Match Columns To Check If Condition Met

Aug 29, 2007

If you open the attachment.. then you will see that Column A has all the names and Column B has it's Value.. likewise.. Column D has all the names and Column C has it's values...I'm trying to first match the names from Column A to Column D and then see if Column B matches to Column C..

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Check To See If Dates Match In Two Separate Columns?

Apr 6, 2013

what i am trying to do is look at an entire column, and see if that same date exists in the other Activity tab, if the dates match, then show the activity

here is the formula i am using, =IF($A9=Activity!$A2,Activity!$B2,"No Activity")

my problem is that i am only able to isolate one of the cells,, how do i check the entire column?

in other words, if i select two weeks, those two weeks of activity will show, if i select all weeks, all of the weeks activity will show, right now i can only get one of the weeks

my data looks like the following

1st tab
1/8/2013 - 1/14/2013
1/29/2013 - 2/4/2013
1/22/2013 - 1/28/2013


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Check To Match Columns Separate Sheets

Mar 20, 2007

I have a column on sheet 1 which contains 200 lines with a unique number in each row (account codes). I have another sheet (sheet 2) which contains the same column. sometimes an extra row for an extra account code is added to the col in sheet 1. I need to make sure that the col I have in sheet 2 always has exactly the same as the col in sheet one, where the same account code should never be repeated. I am currently trying to setup a sheet where I keep all the checks and controls.

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Formula To Look At Data In Multiple Columns And Check For A Match

Nov 15, 2012

Any formula that can look at the data in multiple columns and check for a match - returning a value such as YES or NO. Below is an example of my sheet.



[Code] ..........

Basically the formula would be in Column G and would look at B, D, & F to see if they match or not. In the example above - row two - they all match. So a True, 1, or Text option such as YES would be great. Same as row 3 only you can see they are different.

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Check If Condition Is Met

Nov 7, 2006

Private Sub cmdNext_Click()
' Save form contents before changing rows:
' check that it is not the last row - if it is then show message
' and do not go to next record:
If Sheets("Data"). Cells(lCurrentRow, 1).Value = "" Then
MsgBox "This is the last Output."
lCurrentRow = lCurrentRow - 1
Exit Sub ' Abort if no data:
End If...................

I'm having trouble with is the bit where it is supposed to ask for the txtAddInfo to be filled (if blank) and if the txtdifference is greater than 10% or less than -10%. It seems to work fine if the txtDifference is less than -10% but not if the txtDifference is greater than 10%. It just seems to get stuck, the message box is displayed even if txtAddInfo has infomation within it.

I'm not sure why as I use ..........

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Check For Plus/Minus Condition

May 31, 2007

With out using Conditional Formatting, how can I check a cells value if it can fall within a range of +-.002?

I have this code but it seems to have limitations.

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Check Delete Condition

Sep 23, 2007

Suppose I have a excel sheet,in this sheet has 7 columns(A to G).I need to do with my sheet with this condition.

-Keep the rows that have the same value of datas in column A,C,G and they must have different datas in column E and F.

-The other row that not same as above condition must be deleted.

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VBA Check Condition Until True Before Moving On?

Jan 17, 2012

Is it possible to have excel continually check if a columns used row count in a particular column is greater than a number before moving on to the next part of code?

The reason I'm doing this is because one formula will pull in data from bloomberg which can take some time (5 seconds or so).

Some other code that places formulas into other adjacent columns depends on the number of rows in the first column. So the code following the data pull wil fail if the above hasn't finished pulling yet.

I was thinking about doing something like a do nothing until true?

Here's what I have that is not working:

Do Until Range("A1:A6").Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).Count > 5 Range("F1").Select

I expect that the number of used rows in column A should be greater than 5 once data is pulled. In this case I just had VBA select F1 until the count was greater than 5 before moving on. but I think it's interfering with the pull and will coninue to loop..

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Prevent Click On Check Box If Condition Met

Oct 20, 2006

I have two check boxes in a worksheet created from the "Forms" toolbar.

Is it possible to prevent a user from clicking these two check boxes if he meet a condition in cell A1.

