I am looking to place a formula which will look like this:
=min("A2:?2"), where ? depends on "number of columns". If number of columns is 4, then it should be D, E or Z. Number of columns is specified as an integer in range("B2").
I do not want to do it in a macro, want to do it in the formula.
I have done this before, but can't quite remember. I have tried:
=min(range(cells(1,2),cells(1,2+B2))), but does not work.
I have two variables - the number of stages, and the number of people.
The stages will start in say C22 through G22 (if there were 5 stages). The number of stages will vary upon a user-inputted number in A1.
The names of people will start inB29, so I'd like to insert the simple formula (=Max(C23:C28)) across cells C29-G29 (again with my example of 5 stages), with relative references to the columns, of course.
Ditto for the next name in B30, etc, so that I get the max value for Person#1 in Stage 1, 2, 3...Person#2 in Stage 1,2,3...
Where A is associated with 2 other letters, B and C. D is associated with one other letter, E, and F is associated with 3 other letters. I want an automated way to paste this into 2 columns in a new sheet, like this:
I have a sheet with a company name in column A, and a list of comma separated values in column B. I can easily convert column B to multiple columns with the Text to Columns function, but then I'd like to insert each individual value in a new row in column B.
So, at the moment I have data that looks like this:
Company A Value 1, Value 2, Value 3, Value 4, Value 5
So for eg Col A Col B Col C Col D are fixed and then there are variable no of columns - Col E Col F and so on....
I have to insert columns after the last colum ie in Col F in this case.
However, the new column (lets call it Col G) will give a value with formula that connects Col E value with Col B (fixed)value. Again Col H (another new col) will also give a value with formula connecting Col H with Col B(fixed).
Easy to do in normal scenario but when I record macro in excel ( i cannot write VB), the variable columns make it difficult.
I want to create a custom updating formula that finds the last data element on a different sheet and then updates it's own formula. I have to do this because I want to find all of the blank cells and count them up (for missing data purposes). How can I go about putting the last row number in the formula?
This below is the best I can get but it 1004 errors out, I'm assuming because of my "Row" variable. Should I try a concatenate and custom build the formula each time within the macro?
Sub MacroToRun() Sheets("CleanData").Select Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Select Row = Selection.Row
Sheets(" Chart Data").Select Range("B2").FormulaR1C1 = "=COUNTIF(CleanData!R[-1]C[17]:R[row]C[17],"""")" End Sub
I have a formula that will be used by others to obtain a certain result by altering a number in the formula. What I would like to do is make that number obvious as the one that can be changed. The formula reads - "=(M48+P48+Q48)*0.08453-(((J48+K48)*$K$4)*0.1)" -what I would like to do is color the 0.08453 in the Formula Bar so it stands out.
I'm trying to enter the summation formula into three columns that vary in placement based on the value of num_objs. Basically, the number of grey columns in each of the three sets will equal num_objs. I want the user to be able to enter values into the grey columns in the middle section and the values of the two rightmost white columns (with '0's in them currently) will change accordingly.
My current code is below. However, I keep getting a compile error saying "Expected: end of statement". I've been searching for a solution online for a couple days now, and I don't see how my code is different than what I've been seeing of other people using variables in their formulas.
I would like to perform a sum of randomly generated numbers between 0 and 6, but I want the number of independent random numbers to be dependent on another cell. I have =SUM(RANDBETWEEN(0,6) and then I get stuck. Is there a way to perform the RANDBETWEEN(0,6) a number of times stated in another cell? In this case that value is 67 but it will vary from around 5 to 150. I think there is a way to do this with macros, but I am not versed in visual basic. I am using Excel 2003.
I'm making a Excel 2013 spreadsheet that has formula in a column that auto enters a number 1-40 when something is entered to the left of that cell. There are 300 rows in the spreadsheet. I would like to make a drop down list in a column cell to the right that would delete that number in that cell from the drop down list. For example cell C1 has 39, that 39 then is deleted from the drop down list. C2 has 22 in it, click on the drop down list cell and it shows 1-40 less 39 and 22.
i am trying to complete a spreadsheet which most of it is done but one column i have i have to average everyother square in each column which i did but when i total those columns at the end i get the dreaded #div/01 which means any value that i dont have in a particular column it will not add is there anyway to fix this. i am attaching a sample of the spreadsheet so you can see exactly what i am trying to do .
I need a macro that will create a sheet at the end of the workbook.
Sum data from a variable amount of sheets and display that data on the created sheet.
Here is a step by step:
Starting on sheet 5.
Column D has a variable amount of part numbers in it. These part numbers would be different between the ascending sheets.
Column T, U, V has an inputed number in it that would need added up across all duplicate part numbers in all the sheets.
(Note: The data would also need started on row 4. Everything above row 4 is headers)
Here is a small example:
D E T U V 13019090W Part A1 68705500 Part B1 64202900 Part C-11 59634600 Part D1 26005300W Part E1
I need the macro to start with sheet #5(starting on row 4). Check to see if there is data in column T, U or V. If there is, to create a new sheet at the end. And copy the entire line into that sheet (starting on row 4).
After that, to check every sheet after (excluding the newly created one, starting on row 4) for data in Column T, U and V. And then check for duplicates in Column D on the newly created sheet. If there is a duplicate to add/subtract that number in Column T, U and V to the SUM in column T, U and V in the newly created sheet. If there is no duplicate, to copy the entire line to the new sheet.
