Summary Column Based On Specific Months
Jul 3, 2008
i've attached a file of what i'm working with. only the Data Entry worksheet and Data View worksheet are what i am concerned with
i'm building this billing workbook based on a monthly calendar. i want to have the summary column be a SUM of only the months billed thus far. for example, if the current month is november and i'm entering in billing information for the month of october, how would i be able to show a SUM of only months already billed? in other words, how can i summarize july:september, then see that summary in a column, and then bill october without seeing the effect on the summary column.
currently, the summary column is a summary of all months. i need it to be relative to the Current Date entered in the Data Entry Worksheet.
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Oct 18, 2008
I'm trying to interrogate a sheet for specific data based on months, I can't seem to set the input to the range any help much appreciated
Private Sub updatestats_Click()
Dim Mth As Variant
Mth = InputBox("Please enter the month you wish to analyse")
Dim AL As Integer
Dim January As Range
Dim February As Range
Dim cl As Range
Set January = Range("B4:B57")
Set February = Range("B58:B113")
'March = Range("B4:B57")
'April = Range("B4:B57")
'May = Range("B4:B57")
'June = Range("B4:B57")
'July = Range("B4:B57")
'August = Range("B4:B57")
'September = Range("B4:B57")
'October = Range("B4:B57")
'November = Range("B4:B57")
'December = Range("B4:B57")
For Each cl In Mth
If cl.Value = "Annual Leave" Then
AL = AL + 1
End If
Next cl
Cells(4, 14).Value = AL
End Sub
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Jan 6, 2012
I have this spreadsheet that is being used on a monthly basis, as the months goes by, I populate the current month with a downloaded data. My problem is, the current month is linked to a summary sheet. How do I update the Summary Sheet if, lets say last month Dec. 2011 I populated it last month with the SUmmary Sheet linked into it, then this month Jan. 2012, if I populate it, the Summary Sheet is still linked to Dec. not the current month Jan. 2012. Is there an easy way to "move" the SUmmary sheet as well as the months gone by? what I'm doing now is, I insert a new column in the column where the data is being linked, then copy/paste the data to the new column to preserve the numbers, then I overrite the current month download to the column where the SUmmary SHeet is being linked so that the SUmmary will be current. I find this process a bit manual and I should be watchful of the links because sometimes it doesnt work on the formula as I made the changes.
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Jan 20, 2014
I need a formula to automatically change the summary column according to the month we are in.
Last Months Data
'Last Months Data' column should show Dec. However, as we move into February and I complete the 'Jan' column, I would like 'Last Months Data' to automatically change to show Jan's data - is this possible?
I was previously told to use the following formula but this would automatically select the current months data and not the previous months data which is what i need - =INDEX(B2:L2,MONTH(TODAY()))
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May 27, 2009
I browsed through existing threads and other sites and didn't find this exact scenario. I'm sorry if this type of question is common, but I wouldn't know. I appreciate any help and thanks for trying and offering your 2 cents!
OK. What I have is a table with over 20 columns that I use to sort and AutoFilter the 200+ rows of data. Several of the columns use Data Validation which require data to be from lists. Conditional formatting is used very often throughout the sheet.
Now, I want to have a second worksheet that will be almost identical to the original, but only accept rows that have certain values (let's say 3 of the 8 possible values) a specific column. These values are text values that appear in a list, and the column uses Data Validation to accept values only from that list. This second worksheet should be like if I Autofiltered the original table by check-marking 3 of the 8 available filter options for that column, but I need this specific 'view' of the data for certain purposes and my own reference.
In a perfect world, this second sheet would automatically mirror the original sheet's changes... But I don't know if that's possible? Although Excel is a very flexible and powerful tool, flexibility is relative once your tastes in data organization become more and more specific! Please let me know if any of this is impossible, so I'll stop trying to figure out how, haha.
Even if it won't 'automatically' mirror the original, I still would like to view the information in this way!
Also, I am very good with formulas and finding my way around Excel's features, but I'm not very experienced with the VBA programming or custom macro-writing.
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Mar 27, 2014
I will set a base example first:
9 Nov 2012 Apple 5
12 Dec 2012 Apple 3
14 January 2013 Banana 8
17 January 2013 Apple 6
20 January 2014 Apple 3
I would like a sumifs formula that will only add the results for Apple - as follows:
Nov 2012 5
Dec 2012 3
Jan 2013 6 (i.e. does not include Banana - and also does not include Jan 14 Apple)
Although I have experience with sumifs I have not been able to use the correct syntax to identify the month AND year.
