Automatic Macro That Runs From Every Sheet But Only Based On One Sheet

May 13, 2014

I have an automatic macro that runs from every sheet but is only based on one sheet. I had to protect the worksheet and in order to make the macro work I had to add an unlock and a lock code. The problem now is every time a user enters something it looks back to the other sheet and then comes back. Is there a way to prevent the user from seeing this. See code below

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
Sheets("Profit Calc Local Currency").Unprotect Password:="hspricing1"
Application.EnableEvents = False
Dim lr As Long
lr = Cells(Rows.Count, "XEA").End(xlUp).Row
Range("$XEA$1:$XEA$" & lr).AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="1"
Sheets("Profit Calc Local Currency").Protect Password:="hspricing1"
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

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Excel 2010 :: Macro Runs On Protected Sheet But Changes Protect Sheet Options?

Feb 24, 2011

I am using Excel 2010 and I have a password protected workbook with password protected sheets that uses several macros. Most of them, in order to run, have to un-protect the sheet and then re-protect it again. This has been accomplished easily enough by adding ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:= "mypassword" and ActiveSheet.Protect Password:= "mypassword" to the appropriate places in the script. All of my macros, which do various things like sorting and moving data, deleting blank rows, displaying dialog boxes containing warning messages etc. run fine.

My problem is this: when I password protect the sheets manually, I have checked the following options in the "Protect Sheet" dialog box. Under "Allow users of this worksheet to" I have checked 1)Select unlocked cells and 2)Format cells. After entering my password and closing the dialog box my sheet is protected, but I can edit cells in the manner my allowances permit. However, once I run any of the macros that un-protect and re-protect the sheet, I remain able to select and edit unlocked cells (practically, for my purposes, this means that I can input data which will appear in the default font size and color of the sheet) but I cannot format cells (which, practically, for my purposes would allow me to occasionally change the font color and size of the data). Naturally, after running a macro, the other cell-formatting options are unavailable to me as well. Is there any way to get my manual selections to remain in place after running a macro that functions as mine do? Or is there any way to make my manual selections the default settings for a protected sheet?

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Macro Runs When Change Cells In Totally Different Sheet?

Jun 18, 2014

So I have a worksheet that has a lot of macros in it. I have just barely run into a problem that happens anytime a change a cell in another workbook that I have open. The second workbook I have open isn't even a macro enabled workbook. But for some reason it gives me an error and says I am trying to run this code.

[Code] ....

It gives me the runtime error 9. This code is supposed to run when I click on a combobox in my main workbook but it is running anytime I change something in my other simple workbook. Why this happens and how to stop it? I have had a lot of similar problems in the past but I just dealt with it by only having one workbook open but in this case I will need both.

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Prevent Sheet Change Macro When Solver Runs

May 26, 2009

Is there a way to prevent the Workbook_SheetChange event macro from triggering when I run Excel's Solver?

The solver goes through 100 or so iterations changing multiple cells each of which seemed to trigger the Workbook_SheetChange event. If there was a Solver Run event, I could turn off application events, but as far as I know such an event does not exist.

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Create Automatic List In Excel Sheet With Filtered Data From Another Sheet?

Dec 27, 2012

So I have a guest list workbook. There are two sheets. On the first one is a list of names on Column A. On Column B is a classification: 'C' if confirmed; "D" for declined; "I" for pending. I want to have all the names with "C" on sheet 1 appear on sheet 2 automatically.

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How To Automatic Merge Data From Sheet To Another Sheet With Same Format

Mar 28, 2014

how to merge data automatically in one sheet (master sheet) from specific sheet with different name sheet but same format?

Adding, deleting or editing should be automatic update to master sheet.

