Combined Numbers And Texts Without Delimiter - Split And Perform Calculations
Aug 24, 2012
My excel database sheet contains inventory of products and quantities, each is defined in the form of combined number followed by text without a delimiter. For example 2AWS means Two (2) of AWS.
Each cell of the inventory field may contain up to two products, each product is identified in the above format; but the pair of products are separated with a comma.
The inventory field is occupying from cell $A$2:$A$5000; and is defined as a named range "INV_QTY" with scope within the entire workbook. I need to calculate the total inventory for each product.
Here's an example:
Cell A2: 3GFG, 1AWS
Cell A3: 2NG, 2AWS
Cell A4: 3AWS
Cell A5: 4QLK, 4GFG
The desired output should be calculated as follows (assume Input will be on Column C & D)
Product - QTY
GFG - 7 (i.e. Cell C2: GFG , Cell D2:7 etc.)
AWS - 6
NG - 2
QLK - 4
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Aug 23, 2012
My excel sheet contains inventory of products and quantities, each is in a form of combined number followed by text without a delimeter. For example 2AWS means Two (2) of AWS.
Each cell in my excel database may contain pair of products, each is defined in the above form but the pair of products are separated with a comma.
I need to calculate the total number of each product and split in two different cells.
For example:
Cell A1: 3GFG, 2AWS
Cell A2: 2NG, 1AWS
Cell A3: 1NG, 4GFG
Desired Output
GFG7 (i.e. Cell A5: GFG , Cell B5:7 etc.)
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Jan 10, 2008
i have wordlists which i would like to enhance through texts. For that purpose i need a macro which reads a text and splitts it into words and put the words into three columns. Lets assume the column where the words are supposed to be put is columns A,C and E. The column A should contain single words containing no spaces from Text, column C should contain compound words which have one space between them and in column E those compounds which have two spaces. Now i will put my existing wordlist in column G before i start splitting texts. The macro should put only those words from text into column A,C and E which dont already exist in columns A,B,C,D,E,F and G. In Column B i will place the corrected or checked words from column A. In column D i will type the corrections and checked versions of those compunds existing in column C. And the column F will contain the compound words which are corrected and checked from Column E.
Column A--> single words splitted from text through macro (containing no spaces)
Column B--> corrected and checked versions of words from column A through user
Column C--> compound words containing one space splitted from text through macro (for example:"etwas möchten" or "do something")
Column D-->corrected version of C through user
Column E-->compound words containing two space splitted from text through macro (for example:"sich uerberzeugen lassen" or "down in dumps")
Column F-->corrected E
Column G--> existing dictionary wordlist through user
Signes like ".", ":",";", "/" or quotation signe itself should be seen as seperator. And the words or compounds splitted from the text should not contain these signs.
The text will be put in another sheet in the same excel file. Lets call that sheet "text". The macro should search for words through whole sheet ignoring empty cells or columns.
None of the columns should be filtered or ordered. The columns shound not be deleted as well. That way the user wont have to correct the same word each time cus the corrected as well as the original words will be there.
A thread with similar purpose was made sent by AdamDay as well, where rylo has posted a good solution already.
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Nov 11, 2008
I have a column with cells that look like: XYZ - JobABC - Area 1-A. I'd like to split the column into to and have it look like: XYZ <next column> Job ABC - Area 1-A
Normally I'd use the text to columns function and "-" as delimiter, however, there are other instances of "-" which I do not want separated. Note that the XYZ can vary in length and therefore fixed width will not work either. I have attached a small sample with the different variations that I could encounter.
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Dec 10, 2008
I have this formula that checks a line of values to see whether it is within the constraints of a separate list of values.
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Sep 3, 2008
I'm prepping this file to be pushed through mail merge. The sheet has 25,213 rows.
Column I contains a long string of character (for the purposes of my project the field is called Subjects) and $ used as delimiters (approx 70 or as few as 1). This column needs to be split apart by $ and the separate Subjects that result from splitting apart by $ needs to be placed on a separate line. Once each Subject is on a separate line, all of the Subjects need to be lined up in Column I, one under another (the obvious result at this point is GREATLY increasing the number of rows in the sheet). Next, all of the data that is contained in each Subject's originating row will be copied to each of newly created rows (without copying over the Subject contained in column I).
After writing this all out, I realize (once again).
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Apr 24, 2012
How do i split some text in range if it does not have a delimiter? I would like to have a comma after each letter/number or have the option to split to individual cells
I know how to use the vba split function with a delimiter but cant figure this out.
I.e susanna
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Oct 18, 2006
I recently got this task by my work employer to transfer information from several non-organized Excel-documents into one, complete and organized one.