Ultimately I want to look through many hundreds of dates, and add anything that fits two criteria - 1) a 'name' criteria, and 2) it falls within a certainly month and year.
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May 19, 2014
I am trying to calculate the number of months in a specific year between two dates.
For example.
Start date 01/06/2012
End Date 01/02/2013
Number of months in 2012 = 6
Number of months in 2013 = 2
How can I write a formula to give me the answer of 6 & 2 from the start and finish dates?
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Jan 22, 2009
I would like to calculate the number of years and months that have passed since a certain date. Would like it in a number format so I can pickout those who have gone reached 5 year increments during each month.
Such as someone reaching 40 injury free years in June of this year I can let them know.
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Oct 20, 2011
how can i sum base on the Criteria in Columns G, in this sample the sum should be 67.
Sheet1ABCDEFG1V. GoodGoodFairBadN/AReported29853N/A8Bad31085328N/A410953N/A8Good510853N/A8Good61085378Good77853N/A8V. Good810853N/A8Good910753N/A8Reported108853N/A8Good11585308N/A1210653N/A8Good1367Excel 2010Worksheet FormulasCellFormulaG13=67
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Mar 21, 2008
I am trying to have rows moved from (Schedule) to (Complete) in the attached workbook. The criteria to have the row moved would be the user-selected "Status" list changing to "COMPLETE" in Column G.
I would like to have the row cut and deleted from Sheet4 (Schedule) once "COMPLETE" is selected from the list in Column G with rows below moving up. The row would then be inserted into Sheet2 (Complete) at the top of the list (Row 7) and rows would move down below the new entry. I would also like to have the formatting remain uniform (every other row fill)
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Jul 30, 2014
I have a spreadsheet with four columns of text.
In column A, i have multiple levels followed by a letter (i.e. Level 1A, Level 1B etc).
In column B, i have some other details and then so on and so forth.
In column C/E/G lets say, i want to copy the information from column A to show only items that appear as "Level 1" (not "Level 1A", i only want it to check for things without the letter at the end). Then the same in column E but with "Level 2" and so on and so forth.
Column A...Column B-Column C...Column D--Column E...Column F--Column G...Column H
Level 1A....Metals----Level 1A....Metals ---Level 2A....Integral---Level 3A....Television
Level 1B....Energy----Level 1B....Energy--- Level 2B....Flowers---Level 3B....Kitchen
Level 1C....Synergy---Level 1C...Synergy--Level 2C....Full
Level 2A....Integral---Level 1D....Orders
Level 2B....Flowers
Level 1D....Orders
Level 3A....Television
Level 3B....Kitchen
Level 2C....Full
I also have data in Column B that is to do with column A (i.e "Level 1A" - "Metals") and so on with the following columns. I want the items that are in column B to also move over to column D when the things from Column A move to Column C, so at the end it will appear as below so it appears as above.
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Nov 25, 2009
I am in desperate need of a function that will count a column of data where there are blanks and values based on a certain date that will also capture any data that is added after refreshing the table from Access. I have tried several functions but this is what I have: =(ROWS('TouchBack Detail'!$Q:$Q)*COLUMNS('TouchBack Detail'!$Q:$Q))+(COUNTIFS('TouchBack Detail'!$B:$B,'Nov TouchBack Summary'!B$1)). The result should be 3 but it’s including all other cells in the column that are not and should not be included in the refreshed table’s data (Table_TouchBack.accdb). I have attached the spreadsheet for review. The function is in cell B27 highlighted in yellow.
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May 20, 2008
I've searched for a solution on the board and the internet too but to no avail; I am trying to create a macro that will select the entire column based on a cell reference G1 which is infact a Date.
Column G to Column S are pre-defined with a specific Date in row 8. If the Date in one of these columns (G8 to S8) match with the Date in cell G1, say it finds a match with H8, then I want to copy the range F14:F2000 and paste as values in range H14:H2000. The possibility of a match found is limited to a single columns from G to S.
