phrase that relates to the number opposite in column B
On the user form I have a combobox ("CbAdjParaNo") that has "ParaNo" as its row source, what I want to do is populate a text box (TxAdjParaDef") when a number is selected in the combobox
I am attempting to populate a ComboBox ( named "SRnumber2") on a userform (named "UpdateSR"), but have hit a brick wall. The following testing code was working but now it is not:
Private Sub UpdateSR_Initialize() 'This section of code initializes the drop-down boxes.
'Add list entries to SR Number combo box. The value of each 'entry matches the existing SR Information spreadsheet entries in column "A"
I have created a combobox1 and I have written a code to populate the box the problem is when I run the form and select the data from the dropdown list it gives me an error. I can see the data but just can't select it. I have a command button that I use to save the data I select and insert it into fields on my worksheet. All I just need the drop down box to let me select the data I chose below is my code.
Private Sub ComboBox1_Click() ComboBox1.Value = .Range("A2:A14") End Sub
The code below extracts unique distinct values from column A, except cell A1. Then the code adds the extracted unique distinct values to the combo box.
Sub FilterUniqueData() Dim Lrow As Long, test As New Collection Dim Value As Variant, temp() As Variant ReDim temp(0) On Error Resume Next With Worksheets("Sheet1")
The vba code below copies the selected value to cell C5 whenever the combobox is selected
Copy the code into a standard module.Assign this macro to the combobox
Sub SelectedValue() With Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Drop Down 1").ControlFormat Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C5") = .List(.Value) End With End Sub
Vba code belows instanly refresh the combobox when values are added/edited or removed from column A,
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Not Intersect(Target, Range("$A:$A")) Is Nothing Then Call FilterUniqueData End If End Sub
My problem is this:
Everything will be working fine if the all combobox and data can be found in 1 sheet, but how could i make some tweaks if the combo box is located in sheet 2 provided your data to be populated is in sheet 1, i tried everything but the combobox doesnt update,
I would like to know how to automatically populate a combobox with the data in a certain range. Attached is a simple workbook with the example. I know how to do this with the additem. But I dont know how to create the array or userform initialize to populate the combobox with the range.
I have a question on how I could populate data using a combo box selection in Excel 2010.
For example, I have a table with values in Sheet 1, & below that table there is a combo box whereby another table of values can be populated based on the selection of the combo box.
Maybe to make it clearer...
Table 1 Name | Address | Phone number Andy | Avenue 2 | 999 John | Road 5 | 998
Combo box (selection of names): John
Data derived from combo box - Table 2 Name | Address | Phone number John | Road 5 | 998
how I could solve this Also, do let me know if this can be done without the use of VBA.
I'm trying to get some vba to automatically find the range of data in a spreadsheet (So start from a specified point and loop until it's blank) and populate a combobox with this range accordingly. I have read numerous articles and posts but nothing seems to work!!
I have a combobox on a userform that I have set the columncount to 3, so it displays data from columns A, B, and C when the combobox dropdown is used. However, once someone makes a selection from the dropdown, only the item from the first column is displayed in the combobox. Is there a way for me to show the info from all 3 columns once a selection is made?
See attached for explanation of what I need. I basically need a user form to appear asking for an specific time and services provided and transfer this data into another sheet. In sheet 1 there will be several time codes in pink for each service provided.
I have a table, headers "FirstName" and "SurName".
Further a Userform with 2 Comboboxes "FirstName" and "SurName"
I'd like to choose the FirstName (say Jack) in the "FirstName" combobox, and based on that get the choice of the Surnames of all my Jacks in the "SurName" combobox.
Actually my sheet has much more fields and comboboxes, but i think my problem is just that I do not find a way to populate them dynamically.
I have a spreadsheet that is updated weekly -- but every week new info is added that needs a user to input corresponding info. I use a vlookup function to link to another spreadsheet that populates the info from previous weeks and the info that is missing shows up as #N/A...
First I was using a msgbox function to get the info:
HTML Code:
For Each b In myrange If Application.IsNA(b.Value) Then Employee = b.Offset(0, -2).Value SSID = InputBox("Please enter ID# for " & Employee & " :", "New Employee Found") b.Value = SSID End If Next b
But it can be up to 30 different new employees... and that is time consuming.
I would like to make it more user friendly by creating ONE userform that displays all of the employees as labels -- has a text box in which to put the ID # -- and then has a drop down box to choose the type of employee (2 options). I want all of that info to go back to the reference spreadsheet so it will be saved for following weeks, and then redo the vlookup to get the info into the new weekly spreadsheet (I can do that part)....
HTML Code:
Private Sub CloseButton_Click() Unload UserForm1 End Sub
was having a look and cannot find the question to this answer.
1,what i have done is made a workbook with a user form to input data (customer id is the unique record)
i now want to create a form where i can put the customer id in and tell it to show me that customers details and i can edit.
i have various textboxes/ combo boxes/ check boxes in the input form and i want all these to be included on the review form (for updating and changing the existing data).
2, also if possiable i will add a sheet with dates for deadline to cancel, can i get this to show on the new input form is it is to late to cancel?