Workdays Function & Logical IF OR Formula

Aug 8, 2007

what was wrong with this formula, an error message comes up saying VALUE, im trying to get the formula to say that - If 2 dates are different then subtract one from the other to get a number of working days, but if the dates are both the same then to -1 from the value as for some reason the value is coming back as 2 when it should be 0?


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Logical Function: Logical Test With Three Possible Results

Apr 8, 2009

I am trying to create a logical test with three possible results:

h2 <10.2 "needs improvement"
(if false) h2=10.2 "meets standard"
if false h2>10.2 "exceeds standard"

Basically, I am referring to a cell to determine if it meets, exceeds or does not meed a specific standard. In this case 10.2.

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Offset Formula - Logical Function Using OR

Jul 10, 2013

I have following formula that returns #value!


Where the value in the cell which is referenced is either blank or zero then blank must be returned, otherwise the value which is being referenced by the offset formula.

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VBA Function For Abbreviated Workdays In Cell?

Dec 6, 2013

I need a VBA Function, I have a start dates in column A and end dates in column B what I need in column C is the abbreviated days excluding the weekends. For example if I have 11/11/13 in A1 and 11/20/13 in B1 then in C1 I need (including start and end date) Wed, Thu, Fri, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri. Another example If I have 11/29/13 in A1and 12/3/13 in B1 then in C1 I need Fri, Mon, Tue.

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Get The Number Of Workdays Between Two Dates In A VBA Function

Oct 18, 2008

Get the number of workdays between two dates in a VBA function. I tried simply using the Advanced Toolpak function NETWORKDAYS, but I get the error message "Sub or function not defined". I did reference to atpvbaen.xls in the Tools > References menu, so I don't know why Excel is not recognizing the function.

I used the following function to test it:

Function CalcNetDays(dInitial As Date, dEnd As Date)
CalcNetDays = NetworkDays(dInitial, dEnd)
End Function

Any reason the function is not working?
Also, I need to add the holidays to the function. The holidays are listed on a worksheet column. Do I simply add the range to the function, like below?

CalcNetDays = NetworkDays(dInitial, dEnd, Range("Holidays"))

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Function Allows For 3 Logical Tests

Oct 11, 2008

I am working on a homework assignment, the books method was crap so I did my own method. I am almost done except for 1 last thing. I cannot find any function that will allow for 3 logical tests. I have a screen shot here explaining what I need to happen.

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AND OR IF Function For Logical Sequence

Dec 26, 2007

How we represent AND OR in a function how many logical sequence can 1 if take
example =if((w4>u4 and v4=0) or (t4>r4 and s4=0);"yes";"no") can excel(2003) accept this , or there is an error in it what is error?

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Excel 2007 :: NETWORKDAYS Function - How To Include Saturdays As Workdays

Nov 26, 2011

I have never worked on workdays before so I do not know most of the available formula and play around. I googled across and found this one: [URL] .......

Where Bob has given an ARRAY formula.

Following is my layout in A1 to C3 grid (for testing purpose):
Start Date11/1/2011HOLIDAYEnd Date11/30/201111/3/2011NETWORKDAYS2011/22/2011
The formula resides in B3.

Is there any other development in 2007+ versions of Excel which can handle 6 working days in a week?

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Can't Autofill If Function With Text In Logical Test

Jun 18, 2014

My logical test is =IF("D2"="E2",1,2). When I autofill or copy down, the row numbers do not change to "D3"="E3", etc. How do I delineate text and also have the ability for autofill or copy to change the rows as it goes?

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IF Function Using Cell Colour As Logical Test?

Aug 22, 2014

Basically I have a column (lets call it column A) whereby I manually fill the cells green once I have received some documents, another column which has a numeric value in it (column B) and I want to create a third column which basically just copies column B but ONLY if column A is filled with a colour (actual colour doesn't matter cause I only use green)

I tried using the IF function but I don't know how to use cell colour as the logical test

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Basic IF Function With Multiple Logical Tests

Jul 10, 2014

Basically, I'm trying to calculate a pooled z-score from z-scores already stored in different cells.

Each individual z-score are calculated like this :

They are derived from standard scores with a mean of 10 and a SD of 3. I use 999 to mark missing values and this work flawlessly for single z-score cells.That way, if A1 is a missing value (999), Excel returns a value of 999.

Now here's my problem. How do I tell Excel to ignore 999 values if I am pooling multiple z-scores together?

