Coloum Match: Doesn't Match Then Result Should Give "Please Check Again".
Dec 15, 2009
i have weights entered in A1 , B1 , C1 and I manually enter almost same weight in D1, E1, F1 . Now I need the result as " OK " in G1 if the weights A1,B1,C1 match with D1,E1,F1 if it doesn't match then result should give "Please check again".
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Sep 18, 2006
Attached is a spreadsheet that contains a list of Football teams (F) with corrasponding numbers next to them (E). In column A is a list of footballers and column B has a corrasponding number. WHat I want to be able to do is type in the footballers names in A and type a number next to them in B, in column C it would read off the corrasponding Team number and populate it with the team name. In the attached example I'll manually list the fist teams in B, i need a formula todo this for me. Probably quite simple.
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Sep 28, 2007
I've been asked to assist with modifications of an excel spreadsheet. One of the features is a column that has a formula of what the total order should be. For example, 1 base order of 25.00, plus 1 bonus order of 18.00, plus 2 bonus orders of 15.00 would be $73.00 due. Then data entry persons enter the actual amount collected. Is there a way to highlight either the cell or the result if the amount collected does not equal the amount due? I know I can accomplish this with another column, but they want to keep the columns to a minimum.
This is for a non-profit agency and the orders are now at 1000 that must be entered within a day or two period, so they want to keep the fields to a minimum so as to make the entry easier for those doing the input. And they would like the data entry person to see an immediate flag if what he or she enters as collected does not equal what is due.
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Jan 8, 2008
I have a long lists of values (product numbers) from our inventory records. Now, we've been given a new list of product numbers, some are the same and some are not.
I want to isolate (spit out) the values from column A, than don't match column B. Column B is the list we SHOULD be using, column A is what we're currently using. See example below.
Old Products New Products
34544 34544
34545 34546
34546 34547
34547 34548
34548 34550
34549 34551
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Feb 5, 2009
I've been using a Index and Match Functions to locate values,
What I'm trying to do is as follows:
Column A contains x values and Column B contains another value
A length is entered at the top of the worksheet, when the x value is greater than half the length the values will be mirrored about the centre point.
To do this i'm doing x-(length/2) to give the corresponding value of x on the other side of the length
I can do the If functions etc to sort all this out, but the match function isnt working, see attached, it isn't finding values which are in the list, when i use 0 for exact match, i've tried using 1 but it still isn't finding the correct values.
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Oct 27, 2009
I'm surprised and confused as to why =Match("",A1:A300,0) doesn't find blank cells in the "who does what" worksheet of the attached file.
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Dec 15, 2013
Now I'm trying to improve the functionality of the file attached above.I've attached the file again with another drop-down menu. What I'm trying to do is to have a sum of all the months between the two months indicated in the drop down menu.For example by picking two months from the drop down menus, I want to know the sum of the values between Jan-Mar (Jan, Feb and Mar), or for example Jul-Oct (Jul,Aug,Sep and Oct)...
I've tried to combine SUMPRODUCT with INDEX and MATCH but it doesn't work. I want to build upon this formula:
I forgot to mention that I have multiple strings (column E) which are NOT unique. Basically "VLOOKUP way" won't work, rather it should be "SUMIF way".
In the attached file I've added one additional row (r19), which is the same as r18, just to try how the summing will work.
Dynamic SUMIF(S).xlsx
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Jun 2, 2009
I have a column of cells (Column I2:I1063) with zip codes in it and I want to keep the row if the zip code matches one on the list in a column B2:B100 on a separate sheet (Sheet1).
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Nov 11, 2009
I am using subtotals for a large spreadsheet showing various sales by person and area. I have sorted the data by area then by person and insterted subtotals. All columns are fine, except two. On two columns, the grand total displayed does not match the sum of the areas.
If I remove the subtotals and sum the columns, they are all correct. It is only when using the subtotal function that the error occurs, and only ever on these two particular columns.
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Dec 11, 2008
i have work sheet with 2 coloums with random data...
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May 11, 2014
In a column in which there are repeating numbers is there a formula I can enter into conditional formatting that will highlight a cell when the number doesn't match the value from the value above it?
So in this example the values with an * would be highlighted.
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Nov 10, 2011
What I want to do is, given the data in col. a, I want to supply a number(range) of strings which can be found in column a, whenever a string is found, which exists in given range, I want to write the string from the Key(col. c) in col b instead of the value from the string that matches a value.
See below for example of what I got working but not exactly what I was looking for
Col. A- Data
Col. B - Result
Col. C - Keys
I used
This does produce a result, but not entirely what I am after.
