I have a workbook with 4 sheets "Sheet1","sheet2","sheet3" and "sheet4". There is a macro "execute" in "sheet4". How to use the worksheet events, so that if anything on "sheet1", "sheet2" or "sheet3" changes, the macro "execute" in "sheet4" is excuted.
Is it possible, that while running code that the code can say initiate the click event on a command button on another sheet.
Say that I have a button on Sheet1 called "wkscmd_DisplayDEI"
Behind that button is obviously some code. I want to know is it possible that while some code is running ( code does not reside on the module page for Sheet1 that it can send a pseudo click to the button?
I am aware that I can use single changing events in worksheet change events. For instance, if column 1, or A is changed, do something. This is only a single If statement, i.e. either the condition is true, or not. What I am not sure is if I can use two changing events, i.e. two conditions. For e.g. I would like if Column A value is X and Column B is "Active", action it, but only if two conditions are true.
For.e,g. The below syntax does not work. If it is only column A, it does work, but I want both A and B to be true, then copy and paste the target does not anything.
VB: If Target.Column = 1 Then If Target.Column = 2 Then If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A2:A" & Rows.Count)) Is Nothing Then If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B2:B" & Rows.Count)) Is Nothing Then If Target.Value = "X" And Target.Value = "Active" Then
In cell A1, I have the month number (eg, 1, 2, 3,). The month number reflects current month and will automatically change with every month. For example, right now it’s 6, next month it will automatically change to 7. Each two columns in Range A10:X20 represents the data from January to December. I want to use a worksheet event to change the background of the current month two columns in the range to yellow color and the two columns in the range will be visible when I activate this sheet.
I have a worksheet that utilizes a Worksheet Change Event. I created a macro to copy the sheet and that works fine except for the fact that it doesn't contain the Worksheet Change event.
I have the code below that is two separate activities and I want to change the second activity from a cell trigger (Set KeyCells = Range("K42:AD42")) to a button trigger. I need to first to remain unchanged.
I'd be ok if this was just one macro that I could assign to a button but because its two and I need to write the second's to clicking a button I'm over my head.
Its occured to me while writing this that because it'll be a range of buttons I'll probably need to make each one an individual code? Is this the case? If so I may have to just keep this as it is.
I am sure that a worksheet change would be the best way to go for this, but I am unsure how to test for this.
I am looking to prevent users from using a select set of colors for highlighting. If the user tries to highlight using one of these invalid colors, I would like to flag a message telling the user that this color is reserved and highlight the selection to the previous color.
The previous color may be a tricky part as I do not know if this can be done.
2 Woksheet Change Events? I have a question similar to one that was posted about 2 worksheet change events which I found out is not possible and so I have to merge the codes together and I don't know how. I'm facing a problem in the advanced filter when I remove the last item to be filtered and takes forever to calculate.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub If Target.Address = "$F$2" Or _ Target.Address = "$F$3" Or _ Target.Address = "$F$4" Or _ Target.Address = "$F$5" Or _ Target.Address = "$F$6" Or _ Target.Address = "$F$7" Or _ Target.Address = "$F$8" Or _ Target.Address = "$F$9" Then Range("Database").AdvancedFilter _ Action:=xlFilterInPlace, _ CriteriaRange:=Range("Criteria"), Unique:=False Exit Sub End If If Target.Column = 3 Then If Target.Value = "YES" Then........................
I am trying to have multiple change events work in one worksheet and can not get it to work at all.
The simple setup is, I have a column for each month of the year.
I have several rows of numbers beneath each monthly column.
What I want to do is if I enter a date in say January (my change field), I want it to "ClearContents" out all of the data in the August column.
This works fine currently.
But say the next month I enter a date in February, I want to "ClearContents" in the September column. And so on for each month.
My various attempts at this does not recognize the second change agent, so nothing occurs.
Should I try to "call" each section, or use "Else If", or some other idea?
I've tried attaching the worksheet in case that helps to see what I am attempting.
There are extra "items" on the side and below the table that will be removed if I get this "change event" working. So this worksheet is a rough draft so far.
I use VBA's WorkSheet_Calculate event to detect when a cell of particular interest calculates to a specified value. It works well as long as there is only one worksheet (tab). However, when I duplicate that tab (and the final app could have up to 10 copies) to run a different set of data concurrently, I get bad results. The data is online, real time trading data, with each selected stock being tracked in a different tab.
Apparently both (or all) tabs in the workbook react to the same event, whereas I would assume that the event routine in each tab would react only to a calculation in that tab. If this is in fact the case, is there a way to a) make the event routine in each tab respond only to a calculation in that tab, or b) upon a calc event anywhere, determine which tab it occurred in?