The thing I have to organize right now is a column with thousands of zipcodes and zones in one single cell, only separated by spaces, like this:
Zipcode Zone
115 54 Gothenburg
443 67 Skane
What I want to do is instead of having to go through 24h of braindead control/paste is to use some easy and fast function or script that could pull out the last piece of string of information in every cell in that column into its own separate cell.
Although I am using Open Office Calc/Gnumeric on Ubuntu Dapper, if a script is necessary and only work with Excel on Windows/Mac, that is no big problem for me to solve. So please, any suggestion is welcome.
I will attatch two examples for you to look at, to get the whole picture.
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Feb 28, 2007
I have one column in a worksheet that I want to split into 2 columns. If there is one "(" in the cell, I want to split at that point, but if there are two "(" 's, I want to split at the second occurrence. I can use the Like operator to identify the cells, but is there a way to specify which delimiter in a sequence of identical delimiters to split at? Here are templates (not actual data) of the two type of cells:
Name1 (ABC) (Name2, Name3)
Name4 (Name5, Name6)
For the first, I want to split on the second "(", before Name2, and for the second, I want to split on the first "(", before Name5.
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Jul 1, 2008
I've got a column of data containing addresses. What I want to do is split the column after certain keywords such as "street", "road", "close" etc and move any words that come after these in the cell into the next cell to the right.
For example, in one cell I might have "54 Burberry Road Finsbury London"... what I want to do is have part of the text remain in the original cell i.e. "54 Burberry Road" and the rest, "Finsbury London", moved to the cell on the right.
Not all cells in the column will match this format so if it doesn't find a keyword, nothing will occur and it will move to the next cell down etc. until it reaches the end of the column.
There are no delimiters (apart from the spaces) between the words.
I haven't figured out all of the keywords that I will need to search for yet but I should be able to extrapolate from something fairly generic.
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Feb 14, 2014
I am looking for a solution to split text from numbers.I have found a couple examples on the web but I cannot get the examples to work with the correct syntax to function.
Sample cells. The string could be any integer or floating point number with text. (The text is always after the number.)
Result needed
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Jul 3, 2014
I want to split the contents of a single cell(ALT Enter as delimiter) into multiple cells and retain the values in column B.
A1: apple
A2: yellow
B2: building
B3: O
sheet 2:
A1: apple B1: yellow
A2: banana B2: yellow
A3: car B3: yellow
A4: house B4: yellow
A5: building B5: O
A6: x B6: O
A7 B7: O
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Dec 1, 2008
I have a string of text in one cell on Sheet 1 (ie., A1, Sheet 1), here is a excerpt:
A-dec International Inc., A. Bellotti, A. DEPPELER S.A., etc ...
What I need to do is split the cell into separate rows, using the comma as a delimiter. I will be reading the cell from another sheet and need a formula that will provide me with
A1: A-dec International Inc.
A2: A. Bellotti
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Apr 29, 2009
I've a cell that contains numbers and texts and I want to sum the numbers and get a result in another cell.
This is an example for my cell:
arando-3,12; hegymeg-4,3; vas-7; aranyoska-1,8
and the result: 16,22
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Jun 25, 2014
We are changing management systems here and in order to do so we need to provide the names and addresses of over 400 different people. Our current management system stores people's addresses as a whole for example; 32, Example Street, Town, County, Postcode.
I cant extract just the numbers because I only need the house number and not the postcode.
After searching several forums I thought I had solved it with this.
Cell A1 is the extracted address from current management system reading 32, Example Street, Town, County, IU13 8TY
Cell B1 is =LEFT(A1, SEARCH(" ",O15,1))
Cell C1 is =SUM(MID(0&B1,LARGE(ISNUMBER(--MID(B1,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(B1))),1))*ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(B1))),ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(B1))))+1,1)*10^ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(B1)))/10)
That only gives me the number "3" though and I need 32.
Basically A1:A400 will be addresses as above and in cell B1:B400 I need just there house number at the start.
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Jun 27, 2014
I have column A with Different status like Open, closed, available etc. Column B have numbers. i am looking for a formula in condition formatting for column B.
If the cell value in column B is 2 or more, the same cell should be highlighted in Green.
If the cell value in column B is 1, the same cell should be highlighted in Yellow.
If the cell value in column B is 0, the same cell should be highlighted in Amber.
If the cell value in column B is less than 0, the same cell should be highlighted in Red.
If the cell value in column A is "Available", cell in column B should be highlighted in Amber.
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May 7, 2013
I have excel data where it runs like below:
Ali Rashid Al Amin
I need a result column containing as below but where the numbers are removed those cells has been
Ali Rashid Al Amin
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Jul 9, 2014
I need to organize some unorganized texts in my columns.Here is what I have in the column:
Here is what I need it to look like:
Column C = "89002"
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Jan 24, 2009
I have hundreds of numbers in column A and I want to combined these numbers in call B1 with “ , ”
column "A"
Call "B1"
I am using attached sheet for this thing but I can’t use any other new sheet, is there any another way to do this. I need formula. So I can use any sheets.
