Group Range Of Cells According To Months Written In One Column

May 15, 2014

Sample workbook for Excel forum.xlsx

I have multiple lists like company A company B so on and on. each has multiple accounts maturing at different can I group accounts maturing in one particular month? the maturing dates are different in some accounts and same in others.

company A
account no maturity date
account no maturity date
company B
account no maturity date
account no maturity date
so company C, company D etc..

All are on different sheets, I tried to figure out with Vlook up, and filter, but could not make formula.

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Pivot Table Group :: Group By Integers And Not By Months, Years Etc?

Nov 12, 2009

I have date fields as column labels in a pivot table. When I try to group them I'm only given the option to group by integers and not by months, years etc.

I've had a look at the format settings of the column and they are formatted as date fields.

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Code To Delete Whats Written In A Range Of Cells

Oct 19, 2009

I use this code to delete whats written in a Range of cells ...

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Dynamic Range For Last X Months In Column/Row

Apr 15, 2008

I need to create a validated list of month choices, and the list needs to be filled with the names (Month and year, I.E. Feb-07) of the last 13 months for which we have data.

(We get our data about 8 weeks late, so being that it is mid april now I only have data now up to the end of Feb-08. I have created a chart in which the viewer can change the month to view but up to now it has only been for the current year, now they want to see the past 13 months, obviously I don't want to go in and change this every time the next months' data is entered.

So, what offset formula do I use to reference the month-year names which are spread across Row 1, presently in columns C thru N, and the next months data (March) will go in column O, then April's in column, P, etc

I have tried several variations of this; =OFFSET(C1,0,0,0, COUNTA($1:$!)) but how do I get only the last 13 months?

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Calculate The Average Of A Group Cells In One Column Based On The Condition Of Another Column

Oct 2, 2008

I'm trying to figure out if there is a formula I could use that will calculate the average of a group cells in one column based on the condition of another column. It's hard to explain, so I will show an example. All the data is on a one worksheet and I'm trying to show totals and averages on another worksheet. Location, Days

17, 4
17, 3
17, 5
26, 4
26, 8
26, 10
26, 7

On a different worksheet I would want to know what the average days are for each location. So is there a formula that I could use that will look at column A for a specified location number and then average all the days in column B for that location? I'm using Excel 2003 and have tried using the Average(if) but with no success.

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Average Of Each Group In 2 Column Range

Nov 21, 2007

I just want to say If Column B = "Team A" then add up Column A (where the individual's percentage score is) and then divide by the number of matches found (this last part is the main part I'm struggling with). I've got a column that has the team name for each row as well, what's the formula word for doing this, I though vlookup, but I may be barking up the wrong tree.

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Change Color Of Group Of Cells Based On Data In Another Group Of Cells

Jan 12, 2014

Conditional formatting. I want to change the color of a group of cells based on data in another group of cells. Example:

If cells G8 and G9 (which are merged) are between 80% and 94%, then I9,I10,I11 (which are merged) will turn Yellow. Also, under the same scenario, IF G8 and G9 is greater than 94%, then cells I9, I10, I11 will turn Red.

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Highlight Cell In Column A If Certain Group Of Cells Contains Certain Value?

May 1, 2014

how to highlight C2 IF any cell in C4:C20 contain a certain value. if so, what is the formula for the rule?

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Protecting Cells Disables Group Column Function?

Jul 15, 2014

I have certain cells in my spreadsheet that contain formulas linking them with other sheets within my workbook. I have grouped sets of rows in my first 2 sheets (to show just headings and to expand to subheadings & details). When I try protect the cells with formulas on the sheet then it blocks me from expanding or contracting the row groups.

Is there an easier way to stop someone editing or deleting the data in my cells? There are about 2 dozen cells with formulas in my first sheet that need protecting - unfortunately not in any particular order...

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Count Empty Column Cells For Each Group Of Values

Jun 11, 2009

see attached workbook.

I'm attempting to count the empty cells in column C which correspond with the project reference shown in column A. I only want to perform this calculation where the project numbers change (see desired results in column D).

Am struggling with finding a way to define the different range of rows for each project ref within the formula. The full sheet has over 6000 rows and 1500 project refs.

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Way To A Column Be Filled Automatically By What Is Written On Others

Jan 15, 2009

Is there any way to a column be filled automatically by what is written on others columns.

Example: If one of the cells A2 or B2 and C2 are Nonblank, fills automatically the cell H2 with "ABC2" And If some of the cells D2 and E2 are Nonblank fills the cell H2 with "DE2"

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VBA To Search Group Of Cells And Input Message If Value Is Missing From Group?