Here is the present event code; right now it reads exactly the same in every tab. As long as nothing is happening in any other tab, it does its job correctly.
I realize that it’s not possible to have on one sheet, multiple Worksheet Change Events, so I tried to come up with an alternative method of handling it, but quickly realized that it’s beyond my capabilities at this time.
I would like to set up a worksheet change event on each of a number of identical sheets. Each Change Event will run exactly the same macro. The exception is the “DeptStr” string value that is relevant to the sheet calling the macro .
Each sheet will be a different department.•If the Target in either range has data added, then data will be added to the cell offset one column to it’s right. •If the Target in either range has data cleared, then data will be cleared in the cell offset one column to it’s right.
•There can only be one sheet active at a time. •Only one sheet has data entered at a time. •The two non-contiguous ranges are of equal length. Ex. (C3:C52) and (E3:E52) and are uniquely named in this case,
but they are not a necessary requirement in order to solve this problem if there is a more practical method.
If a cell in some parts of the worksheet (SSMa,SSDi,SSWo,SSDo,SSVr,SSZa,SSZo in the code) are selected the input (4 digits) should be converted into time (00:00). Cells in some other parts (Util,Assis) require 6 digits and should be converted into time (00:00:00).
I had the code working in seperate worksheets but combined (as is shown in code bellow) only part of it works.
Only the input entered into the 4 digit part (SSMa,SSDi,SSWo,SSDo,SSVr,SSZa,SSZo) is converted correctly.
The input in the other parts (Util,Assis) is not converted (so when 800 is entered I do not get 00:08:00 but I get the hour equivalent of 8 days (19200:00:00) and logically the message from the EndMacro "You did not enter a valid time". The cell formats are correct [u]:mm and [u]:mm:ss.
To me it looks like it does not jump to the 6 digits part when need but I can't figure why.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) Dim TimeStr As String
On Error GoTo EndMacro
If Application.Intersect(Target, Range("SSMa,SSDi,SSWo,SSDo,SSVr,SSZa,SSZo,Util,Assis")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub End If If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then..........................
I have a previously working _chnage event that I am now trying to nest a similar event in. Neither event works now. What am I doing wrong?
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim refrange If Target.Address(0, 0) "C55,G107" Then Exit Sub refrange = [MATCH(C55,lst_AgentType,0)] With Sheets("NewInput").Range("d63:r63") If refrange = 1 Then .NumberFormat = "#,##0" ElseIf refrange = 2 Then .NumberFormat = "#,##0.00" Else .NumberFormat = "0.00%" End If End With If Target.Address(0, 0) = "G107" Then refrange = [MATCH(G107,lstCommRev,0)] With Sheets("NewInput").Range("E107") If refrange = 1 Then .NumberFormat = "#,##0.00" Else .NumberFormat = "0.00%" End If End With End If
I have a bit of code that calls a formatting sub depending on which cell is modified. It is triggered by the Worksheet_Change event, determines which cell is modified, and either calls the formatting sub or doesn't based on the location of the modified cell.
Some of the columns in the sheet have data validation with drop downs. If I select a value from the drop down, it doesn't trigger the Worksheet_Change. If I type a value into the same cell, it does.
This was apparently an issue in Excel '97, but supposedly fixed in '03?
I have 2 codes that I'd like to run on the same worksheet, but i don't know how to paste them in together. This may happen many times in the future, so I'd like to know what rules to follow or how to configure 2 codes such as this to get them to work. For example, here's 2 codes I need ran on the same worksheet and I tried pasting one after the other and it won't let me do both.
look for a certain value in worksheet A and copy that row of data to Worksheet B.
However, it seems to be only copying the row in worksheet A and pasting it. Is there something that a noob VBA scripter has missed out?
PHP Private Sub GetInfo_Click() Dim r As Long, LastRow As Long, Status As Integer Dim Message As String, Title As String, Default As String, MyValue As String Application.ScreenUpdating = False
MyValue = Range("A4").Value Workbooks("invoice.xls").Worksheets("A").Activate LastRow = Range("C65536").End(xlUp).Row For r = LastRow To 1 Step -1 If Cells(r, 1).Value = MyValue Then Rows(r).EntireRow.Copy Workbooks("invoice.xls").Worksheets("B").Activate Rows("8").Select Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False Status = 1 Workbooks("invoice.xls").Worksheets("A").Activate Rows(r).EntireRow.Delete
Exit For End If Next r Application.ScreenUpdating = True
I'm using a workbook containing a worksheet for each month of the year. I want to consolidate all the data from the different worksheets into one worksheet to enable data manipulation by means of a pivot table. Updates in the individual worksheets must be automatically updated in the consolidated worksheet.
