Adding Number...

Dec 8, 2008

I have excel sheet with lot of number, I want total 7 digits in call. Some of numbers i have in 6 digits so I need to include 0 after “L” and Some of numbers is already has 7 digits.



Need to add “0” after “L”

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Adding Dim'd Variables: Ignoring Strings & Adding Number

Jan 13, 2007

I've got a problem involving several Dim'd Variables needing to be added up, they're all Dim'd as Variants though as they can be either strings or numbers at any time.

I need a formula (VBA) to add them up (to add their actual numeric values - not just a "1" if they contain a number) and ignore them all together if they contain string values.

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Adding A Number To Deg Min.dec

Oct 24, 2008

I have a column of Latitudes (12° 32.467'S) to which I wish to add 0.09'.
The result being 12° 32.557'S

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Adding A Transaction Number

Oct 24, 2009

I have a form that requests random info. All this information is saved to a worksheet. I would like to give each transaction a reference number. In order to do so I would like each time a new record is saved to add 1 to the previous reference number. Also I would like to start the transaction with a unique identifier "ie. rn1001".

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Adding Groups Of Number?

Apr 12, 2012

I have two groups of data? I selected the cells in yellow and defined the name of those cells as group1. I want to be to do absolute value of individual cells and add them up. I tried pressing shift control and enter and it still isn't giving me a number. I can do it if the numbers are next to each other but if they are separated by a row it won't let me.


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Adding Percentage To A Number

Oct 16, 2012

Is there a way to add a percentage to a number, I know the Method of Multiply by 1.25 for 25% The problem is there another way to formulate without the "1."

Sheet1  LMN

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Adding Plus 1 To Number With Letter In It?

Sep 7, 2013

I'm trying to add plus 1 to a cell from another cell but it doesn't work because the number starts with a letter. I do want to keep the letter in there for a reason so removing the letter to make it work is not what I want.


ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Invoice").Range("H5").Value = ActiveCell.Value + 1

Is it that I need to declare and set the ActiveCell value as a string or something?

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Adding Zero At The Start Of Number

Jan 12, 2008

I have phone numbers imported from outlook in csv format. Now these numbers are like 2782512512, i want to add Zero at the start of this number. So, it will become 02782512512. How can i do this. Find and Replace method doesn't work.

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Adding A 0 To The Front Of A Number

Sep 8, 2008

I have a worksheet to keep track of products. I use an SKU column with a Unique Number to keep track of those items on the shelves.

When I started my project I never imagined that my database would grow as large as it has. I started my SKU numbers with 80000, never suspecting that I would get to 90000. I am now at 125700. Many items have been removed / sold so it only encompases only 15500 rows.

On the site that I sell these Items, the SKU's when displayed start with 100000 and go to 125700 where 80000 is next and goes to 99999? ( or the reverse depending on which tab I choose ) Not sure why this is but there is nothing I can do to change the way they do it so I must find a way to change my system. With all the 80000 - 99999 items numbered - changing them to 6 digit 125700+ numbers would be a huge undertaking so I would like to add a 0 in front of each 5 digit Number in my SKU Column. That way my items will show 080000- 125700 instead of starting in the middle.

I do keep the column my ascending order so it is currently formated as a Number. I do at times copy an paste or pull ranges items by SKU numbers to mark down or modify.

When I place a 0 manually in front of 80000- it disappears when I move from the Cell.

If I change it to a TEXT cell- it stays in place.

Excel help doesnt answer my dilemma-- nor does my book.

I see there are masks etc -- or is just text OK ? (as I stated - I do use an numbered order or range to identify groups of items at times )- if text is OK, what is the best way to add a 0 to the start of each 5 digit number other than individually ?

There are Gaps in my sequence so I cannot just replace the first cell with 080000 and pull down.

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Adding A Sequential Number

Jan 26, 2007

You will probably find this very easy but I am having all sorts of trouble making it work as I want to! Basically I need to do the following procedure...

1) Open an Inputbox to collect an eight digit number
2) Insert a column in A:A
3) In A1, enter a col header (URN)
4) In A2, enter the number that was collected in the inputbox
5) Enter sequential number from A2+1 to the last row

Ideally, this would be randomised, so after stage 2 do RAND(), sort, and clear contents, but if I can get the main part right I'm sure I can work that out!

