Increment Columns For Destination Range

Feb 19, 2007

I'm trying to download stock price history inside a loop and move the destination range over one column for each new symbol. I want to keep moving the results from the query over one column each time it loops through....

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AutoFill Destination - General Way To Specify Destination Range

Apr 14, 2013

I want to fill all a column bottom-up but without specify cells in format "A1500:A2" like

Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("H2:H1578")

{H1578 have a formula so...}

I have data in the first 7 columns, with a variable(Range) for the first 5 columns

Dim oRange As Range
Set oRange = ActiveSheet.Range(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0), ActiveCell.Offset(89, 4))

{The first cell in it is A1}

My question is : How to fill Range("H2:H1578") using my ''oRange'' variable?

I try with OffSet but my code didn't work. I need to do the same with the 6 columns to the right and then plot in a chart.

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Loop To Increment Column Width Of Range Of Columns?

May 22, 2014

I'm trying to use the following loop to increment the column width of a range of columns thus:

NewWidth = 0
WidthIncrement = 0.5
For MyCount = 1 To 26
NewWidth = NewWidth + WidthIncrement
Cells(1, MyCount).EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = NewWidth

If I set WidthIncrement to be an integer value, the code works correctly. If, however, I make it something like 0.1, all the column widths that the loop acts on are set to 0. I suspect it's something to do with how I'm declaring the NewWidth and WidthIncrement variables - they're currently set to Double. I know that I can have decimal values for column widths (e.g. 8.43)

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Autofill Destination By Columns

Dec 20, 2009

How exactly do I autofill by columns? In this example I recorded a macro and cleaned it up autofilling through E1 but it could be a number up to 50.

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Copy Multi Cell Range To Destination Workbook Range

Dec 23, 2008

Trying to copy a range from Sender.xls (sheet) Lists backstage
onto Userform.xls (sheet) Behind the Scenes

When trying to copy the values within a multicell range, the destination cell range (same size) becomes blank.

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Copy Determined Columns From Source To Destination Sheet In Particular Order

Oct 27, 2011

I have a source data sheet that has around 50 columns. I want to copy and past selected columns to a destination sheet.

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Assigning Destination Range

Jul 10, 2006

I am trying to do is when a certain criteria is met I want to pull some information from the net using a web query, and then pasting it into a variable location. I have this code -

Sub Check_Matches()
Dim XLoop As Integer, XPlay_Row As Integer, Loop_Length As Integer
Dim Match_Ref As String, Team_Addr As String, Match_ID As String, Import_Addr As String
XLoop = 1
XPlay_Row = 5
Loop_Length = Range("j1").Value + 1
Do While XLoop < Loop_Length
Team_Addr = "S" & XPlay_Row 'A variable that stores the reference to the cell containing the team ID.....................

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How To Change Paste Destination Range

Apr 29, 2014

I have a existing code which copies data from one 6 workbooks to Main workbook.

Copying data from workbook 1:

It has Header at 2nd row and Data starts from 3rd row.

From A column to AG

Destination workbook: In this workbook. I have Header at 26th row From A to AG copied Data needs to be pasted at 27th row.

And like wise while continuing to copy datas from other workbook it will get added at last.

My code is working fine. But my requirement here is at Destination area.

Now i have moved Header in Destination workbook. Header is at 26th row
From A To Ag to D to AJ
Data needs to get added at bottom of each paste.

HTML Code: 

rowofcopysheet = 3

Set copyrng = wkb.Sheets(1).Range(Cells(rowofcopysheet, 1), Cells(Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToRight).Column))
Set Dest = shtDest.Range("A" & shtDest.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1)

Dest.PasteSpecial xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats

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Copy Formula Across Columns But Increment Row

Jun 1, 2008

I am trying to link cells between two worksheets and am having some difficulty. For instance, in E17, I want the cell to reference cell H41 on sheet 2 and for F17 I want it to reference H42 on sheet 2, etc. However, using the formula =Sheet2!H41 when I cut and paste the formula it changes it to =Sheet2!I41 (ie it changes the column and keeps the row constant). I want to find a way to fill a large amount of cells this way and would prefer to not have to manually change each cell individually. I assume I would use the indirect( and the column( commands but can't seem to figure that one out.

