VBA Script To Create Excel Reference To A Cell In Different Worksheet

Dec 18, 2013

I am trying to create a budgeting spreadsheet that contains 26 worksheets that represent 2 week expense cycles. The worksheet will tally all the expenses in its 2 week cycle, compare them to a target budget, and calculate the remaining budget. I would like to roll the remaining budget over to the next 2 week budget cycle by having a cell refer to the remaining budget in the previous worksheet.

I am trying to accomplish this using the following VBA script. I get an error (Run-time error 1004: Application-defined or object-defined error) on the 3rd to last line of the code. I think the issue is with how I am constructing the wsReference variable. I have seen other codes do something similar (VBA - How to refer to a different worksheet cell) but I am not having any luck.

Sub Budget_Rollover()
Dim i As Long
' Loop through all the worksheets, starting with the second sheet
For i = 2 To Worksheets.Count
Dim wsReference As String
Dim wsName As String
' Define the name of the previous expense cycle worksheet


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Reference Cell From Another Excel Worksheet?

Dec 6, 2013

I've done this loads of times before but doing it this morning seems to not be working at all.

Previously I'd be in Sheet 1, I put the equals sign, I click into Sheet 2 in the cell I want, hit enter, and hey presto the external cell is referenced in Sheet 1.

However, what I'm trying to do here is not reference individual sheets within an excel document, but reference a totally separate Excel document. Can I do this or not?

If so how? Because when I select the second worksheet after I've entered the = sign, it just takes me to the second sheet - it doesn't seem to 'remember' that I'm in the middle of a formula.

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Create A Separate Worksheet That Has The Data In And Reference Cells On Budget Worksheet?

Feb 7, 2014

I need to reference the projected and actual expenses from the total on worksheet 'expenses' So i did so, however, if I change the drop down on the expenses worksheet to only display housing data, then the projected and actual expenses on my budget worksheet changes as well to the new data portrayed on the expenses worksheet.

I need to reference the cell, without it changing when I change the category display, but I need the cell to change accordingly if I enter new data in the overall tablet on the expenses worksheet.

Or do I need to create a seperate worksheet that has the data in and reference my cells on my budget worksheet to that new worksheet?

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Create Hyperlink From Excel Cell To Worksheet Tab?

Jun 28, 2013

I want to create a hyperlink from an Excel cell to a worksheet tab. Problem is, the tab name changes frequently. The good news is I have a cell that displays all my tab names and automatically refreshes. How can I create a hyperlink that will like to the tab based on the value in that cell?

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Excel 2003 :: Copy Data And Then Increment Cell Reference From Different Worksheet?

Nov 28, 2013

I've got 2 worksheets in the same workbook.

Sheet 1 contains huge amounts of data - thousands of rows and multiple columns

Sheet 2 - I want to extract the data from sheet 1 column A into sheet 2 column A but only the data from every 21st row.

I want to be able to copy the formula automatically down, otherwise it will take hours to do it manually. So far I can only get the cell reference to increment by 1 each time after copying.

So what I'm trying to achieve is :-

Sheet 2 A1 = Sheet 1 A1
Sheet 2 A2 = Sheet 1 A22
Sheet 2 A3 = Sheet 1 A43

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Excel 2007 :: Email Current Worksheet And Rename It From Reference To A Cell

Oct 25, 2012

I have the need to email the current worksheet in Excel 2007, which I have been able to do with the following ...

Sub SendTab()
'Declare and initialize your variables, and turn off screen updating.
Dim wks As Worksheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set wks = ActiveSheet

[Code] .......

Is there a way I can also get it to also rename the sheet from the default "Book1" to the information in a referenced cell.

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Convert Cell Reference To Worksheet Reference

Jul 20, 2014

I have a workbook with 1000+ worksheets, all of which have 3-letter names. On a master sheet, I would like to make a query of how many non-empty cells there are on a subsidiary worksheet. This works:

What I'd like to do from time to time is input in column A a varying set of 3-letter worksheet names, say


And have a formula in column B that converts this to


I've learned that simply substituting the cell references A1, A2, A3 for AAB, ABC and CDE doesn't work. What do I need to do to achieve this?

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Excel 2007 :: How To Change All Reference Cells In Worksheet

Aug 26, 2010

Here is my situation:

I created one worksheet called: Assumptions. In this worksheet I have 6 different columns representing 6 different cases.

I have completed the first case in a different worksheet called: WL. I would like to copy this case/worksheet WL and be able to change all the reference cells used in case#1: WL to case#2: FA. So all the cells used in my Assumptions worksheet were in the B columns for case 1: WL, for case 2: FA they will all be in the C column, same row, different column.

