Finding Duplication Within Worksheet Tables Using VBA

Aug 9, 2012

in finding duplication within different worksheet tables using excel VBA.

Sheet 1 has the following table below:


The format of both tables is different within both of the sheets.

The desired output should be shown in sheet 2 table:


The above table (sheet 2) shows duplicate rows (bold) from comparing table in sheet 1.

I was using this function below, however this does not give me the desired output i am looking for.


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Finding Matching Records From Two Tables

Jul 14, 2014

I have two tables, both contain a column of ID numbers and a column of addresses.

I would like a method to match the IDs from table1 to those of table2 - if no matches are found, search for matching addresses, if a match is found then output the ID in table1, the address, and the corresponding ID in table2.

If still no matches are found, output the ID and address from table1 and indicate that it didn't match.

Then I want to check table2 records - i.e. search for matching address between the records and output the table 1 ID, address and table2 ID were partial or no matches are found, as above.

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Finding Missing Data Using Arrays And 2 Tables

Aug 25, 2014

Any easy way to retrieve data from another table using an array formula.

I have two files that I am using that contain 2 sets of data with columns for name, address, city, and state. The red highlighted data needs be used to find the blue data first column, which is a possible name for the company found from the red data. The issue is that the blue data is larger and has rows of data that will not be found in the other table.

I have the spreadsheet attached. I attempted to use an if/and statement :
but found out that it does not work with arrays and only found the first address by default.

How would I set up a formula to retrieve the possible names using criteria from the blue data such as if the address and city match, then input that company name?

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Pivot Tables - Finding Number Of Individuals With Particular Filter Combination?

Jan 30, 2013

I am using a pivot table to explore the relationship between the two variables in a survey. Question 1 is a "choose all that apply" question, while Question 2 is more "if you said yes to any in question 1, choose all that apply".

So, I have about 10 filters for question 1, where each combination will give me a different number for the responses for question 2. My question is this: How do I get excel to automatically find the # of individuals with the particular combination of filters in question 1?

Ie. if said yes to 3/10 options in question 1, how do I get excel to find out how many actually said yes to the 3/10 questions.

The purpose of this data is for reference to question #2, so that i can utilize some percentages.

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Copy Pivot Tables To A New Worksheet

Nov 5, 2009

I have a workbook with a lot of commercialy sensitive data. I have created various pivot tables from that data which I want to copy to a new workbook without retaining the link to the original data, so I can send it to a number of suppliers.

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Pivot Tables In A Shared Worksheet

May 31, 2006

The shared worksheet resides on a secure network drive, so I can access it from anywhere. For years, I've had my secretary cut and paste out separate reports on individual salesman booking/commission performance. I thought taking advantage of Excel's native Pivot Table features, would save an awful lot of work, and probably lessen the chance of errors. Then I discovered that Pivot tables don't work with shared workbooks.

So I tried un-sharing the file. I discovered that the Pivot tables worked fine, but that I had to
re-create them ( seven sales guys, 4 independent geographical territories) each reporting period. The Pivot tables weren't dynamically updated each time additional orders were added to the main list (entry worksheet). I was very careful in laying out a new version of the "entry worksheet", and eliminating any unecessary column and rows. My immediate thought is that for the Pivot tables to work dynamically, I have to have dynamic ranges in the entry worksheet.

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Filter Two Tables On Single Worksheet

Mar 31, 2008

I have a worksheet with two distinctly different tables of data. Is it possible to apply autofiltering to a column in both tables? Applying to one is fine but when I try to apply a filter to the second table the filter on the first one is canceled.
Aligning the tables so that the same column in both tables is the filtered column is not possible with the worksheet setup.

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Refresh All Pivot Tables On Worksheet When Cell Changes

Dec 23, 2008

I have a dashboard that I created that is driven off one source of data. I have several lists and pivots created from that single source. I have two cells that are driven off of lists that then drive the pivot table. When a user selects an item from the drop down list I would like the pivot table to update. I have two tables like this on the main dashboard. Once the user selects the first data point, the table refreshs as does the second drop down list. After they select the second data point, the second privot table will refesh. Manually everything works prefectly, but when I attempt to automate it with VBA, it will only update the initial pivot and the secondary list, but not the second pivot.

