Vlookup Only With Certain Text, Else Zero

Dec 19, 2009

I want an IF function.


or simply:

=IF("A1 begins with B"; 0; VLOOKUP(A1; TABLE; COLUMN; FALSE))

So want I want to do is to ONLY vlookup if in A1 it says "B". If it does, lookup B from table and set a value.

However, if the value in A1 is NOT "B", set value as zero.

The problem is also not as simple, because the "B" is actually not "B" but derivative "B's", so you will see "B A" "B B" "B C", and I want all the values that include B in the begining.

If you find it confusing just tell me a function where I can set true/false if A1 begins or not with the letter "B"

How to do it?

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VLookup For Text And Add Relevant Values If Text Matches In Range

Jun 19, 2014

Check the attachment, i could not make out this using vlookup, how to overcome this problem.


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Find Text Within Other Text And Then Do Vlookup

Oct 9, 2007

I have spreadsheet A with 14 columns of data ie Col A to N, in Column I there are file names. Somewhere within the file names is the client code. The file names do not conform to a standard naming convention so the client code is not always in the same position or the same number of characters long. I have a separate spreadsheet (spreadsheet B) that has the list of client codes in column A and the associated business unit code in column B.

I want to be able to find the client code within the file name of spreadsheet A and then add the associated business unit code to column O

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VLOOKUP Using Text

Jul 24, 2009

I have created a column using Data validation for the months Jan,Feb,Mar, etc etc till Dec. I set it up to use the First 3 letters of the month. I have another column setup to use vslookup to check the value of the cell with the drop down for the monts and then attach the number Jan is 1, Feb is 2, and so on. However the Vslookup is returning incorrect numbers for the months, like Jan is 4, which 4 should be Apr. Any way to correct this? The vslookup formula is as follows. =VSLOOKUP(G3,W1:X13,2). G3 is the drop for month, W3 in the table is for the month reference, and X3 would be the number associated for the month.

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VLOOKUP Not Working Because Of Too Much Text

May 14, 2014

VLOOKUP will only work to a set limit number of text characters in a cell. So I can search for the value "*orange*" if the cells contain a reasonable amount of text, but as soon as this exceeds some limit, it returns BLANK. I've also tried using INDEX/MATCH with same problem. Is there a workaround or alternative function?

For example:

This will work and return the text in cell A2
A2: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Orange. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

This will return BLANK
A2: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Orange. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

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VLOOKUP In VBA - Text Boxes

Jan 15, 2010

Am trying to use a VLOOKUP in VBA on a form, I am entering data in one field so data will be displayed in another field. They are both text boxes. Here is the code;

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VLookup Won't Recognize Text

Feb 12, 2013

I created a lookup helper sheet to do some data cleanup and serve as a key for future use.

The problem I'm having is that things that I am doing a vlookup on won't find the corresponding value in the key table.

So in the original sheet I had "blueberry" in the helper/key sheet I have "blueberry" as well. But I still get the "#N/A" error.

The key values in the helper sheet were all derived from the original by using a pivot then copying those values so there were only unique values over to the helper sheet.

I had them both formatted as general and tried formatting to text as well.

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Using Vlookup For Text And Numbers

Apr 18, 2008

I have a list of thousands of SKU numbers. Most of these numbers look like this: 5212345. However I have a group of products whose numbers look like this: 0123456. As you can see my problem the SKU numbers start with a 0.

In my spreadsheet the user is going to be typing in the SKU number and that will be used to return other information regarding that SKU. Is it possible to design a vlookup function to be used with both types of SKU's or do I need to come up with something creative regarding the SKU's that start with 0's.

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Vlookup Text N/A Error

Sep 8, 2009

I am struggling to figure out why my vlookup does not work, i am trying to vlookup invoice cost based on the model numbers which is in text.

I have converted the text to general but this still does brings the N/A errors, is there something else i am forgetting?.

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VLOOKUP String Of Text

Nov 17, 2009

I am wanting to look for a string of text within the "lookup_value" that matches the text that's in the "table_array".

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Vlookup Numbers As Text ...

Jan 11, 2010

I am using a lookup formula to look up data associated with part numbers. The part numbers are formated as text (in both tables) since many of them have leading zeros and if formated as a number, the zero drops off.