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Oct 29, 2008
My workbook contains several worksheets each recording the results of equipment tests - one sheet for each piece of equipment. Rather than open each worksheet to check the date of the last test, other 'overview' worksheets pick up and display the last test date from each equipment record using the formula =MAX('sheetref'!A15:A500). Is there a better formula to do this?
Some items of equipment are tested at more than one frequency, ie Monthly, Yearly, etc. Therefore, the entry on row 15 of an equipment record may be column A 28/10/08 column D 'M' and row 16 column A 29/10/08 column D 'Y'. The above formula will only display the last test date, irrespective of frequency. There is a seperate overview sheet for each test frequency therefore, I need to modify the formula so that the date it copies from the equipment record worksheet to the overview worksheet is the date of the last test for the specified frequency.
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Feb 26, 2013
If you open the attached file you'll notice that once clients are entered into the name field of the master worksheet that a new worksheet is created with their name based off a master template. What I need now is a way to create a "on-demand" "click" macro that will allow the user to select a month (Jan-Dec) based on my master tab and autocreate a summary worksheet named that month with each client listed on the Team Roster worksheet in the next available column of the worksheet that was just created.
macro generate a prompt to list the months to allow updates frequently.. so if the same month was run twice it would overwrite the previous.. the woman we're doing this for isn't very excel literate...
NOTE: As you enter names on the Team Roaster sheet it will autocreate tabs.. test file has MrExcel as the worksheet, if deleted the sheet will delete automatically.
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Jul 7, 2014
I am making a spreadsheet in which I have been asked to have certain column greyed-out based on an answer that was given in a dropdown menu. Specifically, a dropdown menu in column D asks if the client was a Youth or an Adult. Depending on what the anwer is, other columns in the spreadsheet will be greyed-out; different ones for each answer. My problem is, I need this to occur for the active row being editted. For example: The first row that the user can input data into is row 4. If D4 is answered with "Adult" then certain other columns are greyed-out. However, if the next time the user updates the spreadsheet with information for a different client (now entering information in row 5) and they select "Youth" for column D5, then different columns get greyed-out. The columns that are greyed-out will depend upon the answer for the dropdown menu in column D for whatever row is actively being editted.
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Dec 7, 2011
I have a spreadsheet and I was wondering if there is a way to copy from a specific range in say A1:A5 in Sheet1 and paste into Sheet2 where the column matches cell A1 in Sheet1.
I am trying to do this in VBA and I was wondering if there is a way to do this.
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Jun 14, 2013
I'm trying to find a way to use a macro to extract data from a specific column from Sheet1 based on the columns header/title and copied into Sheet2 into the respective column with matching header/title.
For instance, in Sheet1:
So the above table would be the result i'm aiming for.
NOTE, its not different workbooks. I'm looking for sheet to sheet macro.
I've attached a file as well if someone wants to have a go at it. There are no codes in it.
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Oct 24, 2013
I'm attempting to sum figures based on the current date. I have a month that's returned from a today function lookup in column B2 (currently 'October').
In F17:Q18, I have the following:
[Code] .....
I need to be able to look up today's month (in B2), and sum the row up to that point (so for October, sum Q18:L18). When it ticks into the next month, I want the sum to automatically update to sum to column M
I'm struggling with a SUMIF, my current one sums everything in the row and ignores my "<=B2"
I also tried (MONTH(TODAY()) with corresponding month numbers (Jan 1, Feb 2 etc) in Row 19, but that breaks because Jan-March are 1-3, and it sums them too.
As you can see it's built on a financial year. How to sum the rows up to the current month, and include last year once we're into January-March?
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Jan 29, 2009
I would like to sum a range of data based on the most recent 12 months.
Row E9:?9 - Contains random dates
(where "?" will change based on the user will be min 12 and max undefined)
Column C - Where I want the sum formula - to sum that corresponding rows data based on the most recent dates listed in row 9.
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Apr 20, 2007
I am trying to create a summary of values based on some criteria. Here it goes, I have a list of number under a column ex 6299, 6399, 6118, 6124, 6411. I would like to create a summary table that would add all of the values associated with 6100's, 6200's etc... that are in an adjacent column. Ex. A1 is 6124 b1 is 100.00. I have tried different ways to use sumif, dsum and if but i am missing the part where the formula sees the column where the number is located then figures out if they are 6100, 6200 and so forth so it can then determine whether to add the adjacent column value. I woulld like for it to be one formula instead of two.