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VBA - Setting Paste Of Series Destination Range Relative To Active Cell

Oct 24, 2013

I'm creating a Macro to paste a series of formulas from a template in hidden rows above to cells further down in the same worksheet. My code works fine if I set an absolute range as the Destination - here's a portion of it:

Sub TimelineRow150()
Dim TimelineMatch As Integer, ProjectPlan As Object
TimelineMatch = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Value
If TimelineMatch = 26 Then


I'd like to be able to copy and paste this code to run it multiple times in the same worksheet, (the TimelineMatch variable actually has 26 different options). Is there a way to replace the [Range("E150:AQ152").Select] portion of the code with a range that is relative to the Active Cell? (I'd instruct users that cell E be the Active cell before running the Macro, and E to AQ is still the range I need the copied data to appear.) I've tried using ActiveCell.Offset, but I keep getting an error of Method 'Range of Object' _Global' failed.

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Find Specific Value In Column Of Another Sheet Then Copy Range Of That Row Onto Destination Workbook

Jun 19, 2014

I have data that is on a separate .txt file (the source file) that resembles this;




[Code] ..........

Using VBA from within the destination workbook, I would like to use an input box that allows the user to request/specify what numerical number (0 through 55) in Column B of the txt file (the source file) will be used to determine what data to copy to the destination file. The cells to copy to the destination file would be from Column A through Column G of the source file onto Sheet1, E2 of the destination file.

Column B of the Source file will only contain numbers. However there will be numerous identical numbers in Column B. All of which will need to be copied onto the destination workbook.

From the sample above, if the user were to enter '15' in the input box, the desired result on the destination sheet beginning at E2 would look like this;





[Code] ............

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Increment Row Number Within Formula When Copying Across Columns

Mar 16, 2009

to copying a formula from one column to the next adjacent column and also incrementing the 2 numeric values inside the formula. Please see attached sample.

One value increments with each new column whereas the other increments with each new row. Please see attached sample.

And in the last row there is the average formula which must copy the new column and average the new column.

I tried to create a Macro in attached but it did not work with formulas.

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Increment Formula Row Number Filling Across Columns

Aug 24, 2007

I am trying to increment a row when i copy it across columns. I have searched for a couple hours on how to do this, but I have not come up with a solution that I can understand that works for my situation.

I found this page, but I guess I am too novice to comprehend it. [url]

I would like the number in this formula to increment when i copy it to the adjacent column.

This formula is in B178.


So in C178 I want it to be


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Delete Columns, Increment Alphanumeric Text, Insert Rows & Sort

Feb 18, 2008

I am having to write a vba code for a survey data captured code online.

I am attaching the code and the vba module that is suupose to do

following things


3) Initial 6 letters from each cell (Q0001=) UPTO (Q00011=)

4)Inserts new row at top from Q1 TO Q11

5) Sorts data on Q6 (Faculty/Staff)

Before all this the i need to insert blank cells for questions that have not been answered and shift the cells right (condition 1) ....

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Increment Counter Between Date Range

Feb 13, 2014

I have a list of information contained in a massive spreadsheet. I am trying to create a counter that increments starting with 1 up to X between two date ranges. The increment counter should start with 1 for the easiest date and increment up X up to the last item in the list. The list contains tasks names with some tasks have dates but there are some tasks that don't have dates (blank cells).

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Fill Range Down N Cells & Increment By X

Aug 30, 2008

I have been frustrated trying figure out what I would assume is actually a pretty simple solution. All I am trying to do is grab a set of cells and repeat them down the column a set number of times. The 2 forms of this are discribed below.