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Adding Colour Background And Number

Jul 28, 2014

In the IAF tab, last one on sheet, I want to highlight a cell if on the Day tabs there is anything in column E, this will be text e.g. LAD, LE, E, AD, LC or NS, and in the same cell show the number that appears in column J of the day tabs, the excel sheet I'm working is to large to upload, if I delete some of the tabs all of the formulas go out of kilter. If Joe Blogs was at work on Day 1, the corresponding cell in the IAF tab should be yellow, if the supervisor monitored Joe's work on Day 1 the same IAF tab cell should remain yellow and show the number that is placed in column J on Day 1 for Joe Blogs.

I have managed to upload an amended copy of the file : Job PSS MASTER - v3 6 AMENDED.xlsx‎

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Adding And Replace A Number In A Cell

Dec 4, 2008

i have a question about adding a number to a cell. This is the problem. Each day we track contacts we made in a spread sheet. how could i, lets say type 2 in a cell that already reads 42 and once a tab away from the cell it would change to 44 (add in the background 42+2=44).

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Adding Number To Subtotal In Same Cell?

Nov 2, 2012

I am trying to calculate the percentage of a number, have it subtotal, and then add to that subtotal another number all within the same cell like so:

20000 + 5% = 21000 + 4000 = 25000

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Adding Number To Existing Set Of Numbers

Mar 1, 2013

I want to add a number to existing set of numbers.

E.g. 10035-TSZ651-MT0A01-42004314-F01-023

and i want to add 0 to 023 so that the number will be


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Adding 1 To A Number On Business Days

Sep 16, 2006

I'm working on a complex A/R aging summary. So Ill have couple of question, but right now I'm trying to have excel automatically keep track of the A/R process. For instance every business day I would like the number of days the Invoice is outstanding to go up by 1. So when I get to work on monday the invoices that have been due for 20 days will now show 21 without me touching it.

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Number Variable: Keep Adding 24 When The Value Return To 0

May 3, 2007

I have few range of data that may range from 0 to 24 and the return to "0 " after 24 and the 2nd set of value keep repeating 0 to 24, but I would like to keep adding 24 when the value return to 0 and if the number less than 5 will be adding 24 and the number from 6 to 8 will be equal to 11 and also the number from 9 to 23 will not change. I have attached an example that Colum A needed to be converted to column B (which I done it manually).

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Adding Number To Cell Reference Not To Contents

May 28, 2006

I want to create a formula that will refer to the cell I want by adding a number to the cell reference, not to the contents of the cell. For example, lets say that the cell C11 holds a value of 22. I want to add 4 to C11 to get my formula to reference cell C15, I don't want it to add 4 to the contents of C11 which is 22 and would give me a result of 26. I have a large spreadsheet and I can't just fill down the way I have it now and I don't want to have to retype the formula every time.

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Adding Consecutive Number To Userform Textbox

Apr 10, 2008

i've got a sample database (attached) with a userform for inputting of data. What i want it to do is automatically generate the next number and add it to textbox "our ref" on the userform. the number is in Col C. This is the code i've tried using the code highlighted in red which doesnt work.

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Formula For Locating Last Cell Above That Contains A Number And Adding 1

Feb 14, 2013

Im trying to develop a formula that sequentially numbers in column a depending on if there is a value in column B

We have documents at work that have alot of text with random spacing between that needs a sequential reference number so would like the formula to be able to look at the value in column b and if its not blank add a number . I would like this number to be the previous cell above + 1

the formula ive started looks something like =if(B10""), ???????,""

can not get excel to reference cell the last cell above with data.

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Adding Number Of Calendar Days To A Date

Apr 22, 2014

I'd like to add a number of calendar days to a date shown on Col A

I have 2 columns
a margin with a row number --- and Col A

When I try to add say 50 to the Col A ie =A261+50 to get 50 cd from cell A261 ----

I get a # problem

Tried to place 50 in a cell and then add the 2 cells but got the same result -- #

Can I use the margin row number to add to -- this would work well as I'd get the Row number which would also be the date.

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Adding A Zero At The Beginning Of An INTL Phone Number

Apr 25, 2007

I have a very long list of international phone numbers in a .csv format that I need to put a zero in front of each one. We are doing an international autodialer campaign for an upcoming event and need the zeros at the beginning to pay for the call. How do you get around Excel not allowing a zero at the front of a number and the .csv format not allowing you to save certain formats? I've been searching the archived posts for a hour now and can't find anything on this!

Here is an example


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Adding Time :: Number Of Minutes Worked Each Day

Oct 25, 2009

I import via copy paste into excel from a timekeeping programme the following time I have worked each day, as an example:

Mon 7h 55m
Tues 6h 30m
Wed 7h 24m

Is there a method of changing this in excel to work out the number of minutes I have worked each day? The timekeeping programme does not let me alter any parameters, so h & m is what I have.