I have posted the current code below.

"SelDept1" and "Wave" are the two cells that contain the drop down lists.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Application. ScreenUpdating = False

Sheet4. Unprotect "lcssdi"
Sheet2.Unprotect "lcssdi"

If Target.Address = Range("SelDept1").Address Then
End If

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Copy Tables From Multiple Sheets To One Worksheet

Sep 24, 2007

I need, I do not know Visual Basic, so I need something in simple Excel format that I can use before I am able to take the training (upon reading more threads, looks like VBA is just the editor used to create a macro where I can copy and paste in code text from your suggestions? I think I can handle that).

I need to condense multiple tables into one master table, and then perform calculations on those entries. Each table contains three columns, but after being manually pasted -- as I am doing currently -- into the condensed worksheet, there'll be two or three additional columns based on calculations from the entries. The Workbook does currently contain 2 worksheets that do not contain data in this format, so please share code that could exclude those? I am fine with every so often manually applying a formula on the last worksheet that says something like,

look in SH1 A2:C300. If entire row is not blank copy over contents, if blank move on to SH2, etc etc. Since I'm a newbie I imagine there are much more efficient ways to do this. I may be a little shaky on the VBA but surely I can copy and paste.

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A Sort Of De-Duplication?

Jan 13, 2010

I have an excel sheet with about 500 words in 500 cells that I have generated automatically. Separately I have a 'blacklist' of words I have compiled manually that I don't want to appear in the excel list.

How do I ensure that any 'blacklisted' word is deleted from the excel files. Is there any other way than doing it manually?

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Extracting Records Without Duplication

May 5, 2008

i am having data in ColA & ColB in both Sheet1 & Sheet2

1) some records are both in Sheet1 & Sheet2
2) in Sheet1 itself some records are duplicated
3) in Sheet2 itself some records are duplicated

what i want is to extract the all the records in Sheet1 & Sheet2 in Sheet3
without duplication of records..!

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Add Or Insert Number (1:50) To Row With No Duplication?

Nov 11, 2011

I've a list (Taken from this website; [URL] of 4900 rows with each row have 4 numbers if I want to add or insert one number( from 1 to 50 ) to each row with no duplicate to make it 5 numbers in each row? Is there a formula or Vb code to do this?



To my calculation Numbers (1:50) have to be use 98 times;(50*98=4900) since each numbers in the list used 392 times(392/ 49 = 8)since there is no duplication when adding numbers (1:50) to rows each numbers must pair with evry other number in that list 8 the moment with out adding the 5th number each number pairs with any other number exactly 24 times but adding process finish it should be 32 (24+8).

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Not Allowed Duplication In Column

Oct 4, 2012

how to setup formula for not allowed duplication in the column

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Table Reorder And Row Duplication?

Apr 27, 2014

A table re-organisation issue I have. Best described with an example I think:




For the original data row (at the top) there are always 2 'ID' columns and 4 data columns.

There are about 100 rows, so the resulting table will be roughly 400 lines long.

I'm on the verge of doing this manually as the formulas and scrappy VB have so far been unsuccessful.

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Duplication Of Sheet Names

Jan 16, 2007

I made a macro that will name the current sheet whatever text is found in cell B2 on that sheet. This works great unless that sheet name already exists.

If the sheet name already exists, is there a way to rename it as Cell B2 plus the number 2 after the title so it doesn't cause an error?


"Smith, Bob" is a sheet name, so the macro would make the new sheet name "Smith, Bob 2"

Alternatively, how could I give a pop-up telling about the error and deleting the current sheet instead of renaming it with a "2"?


"Sorry, 'Smith, Bob' already exists. Deleting new sheet." as a popup and have it delete the current sheet.

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Primitive Duplication Detection

Aug 7, 2007

I have a spreadsheet that grows rapidly each day of addresses I service. Duplicates are not welcome. When the spreadsheet was smaller, I would type in an address and if it was a duplicate, Excel would auto fill the cell with the duplicate data. Now that the rows are over 2000, I wanted to see if this primitive method for weeding out duplicates was still working, however when I type the first address I have in cell A1, it does not auto fill in A2001, even though it is a duplicate.