A: I have a set of numbers from A1 to A51 I want to repeate those numbers down the columns 84 times.

B: In addition to this I need to have the cells from B1 to B51 Repeat 84 times but with an increment of 200 each time. So I would have say 1 in B1 - B51 and in B52 - B102 it would turn into 201 and so on and so forth.

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Loop Range & Increment Row To Pass

Jan 10, 2007

I am using this code to create onsheet user form and populate a spreadsheet db

'Step 1 : store the information in every second row in DBsheet
Set rngDataOut = Worksheets("Database"). Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(2, 0)

'Step 2 : Post the current results
rngDataOut.Range("A1") = Now()
rngDataOut.Range("B1") = Range("B1")
rngDataOut.Range("C1") = Range("B2")
rngDataOut.Range("D1") = Range("B3")
rngDataOut.Range("E1") = Range("B4")

'Step 3 : Clear current Selection
Range("B1") = ""
Range("B2") = ""
Range("B3") = ""
Range("B4") = ""

my question is how could I modify it with for-next loop because the form will be with more than 50 entries.

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Formula To Increment Value Based On Time Range

Mar 1, 2014

I am working on a model for a school project. Time is in ColA, the number of events is in ColB.

Each event requires one person to work before and after the event. For example, if we assume that I need one person 30 min before the event, one during the event and one 15 min after the event - ColC shows the number of staff required. I would need a formula to calculate ColC. Basically I want excel to add the values of the rows above and below a value if it is within a specified time range

It gets a little bit more complicated unfortunately, the time requirements need to be dynamic - so one day it is 30 min before the event, but another day it could only be 15 min before but 30 min after the event etc.

I was trying to do this with a SUMIF formulas, but couldn't get it to work.

Col A
Col B
Col C

7:00:00 AM

[Code] .........

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Increment Formula Reference Relative To Copy To Range

May 26, 2008

In my data validation I have the following formula as the Source: =INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE($F$2," ","_")). I want to be able to copy the cell and paste it into another cell and have the formula update to reference the new cell. Currently the validation is for cell G2 and references F2. I want to be able to copy G2 and paste it in G3-G6 having the formula update so it refrences F3-F6.

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Click To Copy Cell Within Range To Destination Cell?

Oct 18, 2013

My goal would be to click on a cell within a range of cells (in a column) and have the value copied to a specified destination cell. There would be a few different columns with source cells and two destination cells. Each column would to copy to a specific cell. My ojective is basically to deal with different processing times (days, weeks, months).

Here's a little visual, clicking on C4 for example would copy the value "5" to cell B2. Clicking on D4 would copy "12" to A2.


Processing time X (weeks)
Processing time Y (in days)
Processing time Z (in weeks)





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Copy Variable Range & Copy Formulas From Destination

Mar 2, 2008

I tried searching for code for each part of the task separately and trying to piece together multiple macros, that did something similar, but I’m not have a lot of luck, so I’ll break it down into two treads, I hope this will follow the rule of one question per post, but if I should have separated this request even farther as two treads, please let me know and I’ll be happy to comply.

I was given a spread sheet with a macro that loads data from a SQL Data base (not mine), it returns anywhere from one row to 100’s of rows data. Since it’s not my spread sheet and macro, I copied this sheet to my destination workbook. The Data loads in 7 columns starting in B4:H4, with the column headings titles: Acct#, Id#, Name, Qtr1 Totals, Qtr2 Totals, Qtr3 Totals, and Qtr4 Totals. Data cells in spreadsheet not formatted (general)

What I’m trying to do:
part 1:
I need a macro to copy the data only for columns Id# thru Qtr4 Totals (C5:H5 down thru the last row with data) to another sheet. The destination sheet range starts with rows B13:G13, with formulas below and to the right in columns H13, and J13:N13
(column I is blank).