For example:

Sheet name:

Sheet 1: Salesman 1 - with data range A10:F310 (as his data file)
Sheet 2: Salesman 2 - with data range A10:F310 (as his data file)
Sheet 3: Salesman 3 - with data range A10:F310 (as his data file)
Sheet 4: Salesman 4 - with data range A10:F310 (as his data file)
Sheet 5: Salesman 5 - with data range A10:F310 (as his data file)
Sheet 6: Salesman 6 - with data range A10:F310 (as his data file)
Sheet 7: All Salesman - - with prepared data range A11:F2000 (as master data file/record for 6 salesman)

Column Name as a Header:

A10: Customer Number
B10: Customer Name
C10: Salesman ID
D10: Promotion Type
E10: Promo Item
F10: Free Item

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Macro To Pull Data From Multiple Sheet To Main Sheet Based On Column Headings

Sep 13, 2012

I need a Macro which pulls the data from different sheets of excel (which is not formatted properly) to Main Sheet. Also some of the columns will not have the same names, so macro should handle this exception as well.

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Refresh MS Query That Runs On Another Sheet

Mar 11, 2013

Currently i have a button on sheet 1, that contains this VBA code


Sheets 2 , 3 ,5 all have a MS Queries.

However I only need sheets 2 and 3 refreshed , and not 5.

At the moment it takes long to refresh all , and want to specify which sheets need to be refreshed, to make it faster for the user.

FYG, I cannot remove sheet 5, as it is required on adhoc basis.

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Building Macro That Runs Another Macro Based On Certain Columns

Jun 6, 2012

Essentially, I am working with a database for a school and up until this point, each row matches up to a student with a bunch of information on them. One of these pieces of info is their parent's names. This is a much simplified look at things, but the screenshot below is a basic version of what everything looks like:

Now, the school wants me to split up the parents names from the student's and place them in their own row. I have recorded a macro to do this where you make the active cell the "full name" column for the row you want to expand, and then run the macro. Afterwards, up to two more rows are added, with the parent's names and some data copied. Below is a screenshot of what that looks like: (yellow is the new data generated, and blue is the active cell I marked to run the macro properly)

The issue is that there are thousands of these that need to be done, and I figured there is a way to do this with a macro. The issue is that not every row has parents names to expand out.

In layman's terms, I need a macro that will look at the two columns titled "Father's Name" and "Mother's Name" on each row of the spreadsheet and then, if there is any data in both or either of them, it should set the active cell to the "Full Name" column for that row then run the macro accordingly. After that it should repeat this all the way down, skipping any where neither of the columns have text in them

In the actual spreadsheet, the columns that need to be checked are AW and AX, and the column that needs to be set to the active cell before running the macro is B.

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Automatic Sheet Numbering

Nov 5, 2008

I have a report blank that is comprised of numerous excel worksheets (fixed letter size). During the completion of the report, one may add, delete, and/or move worksheets. I want each worksheet to have a cell that dispalys 'page # of total number of sheets'. Is there a way to automatically update this information?

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Automatic Looking Up Data In Another Sheet

Dec 16, 2009

It i a sheet to calculate my nutrition. But since the sheets has grown to get bigger and bigger (and fortunately me as well ) some bugs has started to appear. This is really annoying and I have to use another sheet with less values in it which I can use manually on the side since it seams to only work properly when less values is entered in the sheet.

Open the file attached. The first sheet called "oversikten" is where you can see the trouble. The gray fields you can edit freely and in these fields you should be able to insert a type of product (food) which also is in the list in the nexy sheet called "produkter", and the first sheet should then automatically get the values for the written product given you have written the exact same word as the product in the list (list: in the "produkter" sheet). But for some reason this has stopped working. Now only a few in the beginning of the list is working as it should and most of the products will not be transferred to the first "oversikten" sheet. I've only copied codes and stuff so I have no idea what is wrong and how to fix this.

fix the codes in the program so that any product written in "oversikten" will get its correct values transferred from the "produkter" sheet for all the registered products now and for the new ones I enter in the future. I love this little nutrition program of mine.

