Using Destination Property
May 14, 2009I would like to Copy the cell value from A1 into the next available empty cell in a column (in this case sheet2 A) so that I can create a list of values from A1 over time and graph it.
View 6 RepliesI would like to Copy the cell value from A1 into the next available empty cell in a column (in this case sheet2 A) so that I can create a list of values from A1 over time and graph it.
View 6 RepliesI want to fill all a column bottom-up but without specify cells in format "A1500:A2" like
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("H2:H1578")
{H1578 have a formula so...}
I have data in the first 7 columns, with a variable(Range) for the first 5 columns
Dim oRange As Range
Set oRange = ActiveSheet.Range(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0), ActiveCell.Offset(89, 4))
{The first cell in it is A1}
My question is : How to fill Range("H2:H1578") using my ''oRange'' variable?
I try with OffSet but my code didn't work. I need to do the same with the 6 columns to the right and then plot in a chart.
I have a form with several combo boxes, and they function just the way I like as far as being able to pick from the list, or typing in them and having it show you the next available item in the list as you add letters. Whats happening that I would like to know how to deal with is... as soon as you type a letter that is not in my lookup range it generates an error. "Could not get the list property - Invalid property array index". I don't want people to be able to add to the list, but I would like a msgbox to pop up. Then allow them to go back to the box and try again.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHaving problems with trying to get my vba code to access the SpecialCells property. Receiving the following error.... Unable to get the SpecialCells property of the Range class. The section of my code is below that is causing the error. Keeps stopping on the "Selection.SpecialCells(xlsCellTypeVisible).Select" line.
Sheets(" Book Query").Range("A6:I6").Select
Sheets("Book Query").Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Sheets("Inventories and Variances").Select
Sheets("Inventories and Variances").Range("A7").Select
I am attempting to copy the contents of one workbook (Project) to another (NotesName)
Sheets("Matrix Calx").Copy Destination:=Workbooks(NotesName).Sheets("Matrix Calx")
I can't get Destination: or Before: to get the desired result and can't find any info on the variables.
What would be the best way to copy from one workbook to another when the data has to be transfered to the correct/corresponding worksheet?
I am attempting to create a macro that opens a file named "shrinkage-billing.xls", searches for a variable "PTOSH" in column A, copies the adjacent cell and pastes the data in another worksheet named "Shrinkage Report 2009.xls"
The code follows ...
I have the following code that was achieved using the macro recorder. The only problem I am running into is that during the autofill command, there are never the same amount of rows to autofill. It could be as few as 5 rows and as many as there are rows on the spreadsheet. When I recorded the macro there were 953 lines, and unfortunately I cannot figure out how to change the specific destination of 953 to a variable destination determined by when data ends. Here is the code I currently have:
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow exactly do I autofill by columns? In this example I recorded a macro and cleaned it up autofilling through E1 but it could be a number up to 50.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSince you can copy to someplace with one line of code like this:
Sheets(1).Range("A1:Z5000").Copy Destination:=Sheets(2).Range("A1")
is there any way of doing this with formatting, or are things like paste special features only possible by selecting something?
Ie: Values, column widths, formats, etc. Does the copy destination argument only allow simple copying?
Is there any way to use the formula below and send only the values?
FY07.Copy Destination:=Sheets("Age Roll Up").Range("A1")
I know that I can copy and paste special, but was wondering if I could tweak the above line in any way to?
How do I change the destination Cell in a workbook from data entered in a macro?
As an example If I press the command button the first time the Textbox1.value is sent to Cells(11, 5).
The next time I press the Same command button the data Textbox1.value is sent to Cells (12, 5)
Mainly is the rows I want to change not the coloums!
Struggled with this for weeks now which I am sure is a simple issue to code.
I am struggling to make people understand the problem though so I hope this works!
