Updating Data On Spreadsheet From Userform

Nov 18, 2007

I have created a userform with textboxes. I want to update cells on a spreadsheet with the values in the textboxes. I have set the code into a command button to update the values, but they only get updated when I close the userform, not when I click the command button.

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Updating Spreadsheet Post Userform

May 22, 2007

(1)I am using a userform (this contains a listbox) to update cell A1 which in turn updates a cell B1.

(2)I then run the next userform on cell A2 which should update its listbox from column B (which has just been updated previously).

My problem is that following step (1) the spreadsheet gets updated but when I processed to step (2) the listbox within the userform is not updated to show the information now in column B.

Finally, if I run the user form again (same as step (2)) the listbox has been updated .

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Updating Data From Userform?

Feb 7, 2014

can't get the data to update right. It updates the cells but also overwrites the first person's name.

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Userform Data Placed In Spreadsheet

Oct 14, 2009

At the moment i've got a userform with 6 text boxes and what I need is when the 'save' button is pressed, all the words from the text boxes is put in 'customers' sheet. I've found this but I just adds data to the top of the current sheet.

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Copying Data From UserForm To SpreadSheet And Back Again?

Feb 21, 2013

We created a database for our employees who have security items and other things we need to keep track. We created a spreadsheet where data was entered on Sheet2 (Entry Form) and then by clicking various buttons would be thrown over to Sheet1 (MasterList) and put in alphabetical order. Then last week he said lets change it to a User form where i can put all the data, be able to tab through my text boxes and make the whole process of entering information faster and more efficient.. but now hes gone and I'm left with his macros and all this stuff i don't really understand! I have been doing pretty well on my own but im stuck "Search Employee" Here is what i have...

Private Sub SearchEmployeeButton_Click()
LastName.Value = Range("A500").Value
FirstName.Value = Range("B500").Value


use code tags around code. Posting code without them makes your code hard to read and difficult to be copied for testing. Highlight your code and click the # at the top of your post window.

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Enter / Lift Data From Spreadsheet Into UserForm?

May 27, 2014

I have created a spreadsheet which uses a User Form to input data and then give it a reference number (this bit works fine).

I am now trying to use a User Form to enter a reference number which will then be searched across my spreadsheet, I then want all the entered data relevant to that reference number to appear in a User Form along with additional fields for entry of additional info.

In this User Form, the original data could be modified but more importantly, the remaining data added before then being placed into the main spreadsheet.

This is a booking in system where the person presents to a receptionist and the initial data is entered. Once that person has been dealt with, the remaining details regarding their visit will need to be inputted, hence this request.

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Copying Data From Spreadsheet To List Box In A UserForm

Nov 25, 2008

I must say I have learned quite a lot from this forum. So, a vey big Thank You to the folks who are managing this forum and those who are contributing possible solutions. I have a question about copying data from a spreadsheet to a List Box in a User Form (Pls see attached). First, I select the Account from the drop-down cell in the Main sheet. Then I click on the CommandButton and a UserForm will pop out with a List Box that draws relevant data from the Remarks sheet according to the Account that I have selected. The data in the List Box must be in this format : "Date1 : Remark1"; next line "Date2 : Remark2; line 3 "Date3 : Remark3"........until the last available entry.

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VBA Script For Copying Data From Userform To Spreadsheet

Nov 27, 2012

I need the VBA scripts for the following: 1) I have created a UserForm in Excel with a text box entry field. In this I would like the user to enter a date range (i.e Dec.11 - Jan.12) and for this data entry to be displayed in various cells accross different sheets (within the same workbook).

2) Once the date range has been entered, Okayed and transfered I would then like the text box in the Userform to be cleared.

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Paste Data From Userform Back Into Spreadsheet

Jan 3, 2013

I have a "txtQuoteNo" box used in my userform "FrmQuotation", and this is recorded in column A of my Central Data spreadsheet (with a fair slug of other data from the userform).

I can currently recall the data into the userform from the spreadsheet using the QuoteNo, but when I need to resubmit it back to the spreadsheet, I can't see why the following code posts this new data onto a new line rather than the blank cells in the corresponding row of txtQuoteNo and column A (if you see what I mean...)