Is there any way to have on-the-spot detection of duplicates sans macro?

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Formula For Count Of Duplication

Dec 8, 2008

I need formula in column F for count of duplication as mentioned in below table
for example

You can see Zone B IDs has 3 time duplication


ABCDEF1IDZone ZoneCount of Duplication21001B-I B-I331003B-I B-II241114B-II B-III251112B-II 62020B-III 71001B-I 82021B-III 91003B-I 101114B-II 112020B-III 121003B-I 132021B-III 141001B-I 151112B-II

Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

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Choosing 1st Worksheet Instead Of Finding A Worksheet?

Dec 21, 2012


GetData FName(N), "Worksheet1", "H10:H10", destrangeName, False, False

is there a code i can use to choose the 1st worksheet insteading of selecting the worksheet1 in workbook? Because there are different file that got different worksheet name. E.G. worksheet1, worksheet2 or maybe Addidas, Nike.

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Finding A Name In A Cell Within A Worksheet In Another Worksheet?

Jul 29, 2013

I have three work sheets.

Worksheet A contains the Names that I want to find in Worksheet B and C. Trouble is, the format of the names are different in each Worksheet.

For example:

Worksheet A, Column 'Name':
Kyle Rowlie

Worksheet B, Column 'Name':
Kyle Rowlie, Head of Excel

Worksheet A, Column 'Name':
Rowlie, Kyle

What I need to do is create two columns in Worksheet A that identifies Kyle Rowlie is duplicated in Worksheet B and C.

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Macro To Create Pivot Tables And Sort Out Data In Other Worksheet

May 19, 2009

The first sheet is the row data given to me, the second one is where I want my data to be analysed automatically by macros.

I managed to create a pivot table manually to give me the info I want but then I still have to copy all the results from the pivot table sheet to my analysis sheet.

How can I create a macro able to do all that by it self? I tried to record a macro using the recorder but then when I try to play it it gives me an error straight at the beginning in the definition of the pivot table I think.

An example of what I want the pivot table to do is:
in the first sheet, go in the small table in column K and L, take the value of L1, then in the row data in column A to J, in column C look for the value in L1, once found, look for the value 1 in column J then do the average on the values in column E and put the result in my second sheet in cell F5
then do the same but look for 2 in column J and put it in F8, then 3 in F11, ... until 7 found (the data is in ss.000 and so the results in the second sheet should be formated the same way)
then do the same all over again for value in L2
etc etc etc

this should be done for the 6 values in column L, each having values up to 7 in the J column.

Then I need to do the same for other columns and not only averages but minimums as well but I can adapt the code I think.

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How To Find Duplication Between Two Worksheets Using Macro

Apr 24, 2014

I have two sheets, which has data in columns A-J (10) on both sheets and but (sheet2) will have more data records than (Sheet1). I would like to be able to run a vba macro, which can find duplicate rows between the two sheets, by matching up only 8 columns, excluding column's E and G between the two sheets and showing the output duplicates in both sheets in green highlight.

I have attached my sample data for further reference. [URL] .....

The sample file, shows data in sheet1 and sheet2, and the desired output should be sheet1 and sheet2, highlighting (2,3,4,5,6,7,9,19,11,13) rows green in both sheets.

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Remove Duplication And Sort A String

Dec 7, 2008

I'm using excel 2007 and windows vista. I have 2 cells, A1 contains (01,) and B1 contains (01, 08). I want the result in cell C1 to be (01, 08) by calling function trim_sort($A1&$B1). The code gives me an error "invalid qualifier" for s.length & more.

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Check Set Of Dates For Possible Duplication Using Formula?

Jan 9, 2014

I have a worksheet which J3:NJ3 lists the dates for the calendar year. (Example - J3 = 1/1 , K3 = 1/2 , etc. )

A3:C3 are my headers for project information (project name, manager,etc)

In D3 I will be entering employee names. in E3 I will be entering Project start dates, and in H3 will be end dates. These dates are selected via validation lists of the dates listed in J3:NJ3, and it is set to auto fill the adjacent date range with an "X" after the start and end dates have been selected.

