If Formula: Show Only What I Need Instead Of Negative And 0 Balances

Oct 12, 2008

fix my (if formula) so it includes data from sheet 2. Sunday and monday values change but every other remains the same. I was given this formula and cant seem to add to it. Also is there a way to show only what i need instead of negative and 0 balances?

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Formula To Show Time In Hours Going Minus Instead Of Negative

Nov 4, 2012

I have devised a simple formula when a member of staff enters a date and time into a cell it starts deducting from todays date and time. ie:

Cell A1 - Date and time is entered by staff

Cell B1 - Is the above cell +24hrs

Cell C1 - NOW()

Cell D1 - B1-C1 Formatted in hours ( [h] :mm:ss (Like a count down clock)

The problem i have is that i cannot get Cell D1 to show minus ours it just goes to negative and shows continous #####. Is there any way i can get Cell D1 to show the hours it has gone minus by.

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Formula To Make Product Of Two Negative Numbers Negative

May 12, 2009

I have a large dataset (24000 rows) that requires me to multiply two different columns of integers. In some cases, the two integers are both negative and multiplying them results in a product that is positive. I actually need that product to be negative rather than positive. I can't quite seem to figure out the best way to accomplish this.

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If Percentage Calculation Negative Show Zero

Oct 22, 2007

i am having a hard time in my microsoft excel class
for the life of me i cannot think of a formula to answer the question below

every time i type in =(c3)-25-80% i get the wrong answer
i know there has to be a different formula

Cost of visit= $113.00

Q=Your have a co-payment of $25.00 and the insurance will pay 80% of the remaining cost. Create a formula for the visit that will calculate the total amount you will have to pay.

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Currency Formatting Show A Negative Amount

Jan 19, 2010

When a user enters an amount in a cell, in £'s, i need it to show a negative amount. So if they enter £100 I want excel to regard it as -£100.

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Show/Display Negative Chart Values Above Line

Oct 9, 2006

I have a spreadsheet where I track income (positive) and expense (negative) items and compare budget to actual amounts. I want to create a simple bar graph comparing budgeted amounts to actual amounts for each item.

However, when I do this, I see all of my income items above the line (pointing up) and all of the expense items below the line (pointing downward).

Is there an option I can select to just use absolute values for the items so they all appear above the line?

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Accessing Bank Balances Automatically With Excel?

May 31, 2014

Is it possible to have my Excel cash flow sheet access my bank checking account and automatically update with my current balance?

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Macro- List Of CSV Files In A Folder Called Balances

Dec 18, 2008

creating a macro, I have a list of CSV files in a folder called balances, i need a macro that will look into each CSV file and grab all p'folios which have a negative balance in Col D and line them up as per example shown below. The extracted data needs to be copied to file named "Workings" S:RecsalancesWorkings

All data in CSV file looks like this, where header row is row 1 starting at A1

CSV data

CSV filenames all start with ddmm so e.g. 0111

End DatePfolioA/c CodeA/c Native at End1/11/20081GRVMAAUDCUST 1/11/2008AFSBGEAUDCUST 1/11/2008AFSMBEAUDCUST 1/11/2008AFSPEEAUDCUST 1/11/2008AFSTRNAUDCUST 1/11/2008AMPFSVAUDCUST 16,565,587.811/11/2008GIORIQAUDCUST 155,642.251/11/2008GIORISAUDCUST 1/11/2008PINESIAUDCUST 5,654,632.861/11/2008WACCGIAUDCUST 7,457.561/11/2008WCTARIAUDCUST -3,923.721/11/2008WCTARWAUDCUST 1/11/2008WCTASIAUDCUST -73,456.201/11/2008WCTBGFAUDCUST 1,662.651/11/2008WCTDAIAUDCUST 1/11/2008WCTFUNAUDCUST 27,665,698.291/11/2008WCTGMIAUDCUST 31.251/11/2008WCTROWAUDCUST 6.961/11/2008WCTTHSAUDCUST 22,030.01

Macro to line up data as per below


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Lotus 123 Had A Function: Show Plus Symbols(+) Or Negative Symbols (-) For The Value Of The Data

Aug 1, 2009

Lotus 123 had a function where you could graphically, in a cell, show plus symbols(+) or negative symbols (-) for the value of the data. For example if you had a column of numbers that you calculated from the previous year that indicate the change, Lotus, in the next cell would allow you to graphically display the symbols that indicate the strength of the change. So if your result was a positive ten then ten plus symbols would be shown. If it was -20 then 20 negative symbols would be shown. Now the numbers I am looking at could be 600,00 and I believe there was a way to to proportion the symbols for example for every 100,000 put in one symbol so the result would be 6 (+) signs.