So that when finished. On the new sheet, you have the SUM of T, U and V for everything that has data in T, U or V for all of the previous sheets, plus the entire line of the first instance (excluding the first 4 sheets).
On the attached Excel file, I have code that will insert a variable number of rows and copy and paste from and to variable positions. That all works fine when run from a command button, but when I try to run it from the Worksheet_Calculate by entering 1 in J1 or K1 (inrange cell is J1+K1 for testing purposes) the CommandButton1_Click sub runs continously until an error occurs.
I'm using Excel 2007. My pivot table seems to be limiting me to 256 columns in the Values/Data area. In researching below I believe that I should be able to have 16,000 columns in my Pivot Table.
[URL] The "Big Grid" and Increased Limits in Excel 2007
PivotTables Maximum rows displayed in a PivotTable report is 1 million. Maximum columns displayed in a PivotTable report is 16,000. Maximum number of unique items within a single Pivot field is 1 million. Maximum number of fields visible in the Fields list is 16,000.
to copying a formula from one column to the next adjacent column and also incrementing the 2 numeric values inside the formula. Please see attached sample.
One value increments with each new column whereas the other increments with each new row. Please see attached sample.
And in the last row there is the average formula which must copy the new column and average the new column.
I tried to create a Macro in attached but it did not work with formulas.
I am trying to increment a row when i copy it across columns. I have searched for a couple hours on how to do this, but I have not come up with a solution that I can understand that works for my situation.
I found this page, but I guess I am too novice to comprehend it. [url]
I would like the number in this formula to increment when i copy it to the adjacent column.
I need J22 to multiply based on years in B22 AND increase 5% for each of those years (compounding) after two years (excludes year 1 from 5% increase). In addition the cell needs to remain blank if D22 is blank. B22 = 1, then the stockprice needs to remain the same, and only increase by 5% after year 1.
Currently... B22 = a number of years indicated by the formula: =IF(A22="","",DATEDIF(A22,I3,"y")) J22 =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(D22,stockprices,2,FALSE)),"",VLOOKUP(D22,stockprices,2,FALSE))
If J22 stockprice lookup is $1000.00, and the number of years listed in B22 is 6, then the reported value in J22 needs to be $1494.40.
If I have 1,000 entries in a column is there an easy way to determine the number of times a certain item is in the columns. For example if field A1 is "qwerty" I wan to see how many times "qwerty" or field A1 appears in the entire column?
I have a text file that I need to open in MS Excel 2007. The file contains the following data. (Each column is delimited by the "|" character.)
Part #|Inventory ID 1743|213,221 1864|10,40 1948|1170,1180 5265|100,104,107,10004
Ultimately, I need three columns but the data needs to look the same as it did before I opened the file.
When I open the file for the first time, I use “Text to Columns” to delimit the fields by the "|" character. The problem is that the Inventory IDs in the middle column get a bit whacky.
Here's what I'm left with: Part # Inventory ID 1743 213,221 1864 10,40 1948 11,701,180 5265 10,010,410,710,004
The comma is retained appropriately when there are two 2- or 3-digit Inventory IDs.
When a row has multiple, longer Inventory IDs or Inventory IDs that vary in length, the comma is moved to every 3rd decimal place.
I tried putting quotation marks around the data before I opened the text file for the first time but that didn’t do anything. I tried Custom Formatting to retain the comma position (0000,0000) but this only worked when I had two 4 digit IDs. I also changed the number type to Text and General. Once the comma was changed, I couldn’t figure out how to get it back.
How to best retain the format of my Inventory IDs.
I want to count the number of duplicate rows where the exact text in columns A and B match. An example is as follows, where column C would be the desired result. Note that there are hundreds of different text values of column A and hundreds of column B, I just simplified the example.
Need a excel macro which can compare 2 xls files and highlight cells which are different in the 2 files its like a slightly advanced one >a prompt which asks file 1 after selecting file a prompt whichasks for file 2 ..then on running it should highlight cells in file two which are different from file one Both file have same layout ie if file one has n columns in n worksheets file 2 will also have same . So the comparison should be done for each worksheet in both file and cells should be highlighted ..
I Wrote a code which as intended to open each excel file in a folder and copy the data containing in it into a new sheet.
But While running the code the first excel file gets open, and an error message "Run Time Error 91-Object Variable Or With block Variable not set Error"
How to set the file which got opened from the folder to wbk variable.
Code: Sub dataintoonesheet()
Dim i As Integer Dim jk As Integer Dim j As Integer
I am having data of codes in a and c column and the amount for the same code in b and d column. I want the sum of amount of codes in the two columns b and d, if the same code matches in the a and c column .
I am enclosing the excel file. Why a formula contains those things.
I have multiple columns in excel that contains values like this
A B C D E F G H TrxVolTrxVolTrxVol Trx Count Vol Count 122001400013500 125031290012499 130001300012700
Now at the last columns G & H i want to get the result that how many column of title "Trx" are having values greater than or equal to 1 and how many columns of title "Vol" are having values greater than 2500 respectively.....
I am using a variable named " Totals" as a range type to refference the range in a formula. It works the way I have it.
Dim Totals As Range Set Totals = [U37: AE37]
Now instead of the absolute refference, I would like to change the row refference by an offset of my current row, using a formula with a varriable. The columns stay the same.