Sum Array Data From Column?

Aug 5, 2012

I need to process weather data that is collected either hourly or daily for several weeks - so for example I'd have Column A showing hourly intervals from 00.00 to 24.00 with Column B showing rainfall amount.

I need to output a single total for each day, say in Column C. I'm thinking I need to specify an array of 24 values from Column B, with a loop to repeat through until it runs out of data ?

I've started to piece together a subroutine but I need a grown-up to debug it ;

'Option Explicit
'routine to sum monthly data and output
Option Base 1
Sub monthdatasum()


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Looking Up Row Array Data In Column Array

Jul 11, 2007

On one sheet (KPI) I have either the values "x" or "" in the range A84:A89 to mark wheter to use the corresponding project in the range B84:B89. On the sheet X-ref I have the same project names in range T4:Y4 and a corresponding target value in T8:Y8

What I want is the sum (or average) of the marked-projects target-values. The result should end up in KPI!G31.
In other words I want


but it doesn't work since the first range is an column-array and the second range is an row-array.

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Reading A Column Of Data Into An Array.

Aug 14, 2006

I need the function to be looped for all the values in the first column and I'm told I need to enter all the values in the first column into an array. how do I enter the values in a column into an array in VBA? The range of the rows in the column varies over the worksheets that I need this function for so the array cannot be of a fixed range.

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Lookup Data In Array, Results In Column 1

Feb 23, 2009

I have a table of data with years in row 1, week # in column C. The data array is from C2:O34.

I want to find the max value in each year column, then look up that result and return which week that value occured.

Is there a vlookup that allows you to specify which column of the array has the lookup value and which has the lookup result?

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Copying An Array Of Data Based On The Name In A Column

Aug 23, 2008

I have data as follows.

In the first column name of the month is specified.And in the third column of the same row day is specified.And followed by some data in rest of the columns and rows.

I need to copy the data from the presant sheet to a new sheet based on some conditions.

first need to search for the row where the word "MONTH" is there.if it is found then in the same row third column need to be checked for the day like "MONDAY" or "TUESDAY".If it is monday then need to copy 6*8 array of data i.e. (6 rows and 8 columns) into a sheet "MONDAY".if it is TUESDAY then 5*8 array data into a new sheet TUESDAY.And the search should be continued till the end of sheet.

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Using ComboBox Array To Write Data To Specific Column?

Jul 1, 2014

I've been writing a UserForm in Excel that serves the purpose of a front-end contact/reporting spreadsheet.

I've managed to get a multitude of elements to work together as of yet, however have been having problems writing data to the correct place on the spreadsheet.

What I've already achieved:

The first interactive portion of the userform currently has a TextBox (ArtistAgentAddEmail) - this is the email that we would like inputting on the spreadsheet.

a ComboBox which is populated on 'Userform_Initialize' into an array (ArtistAgentAddDestination) - The range of this array is A1:AC1.


What I would like to do next:

The issue that I've been having is getting the email to be written into the correct column. Once I have typed in my email and chosen my destination from the combobox, I would like to write this email address in the column of the destination chosen.

E.G. The first 5 elements of my ComboBox array are: Neil O'Brien, CAA, CODA, ITB and PRIMARY. If i got an email from somebody in the CAA organisation to add a new contact to the reporting, I would like to be able to add this address via the userform underneath the previously added contact.

The code that I am currently using for my confirm button is:


Attached File : Userform Contact Sheet - 27th June.xlsm

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Nested Index / Match Array - Return Value In Column C When Matching Column A And B But With Few More Criteria

Jun 7, 2014

I am trying to use a nested INDEX and MATCH array formula to return the value in column C when matching column A and column B, but with a few more criteria.

The range containing all the data


Cat 1
January 1, 2014

[Code] ..........

I am looking for the array formula to return the name of the person in column C who is in Cat 1 after the date in column B.

For example;
C7 should return "John" because B7 requests "January 15, 2014", which is after the value in B1
C8 should return "John" because B8 requests "February 15, 2014", which is after the value in B1
C9 should return "Andrew" because B9 requests "August 15, 2014", which is after the value in B4

The best try I had for the formula in C7 was


This brings back "John" as desired in C7, but when copying down the table into C8 and C9 both C8 and C9 return Andrew.

I guess this is due to my ">=" condition in the Match formula and it is returning "Andrew" because "Andrew" is also after the date requested, but I cannot for the life of me work out how to get it to work.

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Display Column Header If Any Value Other Than 0 Exists In Multi-Column Array

Jul 22, 2014

I would like to display the column header of the row in which a value other than 0 exists in a cell for each instance that value exists in an array spanning 3 columns. So the result cell could be any of the three column headers.

I started the formula in P2 of the GL Detail-2012 tab. (FILE TOO BIG)


Resin Sand Eliminated Segment
- (12,896.65)-
- (6,570.85) -
- (11,503.80) -
- (13,188.50) -

If there is any value other than 0 in Resin, Sand or Eliminated columns, return that column's header under Segment.

Here is what I started: =INDEX($M$1:$O$1,SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF($M$2:$O$67756,)))

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Search For Value In Multiple Column And Row Array And Return Value In First Column?

