Macro For Selective Data Validation - Which Does Not Work

Jan 17, 2013

lately I have promised to program a little macro which looked easy for me to do but on which I have now spend a considerable amount of time without finding the problem why it is not running. I am working under Windows XP with Excel 2010, here is what i was trying to do:

In a worksheet there are two columns G and H. In both columns it shall be possible to select a number of possible entries from a list. For column G this is done via data validation, no problem. Now, the choices which are there in column H shall depend on the entries made in the appropriate row of column G. Column G thus functions as an overarching category. If I choose "Tree" in G, H would give me branches, leaves, apples. If I choose "car" the choices would be wheel, engine, gasoline etc. This shall be done by a Macro:


Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim cat1 As Range
Dim cat2 As Range
Dim x As Integer
Set cat1 = Range("G:G") 'Task Group
Set cat2 = Range("H:H") 'Task Category


When running, it gives me Run time error 1004: Method "Range" of object '_Worksheet' failed. Debug highlights the row


With Range(Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 8))

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Data Validation To Work When A Duplicate Value Is Pasted Into A Column

Feb 10, 2009

I have to enter patient's SSN's into my database. The fastest and most error free way to do this is simply copy the SSN from the electronic chart and paste into the appropriate cell in the database. I don't want duplicates. So, I need the database to alert me when I paste in a duplicate SSN. I know you can set data validation to do prohibit duplicates by using a formula. In the attached spreadsheet the SSN is in column B, so:

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Can Data Validation Lists Reference Another Work Book?

Aug 17, 2009

I have a cell that I want to use data validation on so I have a drop down list. Problem is the location of this list will be in another workbook.. Is this possible to go from one workbook to another using data validation?

Also, depending on the information that is selected from the drop down list I want a cell to the left to pick the corresponding data from the list in the other workbook. These forms will always be in the same folder.. Not sure if that information is necessary but just in case you need to know.

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Data Validation With Nested IF Statements Or VLOOKUP Does Not Work

Jun 12, 2009

Excel spreadsheet will contain a form that will consist of drop down boxes (data validation). Each drop down box will define the data that can be selected in the next drop down box.

The way I initially went about it, is creating nested IF statements. However, we all know there is a limit of 7 nested IF statements. I have 10! So below formula does not work:
=if(B5=1,F5:I5, if(B5=2, F6:I6, if(B5=3, F7:H7, if(B5=4, F8:J8, if(B5=5, F9:H9, if(B5=6,F10:G10, if(B5=7,F11:H11, if(B5=8,F12:H12, if(B5=9, F13:I13, if(B5=10, F14:K14))))))))))

I tried other workarounds such as CONCATENATE, or & signs. No luck. VLOOKUP does not work also, because there are multiple columns in col_index_num. Anything else I try gives me this message:
“The List Source must be a delimited list, or a reference to a single row or column”

What should really happen is this:
User selects value in first list box. Second list box shows values associated wih the value from the first drop down only.

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Data Validation Doesn't Work When Worksheet Populated From Userform?

Feb 21, 2014

I have this formula =COUNTA($A:$A)<=4 that limits amount of cells that can be populated in column A, I use data validation with "Allow costume" option and using that formula. It works fine from worksheet it displays the message when the limit is reached but it doesn't work when data is inputed/populated from userfrom, it allows userform to put more entries than set limit 4 in this case.

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Excel 2010 :: Dropdown Data Validation Menu Doesn't Work When Opened On Different Computer

Aug 19, 2013

Using Excel 2010, I set up a simple workbook with a spreadsheet on one page and the ranges for data validation on another. I successfully linked the fields in the "Category" and "Tender" columns with the data on the second sheet, making nice drop down menus. Everything works fine on my computer. However, when we open the workbook on a different station, the drop down menus disappear. If you highlight any of the "Category" or "Tender" fields, the little drop down prompt is missing; they behave like regular, un-formatted fields. It appears that the data validation became un-linked.

We tried opening versions with certain fields locked (Mainly the Total, Breakdown, and Summary areas, but the fields with data validation were still editable), and also completely unlocked documents. Every time, the drop down lists were lost when opened on different stations.

I've attached the completely unlocked version : 00_FLEX TRAVEL EXPENSE REPORT_v3.xlsx‎

Forget to check a box or something? This seems way harder for me to figure out that it should be!