Let's say A1, B1 and C1 are single z-scores. I want D1 to be the pooled z-score result, but I want it to ignore A1,B1 and/or C1 if their value is 999. For instance, if A1=+2.0 , B1 = 999 and C1= -1.50, I want my D1 cell to ignore B1 in the calculation.

I've tried : D1=IF(A1,B1,C1=999,999,(LC5+LI5+IK5)/3)) but it sure doesn't work...

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Macro For Copy / Paste With Logical Function

Mar 13, 2013

I am working with some data that consists of two types of messages: one containing vessel speed and another containing vessel type. Both messages share a common ship identifier number. What I'd like to do is run through column A (ship ID), check column B (ship type), and if column b has a value, to paste that value in all instances of that ship ID.

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IF Function: COUNT Script In The Logical Part Of The IF Statement

Jun 14, 2009

i am using the IF script, and i am also using the COUNT script in the logical part of the IF statement. i need to make sure that both K3 and V3 have a value inside of the cell in order for the statement to work, although when just K3 has a value, the IF - TRUE statement works anyway. any ideas on how to fix this? =IF(COUNT(K3,V3),SUM(K3+V3),"")

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Change The Color Of A Cell As The Result Of A Logical Function

Sep 25, 2009

How do I change the color of a cell as the result of a logical function?
For example: =IF(A1<A2,A1 is yellow, A2 is yellow).

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Excel 2007 :: Index And Match Function With Logical Test

Feb 28, 2013

excel 2007. Here is the situation:

I am using the Index and Match function to lookup for two specific criterias in a different worksheet. So far, it is working well, but it gets complicated. I want to look for the criterias in 6 different worksheets based on what a certain column is saying. Here is an example:



So, if the continent is Asia in the column A, I want Excel to look in the Asia worksheet for the city and the venue and return me the contact information. Same, if the continent says Europe, I want it to look in the Europe worksheet or the city and the venue and return me the contact information. So on and so forth.

The formula I have at the moment is this:


How do I incorporate the logical test for it to look for the proper worksheet knowing that all my continent worksheet have the same structure?

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Formula To Look Up A Date Array And Return How Many Workdays Between The Range

Feb 8, 2014

Assume I have a simple date array


I want Excel to see where today's date falls and return how many work days it is from the date boundaries.For example, today is 2/8, which falls between 1/13/2014 and 2/12/2014

Cell I19
=LOOKUP(TODAY(),B2:Q2)- yields 1/13/2014
=NETWORKDAYS(I19,TODAY()) yields 20 workdays

But I want to also grab the 2/12/2014 date and get the number of workdays from that- all in one equation.If not one equation then 2 but not separated for each border date like I have above

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Logical Formula For Date

Jun 22, 2014

In column N I have a list of dates. In column Z I want to display either "Yes" where the date in column N has already passed or "No" if the date in column N has not passed. The formula I'm using in column Z is =IF(N2<TODAY(),"Y","N") however it just gives me "No" on every row regardless of whether date is passed or not.

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Logical Formula: Check In Q24 Such That If (P24=#DIV/0!,0,P24)

Dec 16, 2008

I need a solution for this situtaion! Iam using a french version of excel2003!
I have #DIV/0! in P24 (i.e an error value) So I need to check in Q24 such that if (P24=#DIV/0!,0,P24). I need to have a logical formula for this one!

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Use Of Logical Formula From A List

Sep 14, 2009

How to find whether a particular cell is blank or is text in a given row/column?
To elaborate more, I have some data in a row:

15 N 16 17 18

I am using a below formula to find whether there is any text in the row

ISTEXT(row(A1:E1)) but I am getting result as False.

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Searching Logical Formula And Also Formula For Combinations?

Feb 4, 2014

2 formulas that I need for my work (related with linear recurrences; this is serious work). First, I would like to know if is it possible to write a formula (or a set of formulas) that allows to write in a first column, in the first cell, the number 1 and in the following m cells, m distinct numbers chosen in a set S of n numbers (n > m); in the second column again the number one, and another set of m distinct numbers chosen in the same set S (here the order of the elements matters which means that the set {1,2} can be written as (1,2) and (2,1)). And I would like to do this until all the choices of m (ordered) numbers chosen in the set S are exhausted. Example: S = {2,3,4} which means that n=3. Suppose m=2. Then the columns would be


The second formula I'm searching is (I think) a logical formula. What I would like is a formula that checks if the numbers in a fixed number of consecutive cells of a column are distinct and also non-null. If that's the case the formula should assign TRUE and if (at least) two cells are equal or (at least) one is zero, it would assign FALSE.