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Automatic Sheet Generation

Nov 3, 2008

I have only two sheets..first sheet is the user sheet where the user gives the data...second is the sheet where in we get the result according to user given data..

there is a cell in User sheet where User gives a Number. for example " 8 "

so sheet2 : here we have only 9 rows. as user gave "8" the fisrt 8 cells in the first column should see like this

B 01/08 , B02/08 , B03/08 as so on till B08/08

when user gives 9 in user sheet

then the first sheet is finished with all the 9 rows ending with B09/08

when user gives 10...then sheet 3 should automatically appear with the first row and first colum saying B10/08.

when user gives 20 in user sheet...then sheet4 should appear with last number as B20/08

so each sheet is having only 9 rows..

first sheet ends with B09/08
second sheet ends with B18/08
third sheet ends with B27/08

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Automatic Linking On Excel Sheet

May 18, 2013

How do i do the automatic linking on the excel sheet like the one done on the following example


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Automatic Generation Of A Report Sheet

Jun 14, 2007

What I have got is a list of exams and subjects on the first sheet from cells A3 to A whatever. This list varies in length from a few exams to many dozens.

Under each exam is a list of subjects.
i.e.: Under the math exam is addition. multiplication, division etc

On columns B through ZZ and beyond. I have individuals names.

Under those individuals names (opposite the exam row) I have pull down boxes saying if the individual has passed failed or did not sit .. etc.

What I would like to be able to do is to automatically generate a second sheet with the individuals name on it with a report of what exams they took with what result. Of course it would be nice it was nicely formatted with the headings of all the different exams and the subjects taken arranged in order.
If an exam was not taken it should not appear in the generated sheet

I have a fairly good knowledge of Visual Basic though I have not had much to do with VB for scripting.

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Set Automatic Calculations With Selection Of Sheet

Jun 17, 2007

I have a sheet that I need to turn on auto calculation when selected. The problem I need to turn on auto calculation as well as sort another sheet "test" I do not know how to as the other portion of the code. attached will not work because it just runs in circles.

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

Application.Run "'BILLET-SLATE P414D working copy.xls'!Sortbypeprorprd"

End Sub

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Macro To Copy Current Sheet, Create, & Rename New Sheet From Current Open Sheet

Oct 27, 2008

EXAMPLE: Complete Sheet called "Day1". When day1 is complete you click on button and it then copies itself and creates and renames new sheet to "Day2", then when "Day2" is complete you click on button and it then copies itself and creates and renames new sheet to "Day3", and so on and so forth to "Day30".

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Automatic Sheet Name For Pivot Table Reports

Aug 8, 2009

When I creating a Pivot Table Report on a different sheet. I have attached the Stock Report, where I have created a Button at the top to create the report, but the worksheet name is the default Excel name rather than the one that I want (in my case the name of the new sheet should be "Admin".

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Automatic Copy Of Values From One Sheet To Other Sheets

Aug 9, 2013

I am trying to make some sheets with football teams from one championship and their results. For example i will have a match between TeamA vs. TeamB that will end 0-0. I will enter this value in the sheet for the TeamA results but normally this value will also be found in the results sheet of TeamB.

My question is, how can i make excel copy this value once i enter it for TeamA in the results sheet for TeamB.

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Update Table On Another Sheet With Information On ACTIVE SHEET Based On Column Search?

May 14, 2014

What I have is a sheet that is copied periodically from some source sheet, and on this sheet is a table. This sheet is called "Onsite Checklist Template" and it's table is titled "Checklist". I also have another sheet called "Loggers and Initial Notes" which has a tabled titled "Record", and then finally a title sheet call "Proj Details".

To clear this intro up - The sheets, in their order, is: "Proj Details", "Loggers and Initial Notes", "Onsite Checklist Template". The tables: "Record" on "Loggers..." and "Checklist" on "Onsite..."

When the user wants to make a new site visit, he/she fills in the requested date and then selects a button on "Proj...". When this button is selected, it copies the table data on "Record" and puts it on "Checklist", then inserts a new worksheet tab, always in the 3rd position (the title is based on the site visit date in which the user entered), which is a copy of "Onsite...". Now we have another sheet with a table called "Checklist1", and upon another new site visit, there will be another worksheet with "Checklist2", and so on.

On the "Onsite..." worksheet, there is a button on it which also gets copied with the worksheet so that every new worksheet has this copied "Checklist ???" and this button. I'm looking for a macro that, when the button is selected, will bounce the active sheet's table "Checklist ???" off of "Record" and make changes as needed.

