Vehicle Number Plate Validation Check
Jun 11, 2014
I'm looking for a function which will check if the cell value is a valid UK registration number plate format.
True if it is, False if it isn't.
I've tried myself and had a look around but am unable to find a solution to my problem.
If also possible, if false, to make to necessary amendments to make it a valid If some lower case values, make them upper case, if there is a space entered, remove it, if a O is entered instead of a 0, correct it and show the corrected value when the function is run. For all that it can't do that with, then leave as False.
I understand the second part may not be possible, just identifying whether or not the value is a valid format. I have something similar which does this for UK postcodes, but am hitting a brick wall trying to do the same for UK registration number plates.
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Mar 29, 2007
I have a list of vehicle number plates (or License plates for some of you) that have been recorded on a video camera and then converted to a text file using recognition software.
Unfortunately the records are far from 100% accurate so any data manipulation (travel times between points etc) becomes a bit dodgy and clumbsy to allow for this. I want to keep all of the data entries but need to identify each vehicle with a little more accuracy. I'm not worried about whether the plate number recorded is correct, only that it is the same for each instance that a particular vehicle is recorded.
The data comes in looking roughly like this:
I would like it to look like this:
Or even this:
It doesn't matter which of the above or any other compination as long as there are at least 4 characters.
The surveys are taken over up to a week so there are generally about 5000 records for each time slot that need to be processed.
I have tried to modify the Fuzzy matching functions with no success.
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Jan 13, 2008
I want to format a cell so it changes from
Input "xy32456"
Output "XY 32 456"
Its a license plate register and I would like it automatically to make spaces between the 2 first letters and again after the following 2 numbers. The code I found searching google was
"LL 00 000"
but that doesnt change anything.
I am not sure if its possible but if anybody has an idea of how to solve it, I would apreciate it mostly.
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Oct 17, 2009
I need a function to return a boolean T/F to check if a 17 character string meets the following checksum validation.
This is for Vehicle Identification Numbers for vehicle made after 1981
I need a VBA function that I can call multiple times in a workbook,
Example =VIN(A1) which returns True or False.
First, find the numerical value associated with each letter in the VIN. (I, O and Q are not allowed.) Digits use their own values.
Second, look up the weight factor for each position in the VIN except the 9th (the position of the check digit).
Third, multiply the numbers and the numerical values of the letters by their assigned weight factor, and sum the resulting products. Divide the sum of the products by 11. The remainder is the calculated check digit. If the remainder is 10, the calculated check digit is the letter X.
Finally, if the calculated check digit did match the 9th digit of the VIN entered by a user, the VIN passed the checksum test. It failed the checksum test otherwise.
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Oct 15, 2007
Basically, i want to work out the age of a large list of vehicles based on its uk registration plate number but have so far been completely out of luck,
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Mar 21, 2007
I need to disable the normal Print Icon and Print function from the menu bar in excel. I did find an article for this but it disabled the function for all excel spreadsheets! How can I overcome this so that its only relevant to this particular worksheet.
The reason I want to disable the normal printing functionality is so that the end user clicks my own print button which in turn before printing will check if 2 cells in my worksheet match. If they do not match a message will appear and they won't be able to print the worksheet(in essence a certificate). So I need to validate cell a1 against cell a2
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Apr 11, 2007
How i can create a Validation rule on my form (that i made using Microsoft Visual Basic) to make sure that they key in a date later than that of todays date
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Feb 26, 2014
Mega master.xlsx
On the attached excel sheet I have a 5 week period, and two overall pages (one for the drivers, one for the trucks). My question is this. Drivers may drive different vehicles throughout the week, how, on the Truck Overall page do I calculate the formula so it deciphers each truck and puts the correct information into the right boxes?
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Sep 1, 2013
I want to use the Validation function under the Data menu to check a cell for a number range, a blank cell, or for one or more spaces. I have a formula to do the first two but not to check for one or more spaces. I'm running Excel for Mac 2011.
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Nov 15, 2008
How can I check if a cell has data validation with a VBA procedure?
I want to do this because I am using a procedure to add data validation and I get an error if the cell already contains data validation.
