Using Row Numbers To Create Range To Be Copied?

Jul 8, 2014

I'm working with some diagnostic messages produced by a communications network, and trying to isolate a certain kind of message. There are many different types of messages contained in the error logs, and I need to look at different ones at different times. As a single log may contain thousands of messages, I'm trying to use VBA to grab the ones I want. The easy part is that these logs can be exported as CSV files.

Each message contains an identifier which I can use for finding the correct messages of a given type. (I'm only looking for one type at a time.) However, this identifier is not on the first line of the message; it's buried a few lines down, and the number of lines is variable. Additionally, the length of the message is variable. The good news is, all messages of interest start with the same text string, and all of them end with another consistent text string. It looks something like this:

Message Start
Message Type
Message End

(Where "blah" is useful information that varies, and the number of lines of blah varies.)

The Message Start string is constant across all message types, as is the Message End string, so I can't use them to find the correct Message Type. However, they are still useful for marking the start and end of each message.

I'm using the find function to find the correct message type, then another find (going up) to get the start of the message, and putting the row number into a variable (msgStartRow). Then I find again for the end of message (msgEndRow).

That all works just fine.

What I can't figure out is how to turn those message row numbers into a range that can then be copied and pasted onto a separate worksheet.

How can I use these variables to copy the correct range? For example, this is what I recorded manually, but it's not intelligent. It can't accommodate different message lengths:

ActiveCell.Offset(6, 0).Range("A1:A145").Select

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Create Range Of Numbers On One Row From Incrementing Numbers On Multiple Rows

Aug 20, 2014

following issue:

The following table is given:





[Code] ........

Which needs to be turned into:




The last column is the one that dictates when a new range of numbers start. There should be one range of numbers for Rose, One range for Blossom etc.

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Create String Function With Range Of Numbers

Sep 11, 2012

Is it possible to create a string with a range of numbers


Result: 1,3:6,8,10



Result: 1:4



Result: 1,3,5,7

Where consecutive numbers are separated by a ":" and other numbers by a ",". I use the following function to create the ","-concatenate, but I don't know how to create the ":"-ranges.

Function AConcat(a As Variant, Optional Sep As String = "") As String
'By Harlan Grove, March 2002
Dim Y As Variant
If TypeOf a Is Range Then
For Each Y In a.Cells

[Code] .........

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VLookUp: Numbers Be Automatically Copied To The Correct Cell On Sheet

May 22, 2009

I have two worksheets in one document. On sheet 'M_Admission' there are numbers for each week. can those numbers be automatically copied to the correct cell on sheet 2 'M_Actual' See the attached Excel worksheet to see what I mean. (Excel 2002)

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How To Copy Row To Last Row And Paste Copied Rows Directly Below Copied Contents

Oct 20, 2013

with a macro. I am looking to copy row 2 to the last row and past the copied rows directly below the copied contents.

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Reference To Copied Or Cut Range

Dec 28, 2007

when I cut or copy a range - and then select a different area - how do I reference to the original cut or copied selection, i.e. the "marching ants" range?

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Copied Range - Now Need To Determine Where To Paste It

Dec 23, 2011

I have formula that copies a range of cells and pastes to another worksheet (based on the click of a button on that row), however i need to adapt it to define which sheet to paste it to based on the contents of another cell on the same row. The below code all works for the first part of this, i added in Sub MN and Sub Month_to_Classify to resolve the second part. When i run this at the moment i get

Run-time error '1004': Method 'Range' of object'_Global' failed
and the highlighted line of code is in Sub MN:
Range(ActiveCell.Offset(0, -8)).Name = "Man"

Sub AreYouSure()

[Code] ........

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Getting Address Of Range Copied To Clipboard?

Apr 5, 2007

get the address of the last range copied to the clipboard? I tinkered with GetFromClipboard but I would like to find a solution that is not dependent upon DataObjects if possible. Since copied cells are "marqueed" in Excel, is there a property relating to marqueed cells address?

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Execute Procedure Whenever A Range Is Copied

Apr 22, 2008

how I can have a routine execute whenever a cell range is copied in excel. Doesn't matter whether by selecting the appropriate menu item or when CTRL+C is pressed (I mean it must work anyway).

I need this cause I would like to store in a public variable the address of the range which is being copied in order to use it later for undoing purposes.

I first tried to find a way of accessing what has been copied into the clipboard but it doesn't seem possible without using external DLLs.

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Conditional Formatting Applied To Range And Then Copied?

Feb 22, 2013

I have applied conditional formatting to a range =$F$1:$J$44 based on the contents of a single cell =$L$44="No"

Now, I want to copy the whole range, including L44 to create another range controlled by L88, for example, but the $ signs are preventing that with the new range still being controlled by L44.

Is there a way to easily copy this whole range, including the CF, as I need to copy it many times down the page and I don't want to have to edit the "L44" cell each time.