Eg, If cell A1 value is "Marketing", the user is not able to click on these two boxes.

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Add Conditional Formatting Based On A Check Box Condition?

Aug 21, 2014

I would like to change the color of a cell to either green, yellow, or red based on a few conditions. One of the conditions would be based on whether a check box was checked or not.

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Check Column For Unique Entries And Add One Further Condition

Sep 17, 2009

I need to count all unique entries in column A (list of names) (this bit I can do!)...however:

Column B gives each name a value of A or B, I need to count all unique names with an A and all unique entries with a B.


Matt A
Matt A
Matt A
Bob A
Tom B
Tom B

This would give a count of 2 for A's and 1 for B's.

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Coloum Match: Doesn't Match Then Result Should Give "Please Check Again".

Dec 15, 2009

i have weights entered in A1 , B1 , C1 and I manually enter almost same weight in D1, E1, F1 . Now I need the result as " OK " in G1 if the weights A1,B1,C1 match with D1,E1,F1 if it doesn't match then result should give "Please check again".

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Return 1 Result From Many Based On Multiple Condition Check Of Cell Value

May 21, 2008

I am trying to write a formula to figure out Body Mass Indexes for certain age groups and whether or not they fall into a High or Low risk category. So, I am trying to write a formula that does the following. I have 3 columns, Gender, Age and BMI. I need the formula to do the following.

IF Gender = M AND Age >18, <39 AND BMI >7%, <19%, Then return an "L" into 4th column
IF Gender = M AND Age >18, <39 AND BMI >19%, Then return an "H" into 4th column
IF Gender = M AND Age >40, <59 AND BMI >14%, <23%, Then return an "L" into 4th column..............................

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Match The Row Values On Condition

Apr 20, 2009

I need a macro to match the row values on condotion.

To match the Q column values with S column values.

If suppose i have data i lke this then,

Q| R |S
1|22 yes 22
2|33 no 38
3|35 no 42
4|38 no 45
5|42 no 50
6|45 no
7|50 no

then the output should be like

Q| R |S
1|22 yes 22
2|33 no
3|35 no
4|38 yes 38
5|42 yes 42
6|45 yes 45
7|50 yes 50

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Update Logic In Attached Macro To Include Condition To Check Data Not Existing

Mar 17, 2013

I have attached excel with the logic I am using, but I have a problem and needed logic to update to make sure it is not inserting same data (duplicate data).

Please update the logic so that if it is having same data in sheet 3 it should not insert or delete duplicate.

Public Sub CopyData()
Dim ws As Worksheet, bi As Byte, vData(1 To 9), bi1 As Byte, vData1(1 To 9), bi2 As Byte, vData2(1 To 9), bi3 As Byte, vData3(1 To 9), bi4 As Byte, vData4(1 To 9)
Set ws = Sheets("Sheet2")
For bi = 1 To 9

[Code] .........

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Include Another Match Condition To Formula?

Jul 16, 2014

I have this formula =IF(EXACT($E3,N$2),$C3/$I3,"") This works

I now need to add another match condition to the formula using H3,J1 so it would be something like this =IF(EXACT($E3,N$2),(H3,J1),$C3/$I3,"")

But not working

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Count Two Arrays With Match Condition

Dec 25, 2012

Build table with 2 matching condition.

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Match 1st And 2nd Columns In 2 Sheets And Return 3rd / 4th And 5th Column If Match

Dec 15, 2013


What im trying to do is match columns A & B from AUDIT Sheet to Columns A & B in MASTER sheet. If they match then pull columns C, D & E from MASTER into AUDIT.

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Counting Items If They Match A Condition In Another Column

Apr 2, 2012

I need to be able to count items if they match a condition in another column, as below

1 Apple Red
2 Apple Green
3 Apple Red
4 Pear Green
5 Apple Red
6 Pear Green
7 Pear Red
8 Apple Red

How can I count how many Red Apples there are. The answer should be 4 but when I use countifs I can either count the no of apples in Col. A or the no of colour Red in Col. B.