This requires only one string to search for, and will in cell B1 result in a value of 'Orangegreen' as I can only supply one valeu to the function. What I want to do is supply the function with a range of values, and have those values outputtet in colb instead af the value of cells where the result is found.
I tried modifying the function to include a range, but that does not produce a valid result.
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Jun 29, 2013
I want to pull the file location of a hyperlink to populate a image control in a form. I have 150 names, each with pictures. So I need to do a index,match or vlook up within the VBA and make the result the active cell. From there I know how to pull the file location out. Just need to know how to make the address of a index match result in vba.
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Dec 25, 2007
I have used in Index & Match formula in column G as follows :
The codes in columns R & S are as follows:
******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - M_NECPE.Man Accts.xls___Running: 12.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutR1=RSTU1New CodesOld Codes 2 310100199999V 4101002NEW 51010032270A 61010061100 7101009NEW 81010101104 91010111101P 101010121101S 111010141102 121010151102L 131010181130 141010222203 151010231106I Sheet1 [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.
The code in column E & G is as follows:
******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - M_NECPE.Man Accts.xls___Running: 12.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutG62H62G63H63G64H64G65H65G66H66G67H67G68H68G69H69G70H70G71H71G72H72G73H73G74H74=EFGH621106B| 631100|101006 641101D| 651101K| 661101P|101011 671101S|101012 681102|101014 691105R| 701103|101037 711104|101010 721105| 731106|101031 741106I|101023 Sheet1 [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.
I have used a lookup table to calculate the value in column H as follows, but cannot get it to work
=IF(ISERR(VLOOKUP($E62,$M$3:$O$850,3))=1," ",VLOOKUP($E62,$M$3:$O$850,3))
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Dec 28, 2009
I have two lists of values in ascending order. Column A is an identifier and is always one more than the previous. Column B is ascending as well, but there is never any guarantee that it will increase from one row to the next or how much it will increase when it does.
My index formula looks like this: =INDEX(A2:A21,MATCH(D9,B2:B21,1)+1)
In this example, if D9 = 1 then it needs to return 6 but instead returns 10. How can I make this index for my purpose? Or should I be looking for a different function?
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Nov 21, 2006
I'm having problems with a formula. Here is what I would like to do:
I have a named range named "J46DATA".
If B5 returns "N/A" when matching to "J46DATA" and S5<>0 then return "DELETE" or IF B5 returns "N/A when matching to "J46DATA" and S5 = 0 then return " ALERT". anthing else can return false.
I started of with
But it wouldn't let me put the S5<>0 after that lat parantheses.
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Dec 3, 2013
In the attached file I used =MATCH(TRUE,INDEX($B$2:$B$10="",0)) to retrieve the location of the first empty cell.
When using the "Evaluate Formula" tool, it is clear that the position in the array created by the INDEX function is the 6th. Nevertheless, the final outcome is 9, being the last cell in range.
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Mar 20, 2014
I need some code to search "database" sheet column B:B for value "SearchString" and then either select the cell (0, 86) to the right or count the rows so I can move the the cell in the correct row.
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Jun 25, 2008
I'm using this formula (thanks to dafan & HalfAce [url]
to return the value located in the 3rd column of the range when the value in the 1st column of the range matches the data in A177.
However, there isn't a match for the data in A178 in the range, so the formula returns "#N/A". I would like the cell containing the formula to remain blank in those instances.
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Feb 27, 2010
I am using this to count how many times a particular number appears across numerous sheets, My sheets are in a Named Range MySheets....
This works great.
What I now need to do is to find ALL matches and return B1 from those sheets..
GHIJKLM1Countif ResultFirst ResultSecond ResultThird ResultFourth ResultFifth ResultSixth Result25AppleBananaPearMangoOrange31Banana43BananaMangoOrange
I have played around and the closest I can get is with this...
This as you may know only returns the result B1 from the first sheet within MySheets.
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May 10, 2007
I have 3 sets of table in a sheet, namely, BK,DC & BDM. Each of the table to shows the result (extracted from other sheets) for 12months and the rating that correspondence with the result. There is also 2 combobox and a commandbutton at the bottom of the sheet. The combobox1 is to select the item (BK,DC or BDM) and combobox2 is to select the month. This is because i need to create something whereby, once the item and month is selected, then the user is able to click on the commandbutton and a small window will appear to indicate the year to date result (extracted from the tables)
For example, if the user select BK in combobox1 and April in combobox2, then when they click on the commandbutton, the following happens: -
1. Calculate the average percentage of the performance from Jan - Apr (I'm using the Excel formula for step 1 & 2)
2. Generate Rating
3. Populate the result in a small pop-up window which has the header as per what is selected in combobox1.
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Sep 1, 2009
the table look as follows;..........
