Excel 2007 :: NETWORKDAYS Function - How To Include Saturdays As Workdays
Nov 26, 2011
I have never worked on workdays before so I do not know most of the available formula and play around. I googled across and found this one: [URL] .......
Where Bob has given an ARRAY formula.
Following is my layout in A1 to C3 grid (for testing purpose):
Start Date11/1/2011HOLIDAYEnd Date11/30/201111/3/2011NETWORKDAYS2011/22/2011
The formula resides in B3.
Is there any other development in 2007+ versions of Excel which can handle 6 working days in a week?
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Apr 30, 2008
How to add 2 "working days" to a date, including Saturdays as work days, and excluding holidays and Sundays? Similar to: = WORKDAY ("01/02/2008", 2, 39451) But instead of resulting in Mon Jan 7th, the answer should be Sat Jan 5th. (39451 is Fri Jan 4th.)
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Sep 14, 2009
i need a macro that when run will look in to a cell say A1 and see "august 2009" and will list in another sheet all the workdays for august 2009, And if possible, (i can do without this but it would be better) only the workdays (meaning skipping saturdays and sundays,)
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May 20, 2008
currently I'm working as project manage for a software development studio and I am using MS project for all my work. Since the development team aren't aloud to have a MS project license on their PC I have to copy their tasks from MS project and put them into Excel.
I would say that I am okay using Excel but not an expert. I want to create a formula that uses NETWORKDAYS to determines a finish date from a duration and start date.
The headers I would use for each column are Duration, Start and Finish. So I would like to be able to get a team member to put a duration down i.e 1 day and give me the start day and in the finish date it produces a finish date automatically without including Bank Holidays and Weekends. What would the formula be for that?
I have the same question as Madball and was able to work out the Worday function, however for my company, we work on Saturdays and or Sundays sometimes.
I would like to be able to specify from line to line if Saturday or Sunday needs to be included in the duration calculation resulting in a finish date, however if I can simply get one formula to work that includes Saturdays alone (most common working day of the weekend, and do work more than don't) it would be the most helpful, I think I can get it adjusted from there.
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Nov 30, 2011
I am working with Excel 2007 and have an occurring problem when I resize a table. Some of my forumlas copy to the new rows, while others do not. How can I ensure all my formulas copy to the newly created rows. Also sometime when they do copy to the new row an #REF! in the formula where the range should be , yet if I copy and paste the formula from the above row it works.
Here is an example of one of my Formulas Note Sheet1!$J$3:$J$500 is also a table Called Data
=SUMPRODUCT((Sheet1!$J$3:$J$500)*(Sheet1!$A$3:$A$500=$A14&DP$4)) and this is how it is inserted into a new row
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Dec 27, 2006
In order to use the networkdays() function in a workbook im working on i need to get the Analysis ToolPak add-in installed on my pc.
Will this workbook function correctly if opened on a pc that does not have that particular add-in on it?
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Dec 6, 2013
I need a VBA Function, I have a start dates in column A and end dates in column B what I need in column C is the abbreviated days excluding the weekends. For example if I have 11/11/13 in A1 and 11/20/13 in B1 then in C1 I need (including start and end date) Wed, Thu, Fri, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri. Another example If I have 11/29/13 in A1and 12/3/13 in B1 then in C1 I need Fri, Mon, Tue.
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Aug 8, 2007
what was wrong with this formula, an error message comes up saying VALUE, im trying to get the formula to say that - If 2 dates are different then subtract one from the other to get a number of working days, but if the dates are both the same then to -1 from the value as for some reason the value is coming back as 2 when it should be 0?
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Oct 18, 2008
Get the number of workdays between two dates in a VBA function. I tried simply using the Advanced Toolpak function NETWORKDAYS, but I get the error message "Sub or function not defined". I did reference to atpvbaen.xls in the Tools > References menu, so I don't know why Excel is not recognizing the function.
I used the following function to test it:
Function CalcNetDays(dInitial As Date, dEnd As Date)
CalcNetDays = NetworkDays(dInitial, dEnd)
End Function
Any reason the function is not working?
Also, I need to add the holidays to the function. The holidays are listed on a worksheet column. Do I simply add the range to the function, like below?