I have tried every combination of if, vlookup, and count that I can but keep getting errors or single col. counting.

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VBA To Extract Data From Sheets If It Match Condition

Nov 13, 2012

I wanted to extract the data from the sheets if it match condition.

In the sheet george, data is in the A9: AE500. in the B9:B500, there is date format (mm-yy).

In the H9:AD500, designed as checklist where update as "Y" if or nothing

I wanted to extract the data from this file to sheet Exctract if any of the cell in the H9:H500 not equal to "Y" and B9:B500 of sheet george is less than or equal to D2 of sheet Extract. in the sheet George, some row will be hidden, i wanted to bring the data from hidden rows also.

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Match Column And Colour Based On Condition

Feb 22, 2007

i am trying to do is match 2 columns data based on a condition ie i have data in column "b" of sheet called "balance" data is variable this column has unique indentifiers i want to look at another column and match the uniques identifiers in another sheet if the cell value in column "D" = "please investigate" otherwise do nothing, the (column f) it will be looking up too is in sheet called "hi- port" so if cell value in column "d" of sheet"balace"= "please investigate" match values that are same from colum "b" of sheet "balance" to that of column (f) sheet called "hi-port"

i would like to colour only entire row of sheet called "hi-port" when the data matches to other sheet ie from columns "f " too " b". colour can be any colour
igonre my ranges they are wrong just used as example

Sub start()
Dim oWs As Worksheet
Dim oRngCheck As Range
Dim oCl As Range
Dim cCola As Range
Dim cColb As Range
Dim rngIRd As Range
Dim rngACs As Range
Dim Match As Boolean
Set rngIRd = Range("a1", Range("a65536").End(xlUp)) 'define the rang
Set rngACs = Range("b1", Range("a65536").End(xlUp)) 'define the rang
Set oWs = Worksheets("balance") 'change to suit
'starts at b2 to llow for header row.......................

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Match Condition And Copy To The Next Empty Cell

Sep 21, 2007

I am trying to do the following....I have data in three column in the "historydata" sheet, A, B, C. A lists the dates, B lists categories, and C lists some data. The data in column C is defined by the date and category in column A and B. What I want to do is...I want to copy data in C to the next empty cell in another spreadsheet if it meets the date and category condition. (for instance, if (y,A)=9/17/2007 and (y, B) = bond A, then I want to copy (y,c) to the next empty cell in sheet "marginreq" based on the first column. Here is my code...but it doesn't work.

Sub OJOM()

Dim A As Integer

A = 2

Do While Worksheets("Historydata").Cells(A, 1) <> ""

If Worksheets("Historydata").Cells(A, 2).Value = Worksheets("MarginReq").Range("B5") And Worksheets("Historydata").Cells(A, 3).Value = Worksheets("MarginReq").Range("B7") Then

Application. ScreenUpdating = False

Worksheets("Historydata").Cells(A, 3). CurrentRegion.copy Sheets("MarginReq").cells(rows,count,1).End(xlUp).Offset(1,0)


Application.CutCopyMode = False

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End If


End Sub

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Index + Match With Another Check

Sep 1, 2009

the table look as follows;..........

Meaning. Cell A1 (A) gets a match then checks in the same row on column two matching with another table B1 (2).. if both cells in both columns are matched, then C1 (55) will be returned. =INDEX(C:C;MATCH(A1;A:A;0);MATCH(A2;B:B;0)). I can sort the whole table and use vlookup, but how can i make it without sorting ?

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Compare 2 Cells And Check For A Match

Jun 5, 2008

I have 24 cells I want to compare to another 24 cells. I want to compare cell G5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60 with cell K5, 7, 9, etc. Cell G5 has to be compared to K5, G7 with K7 and so on. All the cells consist of is 1, X or 2. I want excel to count the number of matches and write it in cell G63.
But since I am a total noob when it comes to excel I have no idea how to do it.

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Check For TextBox Value Match In Range

Nov 10, 2006

I am trying to have a macro to take a value from a text box and see if it is matches a value that is in a specified range. If it comes back true then it shows an error message. This code is working for text values, but if it is numeric it will not find find it.