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Macro To Retrieve Selective Files

May 21, 2008

I am trying to wite a macro that will allow me to pull up specific files. All files will be located in the same folder. For example, I want to type the workbook name "sawn" into a cell and hit the macro button. The macro will then look in a "pool" folder for the workbook named "sawn" and open it. Is this even possible?

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VBA Macro - Selective Copy And Transpose

Jul 25, 2012

I have a spreadsheet which contains many rows (>3000) and a few columns.

I would like to make a macro that will copy specific cells depending on the number from another cell (from the first column) and then transpose the corresponding values. My current problem is that the values I'd like to copy (countries) are on a row (horizontal) and I need it on a column (below "Countries") next to the car models (in black: the current sheet, in red: my target):

Number of Countries



[Code] .......

Is it be possible to create a macro that transposes automatically the countries from the right into the third column (like 90 degrees against the clockwise direction)?

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Copy Selective Data From One Worksheet To Another

Dec 9, 2011

I am trying to copy selective data from one worksheet to another. My intent is to copy data in column F below to another worksheet in Column H. I only need to copy numeric data in Column F. Below is the screen shot of my data set. There are 244 Batches and each batch contain 4 members. In another words, I want to copy data for 4 rows (F2 to F5) then skip three rows (F6 to F8), Then again copy 4 rows (F9 to F12) the skip 3 rows and so on.

Here is the sample data -

6Next lines of Data contain expenditure for batch 2

[Code] ..........

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Selective Data Transfer Between 2 Worksheets

Jan 5, 2007

We want to transfer row data based on criteria in that row to another sheet. We only want to transfer certain cells in the row. We have a column that is named status that we want to trigger and identify the row for transfer and then its location in the new sheet. We tried vlookup but it would only take the first instance of a specific status in the column and not take subsequent instances. We then tried the index function but could not get it to work correctly. I hope this makes sense. There will be a high volume of data being inputted continuously so I don't think that copy and pasting is a viable solution....

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Data Sorting, Min/Max, Selective Calculation Function

Jul 30, 2007

I'm using Excel 2003 with WinXP SP2.

I'm trying to make a spreadsheet to calculate my GPA for my studies. I can get everything to work fine except I want to be able to calculate an adjusted GPA based on a certain value of classes to drop.

The way it would work ideally is that I would be able to search/sort a data set and if it contained "X" number of entries then the "Y" number of lowest marks would be omitted from the AGPA calculation.

I'm having trouble designing a function/formula or scheme to sort the data range, and identify the lowest "Y" number of entries and recalculate the GPA without using them.

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Search List Then Write Selective Items To Another Sheet

Dec 12, 2013

The sheet shown, Complaints, lists on each row information on a single complaint. This information extends from Col A to Col Y (though not that way here, the data actually begins in row 3). I want to highlight a Customer cell, say H227 for Customer A, then activate a macro that (1) recognizes the active customer (here A), searches the list, identifies each row where A is the customer and then writes each row into sheet "Event" beginning in row 4. I should then see the same A to Y cells of information, beginning in row 4, filled in sheet Event for the six customer A complaints. Note, the actual data in sheet Complaints involves 300 rows of data, and over 100 customers can be on the list, some up to 15 times. I know that I could do this by filtering the data, copying and pasting, but a simple macro would be quicker for the group of individuals involved. Note, I then use this information to populate a chart.



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Selective Transpose Multiple Rows Of Data To Columns

Jul 21, 2013

How to selectively transpose a row of dates to columns. I'm not sure exactly how to explain this, so below is an example of what the data look like entered into the spreadsheet:

study ID
visit 1
visit 2
visit 3
visit 4
visit 5


I'd like to extract the data into a new table on another worksheet that looks like this:

study id
visit #
Test Name


This is just a quick example, but basically it would continue through all possible visit dates for the first study ID, then move to the next row of data (i.e. the next study ID) and extract the data from the row and transpose it in the appropriate columns moving down...

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Plotting Chart With Selective Dates And Data Series

Oct 8, 2013

I have a database where I would like to plot graphs from data of different periods and different series.

My current method is to go to the data set formulas and changing data range. The tricky part is that I might skip data series because I am selecting the series required for each chart.

How to do plot the different graphs efficiently and quickly.