CalcNetDays = NetworkDays(dInitial, dEnd, Range("Holidays"))
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Jun 7, 2006
I have named range in column A = holfrom and another in column B = holtill
When I try to use NETWORKDAYS(holfrom;holtill) I get an error VALUE
Is it even possible to use this function with named ranges
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Nov 12, 2008
Anyone know why the NETWORKDAYS() function will return a value of 1 if the start and end date are the same? Does the function always assume that the start_date is at 12:00AM and the end_date is at 11:59PM, because it seems to also show that there are 3 days between 11/04/08 and 11/06/08.
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Jun 25, 2013
How to use the Month function in VBA but am not getting the results I expect after reviewing other websites.
I'm running MS Excel 2007.
Simple example:
the worsheet cell, A1 has "5/14/2013" , cell format is DATE
I want to get the month as a number. I know that year(cells(1,1)) results in 2013 so in the immediate window, I try
Both result in Run-time error '13' Type Mismatch.
What am I misunderstanding about the Month function?
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Jan 6, 2010
I am trying to use the NETWORKDAYS function in excel to calculate the working days for my company. the problem is I m located in UAE and here Saturdays and Fridays are official days off for my company. Now the problem is that the excel have this built in function that Sunday and Saturdays are weekend days. I want to customize the function for my local days off for my company.
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Aug 11, 2012
I am using excel 2007. I am trying to calculate the internal rate of return, without creating an array. I figured out that I can use the rate function to give me the same answer as the IRR function if I have one payment stream of say 36 months @ 1000. Where I am an running into trouble is if I have second payment stream of 6 months extension of 1500. Rate # pay 36 amt 75 PV = 5000 FV 500 , How to handle the the last 6 months ?
This is the situation
asset costs is 5000
monthly lease is 75 for 36 months
extension for 6 months is 125
end of lease buyout is 500
what is the internal rate of return without creating an array.
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Nov 25, 2011
I'd like to know if it's possible (Excel 2007) to insert a function/button into a cell, which when clicked, will paste whatever is on the clipboard?
You can see a screenshot of my document here, and I'd like to insert a paste funtion in the red circle. Is it possible?
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Mar 19, 2013
I have formulas such as above in my Worksheet. So the above is in Cell H5
For the Range $C$45:$F$80, I am inserting rows (So moving down the data) and copying data from $C$5:$F$40 as values into the new space in $C$45:$F$80
I am doing the above using a macro, but when I run it I want this
to stay static, but instead I end up with
So my Table Array $C$45:$F$80 changes to $C$85:$F$120
How can I keep it as $C$45:$F$80
The other references in the formula seem to stay as I want them.
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May 15, 2014
I need code for a search box function, that returns the information recorded in a cell for example, "Barcelona" or "London" etc), instead of the location of the cells.
I will need to narrow it down to search only the information in the following columns:
I am totally new to VBA coding and have stumbled my way through a few things, but everything I have searched for so far has had at least one error when transposing to Excel.
I am running Excel 2007.
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Feb 28, 2013
excel 2007. Here is the situation:
I am using the Index and Match function to lookup for two specific criterias in a different worksheet. So far, it is working well, but it gets complicated. I want to look for the criterias in 6 different worksheets based on what a certain column is saying. Here is an example:
So, if the continent is Asia in the column A, I want Excel to look in the Asia worksheet for the city and the venue and return me the contact information. Same, if the continent says Europe, I want it to look in the Europe worksheet or the city and the venue and return me the contact information. So on and so forth.
The formula I have at the moment is this:
How do I incorporate the logical test for it to look for the proper worksheet knowing that all my continent worksheet have the same structure?
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Mar 26, 2013
currently using Excel 2007 with Windows Vista.
I currently have a worksheet where I want to input a date (G2) and a rank value (H2) ranging from 1 to 4. The header value (B1:E1) corresponding to the date (A2:A4) and the rank (B2:B4) should be returned to I2 (currently returns #NA).
Using formula: =INDEX($B$1:$E$1,MATCH(H2,INDEX($B$2:$E$4,MATCH(G2,$A$2:$A$4),)))
which I found under: Find row, find value, then return column heading
However, the above formula does not seem to work with my date order or recurring data values of 1 to 4 over the 3 rows.
The worksheet layout is as follows:
The return value under Header should be C.