Set wb = Workbooks.Open("M:Central Taxi Data.xlsx")
With Sheets("Data").Range("A:A")
Set cell = .Find(myVal, LookIn:=xlValues)
rw = cell.Row
End With

RowCount = Worksheets("Data").Range("A" & rw).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count

[Code] .......

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VBA Code To Retrieve Data From Spreadsheet To Userform Listbox

Dec 1, 2013

I am trying to populate a list box in a user form and have started to write the below code but seems not to work.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Crit = Range.TextBox1

If Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(x1up).Row = 1 Then
LR = 2

LR = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(x1up).Row

[Code] ........

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Updating Columns From One Spreadsheet To Another

May 9, 2014

I have to update a master spreadsheet weekly. I would like to have a button that i can click to update the spreadsheet.

Here is sample data of my spreadsheets


abcd;on time;dtjkl;05/06;CM,DR;ghgh
efgh;delay;hjhj;04/12;CD, EF;jgkg
ijkl;on hold;gfhj;02/15;CF,GD;klj
mnop;on time;njhj;04/15;CD,FG;kgkij

abcd;on time;05/06;CM,DR;ghgh
efgh;delay;04/12;CD, EF;jgkg
ijkl;on hold;02/15;CF,GD;klj
mnop;on time;04/15;CD,FG;kgkij[table="width: 500"]

I need to update the columns from spreadsheet 1 to spreadsheet 2.

Spreadsheet 2 has less columns. Also the data in col3 for spreadsheet 1 is not there in spreadsheet 2.

The mapping of the columns is as follows:

S1 S2
col6= data already in another column.

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Updating One Spreadsheet Off Of Another Automatically

Mar 6, 2006

I am trying to update 25 different spreadsheets, and have the latest row of data from each of the 25 automatically go to a 26th spreadsheet that is my summary.

My goal is anytime I add a new row of data in any of the 25, that the summary sheet gets updated automatically.

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Excel 2010 :: Populate UserForm In Word With Data From Spreadsheet

Feb 19, 2013

I have a word template that gives a popup when started for the user to fill out. At present this is okay, but it is hard to maintain. So what I want is to be able to add all needed information in Excel - since our tools have the possibility to export my needed info to this.

I have a spreadsheet in Excel 2010 named 'Input TR'. This info I want in the popup macro in word. When choosing name from a dropdown menu - I want Excel to give me the choices instead of having it in the coded macro. After I have choosen the name - I want the product belonging for this name in the 'Product/Service:' dropdown menu, e.g Test 1 will give the value 1...5. (I will only be able to choose one of them)

Today - everything is coded in the word2010 macro, and thus difficult to maintain.

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Updating A Master Spreadsheet From Other Spreadsheets

Jul 19, 2009

I'm on a BTEC in college and my tutor wants me to create 3 spreadsheets, one of them is a Master spreadsheet which shows each pupils grade for each module, their over all end year grade and how many UCAS points that grade will earn them. The other two sheets are for the modules which will have the grades of the pupils in that lesson, Pass, Merit, Destinction or Fail. I hope you're still with me... I've attached an example of one of the 'Slave' spreadsheets as I call them.

My problem is that I can't seem to find a way of doing all this without constant nesting of COUNTIF. The code I have for my 'Unit1' spreadsheet's grade is:

"=IF(COUNTIF(B3:G3,"x")=6,IF(COUNTIF(H3:J3, "x")=3, IF(COUNTIF(K3:M3, "x")=3, "Distinction", "Merit"), "Pass"), "Fail")"

It works, but it's very messy. If this sounds confusing I apologise, the attached documents should clear some of the confusion up. Once the smaller spreadsheets work, the Master needs to use them to update it's cells. If someone has a Merit grade in 'Unit 1', the Master needs to show it too by somehow linking the 'Grade' cell from 'Unit1' to the 'Grade' cell in the Master spreadsheet.

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Updating Spreadsheet Without Copying Values

Aug 4, 2014

I am trying to copy a set of data (lets say workbook 1) into a new workbook(workbook 2). Both files are saved in the same directory.

Workbook 1 will be continually updated with new row additions and some changes in text in the rows. I want to copy these new changes (from workbook 1) without having to copy and paste the new additions into workbook 2, as it is wasting a lot of my time.

Is there a trick in excel to automatically do this?