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Adding 0 In Front Of Number To Complete 4 Digits Series?

Jun 6, 2014

I have a list of numbers with 2, 3, and 4 digits. Is there a formula that can recognize if there are only 2 digits, it will add 2 zeros in front of the number.

For example,

47 will become 0047
234 will become 0234
1234 will become 1234

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Adding Rows With Control Number That Only Repeat 3 Times: Formula

Apr 1, 2009

I'll try to explain this the best I can. What I have here is a time study. Teachers (which are the control numbers) fill out bubble sheets, then I run them through a scanner. After dissecting the data from the scanner and formatting it to my liking i get this below.

Each teacher/staff member fills out three sheets per quarter. Each letter (bubble) counts as a 0:15 min period of time. Only K thru Q counts as billable time, which I've created a formula to count those letters (column 3). But to be countable each control number has to have three cycles 201,202,203.

So I need something that can take each control number that has three cycles and add their # of 0:15 together.

The italic row below only has one cycle for that control number, so that needs to be deleted or ignored.

Ultimately I would like the results on a separate sheet.

This is only a part of the file, there are over 1000 different control numbers.

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Adding A Colon ( : ) To Convert A Standard Number Into A Time Format

May 6, 2009

Is there a way to enter a colon into a standard number to create a value that can be formatted into a 24 hour time value? eg a time is listed as 1345 with a general number format, and I want it returned as 13:45 witha custom format of hh:mm. Other than creating a table and using a vlookup function

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Adding Comma As Delimiter Before Number In Cell For Entire Worksheet?

Oct 7, 2011

I do receive invoices from my vendors. They send me an invoice in PDF formate. I am using able2extract software to conver the PDF to excel. It is working great but most of the times my vendors enters the items/Case in the description field. Like the example below:

"Bajri Rotla 11 oz.(24)"

I would like to place a "," in between the last character and begining of the first number. In the above case it will be after "a" (in Rotla) and before "1" in (11). If I can do this then I can apply texttocolumn from excel and use "," as delimiter and separate item name from size and case/Pack. Then can use another "Texttocolumn" and separate size and case/pack. If there is a VBA code that can be written for this it would make my life a whole lot easier.

Following are 3 images that I have copied from actual data.

1. Original PDF invoice data that I receive from my Vendor

2. Image of the excel file before formating. This is the format from "Able2Extract" (3rd party software that I use to convert PDF to excel. Works great!!

3. Converted Excel data sheet. This is the way I want to format the data.

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Copy / Replace Pivot Into Sheet Without Adding Number Of Sheet

Jul 6, 2012

In a sheet (4) I have a pivot refreshed by a VBA macro code. Since I have defined a Chart on this pivot, I need to copy this pivot in a new sheet to avoid to reduce rows using a filter of the Chart. I copy this pivot using this VBA code

Sheet4.Copy After:=Sheet2

I have e new sheet with a number Sheet(n) not equal to maximum sheet number +1

For a new run of the VBA macro I need to delete this sheet

Sheets(n).Select where (n) is not = maximum sheet number +1

Then I need to avoid the message box where I need to confirm to delete the sheet because the sheet is not empty.

Is there a solution to copy a pivot in a new sheet replacing the previous pivot and vithout changing the number of the sheet?

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Adding Time: Adding Individual Cells Works, But SUM Doesn't

Mar 28, 2008

I have a column of times: e.g. 10:03:00 and I would like to add them all up.

=A1+A2 works fine.

=sum(A1:A10) does not.

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Increasing A Value In A Cell By Adding A New Number To A Connected Cell?

Mar 28, 2009

First I would like to say that I am not English nor very good to explain myself so hope the title is according to the forums rules. Now to my problem

I would like to to put in for instance the number 100 in cell A and then the number should appear in cell B. I would like to remove the number in cell A without the number in cell B to dissapear. Then add for instance 50 in cell A to get the number in cell B to add up to 150 and so on. How can I do this? I would like to add that cell B is already connected to a different cell. And I am using Vista.

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Adding Data With Userform: Check For Duplicate Before Adding

Feb 14, 2007

I have a userform that I'm using to add data to a worksheet, with the following

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim OutSH As Worksheet
Set OutSH = Sheets("Sheet1")

OutSH.Cells(nextrow2, 1).Value = Surname.Value
OutSH.cells(nextrow2,2).value = ID.value
OutSH.cells(nextrow2,3).value = Date.value
I need to ensure that duplicate entries are not made for the same person on the same date. The ID is unique to each person.

IF statement that can check for a duplicate and then come up with a dialouge box with some custom text, and then exiting the sub?

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