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Feb 14, 2008
I have a listbox populated with a number followed by description. How do I write code to extract the number and description to different cells. Listbox example: "1234ES - Project Description". Now I want "1234ES" in one cell and "Project Description" in cell left of number.
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May 8, 2009
How do I split numbers!
I have two problems/challenges!
Part I...
I got the answer 1987, and now I want Excel to take the numbers out and display...
1 in one box then i set + in the next, then 9 in the 3ed. box, next box +, then 8, then +, then 7 in the last so that i can have Excel make a SUM of it all to 25.
How do I split 1987 and put the numbers in different boxes?
Part II...
I want to make A=1 B=2... all the way up to 9, then start over again with J=1 K=2... up to 9 again and then over again.
So that if I write my name it comes out as a value of 14 (Odd = O=6 D=4 D=4 =14)
(AJSØ=1 BKTÅ=2 CLU=3 DMV=4 ENW=5 FOX=6 GPY=7 HQZ=8 IRÆ=9, It's the Norwegian alphabet, that's why there are some extra letters)
So how do I set up my Excel so that is ANY name is typed in I can get it out into a number from the values assign?
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Feb 16, 2014
london#123;new york#34;
new york;
removing the # and numbers from text and add new line after ; symbol. So it would save me a lot of time in preparing status.
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Mar 5, 2012
I have a mass of data which look something like this:
table removed
and I require the ranges of reference numbers to be listed in a column one above the other, which requires inserting new rows. I also need the date & description columns copied down into the newly inserted rows.
So basically for example I would want the top row to now read:
table removed
and then apply the same procedure to the other ranges below this.
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May 4, 2014
I have lost the formula for this looked everywhere, I have Content that looks like this e.g 1dg, 15gh, 8fj, 20lk,
I reqiure the formula to split the number into another cell(numbers will be no more than 2 digits), I already have the formula for the letters.
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Aug 23, 2012
I have a string of numbers like this:
378 398 308 978 397 328 078 307 908 278
And this code works fine except for I get a Type 13 Mismatch error on this line of code:
x = Application.Transpose(Split(my_cell.Value, " "))
Here is the entire sub:
Public Sub split_down()
Dim x As Variant
Dim my_range As Range
How can I adjust this for several lines of numbers like this?
378 398 308 978 397 328 078 307 908 278
390 327 928 678 392 907 208 320 927 178
608 394 207 578 391 920 108 607 395 324
508 321 168 107 325 924 568 507 341 921
167 345 925 518 567 351 941 160 945 517
560 951 241 245 510 251 516 451 388 338
788 988 337 088 778 339 377 288 330 998
And what is going on with this error. The first number string above should be placed in cell A1 when trying this code.
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Jun 22, 2013
I have a list of user names and UIDs, all in one column. I'd like to split the numbers into a separate column. How can I do this? Here's an example:
A'Aross Hd 798027047
A'Yolanda Gallegos 100004367799914
Aaiky Sweet 100000984883871
Aarchie Alin 100000295447271
Aasusana Azanza 100000086329219
Ab Raf 100000223369007
Abigail Cadenas 100003769100097
Abigail Gopaul 100002988007633
Abod Rezk 100002010187332
Btw, I'm an Excel newb and don't know a lot. I did try Data/Text to Columns with a delimiter of spaces, but there's really no rhythm with the spaces so it splits it all whacky.
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Nov 26, 2009
regarding splitting numbers from text that are in the same column. Is there a quick solution to my problem.
Text to columns won't work because the data is not the same.
See below the an example of my data: ....
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Mar 3, 2009
I have a column in one of my spreadsheets that I would like to split. There's currently not anything that can be used as a delimiter, nor can I use fixed width. the cells in question start with numbers and end with letters.
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May 20, 2013
I have an excel sheet here with the data as
1.0 Develop Vision and Strategy
1.1 Define the business concept and long-term vision
1.1.1 Assess the external environment Analyze and evaluate competition Identify economic trends Identify political and regulatory issues Assess new technology innovations Analyze demographics
.... etc
I need to split this into two columns column A should contain 1.0 and column B should contain Develop Vision and Strategy . Ex: Identify economic trends in column A then column B - column C - Identify economic trends.
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Nov 30, 2012
I have a spreadsheet that has two numbers separated by a backslash in one cell, like below:
3 / 3
1 / 1
3 / 3
1 / 1
What I want to be able to to is separate the two numbers into a different cells like below:
Because I have about 50 columns, I don't want to use Text to Columns. Is there a formula or macro I could use? It doesn't have to be as clean like I layed it out (in regards to the column title) but I just to really separate the two numbers into two cells.
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