I now have 1 workbook with 3 worksheets. Each of the worksheets has a list of clients (currently about 130) and then several years worth of data. For each work sheet the first 4 columns are identical (last name, first name, med record number, DOB) and then a different set of longitudinal data.
I need to be able to add new clients and their basic demographic info and have the names show up on all the worksheets in the same alphabetical order. I could then add the data on the appropriate worksheet as collected.
I can send the workbook if you need it, but would first need to remove all identifiable information.
I have four worksheets and they are named: P (the master spreadsheet), and then A, G, and S (which, combined, should contain all the values on P). These spreadsheets are identically formatted. Column A in each spreadsheet has a Name, and column B has a quantity associated with that name. There are no column titles or headers.
Basically, I need to ensure A, G and S role up into P.
I'd like to create a macro that will identify instances where Column A (the Name) on the master spreadsheet has a match with Column A (the name) on any other spreadsheet. Then when there is a match, I want to reconcile Columns A (the names) and B (the quantities) on the master spreadsheet against its corresponding values on the other spreadsheets. In my ideal scenario, a new worksheet would be created showing:
Column A: Contains the values from Spreadsheet P, Column A
Column B: Contains the value from Spreadsheet P, Column B
Column C: Blank
Column D: Contains any matching value to Spreadsheet P, Column A, but otherwise states "No Match"
Column E: Lists the corresponding value to Column D, but otherwise states "No Match"
Column F: Equals Column B minus Column E, but otherwise states "No Match"
I've tried applying examples from other threads but they are so customized/specific to people's individual needs that I've been unable to make them work for my more simplistic example above.
I have 3 different sheets with data that I want to combine into one sheet using a formula. Here is an example:
Sheet A Date Amount 10/1 $5 10/2 $10 10/7 $5
Sheet B Date Amount 10/2 $7 10/3 $10
Sheet C Date Amount 10/5 $5 10/6 $10
I want a fourth sheet that fills with all the data from these three sheets. Ideally it would be in order by date, but I understand that might not be possible. So the last sheet should look like this:
The reason I want to use a formula of some sort is because if I add more rows to sheet A for example, I want the fourth sheet to automatically add it (whether it's possible to do in date order or not).
I want to combine data from several worksheets into one worksheet.
For example, I have data in Sheet1 (Columns A,B,C), data in Sheet2 (Columns A,B,C), data in Sheet3 (Columns A,B,C) all with varying amounts of rows. (All the rows contain text data).
I need to combine all of the data from the 3 sheets into a single sheet, Sheet4 (Columns A,B,C), eliminating the empty rows.
I've been looking into this for a while, and can't find anything that really helps. Anyone got any pointers of what to look into?
I'm getting reports in an Excel file with more then 30 worksheets. All of them have the same structure. I would like to add them all in one single sheet and to place the source "sheet name" in the last column. All sheets have 12 columns with different number of rows (between 1 and 100). First row in each sheet is the header of the table.
This code splits a worksheet into multiple sheets (based on sales person in column A). But when it does it, it deletes the sheets and then re-creates them.
However this messes with my formulas I have linked to the split sheets and turns them into #REF! errors.
Worksheet one is "Company ID" info, in it are the columns:"Company Name", "street add", "city", "state".
Worksheet two is "Company Contact Person" in it are the columns: a reference to worksheet one column one "Company Name", and column two is 'Contact Person name'.
I want to be able to sort worksheet one at will, By city, or state, or any of the various columns. When sorting worksheet one I want the relationships in worksheet to to remain intact.
I am trying to do payslips. Basically I have one worksheet with about 7 columns. I have a 2nd worksheet that is like a template payslip.Worksheet 1 has hours worked and pay etc.
I want to find a method to loop through worksheet 1 and using worksheet 2 as a template create more worksheets and have the values come from worksheet 1 in the new worksheets.
Basically I want to be able to get the names of all sheets in a workbook. I know how to get Excel to print the name of the sheet in a cell once the file is saved, and I know how to hide sheets to make sure that all sheets are referenced in a range. If the name of the worksheet is in the same cell across all sheets (except the ones I don't want included on the totals page), is there a way to call that range and have Excel print off all the worksheet names in different rows or columns via a fill function?
Difficulties: the user may add/delete, rename, and have any number of, worksheets in the workbook. Because these variables are unpredictable, I am having difficulty figuring out the way to do this. Also, the formula should be able to ignore the sheets which have no value in the expected cell.