Index/Match: Populate Cell With The Information The Corresponding Letter Contained In The Table To The Far Left
Jan 7, 2010
I'm having a bit of a block with an index/match formula that I am trying to create for the attached spreadsheet. i.e. I need to populate cell J3 with the info the corresponding letter contained in the table to the far left. The numbers of reference to match are the 'zones' in H3 and J2.
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Jan 19, 2013
I am running an Index, Match off of totals, what I would like to do is when the formula finds the column_index_num to move up one row and bring that value back.
For example: if I am going to sheet2 and my formula would normally pull back the information on row 7 with a column_index_num of 5 (or column E), I want to bring back the information on row 6 column E.
How do I add the variable to bring back the information one cell above?
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Jan 19, 2009
I have a number of identicle tables, that have all been seperatly named. On a summary tab i am using an index match formula to pull back key pieces of data from the table that is identified by cell B2. So if in B2 their is SCB, i would like the formula to apply to the table SCB. The formula (when useing the word SCB works fine):
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Feb 17, 2010
Need to trimming certain information contained in 1 cell and putting them each in a column. I could do left, mid & right but this time there is inconsistency in the content of the cell.
I've attached a file which will further give you an idea exactly what I want (formula to be in Column M to P).
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Jul 12, 2014
I need a formula for left coulmn lookup (using index and matching function) and lookup array has duplicate value.
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Feb 21, 2007
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Feb 4, 2014
I have a sheet that has 4500 items on it and want to create a new sheet so I can type in a part number and get the information on the row that number is on.
so in the (new blank sheet) cell a3 will be the input cell and cell a5 to a9 will show the data.
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Jan 21, 2010
I'm trying to hone a quoting tool to generate an amount based on a given range and minimum charges for specified subsects of the range. If you reference the attachment I'm trying to calculate a charge in cell K15 based on values in B9 and C10 referencing the table I8:R9. What I cant figure out is how to create a minimum charge of 50 for J8:P9 (points A-G) and a charge of 95 for Q8:R9 (points H-I).
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Feb 7, 2007
I am trying to populate a table (a7:c27) in the attached sheet with data.
First, I must enter a number 1-16, which uses index function to return either "series" or "base"
If it is base, i want the number in the corresponding table filtered down - i.e. if 1 originally picked then h7 is (40) is entered into each month as base = constant.
If the result is series, then the data in i7:z7 is entered into the the 18 month table.
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Mar 15, 2013
My question requires me to do a Vlookup question that needs to get the information in the next two cells over from the left most cell. In short I need to put info from two different cells from the same row and look up value into one cell.
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Jan 12, 2009
I have a table with the months from B1:M1 & Customers from A3:A35. B3:B35 are transaction numbers. On another sheet, I have a cell, C2 with the name of the month that I type in, I've named it MONTH. I also have a seperate section for each customer that NBVC has helped me populate from another sheet based on MONTH and their actual transactions. At the bottom of the section, I want it to populate from this other table based on the month in the MONTH cell.
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Feb 9, 2014
I have a workbook with two sheets. The first one, let's call it the Main sheet, will be used to keep track of the touring artists of a record label. The second sheet contains a list of show venues with their respective contact info. Here's what the two sheets look like :
Main sheet
List of contacts
What I would like is row D of the Main sheet to autofill, according to the contact information contained in row B of the List of contacts, when I enter a venue name in row C of the Main Sheet.
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Feb 16, 2014
I have a Pivot table (see picture) and in another field I want to be able to type in the Month and Year (e.g. January 2012) and return the worst performer of the 8 suppliers. I have been trying to use SMALL in conjunction with INDEX(MATCH(MATCH)) but it doesn't appear to be working.
I am sure there is a simple solution but it is evading me at the moment.
This is where I am at with the formula. Maybe I can use the IF function somehow?
=INDEX('Pivot Tables'!B19:I19,MATCH(Summary!G3,'Pivot Tables'!A20:A41,0),
MATCH(SMALL('Pivot Tables'!B20:I41,A5),'Pivot Tables'!B20:I41,0))
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May 20, 2009
Need in index and match function from a pivot table. I have enclosed an attachment with the sheets that I use. "Data" - contains the data, "Pivot" is the pivot from the data, and "Output sheet" is the sheet where the cells need to be populated.
Basically what I would like to do is to take the pivot and then match the currency, the time indicator and thereby also fill in the value for the matched cell. I have been racking my brain how to do this and I fail miserably.
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Jan 8, 2013
My VBA currently reads a weekly updated table and basically dumps it to the end of a masterfile table...however I need to add a small section that will then go back to the beginning and line by line copy one cell in a single column to the same table but to the previous year.
G8:G12345 contains this weeks sales which have already been added to the bottom of the masterfile (along with lots of other data)
A8:A12345 contain a barcode
B8:B12345 contain a date
What I now need to do is lookup the barcode and Date -1 year (so 2013 becomes 2012) and write the same data to column AG(n) for 2012. I could use formulas to lookup the data in the Master Table but I am trying to keep this table free of any formulas.
It's the match and index, and write bit I'm struggling with, looping through the inital data is not causing me any problems.
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Feb 13, 2013
I regularly use the Index/Match formula. I just noticed, when indexing a table of subtotals, the match doesn't necessarily pull in the subtotal, but rather pulls in the first instance found in the rows that have been subtotaled. Is there a way to index/match the subtotal table to force the match to only view the subtotals, not the rows grouped to create the subtotal? I know I can manually, copy/paste the subtotals to "remove" the grouped data from the index range, but was hoping for an easier solution.