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Macro To Work On Increasing/Descreasing Data

Sep 14, 2006

I have a spreadsheet with a worksheet for each month, so as a new month begins I add a new worksheet using a macro

Each worksheet has 5 columns:

A = Vendor, B = Date, C = Debits, D = Credits, E = Balance

Row 30 contains the totals for columns C, D, & E, cell A30 contains the text Totals
The problem I have is occaisionally extra rows are added so the totals may not be in row 30

Is there any way that the macro can be changed so that it looks for the word Total in column A and then reads the contents of the corresponding cell E? to transfer that total to cell E2 on the next worksheet

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Automating Work Task Using Validation?

May 25, 2012

i have a validation list in A5 pointing to F6:F, i need the refmask_no to change according to the validation list in A5:A.

So if i choose from List LEADCASH the refmask_no= '100007995' etc

How can i automate the changing of refmask_no?

Sheet1  ABCDEF4Validation ListCorr _acc_no  Mapping 5LEAD CASH ABNAMROrefmask_no = '100007997'  
Corr_acc_noLead Set6    '100007995'LEAD CASH7    '100020741'LEAD CASH ABNAMRO8    '100020645'LEAD CASH AUDNZNR9 

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Choose Selective Data From A Range Driven From Dropdown List?

Aug 23, 2013

I have a spreadsheet listing various pieces of computer hardware, software and mobile accessories, etc with costs attached.

I have created a dropdown list of staff profiles eg a sales representative, finance assistant, IT administrator.

What I want to do is get Excel to pull the data through from the data sheet, to a printable summary output form (something you could also cut and paste from). For example, a sale rep would need to be set up with a laptop, laptop case, mobile phone, etc, so when you select Sales rep from droplist, I want that action to pull all the associated data through to the summary form. Similarly, a Finance assistant would require different kit , perhaps a desktop PC , monitor , etc.

Next to my data I have created columns with "Y" for yes in cells containing kit that match the staff role requirements, but I am not sure of the best way to pull this together.

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Copy Data From Selective Rows From Different Files To A Single File?

Jun 8, 2014

I would need only the first row data to be copied into a master file in column A (row A from each file to column A, column B.... etc - basically transpose value into master file)

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Add New Data To Existing Cell Based On Multiple Selective Inputs?

Apr 1, 2009

I have a spreadsheet of courses required to reach a certification. On this spreadsheet I have listed the number of hours required for each course in one column, and how many hours I have accrued in an adjoining column. Not all the hours will occur at once, so I tend to bound from cell to cell adding hours in small amounts. What I am trying to do is create a macro that will allow me to add to the existing number of hours to the newly accrued hours, without typing over what is already there.

For example…Class 1 requires five hours total, and I have two hours accrued. If I accrue two more hours (for a total of four hours) I want to update cell E2 without going in to this cell manually and changing this number. I would like to enter the additional two hours in a text box or similar function, and have that function update E2. To add to the level of difficulty, there are four levels of class. This means not only do I need to be able to select which class hours need updated, but which level of class. I have attached the spreadsheet I am working with to try to make things a little clearer.

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Macro To Copy Over And Paste Data In To A Work Sheet From A Closed Workbook

Nov 23, 2009

I have a macro code which gets the file list from a folder i specify and puts it in to an excel sheet as a column. I have then made a drop down list from this so the user can select the file they want.

From this file i wish to copy the data on a sheet that i specify. For example the sheet "dump" from file FR7_19.11.2009.xls (which will be a closed workbook) and paste its content in to the sheet "dump" in Summary.xls

I have a macro which opens up the closed workbook FR7_19.11.2009.xls and copies the sheet "dump" and then creates a new sheet of the same name and content in my current workbook (Summary.xls). However when i wish to select a different file to load in to Summary.xls "dump" the formulas i have been calculating information from this sheet all come up with #!Ref errors. I know this is because the macro i use deletes the old dump sheet before re adding a new one containing new data.

I am therefore looking for a macro which will simply just copy and paste the data from any file i select in to a sheet named "dump" as the data is always set out the same in every file but the values are different. I assume this will then mean that any formulas i use relating to this "dump" sheet in Summary.xls will work because the sheet is no longer being deleted and re-added the data within it has just simply been copied over.