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Logical Formula: Value If True/false To Be Another Formula, Not Just A Set Value

Sep 16, 2009

I want to use the If formula but want the value if true/false to be another formula, not just a set value. Here's what I came up with (obviously wrong, please excuse my lack of experience) =IF(D2>C2,"=(D2-C2)*5","=((60-C2)+D2)*5 ")

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Function To Fill All Days Of Month To End Of Month Based On Workdays

May 1, 2006

I would like to create a monthly inventory, based on workdays (Monday - Friday)Myrna Larson has a formula that I would like to use with the workday function, but I don't know how to combine them.

=IF(A1="",A1,IF(MONTH(A1+1)=MONTH(A1),A1+1,""))+ = workday

to fit on the page, I need the dates to be from the 1st to the 15th, and 16th to the 31st. I am not sure how to write this either.

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Multiple Outcomes From A Logical Formula

Sep 28, 2009

I am trying to get more than one outcome from a logical function in a single cell. I am teaching a class and i want this particular cell to add up all the points from tests and quizzes and then give me an outcome of a grade (A,B,C,D, or F) Right now i can only get the cell to give me an outcome of A or B. I need the cell to be able to give me 5 possible outcomes (A,B,C,D,F).

Right now i have this formula in this particular cell......=IF(Q6>234,"A") if Q6 is greater than 234pts they get an A...if not they get a B. How can i also give ranges of total points to have the cell give C,D, or F?

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Complex Logical/conditional Formula

Jun 12, 2006

I am working between two worksheets. In one worksheet I have a list of
account numbers. In the second worksheet I have the same account numbers in
a different order. What I am trying to do is, If the account number from
worksheet one is found in the column with the account numbers in worksheet
two, I want to display the matching title for the account number that is in
the same row but different column in worksheet two.

So essentially (if acct # from column x in wks 1= an acct in number in
column m from wks 2, display the corresponding title in the same row of the
matching acct # found in column m). Is this possible?

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Formula Structure For IF / THEN With Logical Test Value Ranges

Feb 19, 2014

I'm trying to create a formula that will determine the bonus (%) for sales made. Here's the table:

<10000 sales = 0% bonus
>=10000 sales but <=29999 sales = 5% bonus
>=30000 sales but <=to 44999 = 7% bonus
>50000 sales = 10% bonus

Since the sales and bonus figures are subject to change each year I'd like the formula to point to the numbers but that part seems easy if I can get the formula right.

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Logical Formula With Output Based On The Text Input

Dec 2, 2009

Sometime it’s so hard to explain what it is you are having problems with, specially in the little title. I'm trying to write a formula which should be very simple but isn’t . The formula is in box F10 if B10 has anything in it and its going to have a mixture of text and numbers (first text then numbers) then it’s should equal to the value in the box C7. Here is the formula I wrote that doesn’t work.

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VBA To Add Workdays To Datetxtbox

Mar 26, 2014

I have a userform that captures dates and records them to another excel workbook so we can analyse the data. I have one last part to finalise; When a date is added to the "daterecievedtxtbox" I would like a formula to be offset to the end of the spreadsheet, that will take this date and add 3 working days to it. Then I can add in some formulas later to flag them when the date passes the 3 working days.

At the moment I have this:

[Code] ....

Which adds 3 days to this txtbox and writes it to the sheet that I have defined. I would like to know if there is a function that I can use to add 3 WORKING days to this, excluding saturday and sunday.

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Workdays In A Month

Oct 28, 2009

I would like to know how to get the number of working days in a month based on the date in B4 which is formatted as "mmmm".
So if B4 was October the result would be 22 regardless of the actual date in B4.

I also have a named range "Holidays" for UK bank holidays (ready for December) that I would like included within the formula.

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Calculate The Number Of Workdays?

Jan 2, 2014

I need a way to calculate the number of workdays, Saturdays and Sundays in a month.

In my model, the client can choose to work on Saturdays and/or Sundays.I need someway to show that a given month (e.g. June 2014) has some # of workdays, and some # of Saturdays and some # of Sundays.I can do this on three separate rows.

Row 1: Month
Row 2: Wordays
Row 3: Saturdays
Row 4: Sundays

Still i need some way of determining that a given month (June 2014) has 22 work days, 4 Saturdays and 5 Sundays,... et cetera

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Subtracting Workdays From A Set Date

May 13, 2009

I am using excel 2003 and I am trying to subtract 20 days from the date in cell A3 in order to give me a date for me to order materials. However all I get is #NAME? in the cell.

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