Vba Variable To Replace Cell Address In A Formula

Apr 10, 2007

when i am doing the coding

may i know if there is a way to replace the cell address $A9 below: ...

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Find Cell Address Of VLOOKUP Result And Replace With New Value

Jun 21, 2013

I am using VLOOKUP to find the size of a cam to be installed in a tablet press, based on the product code it will be running.

The array has two columns: (W) Product Code, (X) Cam Size.

Array: W4:X437

The user selects the Product Code from a drop-down list in cell E5.

The resulting Cam Size is displayed in cell E7. The VLOOKUP works fine.


Occasionally, the cam size has to be updated. The user would then select a new cam size from a drop-down list in cell E9.

I have a "Update Cam Size" command button.

What I need to happen is for the value in E9 to replace the value in the array that is displayed in E7. Obviously, I have to know the location of the cell in the array, but I can't figure that part out. I've tried ADDRESS and MATCH functions, but it comes back with "#N/A" Value not available error.


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Replace A Constant With A Variable In An Array Formula.

Oct 1, 2007

I have the following array function that I am trying to get to work properly:

ActiveCell.FormulaArray = "=SUM(IF(NCR!O2:O100=39326,NCR!Q2:Q100,0))"
39326 is the value of 9/1/2007, and this formula works properly.

I am looking for a way to use this formula but replace 39326 with whatever date is in the first row of the same column as the active cell when it is run.

That is, if the macro was run with cell B8 as the active cell, "39326" would be replaced with whatever value was in cell B1.

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Store Cell Address In Variable

Sep 12, 2006

I would like to record the address of the last set of cells that data was input into to a variable so that a user can choose to delete the last entry. An 'Undo' button really.

What I have is a user form that writes different materials to thier respective sheets in the database. (Material1, Material2, etc.) Some materials have a different number of variables (some have a width and some don't, but all have a quantity.)

This is the code I have for adding the material to the database (each material has it's own button with material specific code.)

Private Sub AddToMaterial1_Click()
Set c = Worksheets("Material1").Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

c.Value = Me.Material1Quantity.Value
c.Offset(0, 1).Value = Me.Material1Description.Value
c.Offset(0, 2).Value = Me.Material1Length.Value

Dim lastenty1
lastentry1 = c.Address
Dim lastentry2
lastentry2 = c.Offset(0, 1).Address
Dim lastentry3
lastentry3 = c.Offset(0, 2).Address
Dim lastentry4
lastentry4 = c.Offset(0, 3).Address
Dim lastentry5
lastentry5 = vbNullString
Dim lastentry6
lastentry6 = vbNullString

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

The following code is what I am trying to do for a single button to clear the last entry to the database.

Private Sub RemoveLastEntry_Click()
Range(lastentry3).ClearContents '(There is always at least 3 cells to clear)
If lastentry4 = nullstring Then Exit Sub
If lastentry5 = nullstring Then Exit Sub
If lastentry6 = nullstring Then Exit Sub
End Sub

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Store The Selected Cell's Address Into A Variable

May 1, 2006

I have a table in which I have a "patient" column and a "page" column. The macro searches for a patient's number, then looks if this patient has the page "900.--". A patient may have more than one page, which will result in many rows with the same patient number. So far, my macro uses the search function to find a patient number, then compares the cell next to the active cell to see if it contains the page "900.--". If not, then my macro searches for the next patient and so on until the page is found and noted into another workbook or none is found.

In order to stop the loop, I am trying to store the address of the first cell found into a variable "rFirstCell" so that it can later on be compared to another variable, "rSecondCell", which represent the active cell. When both are the same, it means all the available search results have been tested and the loop should stop.

Sub testing()
Dim rRng As Range, rFirstCell As Range, rSecondCell As Range
Set rRng = Worksheets("Overview").[a1]
Dim sDeath As String
sDeath = "death"
ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
If LCase(rRng(2, 15).Value) = "x" Then
If LCase(rRng(2, 9).Value) = sDeath Then
Workbooks("DM Endpoint pages_test.xls").Activate

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Access A Cell's Contents Via A Variable Containing Cell Address??

Mar 16, 2009

How can you access a cell's value via a vb variable that contains the cell's address. I have a vb variable named cellAddress (string) that contains "$A$1" and I want to assign the contents of what cellAddress points to another VB variable - how do i Do this?

e.g. if cellAddress = "$a$1" and A1 contains "xyz", I would like to assigne "xyz" to a new vaiable by referencing just cellAddress??? Also - Can anyone reccomend a good Excel VB book? A book that maybe stresses the VB language rather then a cook-book approach.

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VBA Cell Value Copy In Variable And Find Replace?