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Vba Data Validation Macro

May 17, 2007

write a VBA macro that will check selected cells to see if their values conform to the corrosponding data validation rule?

I understand that data validation only checks the data upon entry. how to check all the cells or a selection of cells in a worksheet after the fact. I done a lot of editing and made changes to some of my validation lists and now want to know which cells no longer conform.

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Nested Data Validation: Figure A To Enforce Dual Data Validation On A Single Cell?

Aug 19, 2009

I'm trying to figure a to enforce dual data validation on a single cell. That is, I need to restrict the user to entering only a decimal value, only if a particular other cell (say A2) is blank. To put it another way, if A2 is blank, the user can enter a decimal value, but if A2 is not blank, the user cannot enter anything. I can use Data Validation to enforce either the decimal restriction or the ISBLANK, but I'm not sure how to make them work together.

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How To Get A Macro To Work With Any Work Book Name

Aug 24, 2009

i have a made a macro that copies info to a new sheet now that is working great but if i change the name of the work book it wont work any more so i need the macro to work with what ever name i give the workbook

the current name is

AVERAGE PRICE (update 2009) Mimmos Armico 170809.xls

i have attached the code in notepad ...

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Validation Of Copy / Paste Data By Macro

Sep 26, 2013

Template is created where the users copy/paste the data from other file. Data validation has been performed with the following steps:

1. Macro inserts the vlookup formula into column A, which isused for validating data that is entered by user from column B to E.
2. If the data is incorrect the N/A will be displayed in column A and invalid data will behighlighted in red color in column B.
3. This validation goes through the loop and after the loop is finished the pop message will be displayed and macro should stop so the user can correct the data.
4. After the user correct the data, the macro needs to run again to make sure there is no further errors. If there are no errors, thehighlighted cells should be cleared out of color and pop.

Here is the code that runs by command button:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Call FindNA
End Sub
Sub FindNA()
Dim ResultRange As Range
Dim ResultCell As Range
Dim iRow As Integer

[Code] ......

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Insert Data Validation Via Macro Code

Mar 1, 2008

I have written the below code to enter some formulas, validation, and formatting. I keep running into a problem when trying to add the first validation.
The debug msg is...

Run-time error '-2147417848 (80010108)':
Automation error
The Object invoked has disconnected from its clients.

Debug highlighted portion is...

.Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
xlBetween, Formula1:="=PRODUCT" ....................

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Macro Copying Row To Next Blank Row On Another Sheet With Data Validation?

Mar 19, 2013

I am currently working in an excel file for which i want to create a macro. I am using colomn F as the base from which it should be determined whether a row should be copied. In colomn F the user can select three options through data validation. If 'completed' is selected, the whole row should be copied to the second sheet, and each copied row should be pasted to the next empty row. The data on the source sheet starts at row 11 and should be copied to sheet 2, starting from row 11 as well.

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Excel 2010 :: Combobox Or Data Validation With Macro

Apr 9, 2013

I am using excel 2010. I have 3 separate form control each with its own macro. I would like to create a combo box with a drop down with a list of each form control case and be able to perform the same function as the individual form control when a specific name is chosen in the list of the combo box.

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Data Validation List To Select Worksheet In Macro

Apr 8, 2007

I have a Data Validation list in cell A1 of a worksheet called LIST. I would like to modify the macro that I have recorded, the macro uses data from various worksheets. I would like to sort out some code so that at certain points in the macro it will select the worksheet that is shown in cell A1 of the LIST sheet and then carry out the code already recorded. THis will allow me to quickly change a sheet name that is refererred to in the macro numerous times without actually manually editing the sheet name in the macro code.

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How To Create Macro In Order To Protect Data Validation Rules

May 15, 2014

create macro in order to protect Data Validation rules.

e.g. If user copy and paste cells from others source which is not in the same validation criteria or not contain any validation rules, the existing validation will gone.

so, is there any macro which will be able to automatically run to prevent the data validation?

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Macro - Hide Rows Based On Data Validation List?

Dec 30, 2011

I have a data validation cell that has 5 items to be selected, lets say A-E.

I would like a macro that checks and does the following:

A or B selected, hide row 25-34, rows 45- 53

C or D selected, hide row 24-44

E selected, hide rows 34-53

In each case, the macro should check and unhide all rows between 25-53 before doing the above

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