Any quick way to do the changes?

My case #1 worksheet as over 10 000 formulas, I really don't want to change each and every formula.

I was thinking there was a way to highlight ALL the reference cells used in my Assumption worksheet, so I would have had to drag from B to C cells, only 50 cells. But I can't find it.

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Excel 2013 :: Macro That Can Reference Worksheet It Has Created

Jul 4, 2014

I am completely new to Macro's and VB and the macro below has been generated using the "Record Macro" function in Excel 2013 with a couple of very minor modifications based on some research I have done (hyperlink & input box). My ultimate goal is to make a copy of my "TEMPLATE", which is hidden and the copy could have a variety of names, then create an entry in my "SUMMARY" table that references cells on the newly created sheet. The new entry on the SUMMARY page should be entered in the next available row ... at the moment I need to make sure I have my cursor in the right place before I run the macro. I also want the first cell in the new "SUMMARY" row to create a hyperlink to the newly created worksheet.

The macro does what I need it to do, as long as I name the new sheet "Test", what I would like is for the Macro to recognise the name of the new worksheet and create links to that name. The rows and columns in each new sheet will remain the same, hence the R##C## part will always work.

The "SUMMARY" and "TEMPLATE" worksheet names will not (ever) change.

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Use Text In A Cell For A Formula As Cell Reference To Create Range

Mar 10, 2013

I have a list of headings and items and I have a set of formulas that work out depending on the heading what items are listed.

Say theres 10 items and the heading starts at C4 and that heading has 10 items, so it puts "C5" as text in G1 and "C15" as text in G2 so i now know my cell range of items

How can i use the text in those cells to put in a formula to call that as a range?

If I use the indirect formula it shows me the value of the cell, but im after using it to reference the cell

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Create Formula In A Column That Increments Cell Reference From Data In Row

Sep 8, 2012

I'm new to Excel (4th day in class) and I can't find the answer to what I'm looking for on the net. Part of the problem is that I don't know what to call it, so I have a hard time looking it up.

Very simply put, let's say there are examples numbers 1,2,3,4 put in cells A1 to A4 (vertical) and more example number 50,60,70,80 are put in cells A6 to D6 (horizontal)

What one formula can be written in B1 that I can copy down to B4 that will make B1=A1+A6, and B2=A2+B6, and B3=A3+C6, and B4=A4+D6

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Excel 2010 :: Create 3 Or 4 Detailed Reports From Worksheet?

Apr 24, 2014

I need to create 3 or 4 detailed reports from an excel 2010 worksheet.

My worksheet contains data including date, invoice number, company , consultant, days, dollars. There are approximately 100 records in the worksheet.

Requirement 1 :I want to use excel 2010 to automatically generate a series of reports broken down by consultant showing date, invoice number, company, and consultant with totals for days and dollars, when all the records for consultant 1 are listed, then I want to show consultant 2.

Same for any other consultants with a grand total at the end.

My understanding is that excel 2010 makes this process very simple .

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Excel 2010 :: Create Separate PDF File For Each Worksheet - Different Name

Mar 29, 2014

I need to create a separate PDF file for each Excel Worksheet, each worksheet has a different name.

I am using Excel 2010

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Excel VBA - Create Popup Window With Instructions For Worksheet

Mar 10, 2014

How to use an Excel worksheet I have, so I decided to make a button with a macro, which when clicked a kind of message box pops up and you can read the tutorial. When you are done you just press ok and the pop up window closes.

I know about vba I just have to use msgbox, keep on adding lines with the text and that's it! But after many attempts I found out that it ain't that easy.

[Code] ......

So I made something like this:

[Code] ....

but at a point I got this error: "Too many lines continuations".

I wanna make something that looks a bit like this: p69pxC8.jpg

But way simpler, with my text, a scroll bar to roll up and down to read and an ok button at the end. I don't need special text with hyperlinks or anything at all, plain text does the job.

It just now crossed my mind, would it be viable to also add a "Print" button next to the "Ok" button in the pop up windows with the tutorial, so when the "Print" button is clicked, the tutorial is printed?

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Using Cell Value To Reference Worksheet Name?

Aug 5, 2014

I have a worksheet with additional worksheet name listed in Column G, starting in G3.

I want to run this formula on each sheet, using the value in Column G as the WORKSHEETNAME.