Meaning. Cell A1 (A) gets a match then checks in the same row on column two matching with another table B1 (2).. if both cells in both columns are matched, then C1 (55) will be returned. =INDEX(C:C;MATCH(A1;A:A;0);MATCH(A2;B:B;0)). I can sort the whole table and use vlookup, but how can i make it without sorting ?
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Oct 7, 2006
Sheet 2 is the problem.
I need to match cells e3:h3 whenver the dates change in in cells c5:c9 and then put there result of cells b5:b9 into the corresponding cells of e5:h9.
Basically what I'm saying is that I want to keep a track of all previous pay amounts from each pay period. So when the next period changes the date it also copies the new pay amount to the corresponding date of the previous pay section.
I have included a sample.
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Jun 5, 2008
I have 24 cells I want to compare to another 24 cells. I want to compare cell G5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60 with cell K5, 7, 9, etc. Cell G5 has to be compared to K5, G7 with K7 and so on. All the cells consist of is 1, X or 2. I want excel to count the number of matches and write it in cell G63.
But since I am a total noob when it comes to excel I have no idea how to do it.
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Nov 10, 2006
I am trying to have a macro to take a value from a text box and see if it is matches a value that is in a specified range. If it comes back true then it shows an error message. This code is working for text values, but if it is numeric it will not find find it.
Sub SearchForMatch()
'Procedure level declarations
Dim rngCell As Range
Dim bMatch As Boolean
' Loop through each cell in the nominated range
For Each rngCell In Range("B4:B50")
'If there us a matching value then set your
'boolean flag to true and exit the loop
If rngCell.Value = TextBox1.Value Then
bMatch = True
Exit For
End If
'If a match was found then alert the user
If bMatch Then MsgBox ("Name already exsists.")
End Sub
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Aug 29, 2007
If you open the attachment.. then you will see that Column A has all the names and Column B has it's Value.. likewise.. Column D has all the names and Column C has it's values...I'm trying to first match the names from Column A to Column D and then see if Column B matches to Column C..
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May 19, 2014
Here is a code for me to print the names in ascending order even if values are of same means it is showing one name only instead of the other name
means if values are A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=2
it has to show like this A B E C D
But the result is coming like this A B B C D
Formula which i used
Here i am attaching the sample file for your reference
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Jun 9, 2014
In the attached sheet, i have data in 2 sheets in the same fromat. Both the sheets are seperate reports.
Coloumn A is the list of Team Ids, Coloumn B is the Ids of people who are assigned in the team. Sheet 2 also have the same details with changes in the people ID.
i am trying to find if the people IDs in report 1 is the same in report 2. i need a formula that will check if the people ID is matching to the same team ID as in report 1.. If its not the same, the formula should be able to show that.
eg :
In report 1, "197595" in coloumn B is against "4011-11341" in Coloumn A.
I need to check if "197595" is against "4011-11341" or some other number in report 2. If "197595" is not against "4011-11341" in report 2, it should show me " Miss match". if "197595" is is against "4011-11341" in report 2 as well, it should show me "match"Project match.xlsx
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Apr 6, 2013
what i am trying to do is look at an entire column, and see if that same date exists in the other Activity tab, if the dates match, then show the activity
here is the formula i am using, =IF($A9=Activity!$A2,Activity!$B2,"No Activity")
my problem is that i am only able to isolate one of the cells,, how do i check the entire column?
in other words, if i select two weeks, those two weeks of activity will show, if i select all weeks, all of the weeks activity will show, right now i can only get one of the weeks
my data looks like the following
1st tab
1/8/2013 - 1/14/2013
1/29/2013 - 2/4/2013
1/22/2013 - 1/28/2013
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Feb 22, 2007
This is what i want to do: SEE ATTACHEMENT
•Write codes to pop up an InputBox to ask the user for a customer name.
•The program uses the user’s input to check whether the name is on the list. If it is, display an msgbox saying that the customer name is on the list, and the corresponding cell will be indicated in boldface and in blue. Otherwise, an msgbox will be displayed saying that the customer name is not on the list.
Dim the customer list as an array (string var. type) and Dim Found as Boolean. You will need the If-Then construction and For-Next or Do-While/Until loop too). Create a button to run and another to restore the formatting to its original style.
This is what i did so far and still having problems with it:
Option Explicit
Sub customers()
Dim Arr()
Dim R As Integer
Dim C As Integer
Dim ReturnColumn As Boolean
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