It i a sheet to calculate my nutrition. But since the sheets has grown to get bigger and bigger (and fortunately me as well ) some bugs has started to appear. This is really annoying and I have to use another sheet with less values in it which I can use manually on the side since it seams to only work properly when less values is entered in the sheet.
Open the file attached. The first sheet called "oversikten" is where you can see the trouble. The gray fields you can edit freely and in these fields you should be able to insert a type of product (food) which also is in the list in the nexy sheet called "produkter", and the first sheet should then automatically get the values for the written product given you have written the exact same word as the product in the list (list: in the "produkter" sheet). But for some reason this has stopped working. Now only a few in the beginning of the list is working as it should and most of the products will not be transferred to the first "oversikten" sheet. I've only copied codes and stuff so I have no idea what is wrong and how to fix this.
fix the codes in the program so that any product written in "oversikten" will get its correct values transferred from the "produkter" sheet for all the registered products now and for the new ones I enter in the future. I love this little nutrition program of mine.
So I have a guest list workbook. There are two sheets. On the first one is a list of names on Column A. On Column B is a classification: 'C' if confirmed; "D" for declined; "I" for pending. I want to have all the names with "C" on sheet 1 appear on sheet 2 automatically.
how to merge data automatically in one sheet (master sheet) from specific sheet with different name sheet but same format?
Adding, deleting or editing should be automatic update to master sheet.
For example:
Sheet name:
Sheet 1: Salesman 1 - with data range A10:F310 (as his data file) Sheet 2: Salesman 2 - with data range A10:F310 (as his data file) Sheet 3: Salesman 3 - with data range A10:F310 (as his data file) Sheet 4: Salesman 4 - with data range A10:F310 (as his data file) Sheet 5: Salesman 5 - with data range A10:F310 (as his data file) Sheet 6: Salesman 6 - with data range A10:F310 (as his data file) Sheet 7: All Salesman - - with prepared data range A11:F2000 (as master data file/record for 6 salesman)
Column Name as a Header:
A10: Customer Number B10: Customer Name C10: Salesman ID D10: Promotion Type E10: Promo Item F10: Free Item
I have an automatic macro that runs from every sheet but is only based on one sheet. I had to protect the worksheet and in order to make the macro work I had to add an unlock and a lock code. The problem now is every time a user enters something it looks back to the other sheet and then comes back. Is there a way to prevent the user from seeing this. See code below
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate() Sheets("Profit Calc Local Currency").Unprotect Password:="hspricing1" Application.EnableEvents = False Dim lr As Long lr = Cells(Rows.Count, "XEA").End(xlUp).Row Range("$XEA$1:$XEA$" & lr).AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="1" Sheets("Profit Calc Local Currency").Protect Password:="hspricing1" Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub
I have a report blank that is comprised of numerous excel worksheets (fixed letter size). During the completion of the report, one may add, delete, and/or move worksheets. I want each worksheet to have a cell that dispalys 'page # of total number of sheets'. Is there a way to automatically update this information?
I have only two sheets..first sheet is the user sheet where the user gives the data...second is the sheet where in we get the result according to user given data..
there is a cell in User sheet where User gives a Number. for example " 8 "
so sheet2 : here we have only 9 rows. as user gave "8" the fisrt 8 cells in the first column should see like this
B 01/08 , B02/08 , B03/08 as so on till B08/08
when user gives 9 in user sheet
then the first sheet is finished with all the 9 rows ending with B09/08
when user gives 10...then sheet 3 should automatically appear with the first row and first colum saying B10/08.
when user gives 20 in user sheet...then sheet4 should appear with last number as B20/08
so each sheet is having only 9 rows..
first sheet ends with B09/08 second sheet ends with B18/08 third sheet ends with B27/08
What I have got is a list of exams and subjects on the first sheet from cells A3 to A whatever. This list varies in length from a few exams to many dozens.
Under each exam is a list of subjects. i.e.: Under the math exam is addition. multiplication, division etc
On columns B through ZZ and beyond. I have individuals names.
