Combined Hundreds Numbers

Jan 24, 2009

I have hundreds of numbers in column A and I want to combined these numbers in call B1 with “ , ”


column "A"


Call "B1"


I am using attached sheet for this thing but I can’t use any other new sheet, is there any another way to do this. I need formula. So I can use any sheets.

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Converting Numbers From Hundreds To Whole $

Aug 29, 2012

I have this value in a cell 38761.8296804781 which is displaying as 38,762. I want to display it as $38,761,829. Is this possible without going through each cell and moving the decimal point?

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Combined Numbers And Texts Without Delimiter

Aug 23, 2012

My excel sheet contains inventory of products and quantities, each is in a form of combined number followed by text without a delimeter. For example 2AWS means Two (2) of AWS.

Each cell in my excel database may contain pair of products, each is defined in the above form but the pair of products are separated with a comma.

I need to calculate the total number of each product and split in two different cells.

For example:

Cell A1: 3GFG, 2AWS
Cell A2: 2NG, 1AWS
Cell A3: 1NG, 4GFG

Desired Output

GFG7 (i.e. Cell A5: GFG , Cell B5:7 etc.)

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Combined Numbers And Texts Without Delimiter - Split And Perform Calculations

Aug 24, 2012

My excel database sheet contains inventory of products and quantities, each is defined in the form of combined number followed by text without a delimiter. For example 2AWS means Two (2) of AWS.

Each cell of the inventory field may contain up to two products, each product is identified in the above format; but the pair of products are separated with a comma.

The inventory field is occupying from cell $A$2:$A$5000; and is defined as a named range "INV_QTY" with scope within the entire workbook. I need to calculate the total inventory for each product.

Here's an example:

Cell A2: 3GFG, 1AWS
Cell A3: 2NG, 2AWS
Cell A4: 3AWS
Cell A5: 4QLK, 4GFG


The desired output should be calculated as follows (assume Input will be on Column C & D)

Product - QTY
GFG - 7 (i.e. Cell C2: GFG , Cell D2:7 etc.)
AWS - 6
NG - 2
QLK - 4

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Convert Hundreds Of .dbf To .csv

Mar 9, 2009

I have hundreds of .dbf files that I am manually converting to .csv using Excel. Unfortunately, my .dbf collection is growing faster than I can convert them. Is there a way to convert all the .dbf files in the current folder to .csv? All the .dbf files are in the same folder.

The path to them would be the same as the macro file.

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Searching For 50 Combinations Of Something Out Of Hundreds

Aug 10, 2008

ive got table consisting of about 4000 entries. Below is a small example.


I want to be able to make a button through macro's, where when pressed, it shows only certain postcodes - the way i've been doing it so far is using a combination of If, And, and Or functions to return true or false if a postcode begins with either 'AH4, AH1' and has an order number beginning with 'W', for example. Then I'd record a macro where it shows the ones showing true, via data filter. The problem I've got is I need to search for about 50 different combinations of postcode, out of a list of maybe 300 types of postcode, and using my current IF,AND,OR functions, I simply run out of room in the formula bar! For example, I need find a postcode beginning with CB1-25 (i.e. CB1, CB2, CB3) etc..etc.. the only problem is if i use my current LEFT function, and i want to search for say, CB1, CB14, CB15, out of a list of 'CB1,CB14,CB15,CB16', it will still return a postcode beginning with CB16, due to the CB1.

In the link I've highlighted the postcodes I want to search for out of that small list, and hopefully any solution I'm giving here I could expand to up to 100 combinations out of 500 combinations of postcode, for example.

How do I get it to search for a massive combination of criteria?

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Sum Based On Hundreds Of Conditions

Aug 3, 2012

I am tasked with making a matrix that I cant seem to solve.

I have solved it on a small scale using


The issue is that I need where {"One","Two","Three"} is to contain between 3 and 334 conditions.

Basically we have a data table that contains "channels" that have multiple affiliates under it. Then we have a data table by affiliate by country and revenue... I want revenue by Country By Channel...

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Shortcut With Multiplying Hundreds Of Cells

Aug 17, 2009

I have over 500 countries with unique shipping costs associated with each... each of them has the same mark-up price... 2.25. I am hoping to be able to insert a formula that will cover each country... i am currently entering each one indivdually (E10*2.25), then the next one (E11*2.25), etc.

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Method For Running Hundreds Of SUMPRODUCT Lines

Aug 22, 2012

I have a very large spreadsheet that included a large number of SUMPRODUCT formulas. Many of them are running formulas that have SUMPRODUCT layered.

I have most of the SUMPRODUCT lines running 2 arrays to check for the date field. It sees if the date is >= the start date cell and <= the end date cell.

It runs fine, and works great, from a data standpoint. However, I am already running into slowdown when altering the date fields. The workbook is still in the starting stages and is going to get MUCH larger.