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Dec 23, 2013
excel 2010. This workbook has 4 worksheet(Process Engineer,OSBL,OSA,Lab Operator) I want to know what is the best excel formula/function to summary this 4 worksheet.
Example:I want a formula/function to summary all the statement from 4 worksheets and total number of answer "1" per statement from 4 worksheet.
Sample Statement below
"Demonstrate Interpersonal (People-to-People-) Skills" Question:What is the formula if above statement contains this statement in 4 worksheet?As i checked the total is 4 then What is the formula to get all total answered ICC on this statement from 4 worksheet?
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Aug 1, 2009
I have 20 sheets in a work book (1-20) with similar row details(80 rows)...but the columns have amounts for 12 months. I would like to do a sum if function based on months chosen.
For eg: If I select "sheet 1" and choose month as june...I want the sum of amounts from Jan-June.
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May 24, 2007
I use a macro to format a debtors ledger. This report shows the amounts that customers owe broken down by the age of the debt, ie Current, 30, 60, 90, 120 days.
To make it easier to read I want macro code that will replace these mostly numeric headings with months ie April, March, February, January, December.
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Oct 16, 2008
I am trying to do is a summary of numerical values, based on several conditions.
column a column b column c
local loop live cross connect
loop A cancel 100
long haul live 10000
long haul pend canc 1000
loop Z live 100
x-conn live cross connect
In column a, i have several choices and i want to focus on those choices that fall into column B "live" or "pend canc" and then only have numerical data in column C
I've tried several different formulas like
=SUMPRODUCT((a30:a38="Loop A")*(a30:a38="Long Haul")+(b30:b38="Live"),cX30:cX38)
I know the result of this should be 111000 but it's not working...I usually get n/a. I know about using cntl-shift-enter to use the formula properly.
I can get one variable to sum up properly using =SUMIF(M9:M21,"Live",BW9:BW21)
but, that leaves out anything that is pend-canc
I have also tried =SUM(IF((a9:a21="long haul")*(b9:b21="live"),cX9:cX21)) which gives back a value that is accurate.....
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Jan 15, 2013
I have excel file in which each sheet will be filled by a different clients (Client1, Client 2, Client 3.. Client n).
Each sheet will have two columns "Description" and "Quantity". Client will add the descriptions and quantity.
Apart from the sheets filled by clients, the file will also have a sheet called "Summary".
After all clients filled, I need all distinct "Desciption" and "Sum Quantity of that Description" in the "Summary" sheet.
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May 31, 2014
Basically what I'm trying to do is instead of calculating the columns msq1,msq2.. bsq1,bs2... and after link the value to another Worksheet, what's the way to do this with Pivot Table report to get the results the same as shown in pic attached? Pivot.gif
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Apr 7, 2009
I'm trying to make a task tracking spreadsheet. Each part (or project) that I'm working on has it's own sheet. On those sheets, in a specified column (let's say column A for now) I would like to add a tag or date that I can use to create a summary sheet. The summary sheet would have a macro that looks through each sheet in the file and if the value of the tag matches a specified value, the summary sheet would be populated with everything in each row that has that value for the tag.
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Oct 2, 2006
I have multiple sheets each containing multiple columns of numbers, and sometimes when the numbers are not present there is a text error string such as "#N/A N.A.", or "#N/A N Ap". An example of the data is as follows:
#N/A N.A.
I would like to put geometric averages of each column from each tab in a summary tab.
* I tried using =GEOMEAN(...), but it can not handle the quantity of data that I have nor can it take non-numeric fields.
* Also Tried something like this =EXP(AVERAGE(IF(ISNUMBER(C:C),LN(C:C)))) as an array, but unless cells are specified explicitly, ie c10:c300, I get an answer of 1. I can not specify the cells because I have a variable height of each column.
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Dec 28, 2011
I have 11 months of sales commission data, and need to estimate the value for December. However, the catch is, for the first 7 months, the values are significantly higher than the most recent 4 months. I'm currently using the TREND function to guesstimate the December value, but with the wide fluctuation between the 2 time periods, I'm thinking the result of the TREND value may be way off.
Is there a way to 'weight' the data to reflect the higher values earlier in the year, with the much lower values later in the year?
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