Under those individuals names (opposite the exam row) I have pull down boxes saying if the individual has passed failed or did not sit .. etc.
What I would like to be able to do is to automatically generate a second sheet with the individuals name on it with a report of what exams they took with what result. Of course it would be nice it was nicely formatted with the headings of all the different exams and the subjects taken arranged in order. If an exam was not taken it should not appear in the generated sheet
I have a fairly good knowledge of Visual Basic though I have not had much to do with VB for scripting.
I have a sheet that I need to turn on auto calculation when selected. The problem I need to turn on auto calculation as well as sort another sheet "test" I do not know how to as the other portion of the code. attached will not work because it just runs in circles.
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() 'THIS IS A SEPARATE SHEET THAN WHAT I NEED TO SORT FROM Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Sheets("6180").Select Application.Run "'BILLET-SLATE P414D working copy.xls'!Sortbypeprorprd"
When I creating a Pivot Table Report on a different sheet. I have attached the Stock Report, where I have created a Button at the top to create the report, but the worksheet name is the default Excel name rather than the one that I want (in my case the name of the new sheet should be "Admin".
I am trying to make some sheets with football teams from one championship and their results. For example i will have a match between TeamA vs. TeamB that will end 0-0. I will enter this value in the sheet for the TeamA results but normally this value will also be found in the results sheet of TeamB.
My question is, how can i make excel copy this value once i enter it for TeamA in the results sheet for TeamB.
I have multiple sheets all of which are identical except for the number of rows containing data. I have been trying to create a macro to update these sheets into one 'Master' sheet but I'm having great difficulties due to me needing to leave Column A and Row 1 blank.
I have uploaded example data of what I am after, sheets 2 - 6 need to be automatically updated to the 'Master' sheet when the macro is run.
At work I have a register/log. Its just a printout of a standard format in excel sheet. I print a month of sheets at a time and write the day and date on it by hand at the top. Is there some formula in excel by which it prints the dates as well in a progressive manner. Eg. If today is 29th May 2014 and today I print 30 copies of the register/log. The first copy has todays date on it and the the next one had tomorrows date....and the 30th copy automatically has the end of April 2014 printed on it.
I've found this code but cannot get it to work.
My workbook is called Shift Log, the worksheet is called v2 and I'm using Excel from MS Office Professional Plus 2010 (32bit)
#Private Sub Workbook_SheetBeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Sh As Object, _ ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) Dim sDate, i retryDate: sDate = InputBox("Enter the starting date, or click 'OK'" & _ " for the current date", "Start Date")
The full formula is quite long as this pick up the data off over 300 work sheets. (there's probably an easier way to do this aswell) When I copy or drag this to another cell with on the same worksheet it gives me the correct formular with the correct cells changes as I want. However this formular does not work. I have auto calculate on and I manually press enter on the cells and still nothing. If I change the following for the entire formula (about 8min to do each cell) it works
In sheet1 (SA Awards) I have the source table for my pivot table in Range ("A1:G50"). In sheet2 (Team Listing) my pivot table is located in Range("K2:S13") When I make changes in sheet1 I need my pivot table to update, I recorded a macro to refresh, however have only got it to work via a button & only if Sheet2 is unlocked
Sub PivotTableUpdate() Sheets("Team Listing").Select ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable8").PivotCache.Refresh Sheets("SA Awards").Select Range("B2").Select End Sub
1. How can I get this to work in the Worksheet_Change Event? 2. How can I password protect Sheet2 & still have it work?
I want to select an automatic colour scheme (font) for an Exel sheet. It has 3 columns with values. If the coloums are A, B & C I want to mark the higher value in red. If B is higher than A, B should be red. Again if C is also higher than B, then C also should be red... like that. Values should be read row-wise. How can I do this using a formula?
I have a workbook with so many sheets as the working days of a month. I also have a Master sheet.
The sheets are named as the dates. Example: 020113 , 020113, 030113......etc
In the Master sheet, first column has ALL working dates of the month(i don't care about Holidays).
First row of this sheet are headers.
My goal is from the sheet of the certain date of the month automatic copied certain cells values(same in eatch sheet) to certain cells in Master Sheet.