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Negative Time Formula

Dec 22, 2009

I can't use 1904. I have a formula that almost works.

I am doing everything in Military time. This is the finial peice of the puzzle.

Our shift begins at 18:00 and ends up until 7:00 (am) or so depending onwork

A1 I have a time (Projected-Estimate of when all work should be done)
A2 I have a time (Actual- Time the work was actually complete.)
A3 Will be show the difference in either a Negative or Positive time.

Three Examples: (The first two work as is and are perfect) ....

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Negative Numbers In An IF Formula

Jul 19, 2006

IF formula


G9 and G10 can be positive or negative. If G9 or G10 is a negative number,
I want the greater of the two to be used and then to be added to E10. But
right now, Excel is saying -20 (which is G10) is greater than zero. I'm
getting a VALUE error.

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Negative Value Lookup Formula

Sep 19, 2007

Possibly to combine If statement and lookup stmt. I have a spreadsheet that calculates principle, interest, and combined pmt amount based on certain amortization and payment frequency. In one cell I would like the expiry date to pull in (the expiry date would be the date that the fund balance would be at zero ie. all payments have been made and principle is nil). I am trying to make a formula that will search down the payment column and when it sees a negative number or zero, it will fill in the expiry date (which is in a second column) that is attached to that figure.

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Formula To Change A Negative No To A Positive

Dec 26, 2006

This may be more of a math question rather than an Excel one.

If I have a spreadsheet with a cell that produces different negative number each time it is used, is there a way i can add a formula to make it a positive number.

So if Cell A1 showed -£244.22, I want to add an equation that changes if to £244.22

Cell A1 changes so it would need to do the same for any negative number within that cell.

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Negative Time Formula Variation

Dec 22, 2009

(First please don't send me a link on how to subtract time or show Negative time. I know about 1904 ect.. I can't use that. I need a variation on the formula I am using if possible)

A1 I have a time
A2 I have a time
A3 I have a formula subtracting A2 from A1

The times will vary in A1 & A2. Sometimes A1 will be earlier or later thus giving me negative or positive times. I have a formula that will give me a correct answer but will always show either Positive or Neg depending on what I put in the last part of the formula "-H:MM or H::MM" =TEXT(MAX($A$1:$A$2)-MIN($A$1:$A$2),"-H::MM") in A3. I want it to do the subtraction but say if A1 is > than A2 then "-H::mm", If A1 is < A2 then "h::mm". I don't know if that is possibly or how to incorporate that into what I have.

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If The Result Of A Formula Is A Negative Number, I Want It To Put 0

Dec 11, 2008

I want to subtract column B from column A and put the result in column C. If the result is a negative I want a formula to turn it to 0.

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Ignoring Negative Results In A Formula

Jun 9, 2009

Ignoring Negative results in a formula
Question withdrawn

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Formula Returning Negative Time

Aug 9, 2009

the Times work fine 22:00pm to 5:30am or 6:00am to 5:30am









but if I try 22:00pm to 6:00am or later

The following is displayed

Negative Time in J4 and the wrong result in K4

this is not what I need

It should be showing the following

J4 2:00 K4 5:00 L4 00:00 M4 00:00

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If Formula Result Negative Then Return Zero

Nov 6, 2006

When i have a formula standing at A3 fore example =A1-A2
and when i fill in a number like 100 at A1

And i fill in a number like 150 at A2 then at A3 where i had make my formula in there stands -50

Now i want the -50 not to disapear but instead there must be stand a 0(zero)

What is the formula i can use

i dont mind to put in at another cel like A4 for example

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Convert Negative Numbers With Negative Sign On Right

Aug 1, 2007

I have data that comes from a subsytem that places the negative sign at the right of the number, so it is recognized as text. I can get around this using find and replace and then a second step to multiply that by -1, but is there a formula that can do this for me?