Feb 9, 2013

I'm trying to work on a macro that will copy two cell ranges (name of current month and prvious month) from one location, store it as a variable and use that variable to find replace similar text string in another tab. Below is my code which is not changing the values in another tab...

Dim OldMonth As String
Dim NewMonth As String


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Replace Cell References In Formula With The Header Of The Cells Referenced In Said Formula

Dec 22, 2009

Here is the scenario:

I need to reference the formula in D1 with the cells headers names.

In a perfect world, it would take

and produce:

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Incorporate Adjacent Cell In Formula W/o Naming Cell Address?

Oct 2, 2009

I searched and I keep finding something that's not quite what I'm looking to do so I think I'm missing something really simple.

Let's say that I want each cell in col b to be the sum of 5 plus whatever value is in the cell adjacent to it on the left (col).

I know that you can just write a formula in each cell like...

b1 will be =sum(a1+5)
b2 will be =sum(a2+5)

... but is there a shortcut so that you don't have to write out the actual cell address for each one?

Meaning - is there a predefined name or something that represents the cell to the left or right so you can just use that instead, allowing you to just copy paste the same formula all the way down the column? Something like...

b1 will be =sum(left+5)
b2 will be =sum(left+5)

... where "left" represents whatever value is in the cell to the left of that particular cell?

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Replace Character Used In Formula Where Formula References Cell

Feb 23, 2008

I am using vlookup to get a cell value from another sheet, but if the cell has "&" or "/" I need to substitue "&" and "/" with "and" so that the cell can be added later to a url.

i am using =VLOOKUP(a1,Sheet2!A1:W17968,6) to get the value of a1 in sheet 2 and return the value of column 6

this will return "Audio Cables & Leads" but i need it to say Audio Cables and Leads

I need the formula to also check and replace "/" with "and" as well so cables/wire will be Cables and wire

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Use Cell Address' To Call Up Sheet Name In A Formula

Oct 6, 2009

If I have 12 sheets in a workbook (Jan, Feb,etc..) can I have those names in specific cells (A1,B1,etc..) and call them out in a formula as the cell name as opposed to the actual name?

like A1!C4:C100
instead of Jan!C4:C100

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Formula That Returns Address Of The Active Cell

Jan 31, 2009

Is there a formula in Excel that returns the active cell address (ie dynamically). Excel updates the activecell address in the Name Box dynamically as you make a selection but I cannot find a standard formula to access it. I know I can achieve this with code using the selection-change event but this action then disallows use of the Undo button - which I specifically want to avoid. Perhaps there is an add-in available?

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Formula That Returns The Cell Address Of The Last Cell > 0 In A Range

Jul 16, 2008

I am looking for a formula that returns the cell address of the last cell > 0 in a range.

in the example: A1CLA23 8

the result should be A7.

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Formula/Function Reference To Cell Address In Another Cell

May 22, 2008

how can I use the cell function inside a NPV fuction as one argument of the start for the NPV string to calculate?

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Get Address Of Array Variable?

May 13, 2013

Dim MyArray as Variant
Dim Address
MyArray = Range([a1], [b10])
For varRow = 1 To UBound(MyArray, 1)
' I want to know the current address of the cell right here,
' For instance I want to know I'm working with A1 right here
' Is that possible?

Next I guess my question is how do I find out the originating address of the cell I'm working with in an array. I need to check the font color of A1,B1,C1 etc while working in that range and I have no idea how to access it.

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Formula To Find Text And Return Its Cell Address

Sep 6, 2013

Is there any formula to find text and return its cell address? This is like when we use Ctrl+F function to find a text, and Excel then highlight the cell contains the referred text. At the same time, the name-bar displays the address of the cell. Now, is there any formula that can perform such task like this?

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Replace Cell Value With Formula?

Jan 6, 2012

I am looking for the macro which can replace cell value with his first row. e.g. Column D contains the cell value "X" and i want to replace that value with D1. The same i am looking for all field.

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Replace Cell In A Formula

Apr 8, 2014

I need a formula in i.e F3 ... that will check cell G3 to see if there is any values in this cell... If yes... I need the values in G3 to be replaced with "1year" if false .. then "".

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Variable Numbers Used In Range Address

Jul 14, 2006

I need to select a variable number of cells on a line. I know Range("A2:c2") will do exactly what I need EXCEPT i need to use variables to do it. Is this possible, and if so how.

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Selected Range Address To Variable

Feb 20, 2008

I have created a work diary in Excel which is built up in half hour blocks. I am able to create my appointments (usually one or two hour blocks) by selecting a group of cells and running a macro which merges the cells, colours them and puts a border round them.