The formulas below the range are a subtotal of the copied columns (D:G). They could be remove and totaled after they’re copied, so there's nothing below the copied range? Since I need the column totals as a subtotals, my thought was to have the row heading and formulas already on the destinations sheet and just insert a blank rows between as each row was copied?

part 2:
As each row of data is copied from the source sheet, I need the macro to copy the formulas to the right of the copied range (H13, and J13:N13) on the destination sheet down for each new row of data copied from the source sheet

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Using Destination Property

May 14, 2009

I would like to Copy the cell value from A1 into the next available empty cell in a column (in this case sheet2 A) so that I can create a list of values from A1 over time and graph it.

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Worksheets Destination

Apr 21, 2007

I am attempting to copy the contents of one workbook (Project) to another (NotesName)

Sheets("Matrix Calx").Copy Destination:=Workbooks(NotesName).Sheets("Matrix Calx")

I can't get Destination: or Before: to get the desired result and can't find any info on the variables.
What would be the best way to copy from one workbook to another when the data has to be transfered to the correct/corresponding worksheet?

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Copy Destination Syntax

Oct 17, 2008

I am attempting to create a macro that opens a file named "shrinkage-billing.xls", searches for a variable "PTOSH" in column A, copies the adjacent cell and pastes the data in another worksheet named "Shrinkage Report 2009.xls"

The code follows ...

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Autofill To Variable Destination

Aug 30, 2009

I have the following code that was achieved using the macro recorder. The only problem I am running into is that during the autofill command, there are never the same amount of rows to autofill. It could be as few as 5 rows and as many as there are rows on the spreadsheet. When I recorded the macro there were 953 lines, and unfortunately I cannot figure out how to change the specific destination of 953 to a variable destination determined by when data ends. Here is the code I currently have:

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Copy Destination With Formats

Apr 20, 2012

Since you can copy to someplace with one line of code like this:

Sheets(1).Range("A1:Z5000").Copy Destination:=Sheets(2).Range("A1")

is there any way of doing this with formatting, or are things like paste special features only possible by selecting something?

Ie: Values, column widths, formats, etc. Does the copy destination argument only allow simple copying?

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Copy Destination Of Values Only

May 1, 2012

Is there any way to use the formula below and send only the values?

FY07.Copy Destination:=Sheets("Age Roll Up").Range("A1")

I know that I can copy and paste special, but was wondering if I could tweak the above line in any way to?

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Changing Cell Destination

Jun 22, 2006

How do I change the destination Cell in a workbook from data entered in a macro?

As an example If I press the command button the first time the Textbox1.value is sent to Cells(11, 5).
The next time I press the Same command button the data Textbox1.value is sent to Cells (12, 5)

Mainly is the rows I want to change not the coloums!

Struggled with this for weeks now which I am sure is a simple issue to code.

I am struggling to make people understand the problem though so I hope this works!

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Choose Destination Folder With Vba

Nov 27, 2007

I would like a user of my program to choose the destination folder where a .txt file will be saved. I have code below which allows the chooser to browse through folders and choose a file:

Dim f1 As Variant, s1 As Variant
s1 = "#1: Choose the .txt file which contains montly data for the stock price."

f1 = Application _
. GetOpenFilename("TextFiles(*.txt),*.txt", , s1)
txt2.Text = f1

I want the user to browse folders and subfolders like they can with the above code. However the user will select a file path not a particular file. In the case of the code above, the text of Text Box txt2 would be set to the file path (i.e. "C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktop")

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Copy Only Values To Destination

Feb 14, 2008

I have the following code to copy a range to another destination. I would like only the value to go to the destination. How to implement this?

Set rngtocopy = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set rngtocopy = Range(rngdata(2, 9), rngdata(lngrows - 2, 9)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)

On Error Goto 0
If Not rngtocopy Is Nothing Then
rngtocopy.Copy Destination:=Cells(5, 14 + cc + (t - 1) * 3 + (i - 1) * 17)

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