I have reversed the order of the dates and put sequential numbers in B2:B4 as plug variables and the above formula will return the correct Header value but I need the formula to work with the current date order and repeating rank values of 1 to 4 in B2:B4. Do not wish to use VBA.
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May 15, 2014
I get this error : Compile error : Sub or Function not defined. I found out that this might be caused by the solver not being referenced. But, this is fixed now but I still get the same error message.
I'm using Excel 2007 - Windows.
Here is the code :
Sub Macro1()
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
j = 4
For i = 1 To 4000
If ActiveSheet.Cell(i, 12).Value = 1 Then
ActiveSheet.Cell(j, 15).Value = ActiveSheet.Cell(i, 2)
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Oct 10, 2011
I recently upgraded from Excel 2003 to 2007, and the worksheet change procedure that i have embedded in my worksheet no longer fires when the criteria are met. If and if I fix it to work in 2007, will it still work in 2003?
Here is my procedure:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rngCell As Excel.Range
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("C19:R19")) Is Nothing Then
For Each rngCell In Intersect(Target, Range("C19:R19"))
If rngCell.Value = "BLACK" Then
MsgBox "Please select a shading style", , "Shading Style Required"
End If
Next rngCell
End If
End Sub
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Feb 8, 2012
I'm using Excel 2007. When I try to scroll with the mouse wheel, it doesn't do anything. If I hold down the control key and scroll with the mouse, it zooms in and out. So that works fine, but I can't do the basic scrolling up and down the document with the mouse wheel. There is no "Tools, Options" menu in 2007 so I don't even know where to find this type of option. The options available from the Office button are completely different.
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Apr 14, 2014
If have very simple =IF function, =IF(F4=H4;1;0) but don't wan't the 'value is true' value when both cells are empty, how do I need to change the function so it states 0?
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Aug 2, 2014
I am using Office/Excel 2007 and Windows 8
I want to determine the number of values SUMIF/SUMPRODUCT functions used/checked to arrive at the answer, i.e. 95 for row 2 and 116 for row 3. A function that can give a 3 and 2 respectively.
Results for Row #2 gives: 95 with 3 values picked up under "Rate"
Results for Row #3 gives: 116 with 2 values though three places were checked up under "Rate"
How can I count the number of these values referencing at the "Rate" like in the functions used.
I managed to use SUMIF/SUMPRODUCT functions to calculate totals based on "Rate" in row one.
I tried COUNTIF function, but allows only field/heading.
[Code] ..........
results for each formula used
95 formula: =SUMIF(B$1:G$1,B$1,B2:G2)
95 formula: =SUMPRODUCT((B$1:G$1=B$1)*(B2:G2))
3 formula: =COUNTIF(B1:G2,B1)
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May 1, 2006
I would like to create a monthly inventory, based on workdays (Monday - Friday)Myrna Larson has a formula that I would like to use with the workday function, but I don't know how to combine them.
=IF(A1="",A1,IF(MONTH(A1+1)=MONTH(A1),A1+1,""))+ = workday
to fit on the page, I need the dates to be from the 1st to the 15th, and 16th to the 31st. I am not sure how to write this either.
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Dec 27, 2013
I only want to include the Month of January in a sumproduct function on another page using a name manager array.
I was thinking of using
Where the dates are in the 6th column and include blank cells at the bottom and in the first row it says Date.
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Apr 2, 2014
I need the values that are copied from the template to copy over in text form from the "Data" Tab. Secondly, the master sheet has multiple lines for each vendor. For the area highlighted in red I'd like for it to copy all cells in column C for the vendor and search the vendor by name. Then, move to the next sheet.
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Aug 27, 2013
Using Microsoft Access to pull from a database work orders. Some of those are what we call "dummy" work orders and have a letter in them, real work orders are signified by a 10 digit number. I would like to sort and eliminate the letters to find appropriate data. I am assuming I will need to copy into excel and do some sort of formatting but not sure where to start.
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Dec 19, 2011
I'm trying to change the colour palette to include patterns (for charts). Is this possible? We use Excel 2003.
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Mar 15, 2012
I have looked and experimented on how to include multiple ranges on a pivot table in excel 2011, i have found how to to it with the wizard but i can not find the wizard.
How to separate the ranges in the selection box? They are going to be going across sheet is that makes any difference.
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