I now want to be able to delete individual appointments by selecting the appropriate appointment and running a macro to copy and paste from the same range of cells in another worksheet (which is effectively my blank master diary page).
I have tried work out what code I need to put the range of the current selection into a variable in VBA but I'm not having any luck.

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Formula Reference Cell Address In Cell

Jan 15, 2008

I have 2 sheets. In the first sheet, I have 3 columns. The first column contains transaction codes. The 2nd column contains the destination code (like a mapping cell where the value of the 3rd column would go but in a different sheet/2nd sheet) and the 3rd column contains the values for it. Would it be possible to reference a destination in a cell itself? Or should I just code it individually? I wouldnt want to reference each data one by one because the total would be 480 reference cells. Is there an easier way?

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Need To Pull Street Address Out Of Full Address In A Cell

May 20, 2014

Assume the following list of addresses are all in separate cells of a single column (A1-A4). I just need the formula to extract the street addresses, and then a separate formula to extract the zip codes.





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Replace Name In Formula With Cell Reference

Sep 15, 2009

In the following formula, I would like to replace STARK with the value in cell D33. I've tried a couple of different things using &s but no luck yet. I think I'm just missing something really simple.

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Search And Replace Formula For A Cell

Feb 17, 2008

I am looking for a formula for a cell that will do the following:
from :

robert johnson hot dog

To this

I would like it only to change the space between the words to a + sign.

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Setting A Range Object Variable's Address

Apr 1, 2009

Here is my code

Dim LastCell As Range
Set LastCell = Cells(EndRow, LastCol).Address

I get a "Object Required" when this I try to set the address. I know this is easy.

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Replace Deleted Formula When Cell Cleared

Feb 19, 2014

I'm not sure if this is impossible (surely not) or if I'm just Googling the wrong terms (most likely). I have a sheet that we use to record staff shifts and when they take their lunch breaks. By default most of our employees have a 1 hour lunch and they take it 4 hours after they start. So far so good, I've set up a formula to work out what time their lunch would start and end based on this.

N237: =IF(AND(L237>0,L237<>"NWD"),SUM(L237+(1/6)),0) - Lunch start 4 hours after start time in L237 (NWD = Non working day)
M237: =IF(N237>0,SUM(N237+(1/24)),0) - Lunch ends 1 hour after lunch start time in N237

However, not everybody follows the default - some people take lunch later, or don't take as long due to working shorter hours.

What I'd like to do is allow users of the sheet to overtype the times generated by the formulas when applicable, but if they delete their own custom value for lunch breaks I would like the formulas to re-appear and thereby return lunch times to the default values.

I could do this through VBA with a button to look for blank cells, but I would prefer it to happen automatically. Is this possible and if so what code would I need to make the magic happen?

I should maybe have mentioned that this sheet has space for 250 names and an area for each day of the week, so these formulas would appear in 1,250 different places

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Find And Replace Part Of Another Formula With Value Of Cell

Jun 26, 2012

I have a formula in cell J2:


I need a macro that will change the part of the formula that is "CI10001G" to the value of cell A2 which would basically be something along the lines of "CI10004D" so the formula would change to the following:


And then this formula will then successfully look in the newly directly file path.

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Find And Replace By Adjacent Cell Formula

Feb 4, 2014

Is there a formula that can find a keyword within a cell then replace it with a formula that will add the adjacent cell value up.

A1=103 B1=104
A2=104 B2=105
A3=105 B3=Out-1p-(1)
A4=110 B4=111
A5=111 B5=112
A6=112 B6=113
A7=113 B7=114
A8=114 B8=Out-3p-(23)

I am looking for a formula that can automatically calc (B3) to 106 (based upon cell A3) if the cell has a value of (*out*).

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Macro Code To Replace Part Of Formula With Value Of Certain Cell

Jun 18, 2014

Here is the code I'm working on:

I want this code to replace the value of s with the value of a cell.

sub Macro2()
Dim s As String

s= value of (cell F2)
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "='[(s).xlsm]Payroll Computation '!R8C11"

End Sub

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Auto-replace Typed Contents In A Cell With A Formula

Apr 9, 2008

I want to set up a sheet macro that will replace the contents of a cell (when a specific number is typed in) with a specific formula.

For instance, when "43" is typed into any cell within specified columns (say columns C and H), it changes to the following formula: =IF(D47="",43,IF(D47<=3030,408,43))(WHERE D47 WOULD REPRESENT THE CELL ADJACENT TO THE CELL WHERE "43" WAS TYPED.)


If "43" was typed into cell C1, then it would change to the formula: =IF(D1="",43,IF(D1<=3030,408,43))

If "43" was typed into cell C50, then it would change to the formula: =IF(D50="",43,IF(D50<=3030,408,43))

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