"Checklist ???" data range is B11:M20 (the header is on row 10); "Record" data range is B29:Q78 (the header is on row 28); Column headers are titled the same, just that "Record" has 4 extra columns, 3 in the middle and 1 on the end. "Checklist ???" columns 1-12 to "Record" columns 1-7, 10-12, 14-15. The search criteria is the 4th column in both tables ("Trk #").

I need the macro to do the following:If it finds a match, then update "Record" as needed with data from "Checklist ???", changing whatever cell is different in the row that contains the matching "Trk #", so long as the cell on "Checklist ???" is populated (i.e, if a cell on the target row of "Record" has a value, but it's blank on "Checklist ???", then "Record" wins; if it's blank on "Record", but populated on "Checklist ???", the Checklist wins. If both populated but different, then Checklist wins.If a "Trk #" exists on "Checklist ???" but is not on "Record" then add the line to "Record" (the 1st empty row, table size remains)I see no need for any "delete" at this time.

My concerns: The last column on record (column #16) is the filtering column for the worksheet copy event and needs to be left alone (it's formulated to produce a "Yes" or "No")I would like the ability to adjust table sizes if needed without modifying the macroThe table rows on "Checklist ???" will not be changed, deleted, or altered in any way by the macro.

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Import The Individuals Data From The Master Sheet To The Individual Sheet Based On The Employee Name

Feb 6, 2008

I have a master spreadsheet that list several columns about employees(name, date, event name, etc.). Then I have an indivdual sheet for each employee. I am trying to import the column information for each employee onto their individual sheet based on their name. It is possible to import the individuals data from the master sheet to the individual sheet based on the employee name?

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Search For Info In Sheet 2 Based On Date And Text Criteria In Sheet 1?

Jun 18, 2013

Here is an example of my spreadsheet: Excel example.xlsx

I would like to get all the bid/ask quotes for the different currency pairs in sheet 2 into sheet 1 sorted by the right date and time.

I need a formula which recognize the time + the currency from sheet 1 and search for it in sheet 2 then brings the right bid/ask quote back into sheet 1.

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Pulling Information In Seperate Sheet Based On Data In Current Sheet

Jun 1, 2009

I've got a bit of a quandary here that my novice programming skills can't seem to solve.

Here is the scenario. I work for a photographic library. We have a spreadsheet that contains 5 or so columns, and a couple of thousand rows. Essentially each row contains an imagine code (the number we use to file away the imagine, ie. US_NY_NYC_1 ) in the first cell, and the image information in the following cells (ie metadata, keywords, photographer, date, etc).

so a typical row would look as follows:

Filename | Keywords | Photographer | Metadata | Location |

all the keyword, photographer, metadata, and location information can only be tied to the one image code whose cell begins the row.

Now, here is my dilemma. This sheet (lets call it the master sheet) contains all the images we have in a given batch. However, when a client orders images, we will send them most images in that batch, but not all, and we may send a few additional. So I have a separate sheet that contains only those image codes that the client requested. What I need to do is essentially take a code from the second sheet, find that same code in the master sheet, and copy over all the cells associated with that code's row. If the number does not exist in the master sheet, simply leave that row with only the code in the first cell, and the rest blank, and move on.

so for example, in my second sheet lets say I have the following A_B_C . I would like for excel to find that same code in the master sheet, and then copy over the metadata, photographer, date, etc, associated with that code, and paste it into the second sheet, so that that row in the second sheet now looks identical to the row with the same image code in the master sheet . If A_B_C does not exist in the master spreadsheet, then I would like excel to simply leave that code in its own row, leave the rest of the row blank, and move on to the next code.

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Automatic Update From Multiple Sheets To Master Sheet

Apr 7, 2011

I have multiple sheets all of which are identical except for the number of rows containing data. I have been trying to create a macro to update these sheets into one 'Master' sheet but I'm having great difficulties due to me needing to leave Column A and Row 1 blank.

I have uploaded example data of what I am after, sheets 2 - 6 need to be automatically updated to the 'Master' sheet when the macro is run.