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Nov 14, 2009
I have a spreadsheet that pulls in a log file after running a macro with 100000eight digit numbers which may or may not have a record in the system. These numbers are produced by using any seven digits and adding a check digit at the end for an eight digit number using the mod function specifically Mod7...=MOD(A1,7) , for example, if cell A1 has 1234567 the mod7 function will produce the check digit 5 then concatenating for the eight digit number 12345675. the next number will be produced by adding 1 to the end of the 7 digit number 1234567+1=1234568 then concatenating again the number with the check digit 6, 12345686. this would be sequential order.
my spreadsheet gets all the eight digit numbers with no record and sorts them in MOD7 sequential order in one column. since the spreadsheet ignores the eight digit numbers with records. my compiled list of numbers have non sequential numbers in the list.
i need a way in VB to loop through 100000 lines (column A) and find the first and last number of a MOD7 sequential range and place the first number in (column B) and the last in (column C).
I have figured a way to do this in a spreadsheet but it takes too many functions and calculations in 100000 lines so the spreadsheet takes too long to open and sometimes crashes!
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Feb 5, 2014
i need some formula to data validation with this criteria :
allow only text "DROP" and "check" ...
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Jan 15, 2013
I have a problem regarding making a report in excel.
My problem is :
I have a excel file where columns are
Collapse | Copy Code Date. From To Mode_of_Transport Depart. Arrival NameRemarks
So my job is to find the persons who arrived at interval of 30 min so that vehicle can be arranged for them.
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Nov 26, 2008
I have a lookup table (see attached file) which holds the min & max value for a vehicle, the min & max size of the engine and the premium. I want a function that will search for the value of the vehicle (e.g. 100000 in cell H5) within the min value and max value columns as well as the engine size (e.g. 2000 in cell H6) in the min size & max size columns return the premium from the associated premium (which should be 13,200).
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Nov 26, 2006
I am reposting this as my previous post was deleted.. i dont know the real reason for the same...
The raw data in the attachment contains:
•C1 to AI1 refers to vehicle numbers.
•Column A refers to Shift Time
•Column B refers to Number of vehicles required in that particulars Shift time
The output:
•As you can see in the Sheet “Output Required”, fields marked in the color “light green” are manually allocated vehicles numbers available and required according to shift time
•The logic used behind allocation is the same vehicle should not be used before or after within the span of 3 hrs, the gap between the vehicle usage before and after should be minimum 3 hrs. And the maximum time gap can be any value.
•Vehicle usage can be maximum (ie. You can use the same vehicle by rotating within 24 hrs but keeping in mind that it is not used before 3 hrs).
• all the available vehicles must be used before the same used vehicle is used in the new shift... ie. You should utilize all the vehicles before one is duplicated
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Oct 27, 2008
Got a table where I've placed Data validation - List on them.
Placed a macro on a button so that the data on the table where the validation list is placed is transfered to another sheet (same workbook).
What I need is a to modify the macro assigned to the button so that when the button is clicked to activate the macro:
a.) Can identify if there are any blanks on specified cells with validation list
b.) Stops the macro from copying the fields to the other sheet
c.) Alert the user of the blanks (an alert stating there is a blank would suffice)
d.) Alert should preferably be similar to a Stop alert from Data Validation.
Can anyone help? Been reading through several threads but don't seem to find anything that could help me - tried reading a Visual basic thread and now i've got a headache....
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Sep 5, 2006
I have a userform with 15 Combo boxes & I would like to make sure all the enabled combo boxes (some may be disabled) have a value > 0 (Zero) before exiting the userform.
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Jul 9, 2014
Whenever or not I should use VBA or ordinary formulas in Excel in order to do Vehicle Routing With Two-Dimensional Loading Constraints case. What I need is when I have coordinates of four bottom-right corners:
24 0
30 0
10 24
8 38
2L-CVRP, what I want to know is: In reality I have set of 200 coordinates (x,y) and I need to search for lowest y (its (24,0) and (30,0)) then I choose one with maximum x ((30,0) in this case). Then if for some reason item cannot be packed there, then I shall go to next lowest y, which is 24 giving coordinate (10,24), if I cannot use this corner, I search for next lowest y with as high x as possible, etc. BTW I use Evolver in order to find satisfying solution.