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VBA To Search Copied Range For Blank Cells And Remove Them

Jun 18, 2014

In my current sheet, I have a button which pastes the contents of the user's clipboard into cell A20. The data that is being pasted is a simple, single-column range of data that may or my not contain blank cells. When this button is clicked, the user's clipboard should already have data.

Some of these pasted ranges may go from A20:A40, A20:A60, or even A20:A73. The point is, the length of the pasted information is variable.

I am looking for VBA code which can look at the recently pasted range in A20:AX, find blank cells, and remove them. Here is my current code (very simple), which is only the paste function:

Sub admin_btnPASTE()
' paste_align Macro
' pastes data
On Error Goto Whoa


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Search Column, Match And Insert Copied Range

Apr 30, 2007

I'm currently trying to insert the copy range of one worksheet to another. Let's say I have 3 worksheets, one main and two additional info sheet. I want to search column C in main worksheet for blank cell and use column F in the same row as the worksheet name which I want to copy from, then use column E from main worksheet as the keyword for the range I want to copy(range from column E to column Z). But when inserting, I want the keyword in main worksheet such as 'G' in the same row as blank cell to match the 'G' in copied worksheet. Because the 'G' in main worksheet is not in the same column for each row, I try to search the forum but can't find the inserting part. I also attach the example workbook.

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VBA To Execute When Data Values Copied / Pasted Into Range Of Cells

Jan 27, 2014

Below is code I have attempted. I am learning VBA and have gathered this code from the internet and this forum. I have data that is in columns B to E and from row 7 down. I want this VBA code to run when data is copied/pasted in these cells. Where the last values stop will vary so I just want to be sure this code is executed after all the data is pasted in these cells. The data will be pasted at one time. When the user removes the data from these cells, I do not want the code to run.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Do nothing if less than four cells are changed or content deleted
If Target.Cells.Count < 4 Or IsEmpty(Target) Then Exit Sub


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Copy/Special Paste Data Within A Range To Next Empty Cell Then Mark The Copied Area

Aug 29, 2008

I'm trying to find a macro that will copy data from the areas of B120:E179 and I120:K179 for example (linked to another worksheet within the workbook) and special paste (Values Only and skipping blank cells) it to the next available open cell up top where basic data entry will be taking place B10:E29 and I10:K29. I need it to only copy/paste the rows with data (skipping all cells/rows with no data) and once it is finished coping I will need it to place an "X" in column M next to the row that it copied data from. I would also need it to reference the data in each row from B to E and if there is an entry say on B14 to E14 that matches it but if I10 to E29 are blank then paste that information on row 14. If it does not match or if those columns are full then paste on next available line.

I hope I'm making sense here. This is for a vehicle tracking log between checkpoints. Each driver and info will be listed on each row. Columns B through E will contain information for each driver: name, badge, #passengers, and vehicle #. The log lists location, time, and destination for outgoing travelers in columns F to H. Incoming info is listed on Columns I to K............

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Paste Unique Values (paste In Active Cell Copied Range)

Jun 4, 2009

i try to paste in active cell copied range.

I mean that i do follow:
- i select range of cell - mostly range of column f.e. A2:A500
- i click/select on any free cell (f.e. B1)
- then i run macro

i expected it paste unique values (text or number)

this dont work

i dont know how defined the range

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Detect Numbers In A Cell Range And Then Change Cells Based On What Numbers Are Found?

Feb 27, 2014

I'm going to be using a spreadsheet to keep track of where different people are at. So if Person 1 is in Room 3, I will stick a 3 in the box next to their name and then can look at the spreadsheet whenever I need and see what room they are in. When I'm deciding what room to put a person in, though, I need to be able to quickly glance at a list of Room #'s and see what one's are still available. So I have a bank of Room #'s in the spreadsheet....1,2,3, etc.

What I'd like, is some way to set this up so that when I put, for example, "3" in the cell next to "Person 1" the spreadsheet automatically removes "3" from the bank of available Room #'s and when I delete the "3" because the person has left, it adds "3" back to the bank of available Rooms.

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Split Range Of Numbers From One Cell Into Column Of Multiple Cells All With Individual Numbers

Mar 5, 2012

I have a mass of data which look something like this:

table removed

and I require the ranges of reference numbers to be listed in a column one above the other, which requires inserting new rows. I also need the date & description columns copied down into the newly inserted rows.

So basically for example I would want the top row to now read:

table removed

and then apply the same procedure to the other ranges below this.

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Create A Permutation Of The Numbers 1 - 7

May 11, 2009

I have been asked if I can create a pseudo Lottery/Bingo card of 7 images with no repeat cards. The best i can tell is that I need to create a Permutation of the numbers 1 - 7. There should be 5040 combinations of unique possible cards. My problem being I don't know how to create this Permutation in Excel.

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Create New Products Numbers

Jun 17, 2009

I would like to create a new products numbers column in Excel.

I have my supplier "SKU's numbers" in column A , I would like to create my "SKU's numbers" in XXXX format (only numbers) in column B.