I have attached a sample sheet showing a little bit of what I am talking about. The SUMPRODUCT functions on sheet 3 all point to the start and end date fields, and the data updates as they are changed.

I need to find a way to condense the SUMPRODUCT lines. Is there a way that I could run one SUMPRODUCT line in a cell and then reference that cell for all of the other lines? Or is this just the best way to do this?


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Excel 2007 :: Using Sumproduct (or Alternative) For Hundreds Of Criteria?

Feb 13, 2013

I have a some data where I need to sum some data based on date range, and dept id's. But the dept ids are parts of various groups. For ex, one group covers about 300+ dept id's. Some of them have ranges (e.g. dept 1000 - 1050) but for whatever reason some dept id's that belong to other groups sometimes fall into the same ranges.

My first hope was one big range, but the overlap issue nixed that. As I mentioned there are some ranges so maybe 100 of them could be grouped into a range but I'd still have 200+ independent dept id's.

I read for 2003 the max criteria for sumproduct is 30 and for 2007+ it's 255. So maybe 2007 might cut it but this doesn't seem like the right way.

Btw, I'm doing this in VBA but I mention sumproduct because I've used it a few times within code via evaluate. Otherwise do I just have a massive string in vba (If deptid = #### or deptid = #### or deptid = #### etc)?

Again, it seems like there should be a better way. I thought about making a master list of all the dept's and sumproduct each one individually and then sum from the ones that fall under group but even then I have to identify the deptids I need for a particular group.

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Excel 2010 :: Print Hundreds Of 6 Column Charts Using Maximum Page For Printing

Apr 28, 2013

I am using Excel 2010

I have over 800+ pages of chart that only takes up 6 columns and around like 9000+ rows.

I wanted to print this chart on paper and need hardcopies. However, the chart in its current setup prints only on the left half of the page leaving the right half empty.

How do i make use of the full space properly? Each chart has a "page number" on it so I want the chart to print continuously from one half of the page onto the next half and then the second page, third, etc.

Here is a visual demonstration of how things currently are and how i'd like to get them to be:

As you can see, This is the first of many charts and its numbered Page 9 and next one is page 10.


How this looks when i try to print, it's only on the left side. right is all blank

How i want it to look like upon printing

As you can see in the last picture, once page 14 chart has no space it automatically continues chart on right side of page and then moves on to print rest.


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Printing Multiple Sheets In Workbook With Hundreds Of Sheets

Feb 18, 2014

I have a work sheet named "Main_List"...In column D starting with "D2" I would like to list worksheets that I would like to have printed via VBA.

The workbook has several hundred worksheets and I would like to list in column D only worksheets that I would like to print with VBA code.

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Sheets To Be Combined

Nov 15, 2007

I have a workbook with 17 sheets, is there a easy way to get all 17 sheets combined into one sheet?

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Vlookup & Max Combined

Jun 28, 2006

I have a formula that uses the max function/formula (I am not sure of the terminology) to summarise the maximum value contained within a cumulative list of monthly expenditure in cells F12 to F60 (i.e MAX(Cashflow!F12:F60)) of a very old sheet I am working on, I was wondering if it was possible to have a cell that displays the profiled expenditure which is displayed in column E adjacent to the cell containing the maximum expenditure.

I have tried using the vlookup formula however combing formulas!

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Frequency Combined With IF Statement?

Mar 26, 2014

Sample Excel with Frequency.xls.Attached a sample sheet with some data. What I'm trying to do is combine the frequency function and add another variable. Not sure how to do this. I'm using Excel 2003, so I don't think I can use "countifs".

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SUMIF With Combined Rows

Jun 19, 2014

I am having a list consisting of two columns. Column A describes a "product" and the currency directly below. In column B i have the quantity of the product and below the value. Now i have products in USD and EUR and would like to only sum up the quantity of all products which are in USD. A simple example is attached and i calculated the target valua manually. The values i would like to sum are market in red.

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Sumif & Sumproduct (combined Together)

Oct 29, 2008

i would to combined these together

can this be done

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Validation And Formula Combined?

Jan 13, 2010

I have a Yes/No list that I use in two cells for data validation:

Cell A1 has the Yes/No list for data validation.

Cell A10 has the Yes/No list for data validation.

I want A10 to become No if the user selects "No" in the A1 pull-down list.

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Combined Dates Formatting

Feb 3, 2010

I am trying to combine 2 dates into the 1 cell separated by the word "TO:" So I have: =B2&" TO: "&C2
Which results in: 40211 TO: 40240
What I need is: 02/02/10 TO: 03/03/10

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Nested Ifs Combined In 1 Cell

Oct 24, 2007

I have about 5 nested if statements in 5 different cells. The problem is I need to combine all 5 nested if statements into 1 cell. Can someone show me how this is done. I don't want to try vlookup since the ifs are already written. I named all of the formulas as one, two, three, four, five to help me keep track of them. Need to figure out what I have to do to combine all of the if statements into 1 cell.