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Automatic Date Change In Excel Sheet Print Out?

Mar 29, 2014

At work I have a register/log. Its just a printout of a standard format in excel sheet. I print a month of sheets at a time and write the day and date on it by hand at the top. Is there some formula in excel by which it prints the dates as well in a progressive manner. Eg. If today is 29th May 2014 and today I print 30 copies of the register/log. The first copy has todays date on it and the the next one had tomorrows date....and the 30th copy automatically has the end of April 2014 printed on it.

I've found this code but cannot get it to work.

My workbook is called Shift Log, the worksheet is called v2 and I'm using Excel from MS Office Professional Plus 2010 (32bit)

#Private Sub Workbook_SheetBeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Sh As Object, _
ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim sDate, i
sDate = InputBox("Enter the starting date, or click 'OK'" & _
" for the current date", "Start Date")

[Code] .........

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Prepare Automatic Scoring Sheet With Pointing Chart

Aug 17, 2014

this is a competition scoring sheet

i want to add this automatically

when i enter chest number then the name of winner and team name want to come automatically and the pointing also (see sample)

point first 5 point second 3 third 1

how to do this

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Dragging Formulas On Same Sheet (automatic Calculations Turned On)

Dec 10, 2012

I have a huge spreadsheet requiring me to manually enter alot of fields with formulas. I am using the formula


The full formula is quite long as this pick up the data off over 300 work sheets. (there's probably an easier way to do this aswell) When I copy or drag this to another cell with on the same worksheet it gives me the correct formular with the correct cells changes as I want. However this formular does not work. I have auto calculate on and I manually press enter on the cells and still nothing. If I change the following for the entire formula (about 8min to do each cell) it works


Is there an easier alternative then manually changing each number?

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Automatic Refresh Pivot Table In Protected Sheet

Aug 12, 2008

In sheet1 (SA Awards) I have the source table for my pivot table in Range ("A1:G50"). In sheet2 (Team Listing) my pivot table is located in Range("K2:S13")
When I make changes in sheet1 I need my pivot table to update, I recorded a macro to refresh, however have only got it to work via a button & only if Sheet2 is unlocked

Sub PivotTableUpdate()
Sheets("Team Listing").Select
Sheets("SA Awards").Select
End Sub

1. How can I get this to work in the Worksheet_Change Event?
2. How can I password protect Sheet2 & still have it work?

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Copy Rows From Selected Sheet To New Sheet Based On Cell Value

Mar 27, 2008

i have a workbook that has a lot of sheets but i need to pull information from the one sheet "Veneer Log" i Need it to make new sheets with the same heading as on the "Veneer Log" (Rows 1 & 2) Sheet but it needs to be filtered by the "Product" Column (H) with a new sheet made for all the diffrent products i.e. Dimensional, Drywall, Corners - Thin V., Accents,..... so each product will have a new sheet with i am hoping someone can help me with this. This log changes Daily and it would be nice to have a sheet with only the same product on it to compare new orders so we can batch run. i hope i have given you enough information so someone can help me with this. i have attached a sample log the real log has about 10 worksheet for diffrent departments but i only need info from the Veneer Log Sheet.

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Select Automatic Color Scheme (font) For Excel Sheet

Jan 13, 2014

I want to select an automatic colour scheme (font) for an Exel sheet. It has 3 columns with values. If the coloums are A, B & C I want to mark the higher value in red. If B is higher than A, B should be red. Again if C is also higher than B, then C also should be red... like that. Values should be read row-wise. How can I do this using a formula?

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Automatic Copying Cells Of Sheet To A Master One According Dates Of Month

Jan 17, 2013

I have a workbook with so many sheets as the working days of a month. I also have a Master sheet.

The sheets are named as the dates. Example: 020113 , 020113, 030113......etc

In the Master sheet, first column has ALL working dates of the month(i don't care about Holidays).

First row of this sheet are headers.

My goal is from the sheet of the certain date of the month automatic copied certain cells values(same in eatch sheet) to certain cells in Master Sheet.

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