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Automatically Updating Spreadsheet - Correct Layout Of Cells

Jan 9, 2014

Any way to automatically update my spreadsheet align all of the cells in the correct row/column.

Attached is a sample sheet. Columns A-D show how they originally look. Columns F-I show how I would like them to appear.


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Updating Textbox In UserForm

Aug 3, 2009

I am trying to update a Textbox from two Listbox's and several Textbox's as the user enters values (or double clicks the textbox for a value). (DoubleClick code is completed). I have ten textbox's to enter data into (or double click for prior data stored in the registry). Two Listbox's requiring one selection each. The last textbox (textbox11) produces the text as it is being entered from the previous ten, I currently enter the data in a specific order to build my string, which I want to stick to. If the user has entered the wrong data in any of the active textbox's I would like to be able to update the string shown in textbox11 without losing any data from the string.

Hence where my brain cells are popping. My current code (laughing is a pre-requisite). Is in the next two posts due to character length restrictions (no dis intended). Attached is a screen shot of the userform. In the textbox labeled "FCF" all the data you see that is not in any of the textbox's or listbox's is written in from code.

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Lable On Userform Not Updating

Sep 3, 2009

I have a UserForm that contains a progress bar. This bar is updated dynamically as the code progresses, but for some reason the lables on the form are not updating themselves. I have tried adding a time delay to see if it is that but to no avail. Code Below.

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Userform Progress Bar Not Updating

Sep 1, 2008

I have some code that runs in conjunction with a userform progressbar....

I launch my progress userform like this from a userform commandbutton:

Load UserForm6
(I suspect the load command may not be needed....)

Then when my progress userform launches:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Call UpdateTasksAll
End Sub
Then my macro:

UserForm6.Label1.Width = 0
UserForm6.Frame1.Caption = "0%"

If UserForm4.TextBox1.Text = "" Then GoTo 4
OL_TK_Crit = UserForm4.Label24.Caption & " " & UserForm4.Label23.Caption & " " & UserForm4.Label38.Caption & " " & UserForm4.Label3.Caption 'your task subject to be updated

The problem is that while the code is running, my userform refuses to show it's face, and only appears when the macro has finished! I get this quite frequently, and cant fathom the cause

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Label On Userform Not Updating

Apr 12, 2007

I have a userform with seven textboxes. I want to sum up the values in those textboxes and print the result in a label caption on the form. The label which displays the total needs to be updated every time anyone adjusts the textboxes. Because I need to have it update like this, I need to have a separate (short) procedure that I can call (when a textbox is adjusted) to sum up the textboxes once again, and place that sum in the label caption.

I have encountered a weird problem. When I update the label caption during the USERFORM ACTIVATE procedure, everything works fine and dandy, even though the summing is taking place in a separate procedure. But I cannot realistically run this entire activation procedure every time the user changes the number in a textbox. (Or, I should say, it just seems like sloppy programming to me.) I really need to update the label caption in a separate smaller procedure. However, when I change my code so that the label caption gets updated during the smaller procedure (which performs the summing operation), the caption remains blank.

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Progress Bar On Userform Not Updating

Nov 29, 2007

I am using a version of the Progress bar code shown below which I found on a thread here.

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim dTime As Date
Dim i, t As Integer
For i = 1 To 100 Step 100 / 8
dTime = Now + TimeValue("0:00:01")
Application.Wait TimeValue(dTime)
ProgressBar1.Value = i
Next i
End Sub

I have the code written so the progress bar shows the progress by taking the total number of loops that need to happen divided by the number of times the loop has taken place. During each loop, the macro copies and pastes data and formats it, then loops again after updating the progress bar. The progress bar works great and shows the progress of the macro if I step through the macro. But if I run the macro at around 25% or 30% the Userform with the progress bar stops updating the bar and the progress seems like its stuck at that percent. The macro still runs fine and finishes without any errors. The macro does not turn off the screen updating. I just can't figure it out.

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First Attempt At UserForm Progress Bar - Bar Not Updating?

Jun 23, 2014

So this is my first attempt at creating a UserForm progress bar. I currently have the status bar doing basically what I am trying to accomplish but I'm trying to broaden my skills (BTW, I've deleted all company sensitive data but the code should still work for you). I got almost all of this code from microsoft's web page on UserForm Progress Bars and then modified it to work with my existing code. When I execute the code (Click the macro button) the UserForm comes up, but the progress bar is not updating like I was expecting.