Could someone help me pls todo it with Macro or if it possible todo it in formula ?

The code should check in the excel sheet, that it is not generate a new SKU that was used before !

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Create One Formula That Will Take The Product Of Numbers?

Mar 10, 2014

See attached spreadsheet. I am trying to create one formula that will take the product of numbers in column B based on criteria in column A (want the product of %s in each year). Product if formula.xlsx

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How To Create Order And Quote Numbers

Sep 7, 2013

Way to create order and quote numbers. I'm currently starting an order number with a "O" in front of the order number and a "Q" in front of the quote number but this presents a problem when trying to create the next consecutive number because the number has a letter at the start of it so I can't use the method plus 1. I'd just simply remove the "O" and "Q" from these numbers but I need the numbers to be unique from each other and putting the "O" or "Q" in front was the only thing I could come up with to avoid the numbers ever being identical. I often need to look up these numbers and return the values in that row so the numbers need to be unique from one another.

The information for quotes and orders is saved on separate workbooks but I'd still like the numbers to be unique from one another.

Having a letter at the start of each number or a work around for using the plus 1 method when you do have a letter at the start of the number?

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Create Unique Random Numbers

Feb 19, 2008

I have 12 Cells, years 1 to 12. I want to create a random number for each cell, which then depending on what the number is, either 1-75 being 8,000,000 or 76-100 being 10,500,000, place it in the cell and be able copy it down. What i have done already you can see on the attached workbook, or the table i used:

I used this table to generate the random number to give either 8m or 10.5m, except i put the VLOOKUP in the year 1 cell, added some dollars signs and copied down but that only makes them all the same, so i want a way to make each year have its own random number preferably without making 10 tables.

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Create Consecutive Numbers After Text

Jun 23, 2008

I have a column with many different names and want to put a number at the end of the name. Is there an excel formula that can do this? For example:



As you can see, if the number of consecutive texts goes over 10, I need it to add a "0" onto the beginning of the number.

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Create Random Numbers In Column With No Repeats?

Oct 3, 2013

I attempting to create a formula that will create random numbers in a column without repeats. For example, I have a spreadsheet with two columns. The first column I want to contain the random numbers and the second column will contain names. I just need the formula to create the random numbers once.

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Create Purchase Order With Incrementing Numbers

Jun 26, 2008

I need to create a purchase order page whereby each item is then transposed into seperate sheets detailing the product along with price etc. I need the po number to be automatically generated to follow on from the previous therefore giving us a continuous po thread. I also need the purchase order as typed to be saved into a seperate sheet / file each time so that the po is always blank when someone else creates a new post

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Create Sequentially Increasing Numbers Based On Other Cells?

Mar 22, 2012

I would like to have a sheet where there is a cell designated as "start number" (where any number may be entered) and a cell designated as "how many times". I would then like to be able to click a button and excel generates a list of sequential numbers starting from the number designated in the "start number" cell as many times as is designated in the "how many times" cell.

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Create Loop That Averages Numbers Within N Standard Deviations?

Aug 13, 2013

I am trying to design a function that grabs an average of only numbers that are within a certain deviation of the mean. I got the plan down, and have done this before without VBA, its just a user defined function will be much quicker.

The gist of what I am doing: Find the standard deviation of a range and then only find the average of numbers that fall within n deviations from the mean. I am stuck with the part that I would normally use an array code for. Here is what my array would look like:


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Create Function That Consolidates Part Numbers In Two Columns?

Mar 25, 2014

I'm working on a long list of cells that have multiple entries of the same part number at different point on the list. I want to create a function that consolidates those part numbers in two columns to the right of the raw count.



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Create Step Colors Based On Column Of Numbers

Dec 6, 2006

I have to make a macheine cycle chart. I have a column containing Step Names and a column containing step time in whole seconds. I need to paste the step names across Row 1 and whole numbers counting to X down colum A. I then need to have each second represented by coloring the cell, for example, Step 1 is 1 sec. and Step 2 is 2 sec. if "Step 1" is in B1 I need B2 colored then for "Step 2" in C1 i need C3-4 highlighted and so on for a variable number of steps. This is my first question so I hope I was clear enough. With this much programed I will be able to make simple changes to tweak it to fit my needs.

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Create An Endless Column Of Numbers And Check Boxes

Aug 8, 2007

I have some code which, which I have modified it to create check boxes for all rows of data, but when I run it, it begins to wipe out the data, and create an endless column of numbers and check boxes. Here is the code:

Sub SelectCell()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Dim Z As Range
Set Z = Cells(1, 1).EntireColumn. Find("*", SearchDirection:=xlPrevious)
For i = 2 To Z
Range("A" & i) = i
Set cll = Range("A" & i).Offset(0, 1)
For Each shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes
If Left(shp.Name, 8) = "CheckBox" And shp.TopLeftCell.Address = cll.Address Then
Exit For.......................

I have tried to set it to recognize how many rows are filled with number, give that to variable Z and then apply the code but it simply does not work.

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