Sub SearchForMatch()
'Procedure level declarations
Dim rngCell As Range
Dim bMatch As Boolean
' Loop through each cell in the nominated range
For Each rngCell In Range("B4:B50")
'If there us a matching value then set your
'boolean flag to true and exit the loop
If rngCell.Value = TextBox1.Value Then
bMatch = True
Exit For
End If

'If a match was found then alert the user
If bMatch Then MsgBox ("Name already exsists.")
End Sub

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Copy Rows Where Cells In Column Match Condition/Criteria

May 5, 2008

I did a search to find a question similar to mine and I found this:
Copying data matching a criteria into another spreadsheet

This is exactly the same concept I am trying to accomplish, but don't know how all. I couldn't follow the thread either.

I have a schedule which is constantly being updated (simplier version attached). I want to create a schedule, which will:
1) First ask which region to display the information for (I would like to create the same pop up menu to choose from)
2) Then, it will select only that region's information (all rows & columns) and copy them into a new worksheet and lists it all
-if you go back to the Master List, you can again choose another Region and it will create another new worksheet with that region's information
3) Don't know if this is making things more complicated, but at the bottom of the attached file, there are 3 lines under "Land".

Is it possible to list these under the same spreadsheet as the region it is pertaining to but classify it separately under "Land" (ie leaving space, so it is clear this is separate

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Check If Data Match In Two Separate Sheets

Jun 9, 2014

In the attached sheet, i have data in 2 sheets in the same fromat. Both the sheets are seperate reports.

Coloumn A is the list of Team Ids, Coloumn B is the Ids of people who are assigned in the team. Sheet 2 also have the same details with changes in the people ID.

i am trying to find if the people IDs in report 1 is the same in report 2. i need a formula that will check if the people ID is matching to the same team ID as in report 1.. If its not the same, the formula should be able to show that.

eg :

In report 1, "197595" in coloumn B is against "4011-11341" in Coloumn A.

I need to check if "197595" is against "4011-11341" or some other number in report 2. If "197595" is not against "4011-11341" in report 2, it should show me " Miss match". if "197595" is is against "4011-11341" in report 2 as well, it should show me "match"Project match.xlsx

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Array To Check User Input Match

Feb 22, 2007

This is what i want to do: SEE ATTACHEMENT

•Write codes to pop up an InputBox to ask the user for a customer name.

•The program uses the user’s input to check whether the name is on the list. If it is, display an msgbox saying that the customer name is on the list, and the corresponding cell will be indicated in boldface and in blue. Otherwise, an msgbox will be displayed saying that the customer name is not on the list.

Dim the customer list as an array (string var. type) and Dim Found as Boolean. You will need the If-Then construction and For-Next or Do-While/Until loop too). Create a button to run and another to restore the formatting to its original style.

This is what i did so far and still having problems with it:

Option Explicit

Sub customers()

Dim Arr()
Dim R As Integer
Dim C As Integer
Dim ReturnColumn As Boolean

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Subtracting 2 Columns Of Data From Each Other When Labels In Separate Columns Match

Feb 20, 2009

I have four columns of data, as follows:

label 1, value 1, label 2, value 2

I need to create a formula in the fith column that for each line will tell excel to:

look for entry in 'label 1' in 'label 2' if there is a match, then subtract value 1 from value 2, display result.

I have tried doing this with SUMIF but am getting nowhere fast....

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Index And Match To Check Data And Provide Exception Results

Mar 25, 2014

Currently i am using index and match in excel but however i am unable to get the result tt I want.. what i need is

Data to check with item master whether all 3 (article, color code and size) matches and if it doesn't match, which of the field is wrong. (eg: wrong color code, wrong size or article don't exist).

[Code] .......

Above is my item master

Data to check

[Code] ........

Example case: 1

Checking first row of data check

Article number: 2-50660147

Color code: 6

Size: M

Result: "Wrong size"

But however, it returns as wrong size as it only reads the first time the article number appear in the item master and does not recognize the second time the article number appears with the correct color and size.

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