Dec 16, 2013

I have an array 20 Rows x 42 Columns, which contains a competition draw.

I need to search this array for a unique value and return whatever the time is in the first column on the same row as the value appears, and enter it into column C in the Womens Times sheet.

I also want to return into column D the court number from row 3.

The reason i want this automated is as teams enter / withdraw we may need to drag the games from court to court to fill gaps, so i want the Womens Times sheet to update accordingly.

I have been messing around with index and match, but cannot quite get it to return what i need.

I have attached an example ... on the sheet "Womens Times" in column A there is a list of game numbers ( #1W etc etc) indicating womens game #1 and so on. The main sheet i am using also has a seperate tab for the mens games, hence the designator of W or M on the end of the game number.

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An Array And Return The Same Row In Another Column

Nov 9, 2007

I have an array with a lot of rows and columns filled with different codes.

I need to look into this array for one specific number and return the value in the same row in an specific column.

I can't use Vlookup in this case because it needs to have the values you are looking for in the first column and my values are spread in different columns.

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Array To Calculate The Mean Score For A Column

Dec 3, 2012

I tried to use an array to calculate the mean score for a column: if a cell has a value 'A', then it is assigned a value 1, if 'B', then 2, if 'C', then 3.

But this resulted an error.

File attached here. Example.xls‎

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Finding Value In Array - Return Value On Same Row But Different Column

Feb 7, 2012

I have an array that is 60x100 (column x row).

I'm trying to search for a value in that array and return the value on the same row, but shifted to the right one column.

Example: If my value is found in D63, I want to return the value in E63.

I've been messing with Index, Match, and Offset, but I can't get anything working.

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Array - Copy Cell To Corresponding Column

Mar 26, 2012

Currently the code I have doesn't copy the Cell to the corresponding column I want it too with an array.

Dim ResultCodeErrorIndexArray(1000000,8) As Long

With Worksheets("Geocoding Problems").Range("D1")
For Each Cell10 In Range(.Offset(1, 0), .End(xlDown))
For i = 3 To 10
If Mid(Cell, i, 1) = "-" Then
If i = 3 Then
ResultCodeErrorIndexArray(Newcount, 0) = Cell10

[Code] ......

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Array Of Values To Single Column?

Aug 16, 2012

Ok I'm writing an extraction formula. I've got my array of Trues and Falses, but now I need to go through each row and check if all the columns are TRUE, and then return the row if all the columns are true.

Right now I'm just working with a dummy set of data... my real table is some 50 columns wide and over 300 rows, but this gives you the idea of what I'm doing:

I tried putting in a Countif and using it like and array to count the different rows and return the number of times each row was returned... but countif goes nuts when you try an array for the criteria.


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Array Of Only Unique Column Values

Aug 13, 2007

I need to capture a list of unique usernames appearing in a column on the sheet, and also the number of times each user has a desired value occur for their row (an error). The number of users and the names of the users will change from one sheet to the next making a static solution unworkable. The user names will be unsorted in the column.

My first reflex is to use an array, and an associative array if possible would allow me to reference the user by name, instead of a clumsier index number and iterating through a loop to verify if the user is already stored in the array. I don't know if it's possible in VBS though. I'll add any new users names to this array if they aren't already in there.

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Array Formula Find Last Value In Column

Nov 10, 2008

I have 13 columns (C-O) of data that will span up to 1000+ rows. I want to put a single row of cells at the top of the sheet that will display the last row of data from all 13 columns. I want the row at the top to always represent the last row of data, which will always be the most current data.

This is what my data will look like: ....

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Whole Column Range In A Sumproduct Array

Jul 29, 2009

I've created a spreadsheet with SUMPRODUCT formulae, which is working fine for now.

However, these formulae include arrays with ranges of, for example, $G$2:$G$600. What we need to do is, instead, reference the while column as far down as it goes, forever as the range of the array. This applies to multiple occurrences.

Every formula I have found for this may work on of itself, but does not work with the SUMPRODUCT formulae I have used.

For reference, an example:

=SUMPRODUCT(--('BG NEW DB'!$D$2:$D$600=$B$2),--('BG NEW DB'!$G$2:$G$600=C$2),--('BG NEW DB'!$H$2:$H$600=$A$2),--('BG NEW DB'!$AD$2:$AD$600="Y"))

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Dim Array To Include All Used Cells In Column

Jan 1, 2009

I m trying to use arrays in the wrong way. I simply want to create an array from values in a column and perform calculations on each element and store the results for each element. I therefor need a 2d array. I also dont know the number of values in the column and therefor dont know the number of elements that will be in the array. How would I declare this array. Ive tried Dim MyArr(1 To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count, 1 To 2), but that returns an error - 'Constant expression required'.

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One Dimension Array From 1 Column Range

Oct 9, 2007

I am trying to write a function that grabs the value of some cells in a column and returns a String array with those values. I am getting a compiler error on the line where I assign a value to an array element. It appears to be assuming that rather than an array reference, I am trying to do a recursive call to the function. The error is "Function call on left-hand side of the assignment must return Object or Variant." I would have done this with by assigning the range directly to the array but the data is in a column rather than a row; don't know of a more elegant way to do it.