Mar 17, 2014

I am trying to write VBA code that groups cells between blank rows and inserts a message if a string of text (a name) is missing from the entire group. I want the code to search cells in column A and group the cells between blank cells. Use the name I input in an input box as the search criteria and insert a message in the Column C next to the last blank cell in the group and then move on to the next group and highlight the cell in red with bold text. I am including a spreadsheet with an example of what the sheet should look like before and after the code is run.

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Add Text To Individual Cells Which Can Be Written Over?

Aug 9, 2013

Is it possible to add text to individual cells which can be written over?

e.g. I would like A1 to have the background text of "slot 1"... Once user has inserted text then "slot 1" is removed... and when the user text is removed, "slot 1" reappears.

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Return All Row Numbers That Have Given Value Written Somewhere Inside Text In Column B

Jul 24, 2013

By "Return all row numbers that have a given value written somewhere inside text in their column B" I mean....

I want to be able to search an alphanumeric value "ABC12345" within a column that has a paragraph of text written in each row, I want to know which rows have this value written somewhere in them and have it return 2,4,33, as row 2 and 4 and 33 have this value in them inside column B on that row.

on column A i have the respective row numbers all the way down ie: ( 1,2,3,4, etc) (to pull up the row numbers)(unless you have a better way)

On Column B i have the paragraphs of text to search in (there is lots of text and spaces in the paragraphs.)

On column C i have the value to look for... ie: ABC12345 (different values in each row of column C) to be compared to all of column B

On column D would be the formula to Pull down and get the results.

and something tells me you might have a better way of getting the row numbers rather than having column A dedicated to numerating each row 1,2,3,etc

paragraphs of text
look for
it's found in row #

anything can be written here and might have ABC11112

anything can be written here and might have ABC12345

anything can be written here and might have DDD77777
Not Found

anything can be written here and might haveABC55555

anything can be written here and might haveABC55555

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Macro To Run Code Written In Cells BA1 To BA2000

Sep 21, 2011

I wrote this code inside the excel spreadsheet itself. The code sits in BA1 to BA2000. I would then copy and paste this code to a VB module, then run it. As the data changes, the SchemeColor number changes. My question... is there a way to run write a macro in VB and have it use the code in cells BA1 to BA2000 so that I do not have to copy and paste it into the VB Module and run it? Manually running it is ok with me, but I do not want to copy and paste the code into VB each and every time.

Here is my code:
Sub Macro2_()
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 1").Activate


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Conditionally Format Each Group Of Rows And Each Column And Color The Cell In Each Column

Nov 27, 2009

I've a worksheet that is 3750 rows of cells from A to DT and contains only numbers with the exception of a header row. The rows are in groups, primarily 4 rows, although there are exceptions - these rows are separated by blank rows. Small example as follows.


I have been trying to conditionally format each group of rows and each column and color the cell in each column of four (or less) numbers in each group that represents the maximum number.
It was easy enough to come up with the conditional formatting BUT it will take forever to do this manually. I've been told to use a macro but I know nothing of programming. Has anyone seen or heard of a macro that might already be written to perform this onerous task.

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VBA To Get Average Of Range Of Cells Based On Named Range In Different Column

Apr 10, 2013

I am trying to calculate some averages. What I have is 3 columns of data in A, B, C, also the "tasks" in A are in named ranges ex: "Award Contract" is a named range - "Task_Award" and "Confirm Updates" is a named range - "Task_Updates". I've attached a sample excel sheet.

I'd like to be able to create a macro to evaluate column A, and for every row in range "Task_Award", give me the average of the corresponding cells in column C and put it in the same range of cells in column B , then, for every row in "Task_Confirm" then give me the average of the same range of cells in column C and place the result in the same range of cells in column B. This is my very first post so I hope I am doing this correctly. I have 77 of these task ranges to evaluate and it will take a long time to do it manually. I'm thinking of a loop function.

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Count How Many Cells Have Data In One Column If Within Date Range In Another Column?

Jan 22, 2014

I am trying to Count (or counta?) cells in one column if they have data but only if within a date range in another column.

So, in the example below, I would want to count how many cells in column E have data in them, but only if the date in column A falls between Jan 1 2014 and Jan 5 2014. (In this case, result should be 4).



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Dynamic Range For Months

Sep 27, 2007

I have a list of months (Jan to Dec) in column "A" sorted in ascending order. The current month is Sept. I have no idea which row the range will start or end on (Since the # of records vary from month to month) and there is data both above and below the range. I need to create a dynamic range of the current month. The dynamic range must start and end with the current month (eg Sep).

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Months As Column Headings

May 24, 2007

I use a macro to format a debtors ledger. This report shows the amounts that customers owe broken down by the age of the debt, ie Current, 30, 60, 90, 120 days.