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Run Userform: Show A Userform In The Spreadsheet Environment

Jul 25, 2006

how do i show a userform in Excel in the spreadsheet environment? I used to "run macro" but unable to run userform code "private sub".

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Excel 2007 :: Updating Workbook2 From Workbook1 Using Userform VBA

Mar 6, 2014

I have to complete his worksheet but now I am in a memory blank. I have the code set up but I guess I have been staring too much at this code...

I have 2 workbooks... One if for data entry and the other one is for a report.

So workbook1: the user will insert information on sheet1 and click a command button that will transfer the information on the next available row in Workbook2.

Workbook2 is strictly for report purpose. So all information transferred from book1 will be in book2.

I need a way, in book1, to have my userform (already set-up) to search for the matching information in my book2 Column A and update the information from my Book1 sheet2.

I have it set up this way:

Dim wbArchive As Workbook
Dim wsSrc, wsDst As Worksheet
Dim rngSrc, rngDst As Range
Dim rngReqNo As Range
Dim strReqNo As String

[Code] .....

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Updating Cells Q1 And R1 With Start And End Dates Selected In A Userform

May 29, 2009

I need some assistance taking dates entered in a userform and applying them to the sheet 'Completed_Report' cells Q1 and R1. The userform code that stores the input values is:

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Make Userform Show Data From Spreadsheet And Add Delete Or Make New Entry

Jan 24, 2014

I have a spreadsheet on sheet 1 with a list of customers and their information. So on column A I have the customer number (i.e. k968, e37, p528,...), on column B i have the customer's name, on column C the street's name, on Column D the house number, on column E the zip code and finally the city on column F.

Right now there are around 600 customers in this list.

I have made a userform with a combobox in which I want to select an existing customer (pulled from the spreadsheet). On the same userform I have textboxes (customer number, name, street, number, zip, city). When I select a customer in the combobox, I want this customer's info to show up in the textboxes. I want to be able to change the info and hit Next to store the changes in the spreadsheet. When I do not select a customer from the combobox, I want to add new info in the textboxes and hit Next to store this info as a new customer. The userform also has a delete button. Then I select a customer in the combobox, this customer (and it's info) should be deleted from the spreadsheet when i hit Delete. So the spreadsheet is variable in length.

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Updating Date In Spreadsheet To Table In SQL In UK Date Format

Mar 26, 2014

I have a couple of columns, once edited need to update a table in SQL. This is my code

[Code] .....

However it is not taking UK date formats, it is assuming it is an american format, I get conversion of varchar data type to datetime results in an out-of-range value. What should I add to change the format? The format is in UK on the spreadsheet seemingly....

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Select Data From Spreadsheet Column If Condition In 2nd Spreadsheet At Same Time Is Met

Aug 11, 2013

I have two spreadsheets, one gives me the beginning and end of civil twilight as a measure of day vs. night. The spreadsheet has Date/Time in the first column, and the value 45 in the 2nd column when it is night. The second spreadsheet has also 2 columns with date/time and body temperatures of a squirrel. I want to get basic statistics (mean and standard deviation) of the squirrel's nocturnal body temperature, that is for times when it is night (value 45). The tricky part is that Date/Time of both spreadsheets are different. The procedure has to recognize that the date/time of body temperature lies between the beginning and end of the value 45 blocks of the first spreadsheet.

files: twilight sheet squirrel temperature

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Merge Files? (add Data From One Spreadsheet To The Appropriate Places On Another Spreadsheet)

Feb 6, 2009

Often I need to add data from one spreadsheet to the appropriate places on another spreadsheet. For example:

Sheet A has 10,000 records with these fields: id#, name, address, place of employment.

Sheet B has 5,000 records these fields: id#, GPA, college major, type of degree.

Some of the records in B contain information for the same id#'s as sheet A. I want to add this information together so that a Sheet C will have these fields: id#, name, address, place of employment, GPA, college major, type of degree.

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Spreadsheet View In A Userform

Oct 22, 2007

i am trying to use this code to view the workbook (WK) in the userform named WK

it can not reconize .spreadWK

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.SpreadWK.Cells.Range("A1:E10").Value = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("WK").Range("A1:E10").Value
End Sub
however this is saying that it can not reconize

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