Public Function projectList() As String()
Dim c As Range
Dim i As Long
For Each c In Range("FirstProject"). CurrentRegion
Redim Preserve projectList(UBound(projectList) + 1)
i = UBound(projectList)
projectList(i) = c.Value ' *** Compiler error occurs here ***
Next c
End Function

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Can Select Array For Correlation Based On Value In A Column?

Apr 23, 2014

I am calculating multiple Correlations for long lists of data. I want the correlation based on the value in a given column. In the below example I would like a different correlation for each value in colA and the correlation will be between colC and colD. ColB lists the different people whose data are used for the correlations. In actuality there are 30 or more people for each test. In every case ColC is the same for a given value of ColB (although I doubt that matters). The number of people taking each test varies. I would like a correlation of ColC an ColD for each value of ColA.

Simplified version of my data

ColA ColB ColC ColD
Test1 Fred .75 1
Test1 Max .80 0
Test1 Sara .90 1
Test2 Fred .75 1
Test2 Max .80 1
Test2 Sara .90 0
Test100 Fred .75 1
Test100 Max .80 1
Test100 Sara .90 1

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Copying Array Formula Down The Entire Column?

Feb 2, 2014

I have an array formula that I need to copy down the entire column. The formula is:


I need the Row values to change, not the "array formula parts" (because I don't know what they really are called). So, as I copy down I need the new formula to read:


The only way I've been able to do that is to rewrite the whole formula in the new row cell.

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Index / Array Return A Value From Same Column In Another Sheet

Jun 2, 2009

I am currently looking at a simple data set spanning a few years of annual average data. I want to create a front sheet to show people in what year the maximum value was reached for each site but am having trouble returning the values......

The summary sheet is headed:......
I want the formula to say - find the summary sheet max value cell in the main data sheet row 2 (for XYZ) and return the corresponding column from row 1 (year). I've got myself in a muddle trying to create array data from the index function and want something simple. There are only about 30 rows so am happy to manually select the rows in question and repeat the formula entry so it doesn't need to be fancy.

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Make A Column Array Variable Within A Function

Aug 18, 2009

How do I make a column array variable within a function? I've done nested vlookups to get a column number, but the function I'm using doesn't use a "number", it uses a column aray. '=AVERAGEIFS(L:L,K:K,">="&B$2,K:K,"<="&B$3). The "L:L" needs to be moved according to Market, (or column choosen).

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Delete Row If Value(array) Doesnt Exist In Column

Jun 23, 2009

I noticed there any plenty of examples of delete row if variable EXIST. But im after deleting rows if an array of string items DONT exist. EG. vList = Array("AWilson54", "ADavey99", "MPaterson44").

its for a varying size document and the column to search through is (AN). Does anyone already have something for this? as i mentioned before there are plenty of search hits on if a value exists but not the opposite.

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Finding The Last Populated Cell In A Column Array

Jul 21, 2009

I have a column array with various cells in that array populated. In every subsequent cell in that array I want a formula that finds the previously populated cell and that value added a cell that is in the same row but two columns to the left.

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Referring To An Array Column Or Row Of LinEst Function

Jan 13, 2010

I am trying to use the LinEst function in a program. There are some good examples on the web but they all refer to a range in the format “A1:A45”. Is there a way to refer to a column in an existing array instead?

For example (thanks to Shg for this code): ....

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Summation Formula Through Reference In Column Array

Aug 7, 2013

I have a array as
01-12-2008 pump-1 25
01-12-2008 pump-2 28
02-12-2008 pump-1 24
03-12-2008 pump-1 26
03-12-2008 pump-2 38
03-12-2008 pump-3 35

I need sum value as
03-12-2008 pump-1 75(=26+24+25)
02-12-2008 pump-2 if no answer blank
03-12-2008 pump-2 66(=38+28)

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Using Array For Column Or Row Argument In INDEX Function?

Dec 28, 2013

Can we use an array like {1;3;4;5} as Row or Column argument in INDEX function? Like shown below

=INDEX($A$1:$E$10,0,{1;3;2;4;5}) OR =INDEX($A$1:$E$5,{1;2;4;5;3},0)

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Transpose / Match / Array Column To Rows

Feb 27, 2014

I've tried using a Pivot Table, a Match Array V-Look Up formula I found on here (and can't seem to find anymore) that I altered to fit my cell needs, and even implemented RP-Excel.

This is an example of what I have:



This is an example of what I'm trying to do:



Additional challenges:

The actual workbook is over 4,000 rows long with a lot of various other information in neighboring columns.

The dates represent each time a specific box was filled. Some boxes only filled once, some up to 14 times. I only want up to the first five fills.

Able to try any of the following, or combinations of: Formulas, Pivot Tables, VBA, RP Excel

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Place The Contents Of An Array Into A Column On The Sheet

Nov 26, 2009

I am trying to place the contents of an array into a column on the sheet. I can enter the array into 1 cell (which strings the values), but I can't seem to make range(1)=array(1).

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