Faulty example of what I'm trying to do:

I've tried INDIRECT, but I cant seem to make it work.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Save Excel File As Cell Reference Using Macro

Mar 5, 2012

I have created a macro in excel 2010 which enable the file to save (extract) data into separate location and name. The vba code for macro is as follows: Question: How can I save this workbook with reference to the value containing in cell B2? (it is named temporary now - as defined in the code)

Sub aaa()
' aaa Macro


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Use A Worksheet Reference Cell In A Formula?

Apr 10, 2014

I have a formula to extract the worksheet name and add the "!" to it so it can be used in a copied formula... I'm just having trouble writing the formula to reference the text in the cell with the worksheet name. If it's easier, I also have the list of worksheets without the "!" - e.g., Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, etc...

I want the formula to calculate, in my example, the sum of 2 cells on a different worksheet.

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Reference Cell On One Worksheet In Right Footer Of Another?

Jan 7, 2014

Been having some trouble with this using VBA. I can't seem to get the code to run properly.

Actually, if there is a way to get a right footer on one worksheet to be referenced in a cell on another, that would be even better but I haven't been able to find anything like that.

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VBA Code For Using Cell Value To Reference Worksheet Name

Jul 15, 2014

I need a VBA code to reference the cell value to activate a particular worksheet name. In the sheet "Ini", Range ("B4"), there is a text of "Rawdata" This text is used to reference to the specific Sheet name and activate it.

However, I am unable to get my code to work. Thus, I changed it with a ' with green highlights for the following lines:

'Worksheets.Open Filename:=DataRawSheet

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Reference Worksheet Cell In Workbook

Aug 12, 2006

I have recently learned a little about Excel. Enough to be able to do our payroll for my company on it. My question is: On the 1st page of my workbook, is my quarterly report which shows all taxes, social security, and medicare we hold out each payday for each employee. The rest of the worksheets are for each employee. How do I have each employees withholdings automatically go to my quarterly report page?

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Sumif - Reference To Cell On Another Worksheet

Feb 27, 2007

I'm trying to reference a cell on another worksheet in my criteria and the formula doesn't seem to be working. All I get is a value of 0.

= SUMIF(G3:G76, ">='City Wide'!B6",I3:I76)

If I replace 'City Wide'!B6 with an actual number the formula works. This does not help as 'City Wide'!B6 is a value that can change.

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Excel 2010 :: Create Master List Worksheet From Lists Of Names On Several Worksheets

Jun 6, 2013

I'm using Excel 2010. I have a workbook that has six or seven worksheets in it. Each worksheet has a header row, and then lists of clients at the clinic where I work. The columns are last name, first name, medicaid #, social security #, DOB. We use these lists every month to verify that each client has Medicaid for the month. Therefore, there are also columns with names like April, May, June where we mark yes or no for each client. Some of the worksheets also have information about the clients' guardian, phone number, etc., but not every worksheet has those. (I can't show you the worksheets b/c of federal privacy laws, of course.)

I really, really want a worksheet that's a master list of the data from each of the existing worksheets, and I'd like to keep it synced to the source worksheets. I'd love it if I could also add a column telling me which of the source worksheets the data originally came from.

I've tried a few things to make it happen, but nothing has worked.

I've tried using the Consolidate function built into Excel as well, but that only works with numbers, not text, and it wants to manipulate the numbers instead of just copying them over.

I've found several macros online that should have worked (including one from this site) but that I wasn't able to install to my worksheet. I followed all the steps for installation, and throught it worked, but when I went back to the Excel file to run the macro, the list of available macros remained emptpy.

Is it possible that corporate IT has disabled the ability to install macros? Is there somewhere in Options were I need to go to turn Macros on?

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Open A Closed Worksheet W/ Cell Reference

Jan 4, 2010

I am trying to open a stored file on a network drive (with the file location stored in cell E4). When I try to run the macro, I get an error message on Line 3. (Sheets(E4.Value).Activate)

Does anyone know what I can do to fix this, or have a better method to open the closed files?

I've read that it's possible to reference information from a closed sheet, but I don't think that I'm experienced enough in VBA to take on that effort yet.

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Using A Cell Reference To Copy Rows To A New Worksheet

Jun 14, 2006

I've been tasked with redoing a revenue report at work, and in my head I've conjured up what could potentially be a huge time saving way of doing things in the future, although have searched help files and looked around online and can't find the formula/macro (if it exists) to enable me to do this.

The problem is this:

Sheet 1 of the workbook is a large input sheet. Every row contained in that sheet will, in column A, be titled 'red', 'yellow' or 'green'. Columns B onwards contain other data which (at the moment) is irrelevant to the problem.