I find that sometimes the lookup does not work but if I go into the cell and retype the number, it will works. I have also tried recreating the number using the text formula and that works on nuumbers that don't include a dash. I don't understand what's happening to the data and want to know how to reformat it so the lookup will work.

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VLookup #N/A! When Number Seen As Text

Jul 28, 2006

If I use Vlookup to find something when:
Lookup Value is formatted as General and
Lookup Array is formatted as Text
Excel will find the thing I'm looking for.

If I use Vlookup to find something when:
Lookup Value is formatted as Text and
Lookup Array is formatted as General
Excel will NOT find the thing I'm looking for.

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Vlookup On Text Fields Not Working

May 12, 2014

I use Vlookup all the time but this is one has be stumped. On the attached spreadsheet I trying to lookup the description on sheet 2 (lookup data) and return it to description on sheet 1 (orig data). I have the both fields formatted as text so I'm not sure why it's not returning the value?

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Vlookup On Part Of The Text In A Cell.

Jun 18, 2009

I am trying to do a vlookup and am having soem issues. I have data like this in the cell i am using as the reference: "60030 - COLUMBUS, OH". The first column of the range I am searching would have "60030" in it. What i need to know is how do I get the vlookup to just reference the first 5 digits in the reference cell? As you can see by the formula below, I set the logical value to true hoping that it would find the closest value, but it did not work. =VLOOKUP(A7,sdoalign,3,TRUE)

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Average Over A Text Range Using A Vlookup

Oct 22, 2009

I have a sheet with traffic-light conditions: g (green), a (amber) and r (red). So, for instance, I have a row with the following traffic-lights:

Now I want to do some calculations with these traffic-light conditions so I create a v-lookup table:
g 5
a 4
r 0

This would mean that the row would now read:

So far so good. Now I want the average of this row. Usually this is easy, I just do a =AVERAGE(A1:E1) which would give me a result of 3.6. But because there a not actual values but text values which are translated by a vlookup So I would need to do a

which gives me the expected result of 3.6. Although this works it quickly becomes rather messy when I have thousands of rows that contain hundreds of traffic-light conditions for each row.

So, and here is my question, why can't I specify a range. So something like:
AVERAGE(VLOOKUP(A2;H1:I3;2;FALSE);VLOOKUP(E2;H1:I3;2;FALSE)). If I try this I get an error.

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VLOOKUP To Match Only Part Of The Text

Feb 5, 2010

Please help me get VLOOKUP to match only part of the text. I have the following situation:

In "sheet1":
1__USER3 (12346ar)___0______411 PCS
2__USER2 (45676ad)___0______313 PCS
3__USER5 (456ff)______0______112 PCS
4__USER8 (1246ew)____0______515 PCS

In "sheet2":

In "sheet2" , D1 I'll get #N/A if I do not type the complete name ( USER8 (1246ew) ). Is there a way to ignore this part " (1246ew)" and match only the name of the user?

Also when matching "515 PCS" can it automatically remove the " PCS" part so I can use only the number to make calculations?

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Using Vlookup To Find Text On Different Sheet?

Apr 14, 2014

I know vlookup can find specific text in a column when the formula resides on the same sheet. But for my actual application (a 15 page price list) I was attempting to use vlookup on sheet 2 and have it find specific text on sheet 1. Note that sheet 1 will be having additional rows added through out the table over time, so vlookup cannot use a specific cell location.

My attached example can simulate the problem by sorting the table by name (A-Z).

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VLOOKUP And Still Have Typed Text In Cell

Oct 27, 2008

I was wondering if there would be a way to use vlookup and still be able to type text in the same cell. For example, if the vlookup gives me a result of 123. I want it to also pull from a different cell that I've typed in 321. So the resulting cell would show 321-123 or 321 123. I have attached a sample sheet. On sheet two where the 3 items are, I want it to display 321-123 for item 1, 321-234 for item 2, and 321-345 for item 3. The 321 would be dependant on what I type into B1 on the first sheet.

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Vlookup Comparing 2 Text Lists

Dec 2, 2008

I have two separate columns of text and want to identify similarities/matches. vlookup false is good for exact matches but vlookup true is too approximate - is there a way to hone vlookup true to match first 4 or 5 text characters rather than just the first? If vlookup no good for this what is best function for identifying approximate matches in two separate text lists?