I am trying to do is when a certain criteria is met I want to pull some information from the net using a web query, and then pasting it into a variable location. I have this code -
Sub Check_Matches()
Dim XLoop As Integer, XPlay_Row As Integer, Loop_Length As Integer
Dim Match_Ref As String, Team_Addr As String, Match_ID As String, Import_Addr As String
XLoop = 1
XPlay_Row = 5
Loop_Length = Range("j1").Value + 1
Do While XLoop < Loop_Length
Team_Addr = "S" & XPlay_Row 'A variable that stores the reference to the cell containing the team ID.....................
I would like a user of my program to choose the destination folder where a .txt file will be saved. I have code below which allows the chooser to browse through folders and choose a file:
Dim f1 As Variant, s1 As Variant
s1 = "#1: Choose the .txt file which contains montly data for the stock price."
f1 = Application _
. GetOpenFilename("TextFiles(*.txt),*.txt", , s1)
txt2.Text = f1
I want the user to browse folders and subfolders like they can with the above code. However the user will select a file path not a particular file. In the case of the code above, the text of Text Box txt2 would be set to the file path (i.e. "C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktop")
I have the following code to copy a range to another destination. I would like only the value to go to the destination. How to implement this?
Set rngtocopy = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set rngtocopy = Range(rngdata(2, 9), rngdata(lngrows - 2, 9)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
On Error Goto 0
If Not rngtocopy Is Nothing Then
rngtocopy.Copy Destination:=Cells(5, 14 + cc + (t - 1) * 3 + (i - 1) * 17)
How to create a hyperlink that when copied refers to a new cell?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIm trying to adapt a formula destination to cell.
I have a formula on cell B2 that is directed do other excel file, It appears like [1.xlsx] 1 being the name of the other file.
What I am trying to is make something like:
cell A2 = 1
and ["A2".xlsx]
so whenever I change the A2 cell, the destination also changes.
There is a big range of cells with normal numbers (ex. 100, 150 .. etc), but I need to convert them in the following formulas that give the same numbers as a result: for example if the cell value is 100, I need to convert it in =if(iserror(100);0;100) and so on with all other values. Is it possible this to be done automatically for all cells?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to prevent other users when pasting data, to overwrite the formatting of the destination cell.
Since, it is a shared file, i don't want to bother the people explaining use paste special.
I want this to happen automatically.
I don't know VB, and I tried copying what I found in the internet for similar codes, and none have worked. I only copied as they said either in Thisworkbook, and this is all I can do.
I need very easily explained if there is something more than just copying the code in VB view.
I am sure this is simple but cant get me head around it (tried paste & paste link).. I am wanting to copy formulas in file (A) to file (B) with data source linked in the file (A).
i want is when i copy the formulas to file (B) sheet 2 and it should retain the original path say H:excelfile A[sheet1]$G$1+....xls and source from which the data is being used.
For a Datastream request table, I need to set up a Data Destination in a blank worksheet. Instead of rows, I need columns with headers. For the rows I can drag-down the cells, but Excel doesn't seem to get the row drag-down:
For rows:
"select & drag-down"
But if I want to use columns I get this:
instead of
It doesn't get that I want to use columns, not rows again.
I have a existing code which copies data from one 6 workbooks to Main workbook.
Copying data from workbook 1:
It has Header at 2nd row and Data starts from 3rd row.
From A column to AG
Destination workbook: In this workbook. I have Header at 26th row From A to AG copied Data needs to be pasted at 27th row.
And like wise while continuing to copy datas from other workbook it will get added at last.
My code is working fine. But my requirement here is at Destination area.
Now i have moved Header in Destination workbook. Header is at 26th row
From A To Ag to D to AJ
Data needs to get added at bottom of each paste.
HTML Code:
rowofcopysheet = 3
Set copyrng = wkb.Sheets(1).Range(Cells(rowofcopysheet, 1), Cells(Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToRight).Column))
Set Dest = shtDest.Range("A" & shtDest.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1)
Dest.PasteSpecial xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats
I have 2 functions that extract SubAddress and SheetName from hyperlink. Unfortunetly, it does not want to work with all links. Sometime I get wrong destination address.