Now what I want excel to do after I've put the raw data into the input sheet (sheet 1), is to read the text in column A for each row, then automatically copy ALL data in that row over to the next empty row on another worksheet.

ie Sheet 2 will have all rows that have 'Red' in column A on the input sheet, Sheet 3 will have all those titled 'Yellow' and Sheet 4 will have all those titled 'Red'.

I know I can use a filter on the input sheet to just show the data I want, but each colour coded row will contain different data to another, and if there is a formula/macro setup i can use to do the above, then I can set the subsequent worksheets up to hide the superflous columns from the input sheet.

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Reference Cell For Worksheet Name Macro Code

Apr 11, 2008

I've got 3 sheets, A, B, and C. In sheet C, I have a cell named "element". That cell can have either the letter A or the letter B in it. In my VB code, I want to reference the sheet which correlates with the "element" cell. So,


when the user clicks my "go" button, it calls this logic, and I want the worksheet that correleates to the letter in the cell in worksheet C - to open.

The reason for my posting - this is not working, and may not even be possible. Perhaps someone has experience in this and knows how to do it - or knows a different way to do this.

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Highlight Cells Based On Cell Reference On Another Worksheet

May 27, 2014

I am trying to find a way to automatically highlight all the cells specified by the cell references in a column on another worksheet (which will constantly have new values added).

On the attached sample, the 'Data Before' tab shows the base data before any highlighting. As cell references are added to the 'References' tab in 'column A' I want the respective cell to be highlighted on the 'Data Before' tab resulting in the 'Data After' tab and each time a new cell reference is added to the 'References' tab, the respective cell is then highlighted on the 'Data Before' tab.

I would like to have control over the highlight colour so that a different highlight colour can be specified for each date change, i.e. all cell references that are shown on the same date are the same colour but where the date changes a different highlight colour can be specified.

Highlight by Cell Reference.xlsx‎

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INDIRECT - Sum Contents Of Column On Another Worksheet Up To Certain Cell Reference

Jan 24, 2012

Trying to use INDIRECT to sum the contents of a column on another worksheet upto a certain cell reference which is in another cell on the worksheet.


I have taken it back to simply having sheet1 with numbers in A4 to A23, then sheet2 with A23 in cell B1, and the formula above it C9, but I keep getting #REF!.

The formula works fine if on sheet1 without the worksheet names in it. Formula evaluation gets to =SUM(INDIRECT("Sheet1!A4:Sheet1!A23")) then gives =SUM(#REF!)

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Macros To Save Worksheet Based On Cell Reference

Feb 12, 2009

I have a macros ( code inserted ) as you can see in my code the macros save the workbook in any file name you chose just by changing the any filename option.

I would like this to be changed so that it saves based on a cell reference, say i has a name in lets say B10 i would like it to save as the name in B10.

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Dim bk1 As Workbook
Dim bk As Workbook
Dim myfilename As String

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Macro Used Textbox In Worksheet Rather Than Cell Reference As Criteria To Find Matches

Sep 26, 2013

This is a continuation of thread 182629 [URL] ....

The End User wanted originally to type characters into cell C1 of a worksheet that the macro searched for in another worksheet, copying across every row containing the input.

The responses gave me the following code which worked perfectly:

With Sheets("PICKLIST")
myFind = "*" & .[c1].Value & "*"
End With
If myFind = "*" & "" & "*" Then Exit Sub

Unfortunately, the user NOW wants a Text Box instead of putting the characters into a cell.

I added a textbox (originally called 'TextBox2' but renamed "Choice") and "Dimed" CHOICE As Range.

Then tried the following code:

With Sheets("PICKLIST")
myFind = "*" & CHOICE & "*"
End With

But it generates a "RunTime Error 91" - Object variable or With block variable not set.

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Excel 2007 :: Reference A Cell That Is 10 Rows Below The Cell That Is Being Referenced To In Row Above

Dec 28, 2013

If C5 refers to the value in cell C100, C6 refers to the value in C110 ten rows below. C7 refers to C120, ten rows below that and so on. Is there a formula that you use within excel (not a macro) that allows me to copy the C7 formula to C8 so that C8 will reference C130?

I have tried using INDIRECT and OFFSET formulas but cannot do it without an absolute reference to a fixed cell, which defeats the purpose, since I can go into C8 and manually change it to =C130, C9 to =C140 etc.

Currently using Excel 2007 at work and Mac Pro at home. Thought about R1C1 reference, but don't even know how to change to that style on my Mac.

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