To make it easier to read I want macro code that will replace these mostly numeric headings with months ie April, March, February, January, December.

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Finding 12 Months From Today In A Range

Jan 22, 2014

I am trying to update our sickness spreadsheet for work to make it a little more 'intuitive' and less cumbersome to use. There are dates (by day) accross the top, with staff names below. If someone is off sick, the manager writes the number of hours lost to sick in that day, under the correct day, then uses back color / font color to show its sick.

Our work uses a 3 periods of absence or more over a rolling 12 months and the staff are issues with a warning, same with over 8 days off sick. If they are off for longer than 14 days they are long term sick.

I would like excel to show whether each staff member has met any of those criteria in the last 12 months by either highlighting their name or putting text into an adjacent cell.

I have tried using offset, named ranges and anything else I could think of to automatically increase the range +1 day very day, but I cant !

Attached File : plan of staff for 2014.xlsx

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Split Value By Months Within Date Range?

Mar 21, 2013

I'm trying to split an amount within a given month:

Total number booked
Total amount booked

3 March 2013
5 May 2013

Therefore, assuming that the number and amount booked is done evenly on a daily basis and considering the fact that in March, the period is 3 March - 31 March, while in May it is 1 May - 5 May, is it possible to have a formula that calculates the amount by month?

I have been using =D2/(DAYS360(B2,C2)) to find out the daily number booked, then multiplying this by the days in a given month to find out the monthly value, but is there a more elegant way of doing this where I can define the month in another sheet (Col. B), to return the following in Col. C and D?

Monthly number booked
Monthly amount booked

March 2013

April 2013

May 2013

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Determine If 2 Dates Are Within Range Of Months

Jun 19, 2008

I have found the answer to several of my excel questions here in the past, but I'm completely stumped on this one.

I have two dates:

And I need to know if the range of these dates (January-September) falls between the range of two other dates:

Basically I'm checking to see if the range of months Entered falls in the First half of a year or the second, or both

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Conditional Format - Dates Greater Than 18 Months And 24 Months?

Dec 6, 2013

I have a date column (Column E: Date Entered) on my spreadsheet that I need to set conditional formatting on. There are two conditions:

1) 18 months from the date in the cell needs to be highlighted yellow

2) 24 months from the date in the cell needs to be highlighted red

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Named Range References Prior 12 Months

Mar 28, 2014

My goal is that the formula in this named range references the prior 12 months. This does reference a twelve month range in my workbook, but not the prior 12 months based on this month being MARCH.


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Group A Range Of Numbers?

Feb 27, 2012

i have a range of numbers, 800 000 from 2 600 000 but i need to get them into numerical order packs, so i might end up with 100's of packs due to the ranges of numbers.

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Summary Column Based On Specific Months

Jul 3, 2008

i've attached a file of what i'm working with. only the Data Entry worksheet and Data View worksheet are what i am concerned with

i'm building this billing workbook based on a monthly calendar. i want to have the summary column be a SUM of only the months billed thus far. for example, if the current month is november and i'm entering in billing information for the month of october, how would i be able to show a SUM of only months already billed? in other words, how can i summarize july:september, then see that summary in a column, and then bill october without seeing the effect on the summary column.

currently, the summary column is a summary of all months. i need it to be relative to the Current Date entered in the Data Entry Worksheet.

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Number Of Months In Year 2007 From Date Range

Jan 12, 2008

I have a "start date" and an "end date". Is there any way to tell how many months are included in 2007 from those two dates using a formula? For instance, from 01-Feb-04 to 01-Feb-07, there is 1 month in 2007 (January). And likewise, 01-Jan-05 to 01-Jan-08 there is 12 months in 2007.

As noted, I have the start and end dates. I don't have the "how many months in 2007".

Start Date End Date How many months in 2007
01-Feb-0401-Feb-07 1
01-Jan-0301-Jan-06 0
01-Apr-0401-Apr-07 3
01-Feb-0301-Feb-06 0
01-Mar-0401-Mar-07 2
01-Feb-0401-Feb-07 1
01-Dec-0401-Dec-07 11
01-Jan-05 01-Jan-08 12

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Selecting A Group In A Moving Range

Nov 3, 2008

I have a spreadsheet where I need to perform a calculation on the lowest 10 of the 20 most recent entries. Currently I am just deleting the oldest entry and putting in the new data but I now desire to keep all my data.

How do I select the new range of 20 rows and then tell it to take the 10 lowest values to perform the calculation

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Elapsed Months (many Months Have Gone By Since Todays Date)

Jul 19, 2009

Cell A1 is a past date. In cell B1 I would like how many months have gone by since todays date. eg. Cell A1 = July 07, B1 would = 24 months.

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