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Jul 27, 2014
Look at the image I've attached.
I'm trying to have the table on the right match the first two columns to display the customer name taken from the table on the right.
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Aug 25, 2014
I have a workbook (workbook1) with multiple sheets (sheet a, sheet b, sheet c), all with the same column headings. One of the columns in each sheet of this workbook contains an invoice number.
In a different workbook(workbook2) I need to find the invoice details based on sheets a-c from workbook1.
So, in workbook2 I can input the invoice number in column a and the rest of the details will be pulled through based on whichever sheet (a-c) from workbook1 that the details are in.
Workbook1 is normally closed (from reading others posts, the INDIRECT function might do what I need but would not work with workbook1 closed)
Working with just 1 sheet in workbook 1, the following formula works perfectly:
=INDEX('[workbook1.xlsx]sheet a'!$V:$V,MATCH(A2,'[workbook1.xlsx]sheet a'!$W:$W,0))
How to do the same, but looking in sheet a, b and c at the same time for the answer?
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Aug 19, 2008
I'm trying to extract the selected suppliers orders from a 1000+ rows list ; like appearing with the example of supplier "D" ; and the new one should be dynamic , it means if any data added to the source orders list and if the supplier was one of the selected the new table automatically update ; or can be refreshed
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Oct 4, 2013
Excel 2003
I have a table with a header row of scores 1-10 in B4:K4.
In column A I have a list of locations A5:A68. People in each location were asked to score an event between 1 and 10. The count of their scores is under B4:K4, eg Location 1, 3 people scored 1 (entered in B5), none scored 2 (C5), 6 scored 3 (D5) etc through to the score for 10 in K5.
What I am after is the average for each location so that in L5 I can say 'for all the respondents for Location 1, the average was:...
This may be a bit more complicated than it appears as presumably there will be a requirement to multiply the number of respondents by their scores and then ... ?
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Mar 26, 2009
I have 2 sheets recording feedback and summarising the overall percentages for each trainer.
My boss wants me to do this by month!?!?!
I have created a third sheet but I am not sure how to do the following:
Look up the trainer name
Look up the month
identify the percentages for each category
create an overall average of these percentages
So for example if Jon smith trained twice in JAN getting 100% and 50% in cat1, it would display 75% in the cat 1 cell and so on.
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Jun 25, 2014
I'm struggling with match, index and lookup functions. I have a formula in column D that calculates the percentage of answers against the total score for that category. The way it calculates enables me to delete rows if they are not needed and still provide a total count and a percentage score.
Now the percentage is returned from a dynamic data set, I want to plot the percentages on a spider/radar chart. Instead of manually creating the chart or using a pivot, I wanted to lookup the percentages (column D) against the category (Column A) in question and plot so the chart updates as the user changes the answers.
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Dec 14, 2006
i have a pivot table an extract of each data contained in this table.
[img]Count of NAMdate
SERVICENAM12-oct10-déc11-décGrand Total
Commercial-laura Totalgh11
custody-jonathan Totalgh1113
settlement-ludovic Totalgh11
SPQC-elodie Totalgh112
Grand Total1337
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Oct 8, 2009
I have this table
As you can see, the number I has a,d,and g, II has b,e,and h, and III has c, f, and i
I want to make formula that if I make the input g it would return I, f would return III, and c would return III, and so on
I want to make four formulas by using VLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH, INDEX&MATCH separately.
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Oct 17, 2013
I have a spread sheet that has rows of information and once you click on the tally form button (top Left) you can search on the info and it will display in the list box once you click on a result. I have attached the spread sheet, with only 1 row as obviously I dont want to share work data on here.
My question is that, if I want to display a row in the form, I would like to be able to click on a certain cell (Incident # column), it would then recognise the row and display that row in the form.
At the moment I have a EVENT that will highlight a row if a cell is selected. Just thought I'd mention that in case it would interfere.
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
' If more than 1 cell is selected, then don't run the rest of the code
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
[Code] ......
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Feb 9, 2012
If I make a selection using a drop down, can I have it auto populate another cell with information associated only to the made selection? For instance, if I select January from drop down in A1, I want it to auto populate B1 with 100.
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Aug 10, 2006
I'm looking for is a way to sum a bunch of numbers using a sum if statement that start with PRJ and are followed by any combination of five numbers. Like this
=sumif( Range, PRJ#####, SUm range)
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Nov 25, 2008
i need to create a random 3 letter prefix form eg. British Head Office, how would you pick letters out and compare the 3 letter prefix back to a column with existing prefix. and if u can help me even more how can i automate this method beacuase i for eg. get like 50 company names at a time and dont have time to do and check them 1 by 1 lol.
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Nov 18, 2008
I have two cells where data is input in the form
1234A the suffix letters can be a,b,c,d,e,t,s,v
I need to check if the suffix letter from both cells match up...
a can only match a
b can only match b
c can only match c
d can only match d
e can only match e
a-e can match t
s can only match s
v can only match v
is this possible without any macros?
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May 23, 2013
I have a workbook with two worksheets,
sheet 1 contains student data, name dob, actual age, raw score and an empty column standardized score
sheet 2 contains a conversion table, using the actual age from sheet one you locate the age in the top row of table in sheet 2, and using the raw score from sheet 1 you locate the matching raw score from the first column of the table in sheet 2, going down and acrosss until you meet this gives you a standardised score
i want the standardized column in sheet one to fill by using a formula which looks at the table in sheet two locates the two values and returns the result.
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