I was trying if(right(A1,1)="-",TBD,A1)

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Positive To Negative If Cell On Left Negative

Sep 1, 2007

I have data starting in E7. I want it to go down the column and find the negative numbers. If it finds one then I want it to change the number in the row to the left of it to a negative. So if E67 is a negative number, make D67 a negative and so forth down the line Sounds "simple" but how do I do it?

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Count Formula For A Negative Type Of Data

May 7, 2014

I can't seem to find the right formula that can tell me how many times i have a negative number in a series of cells.

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False Negative Results From Exact Formula

Aug 4, 2014

I have several thousand values to compare, using = Exact(A2, B2) to find exact matches and return TRUE/FALSE. I've gotten a bunch of incorrect results especially where both values equal zero.

Data attached : Exact_values.xlsx‎

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Calculation/formula: ADDS Cells B1 And A1 (B1+A1) IF B1 Is Negative

Dec 15, 2008

How can i do this using Excel 2007. I have to cells, A1 and B1. A1 is always Positive whereas B1 might be Positive or Negative. I need a calculation/formula in C1 that ADDS cells B1 and A1 (B1+A1) IF B1 is Negative and SUBTRACTS A1 from B1 (A1-B1) IF B1 was Positive.

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Formula To Sum All Numbers With Same Sign (negative / Positive)

Jul 23, 2012

I am looking for a formula to do the following:

In Tab 1, I have a negative number and the word "Original" next to it. In Tab 2, I have a mix of positive & negative numbers. I want all numbers that are negative to display the word "original" and all positive to display" new." How do I do that? Also, I want the opposite to work as well-- if Tab 1 has a positive number, I want all positive numbers in Tab 2 to display "original."

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Formula To Pick Up Negative And Or Positive Numbers?

Jul 17, 2013

I have the following formula
=IF(VLOOKUP(F89,'2013 susp 2714035 Reissues'!F:F,1,FALSE)=F89,"yes",FALSE)

That is supposed to look at the tab 2714035 Reissues and find the same dollar amount. The issue Iam having is the dollar amount can be a negative or a positive amount but the formula is only picking up the number if it matches exactly negative to negative or positive to positive. formula to pick up the matching number if its a negative or a positive.

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Reason For Double Negative Signs In Formula

Sep 19, 2007

I've just seen a formula with two - (minus) signs right next to each other placed before a section in a formula while reading possible answers to my post. Here is the link: Understanding this formula. I've seen it before and am intrigued as to why it is there and what it actually does. Assume it is used such: = --(1+2). Would the answer then not be =--3 = 3?

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Run Macro Code When Formula Result Changes To Negative

Mar 30, 2008

Am trying to get the sheetcalculate to be triggered and execute VBA code when a formula changes its result from positive to negative. The code works fine if I trigger it with a command button click. Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;

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NetWorkDays Formula :: Giving 0 Instead Of 1 (leads To Negative Values)

Oct 29, 2008

I am having an issue with this formula. The formula works for 85% of my data. I worked through the formula and found that the error occurs within the networksday part of the formula. For some reason the it gives me a “0” when it should be giving me a “1”. This causes the solution to be a negative and create the error. I placed an example of when both the formula works and doesn’t work. I tried many things. Love to get some other ideas why this is happening. It’s a altered Daddylongleg formula....

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Conditional Formula To Convert Number With Positive Value To Its Negative Equivalent

Aug 27, 2012

I am looking for a conditional formula that can be applied to a cell so that when I enter a number with a positive value, it:

1) Converts it to its negative equivalent value.
2) Displays in the value in the cell with parentheses around the number to indicate that the value is negative.

I am trying to do this without having to reference another cell to provide the entry or display the outcome.

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How To Change Positive Into Negative Number Inside Cell Formula

Feb 7, 2014

How do I change a Positive number into a Negative number inside a cell formula?

I have a figure in Cell AE 101 which has the positive number 141

I have another cell W1 which has the positive number of 437

I want to create a formula in cell X1 that takes the number in cell AE 101 of 141 and convert the number inside the formula of 141 into a negative number of -141 and then subtracts that number from Cell W1 of 437 leaving an equation inside the formula to read. 437-141 = 296

Since the number in Cell W1 changes all the time and the number in AE101 Changes all the time the new formulated number in X1 will change all the time too as the cells get updated.

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