Now I also have another worksheet which is a pivot table that will auto update upon any workbook change, and will show each employee and all of the dates in which they are scheduled to work. I am using conditional formatting on this sheet to highlight any dates that the selected employee is double booked on two or more projects.

I want to keep this second worksheet as is, but to avoid having to flip flop back and forth between tabs to find out of someone is double booked, I would like to add a column (I) which will either say "Available" or "Double Booked" . Is there a formula that I can use for this? I thought about Vlookup, but I don't believe I know of a way to write a Vlookup formula that can check a dynamic range of entered dates. I thought perhaps a nested Vlookup/Hlookup, but not quite sure if that will work either.

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Import Multiple Word Tables Into Worksheet

Jun 5, 2014

I am trying to take multiple tables from a Word document and import them into an Excel worksheet. Currently I have found two versions that when combined, could yield what I am looking for. The first one imports the table's data from Word, but does not maintain formatting of the table (font, colors, rows/columns etc.):

The next code maintains formatting, but only imports/pastes one table:

[Code] .........

For the second one, I do not like the fact that it is calling a specific Workbook to paste into. If I could somehow maintain the ability to import/past multiple tables while keeping formatting that would be perfect. An extra bonus would be to import each table within the Word document into individual Worksheets in Excel. I am also using Office 2010.

References: [URL] .........

VBA - How to preserve source formatting while copying data from word table to excel sheet using VB macro? - Stack Overflow

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Highlighting Cells That Have Duplication In A Set Number Of Charictors

Jun 8, 2009

each month i have to clens a sheet that shows customer name and then the figures per month.

this is pulled from a system that allows for a new entry each time a variation on customer name is used, I.E

Joe Blogs LTD
Joe Blogs Limited
Joe Blogs ltd.

would all come through as new entries. then i have to manually consolidate the figures from each month. the spreadsheet has over 5000 rows, and maybe only 15% are duplicated. what i want is to be able to select the column (that will be sorted a-z) and highlight cells that have a match for the first 4 or 5 charicters.

once i have identified duplicates i then have to merge the data into one row.
is there an easy way to do this? it is monthly, comparing 2008 and 2009, so by december there will be 24 columns + the company name that need to be clensed.

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Finding Worksheet By Name?

Feb 9, 2012

I have a number of spreedsheets that may have a 1000 worksheets. Is there a way to find a particular worksheet using a search by the name?

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Excel 2003 :: How To Compare 2 Columns And Then Flag Where There Is Duplication

May 9, 2012

How do I compare 2 columns and then flag where there is duplication? I want to compare Column B against column C and then flag everywhere there is a match. In this case, Column B may have several thousands of entries (inclusive off all entries found in Column C) and I want to have Excel look through the thousands of entries in Column B and then just place an "x" where there was a match to the values found In Column C. For example:

Excel 2003ABC1Duplicate?MarchApril27899421458347889122254x21458112575445576332147x122258x11257921463Sheet1

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Populate Name From One Worksheet To Another After Finding A Value?

Feb 14, 2014

I have my training file that is currently set up and working how I want it to, however I would like to go one step further if it's possible.

on the FIRE EXTINGUISHER TRAINING column there is one person out of date and 14 people that need the training, how can I populate all the name that need this training onto sheet 1 into the box that I have created. I'm wanting this to happen automatically so I don't have to retype the name onto this sheet.

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Finding A Date Value On A Worksheet

Sep 27, 2009

Is there a simple way using VBA to find a date in the format of dd/mm/yyyy? I have a range on every sheet from A1 to IQ1 with dates already entered. I want to add this vba to some other code so the user can go straight to the date entered on the worksheet.

Using the edit find, it can find dates easily. Can this function be replicated through VBA?

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Finding Out What Links Are On A Worksheet

Mar 31, 2007

I found a topic here that wanted to know how to remove links, I wanted the same thing.

I found an add-in that identified and could remove any links in the workbook depending on the response to the dialog box. So far, so good.

But it found a link that was located on another page, this link was linked to a third workbook. But what the link is doing or what its association is w/ the other workbook is a mystery. How do I see what this link's purpose/function is?

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