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SUMPRODUCT Combined With Other Functions

Nov 13, 2008

i'm trying to perform an operation that gets the standard deviation of all open status. See my formula.


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Write Formula Using IF / OR And AND Combined Together?

Sep 9, 2013

I am trying to write a formula using IF, OR & AND combined together, but I can't see to get my formula in the correct order. I have tried moving several sections around but I still keep getting an error.

IF(OR((A2="1A",A2="2A",A3="3A",AND(IF(OR(B2="Q4 2013",B2="Q1 2014"),"Y","N")

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Combined Countif Formula

Feb 27, 2008

The goal is to count up the number of rows in a database that have both properties:

1.) empty cell in Column B

2.) "XYZ" found somewhere in column D

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Fuction Combined With Sumproduct

Apr 2, 2009

I have a sumproduct function picking up data from a different worksheet. Because i have to much data it takes too much memory and it doesnt run that smoothly. Therefore i have hardcoded the function and tried to evaluate it using the EVAL() function from the morefunc add-in. However i don't get it to work. It continuously returns #VALUE.

This is the code i am trying to evaluate

SUMPRODUCT(--('Retrieve Depletions'!$A$4:$A$5000=$D4),--('Retrieve Depletions'!$B$4:$B$5000=$E4),--('Retrieve Depletions'!$C$4:$C$5000=$F4),--('Retrieve Depletions'!$D$4:$D$5000=$G4),--('Retrieve Depletions'!$E$4:$E$5000=$I4),--('Retrieve Depletions'!$F$4:$F$5000=$J4),'Retrieve Depletions'!H$4:H$5000)

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VLookup Combined With Count / Sum Function

Jul 12, 2014

I am attempting to create a vlookup formula that will count or sum a series of data so that I can pull it over into a summary sheet on a report. The vlookup formula that I am using is

=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP($A34,'Jan 14'!$N$2:$AF$36,12,FALSE)),0,VLOOKUP($A34,'Jan 14'!$N$2:$AF$36,12,FALSE))

It seems to be working I just cant figure out how to incorporate the count or sum function into it where I need it.

Test Sample File.xlsx

I have attached a sample of the file I am working with.

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LEFT And SUMPRODUCT Functions Combined?

Feb 26, 2014

I have two columns of data that I need to use SUMPRODUCT on. However, in one of the columns, there might be text after the number. The text can be several different characters. I only want to use the numbers, never the text. Also, there are usually blank cells within Column B and at the bottoms of both columns because this formula is going into a template for future worksheets that all have differing numbers of rows.







For the above example, I want the result to be 9879 (14*16 + 40*0 + 20*150 + 97*67 + 13*12 + 0*0 + 0*0 = 9879).

I've tried using the LEFT function to only get the numbers before any text, but I can't make it work with the blank cells at the bottoms of the columns.

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Make Combined List From Several Tables

Nov 28, 2013

I need to make a Combined Name List from several tables by formula or Macro code.

Attached file defined detail and what is exact wanted.


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Sorting Combined Number And Data

Apr 20, 2012

How to correctly sort data when it contains both text and numbers.

This is what is currently happening


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Large Function Combined With Sumif

May 23, 2012

I know how to use the large function when looking for a specific criteria as the example below illustrates:


What I'm trying to do is take this one step further and not only find the nth largest numbers in a set of data based on a particular criteria, but also sum those numbers because they repeat in a table: for example a sample table is below:

Account Accout # Store # channel $ sales
A 1000 10001 green $100
B 1001 10011 green $230
A 1000 10002 green $120
C 1002 10021 brown $145
A 1000 10003 green $100
D 1003 10031 red $20
B 1001 10012 green $50

So what I'm basically attempting to do is bring in the nth largest accounts within the "green" channel. Now if these were the top 5 stores I was looking for, the formula from above would suffice. However since this deals with accounts and the account # repeat I need to bring in the total sum of those repeating accounts instead of just one of the unique stores. So if I was seeking the largest account (NOT store) within the "green" channel the correct values this formula would be:

Account A $320

I would imagine we would need to combine a sumif with a large function or maybe involve sumproduct somehow.

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Pounds To Kg Separation In Combined Data

Aug 19, 2013

I receive a monthly spreadsheet from our trucking company which tracks the package and weight of that package. However I need to pull the weight out and run a report on total weight. However it is a mix of pounds and kilograms. Please see my example. What I want is a final column of all weight converted to kilograms. Note as well the spacing in the data as sometimes the "lbs" is right next to the number and other times there is a space between them.

Raw Data

package 1

package 2
5 kgs

[Code] ........

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