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Vlookup Wont Work With The Text Ax??

Jan 7, 2009

I am using the vlookup command, I have a table with 2 columns, the left one has text and the right one has numbers in currency. the vlookup works for all the text bar one, which is AX.

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Vlookup Or Countif Using Text Strings

Sep 10, 2009

In the attached sheet I have a list of names with hours overtime hours worked. I want a small table on the sheet which looks up when "name x more" occurs. In cell C14 for example I want it to count the number of times "Mark More" occurs in column I, but the name may change in C13, so I want to automate this - so the countif in cell C14 will reference whatever text is in C13.

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VLookup Is Confused By Numbers As Text?

Feb 15, 2010

I have a hierarchy of system requirements where the hierarchy is represented in "ID" (Column A) by a structure such as:
1: Parent
1.1: Child of 1
1.1.1: Child of 1.1 and Grand-child of 1
etc., you get the picture. My hierarchy is 5 deep at most, there are no spaces, just numbers and periods.

I have to "massage" the spreadsheet to relate the requirements based on their "Name" (Column B) rather than through their "ID" (Column A).
So I created "Parent ID" (Column C) that calculates the ID of the Parent or "0" if there's no Parent.

Now, I need to lookup the value of "Name" for that "Parent ID" and put it in "Parent Name" (Column D).
The formula I have come up with is "=VLOOKUP((C2),$A1:$B1000,2,FALSE)"

As you see in the attached spreadsheet, the only time this works is when the "Parent ID" contains at least two periods, otherwise I get a "#N/A" result.

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How To VLOOKUP Varying Text From The Right Of Cell

Oct 12, 2012

I am trying to run a VLOOKUP that allows me to reference all text (which can vary in length) in a cell up to the first '' from the right of the string. Also note that the master table of data being retrieved from is in another workbook. For example:

TestSalesDealsPlans - I just want to reference Plans (5 characters up until but not include '')

TestSalesDealsOrder Management - I just want to reference Order Management which obviously has more characters than the above example 'Plans' (16 characters up until but not include '')

I am fairly certain I will need to nest several functions such as RIGHT, VLOOKUP, MATCH, INDEX, etc but just not sure the most effective way to go about this.

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VLookup Only Text String From A Cell

Nov 13, 2013

I do have a price list for my inventory for each product code (only letters)

E.g. productA 100
productB 200

When I'm writing in the order list, I'm writing in a single cell product code + size e.g. productA 5, productB 7

I need to get the corresponding price for each cell.

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Vlookup Part Of The Text String

Nov 17, 2006

Is it possible to lookup if at least 8 characters of a text string is found in another text string?

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VLOOKUP Part Of A Text String.

Nov 17, 2006

Is there any way I can Vlookup for just part of a text stiring in a cell.
I am trying to vlook if a part number contains the letters “HFR” if it does I want
It to refer to the comment I have made in the second column of my vlook table against HFR.

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Vlookup With Multiple Text Value Return

Apr 17, 2007

I'm trying to create a formula that returns with all the text values for all the conditions. So similar to a sumproduct where the formula returns a summed value of ALL the conditions i need the same but for text.

hello no
hello no
hello yes
goodbye no

formula would return with (no, no, yes).

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Can A Vlookup Import Alpha Text

Aug 17, 2007

Can't seem to get a VLOOKUP to work and import alpha text such as a person's name. Is there a formula that would do this similar to a VLOOKUP?

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Maximum Text Length With VLOOKUP

Dec 7, 2009

I use VLOOKUP with text (to return comments made by people that I have copied in another sheet). The problem is that sometimes, it doesnt copy the whole comment.
Apparently there is a limit for the amount of text VLOOKUP can copy: after a LEN() test I have found that I cant copy texts longer than 255 characters.

Is there a simple way to make the VLOOKUP work even if the text is more than 255 characters long ?

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Vlookup With Cell Instead Of A Number It's Text

Jul 13, 2006

i want to do a vlookup but the column i'm looking up is text instead of a number? i tried it and it doesn't work or is there some limitation with the character being only 16 max

column a


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