How to come up with solution for preparing monthly time sheet for each employee from master sheet automatically by entering details in master sheet (Master sheet is all employees attendance sheet).
Just by entering data in master sheet it need to copy data to individual employee sheet. If I enter new employee name in master sheet can it creates one new sheet with same format by itself?
Data are Project, Emp Name, Position, Date, Day, Time In, Time out, Overtime or under time (if any)
I have total 30 employees and it is increasing day by day
I'm trying to create a new spreadsheet to keep a record of orders recieved.
the example attached. What I would like to do is:-
Enter data in the Order Sheet (Sheet 1) under Column C, from a drop down menu taken from Data Sheet (Sheet 2) Column B. I then want Excel to filter the items available from Sheet 2 that correspond to the colour chosen, and once that has been done, I want the part number to be automatically entered.
For example, I order a Red pen, I type/select Red in C2 in D2, I then want Excel to only show the items related to the Red pen Fine nib rd123, Medium nib rd234, Thick nib rd345.
Not sure my subject is matching to my problem. This is my first Thread. I work in excel sheet to tracking meters and am and my boss updating this sheet. This sheet we have in server drive so we both can share. The problem is I need some formula to update automatically whoever updates last in sign column. E.g. Computer id, or something. I attached sheet for more clarification.
I'm kind of rusty with spreadsheets and Excel 2007 is entirely new to me. I'm not even sure what I'm trying to do would be called.
I have a spreadsheet that is a list of records; a name, ID number, one text, and four numeric columns per record.
I would like to make a set of buttons or something that will automatically do a custom sort. Basically a "sort by this criteria, sort by different criteria" etc. so I don't have to manually do the sort repeatedly.
i have in sheet1, where the client key in the data, and sheet2 where i have to give the latest data to my manager. i tried with isblank and sort but in vain.. attaching the sheet.
I have a workbook with many worksheets and I want to enable (or disable) it to "Refresh every n minutes" for ALL worksheets, as at the moment it seems I can only specify this option per worksheet rather than the whole workbook?
I have an excel file with a link to an access database. when you open the excel file it prompts to refresh the data enable/disable. I select enable and the excel file is saved as a different file and the query reference in the new saved file is deleted (static version)
I have managed to write code to remove the database link from the new saved as file but what I still havent figured out is that the source excel file is refreshed automaticly when the script is running. I have set the database properties on automatic refresh on open which works if I activate manualy the file but with script down below, it does not refresh the data automaticly. What is the VB code to refresh the data in the source XLS file??
Sub main() Dim prompt As Long prompt = 200503 Dim objExcelApp As Object Set objExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objExcelApp.displayalerts = False objExcelApp.Workbooks.Open "c: emp est.xls" 'this file has the connection with the access database. objExcelApp.Visible = True....................
I want to automatically update data from one spreadsheet to ther one i am novice to vb programming
here are two file plzzz help me out --sheet 1--sheet(data of sheet one to be copied into) and is there any way that the data copied also gets saved the in that spreadsheet as next time data in sheet 1 is updated!
In the attached file I'd like to have a formula on cell B3 that would pick the number from the latest entry on "Actual" columns (column K, column M....). This should update the cell each month data is entered in respective month column.
The workbook I have has a tab for Master List of Transactions - there is data in columns A through J. In column E, when a year is entered, the data in columns A through D is copied to a tab for the specific year entered in column E. When the data from columns A through D is copied to the specific year's tab, it does not change anymore. If the information is changed at all on the Master tab, the macro does not currently work to automatically update the information on the specific year's tab but I would like it to. Is this possible?
Here is the macro I currently have:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) ' Code goes in the Worksheet specific module Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim rng As Range Dim row_copy As Integer
[Code] ......
How to automatically update the year tabs for changes on the Master List of Transactions tab.
I am having an issue with automatically transferring data from several worksheets into a single summary and analysis worksheet. I receive single worksheet Excel files with data from a hundred people and need to move it to a summary sheet to produce totals, averages, etc., without manually selecting the data and doing copy/paste a hundred times.