Function sequence giving me "N/A": =VLOOKUP(LEFT(C6,5),H:I,2,FALSE)
Basically, I have numbers that each start with a unique sequence. The first 5 numbers of that sequence represent a certain cell carrier.
What I want to do is have the function look up the first 5 characters of a cell and depending on the 5 characters, I want it to return a certain value.
My idea with the vlookup was to have the lookup value be the first 5 digits and then in my table, it would take only those 5 digits and return a value I have specified in the second column.
See the attached example for an illustration of my problem. Essentially, I am trying to reference the first two numbers of an account number when using VLOOKUP. The function then references a table with account classifications based upon the first two numbers of each 10 digit account. This seems so basic, but is driving me up the wall!
I have a simple VLOOKUP that I can't manage to give the right answer. The contditions must be 'FALSE' as the the stock report database has so many similar numbers in it.
I ahve got the below range.what I want is if the first chracter starts with any of the below corresponnding value to be shown.I am using left and abs for this . but when the chracter stars with "N" or "E" . i am getting and error.
What I need is to find a max value within a range and then tell me what the row value in Column A is. Usually use VLOOKUP for this but this doesn't like minus numbers.
I think it has something to do with Match and Offset but can't get it to work properly.
I have attached an example, where the max of the total is 4,435 and belongs to Steve but how do I get this to do using formulas
generally vlookup function gives a value from the right side cell. is it is possible to display a cell from the left side. in the attached excel file i want the numbers against the cell which contains mom.....
I have a issue with VLOOKUP and LEFT STRING ETC I have a lookup table see below
AB10 Grampian AB12 Grampian AL8 Anglia West AL9 Carlton LWT B1 Central West B10 Central West B11 Central West B13 Central West B14 Central West B15 Central West
Code: =VLOOKUP((LEFT(C4,6)),'Data from 7500'!$B$16:$G$195,6,TRUE)
And it works great, except that the data returned is off by one row. For example, the correct value for the sample name in B107 is located in G107, but the formula returns the value in cell G106. I've tried changing the TRUE to FALSE and that returns #N/A.
I am trying to obtain price of an item using vlookup() function on the identifier 0003128 (7 digits) stored with custom format 0000000 in one worksheet. However in other worksheet, the identifier is stored as 000312 (6 digits) with text format without the last digit 8. I tried using the left(A,6) function on 0003128 but instead of returning 000312 it returns 3128 and Im unable to use the vlookup() function.
I have a workbook which has data from 2 different time points (6 and 12 months) and this is signified by a prefix to an ID number which is a letter (A or B) and a number:
I need to analyse data separately so I'd like to create 2 separate workbooks, once which imports all of the 6 month data (1 row per case) and one for the 12 month data.
I thought that this would be based around a VLOOKUP of the first 1 or 2 characters but I can't work out how to integrate this with an 'IF' and link it to another workbook.
In the attached sheet I am trying to use the formula below but am getting a #NA error. I have narrowed the problem down to the use of the SEARCH and LEFT functions that I am using to determine the lookup value of the VLOOKUP formula.
what I am doing wrong? If I substitute the SEARCH and LEFT function with the number "14" it works just fine. You can find examples of both in cells B29 and C29 on the rename tab.
I have a large table with data to which I want to retrieve a name to the left of a certain cell. Clear as mud so far!
I've put together a small example of what I'm after. In cell F9 is the MAX of cells F2:F7. In cell H3 I then want a formula that will find the MAX of F2:F7 and return the text five rows to the left of that cell. In this example it would be Fred.
The second part of this question is how could I get it to display if more than one person had the same total....
I am trying to use the left function to include only the first account number, for example if a cell has "120122 280000" (there may be many spaces between the two numbers), I only want 120122. So far my programming only returns the 280000 into the cell.
I have a sheet that a VLOOKUP is looking at, and what I need is, if that VLOOKUP finds what it is looking for I need it to look at the cell 2 cells to the left, how is that done?
lets say.. i want every cell counted which has in these range the first two numbers..
every cell has..
5052 5053 5054 4060 4050
so i count the entries which has 50.. so in total it gives a result of 3. Not summing them, just count the entries that has the first two numbers "50" in every row..
The Red Markings can be replaced, the rest should stay.. it is needed due different criteria.....
I have a spreadsheet where I extract the last 3 digits of a five digit string by using the "=Right(...)" command.
Column A 71500 Column B =right(column a,3) Column C 500 Column D = lookup(Column C,toc_desc) Column E #N/A (if it worked, this would read Labor)
I want to take the result of that command (Column C) and use the "Lookup(...) command to translate type of cost as a name rather than the three digit number (Column D). Excel doesn't recognize the result of the "=Right(...)" command. I am getting #N/A as a result. (Column E). How can I get Excel to read that number and give me the results I need?
I've got a little application in excel using macros.
It worked perfectly with Excel 2000, but with Excel 2003 shows an error for every formula I've used in the macro -right, left, mid, date...
Sub buscar_libros_datos()
On Error Resume Next
Dim libro As Variant Dim ruta As Variant Dim libroruta As Variant Dim tabcol As Variant Dim tabfil As Variant Dim posguion As Variant Dim posparen1 As Variant Dim posparen2 As Variant Dim categoria As Variant Dim categant As Variant Dim tipo_info As Variant Dim fecha_carga As Variant Dim i As Variant
I need to add the SUBSTITUTE function to this but can't figure out where it goes if somebody could point me in the right direction please? My substitute formula is SUBSTITUTE(L5,"car","train").
In column B, I want it to show me the first 3 numbers from the left, (so 123)
So I do =LEFT(A2,3)
Which gives me 123, but it's displayed as text, which ruins my whole formula that looks up the area code and displays the state.
I googled the problem and found
which tells me to do: =IF(LEFT(A1,1)=1,"Ignore",A1) [sees 1 as a number] =IF(LEFT(A1,1)+0=1,"Ignore",A1) [sees 1 as a number] =IF(LEFT(A1,1)="1","Ignore",A1) [sees 1 as text]
but when i try that it just displays the ENTIRE phone number: 123-456-1234
Pretty sure this has been asked but have searched the forum to no avail, but I need to extract the numbers from a value which has a letter on the end.
eg. 1000x I need to get out the 1000 or 2p I need the 2
I have sooooo many values ranging in numbers of digits, so just basic left(A1,2) won't work, I'm sure I've seen a search or find function but don't know how to use them!
What I would like to do is output the first 4 characters of a cell into another cell. eg Cell A1 has "1234 Sydney". If I just use the manual formula "=left(A1,4)" it would give me the correct output "1234" in say cell B2, but as a formula. As I need to automate this in a macro, how could you code this in VBA to output the String "1234" into cell B2(ie the actual output rather than a formula)?
HTML Code: If Left(Range("H18"), 7) = A23C567 Or Left(Range("H18"), 7) = A65C321 Then ActiveSheet.Cells(6, 7).Value = "Business and Private Banking" End If
Im trying top use the above bit of code and it does not work when the criteria is Text , so if I simply change the above to =1234567 it works fine -- But I need it to be alpha numeric