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Jun 3, 2014
Is this is just an example, but the logic should hold true. Data for example is in A1:C5. I want to use a SUMIFS statement that will look at type of Vehicle and Dates. So for the example in cell D1 (I wanted to add only Cars sold between May 1-2), but my current equation = 0, where I am expecting 20
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Dec 16, 2008
I have this set of number..
What im trying to do is this..I read this number and check for the first number with the 2nd number. If its greater then i will swap it. Im trying to do this so that my number can be rearranged as 456789.
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Jul 3, 2007
This does not seem to be working for me. I need to check one number against another and if the one cell is larger then the other subtract it or just the reverse.
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Oct 24, 2008
I have a list of numbers that I have to concatenate with another number depending on if it falls within the parameters and I don't know how to do a lookup on that. I currently am using a complex if/or/and statement which is too dificult to debug and extremely complex like this: if(OR(AND(a>=1,a<=10),AND(a>=20,a<=30)),concatenate(a,"123"),if(OR(AND(a>10,a<20),(a>30,a<40))),conc atenate(a,"456"),"a is not in the parameter")
is there a way to do a lookup for this?
Something else to throw into the mix, there are some ranges that shouldn't be there and return nothing so from 40-55, there shouldn't be a result.
also, there are some that are just one number (56 gets 789 but then at 57 it goes back to abc)
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Jun 12, 2009
I'm writing a function that sums the values in a range of cells but some are errors due to my formula's. any way i can check if a value is a number in VBA?
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Sep 25, 2009
Is there way in Excel VBA to check if a string contains a number, and then return TRUE or FALSE. Numbers can been anywhere in the string. See example below.
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Dec 17, 2006
I'm looking for a formula to check whether a given number is between two other numbers.
Example: I have a list of data items which give the following info:
ID# Group Low# High#
1001 food 12345 13960
1003 soap 27192 32245
2004 tires 93471 95532
2005 food 71174 76772
2006 soap 33183 36591
Such a list is many hundred of lines long.
Then I have other data which provides a Group ID and a product number, which number is likely to between the Low# and High# in the data list.
What I want is a formula to check whether the product number is between the Low# and the High#, AND that the Group matches.
Example: the data being supplied is Soap 28332. So, I want a formula to check through the data list, and if 28332 is between the Low# and the High# AND if the group SOAP matches, then give back the correct ID number.
Thus for the data Soap 28332, I would want the answer to be 1003, which is the ID # for soap in the given range.
A data listing of Food 73776 should give back the ID 2005, etc, etc. This list of data needing the correct ID# is thousands of lines long.
Thus I need a formula to check that the given number is within the low and high #, and that the group designation matches. If so, then give back the correct ID#.
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Jun 5, 2009
i need code to check if number is "Initial Number" (3, 7 etc.)
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Jul 22, 2009
1) check if in cell A1 there is a number. Something like
If .Cells(1,1).Value is number then ....
2) how to get the "code" of cell A1 in VBA (i.e =code(A1)).I tried
but it didn't work.
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Dec 17, 2008
I am trying to improve my expense report template and need to check on the load if expense report number has been loaded correctly as well as if this report has been previously loaded. Expense report number format looks like this: AAA-BBBBBB-CC
AAA – Employee ID #
BBBBBB – End of the week date
CC – Weekly expense report number
For instance, 023-122008-01 means: Employee number 023, week ending date 12/20/2008, weekly expense report number 01. I would like to prevent/give warning of loading incorrect expense report number format, check for possible duplicates, and check if trying to load expense report belongs to the right person (by simply matching previously loaded in different cell of the same sheet employee ID and first three digits of just loaded expense report number. I think I know how to do all of these separate, but have no idea how to combine all three checks for one cell.
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Jan 11, 2009
I would like to check a 4 column range to see if a particular number has been added to a range of number.
this is the formula that I wrote but it does not test beyond the 2nd column.
Does anyone have an different way of check for this?
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Jun 16, 2009
I have this list with articles at work. It looks like this:
I wish to find out if any number in a column appear more then 3 times, and if it does, return that number to be. Is this possible with a formula? I've tried, but didn't succeed.
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