View 2 Replies View Relatedws5 and ws7 are defined and working due to other parts of the code already using them. ive copied the syntax from some of my other copy destination codes the only difference here is instead of ("A2:J10") ive got "(Cells(2,1):Cells(iRow, 10)" as the row number for this is variable, and it is calculating the correct value for iRow and iRow2. its probably something stupid im missing but i cant figure it.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI would like a button in (Sheet2) to do this operation when clicked: jump to (Sheet1) and enter Sheet2's name into cell B4, where this button is used in many sheets similar to Sheet2(aka2,3,4,5,6...) that all do the same to jump to sheet 1.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a macro that imports results from a website. I want the macro to continue working but every now and then when the format of the webpage changes I get the message 'Do you want to replace the contents of the destination cells?'. Is there anyway I can get my macro to not show the pop up box and to automatically choose OK (I do want to replace the contents of the destination cells) instead?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to save my workbook to a file on my shared drive.
When I change the default save location in the options menue it works fine for the first instance but when I return and open the file ... even the one from the shared drive it faults back the C: drive location on my laptop. My excel version is 2010 and my code for file name is below ... I just dont know how to force the path/destination in VBA
Dim namefile As Variant
With Worksheets("Panelas")
namefile = .Range("V3") & "_" & .Range("C5") & "_" & .Range("P3") & "_" & Format(Now, "yyyy-mm-dd") & ".xlsm"
End With
namefile = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(namefile, fileFilter:="Excel Files (*.xlsm), *.xlsm")
I'm positive that this is a dumb question that's been answered elsewhere, so pardon my n00bness -- this is a one-time project for a non-programmer.
My manager needs to edit values in a spreadsheet. This person is non-technical and put off by spreadsheets, so I want to create a custom view of the data to show only the editable data (with pretty colors and fonts, etc.)
I have a source worksheet and a display worksheet. I need the display worksheet to show the values in the source worksheet, and I need changes in the display sheet to change the referenced data in the source sheet. For example, if cell Source:A1 = "thingamabob", then cell Display:A1 = "thingamabob". If user changes cell Display:A1 to "hoodgie", then cell Source:A1 changes to "hoodgie".
Essentially, the user has to be able to edit the source cell via the display cell.
Is that possible?
Again, please excuse my ignorance -- for all I know, this may be an automated function in Excel... but I've been trying to figure it out for two hours and so I thought I'd ask you nice people.
I have the following VBA code that will copy data from one workbook to another.
Sub copytoanotherworkbook()
Dim smallrng As Range
Dim destrange As Range
Dim destWB As Workbook
Dim Lr As Long
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
If bIsBookOpen("P&WM Estimate Tracking Sheet.xls") Then
Set destWB = Workbooks("P&WM Estimate Tracking Sheet.xls")
Set destWB = Workbooks.Open("N:Estimate SheetP&WM Estimate Tracking Sheet.xls")
End If
Lr = LastRow(destWB.Worksheets("Tracking Sheet")) + 1
Set sourceRange = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Links").Range("A1:L1")
Set destrange = destWB.Worksheets("Tracking Sheet").Range("A" & Lr)
destrange.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues, , False, False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
The problem I am having is that when it copies the data to the last line of the destination workbook, I have a formula in column I of the destination workbook that calculates days remaining. How would I go about creating an autofill to fill the formula to only the last row of data? I've read some posts on this, but I don't think they deal with what I need.
I'm trying to download stock price history inside a loop and move the destination range over one column for each new symbol. I want to keep moving the results from the query over one column each time it loops through....
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to set the Paste options in Excel to default to "Match Destination Formatting"? Currently the program defaults to "Keep Source Formatting". It would be extremely helpful for the work I am doing to have the default be "Match Destination Formatting" instead. I thought there might be a way to set this under "Tools, Options, Edit," but there is nothing. I am using Excel 2003
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