I have attached a 97-2003 .xls file with data for multiple store locations on sheet 1, and the desired result on sheet 2. I am actually using excel 2007, but I dont think I need any special features that it provides.
I will try to explain the issue here without opening the attachment.
I have a couple of spreadsheets that requires me to copy data from Sheet 1 that matches certain criteria to Sheet 2.
I have tried using posted VB codes that have been written for other people but they dont seem to work (this is probably to do with me not actually knowing what I am doing, as I am not sure what I should be replacing and what I need to be deleting etc out of the pre-written code )
I need to be able to search on column e in Sheet 1 for anything that has just h written in the cell and then copy all the rows that match into Sheet 2. I also would like to ensure that when it is copied it doesnt go in row 2 but maybe 4 or 5 as I have quite allot of headings.
I need a Macro which pulls the data from different sheets of excel (which is not formatted properly) to Main Sheet. Also some of the columns will not have the same names, so macro should handle this exception as well.
I want there to ALWAYS be 5 FREE/EMPTY rows to be able to enter data into them I also want the black area around the outside to ALWAYS be a further 15 rows in height below that.
Sheet 1 = Simple Example Sheet 2 = A much larger example Sheet 3 = Erroneously added data should still extend the sheet by 5 rows each time.
I am attempting to create a macro to generate emails based on data in a sheet. The goal is to run the Macro, and have it generate emails to send to contractors letting them know what they are going to be paid. For instance:
Name in Column J Email in Column L Memo in Column N Balance in Column T Due Date in Column P Week Ending Date in Column H
Now what I would like to happen, is to tie a macro into a button that will create the email as follows:
To Field: Email address from Column L Subject: "Company Payment Remittance Payment Date *Date from Column P*" Body: Hello *Name from Column J*, For *WE Date in Column H* you will be paid *Balance from Column T* for the time worked of *Memo in Column N*
Now the tricky part is that I want the email to contain all line items for each email address. So instead of sending one email per line, have the macro automatically put all of the information that needs to be sent to one email address into the message. I don't know if that is possible, but it sure would make my life easier if it was.
I have attached a sample workbook of the data that will be used
I have a report that I drop down into Excel that is a transaction report for securities. The data for each security is in two rows. I would like to write a macro that would sort each two-line group by a certain cell in the group. If I could make the macro request the number of rows and columns in each range and the cell address of the cell to sort by, I would be able to use this macro for many different reports. Also, there has to be some way of telling the macro where to begin and where to end. I have some experience with macros although generally I "Frankenstein".
Worksheet 1 is a large data sheet containing columns of data (Date, State, Payment Method, etc, etc) Worksheet 2 is the 'Report' worksheet with 2 blank cells (A1 and A2) for users to manually enter the Start and End dates, a drop-list for State names (B1) and a drop-list for Payment Method (C1) - Cash or Credit Card.
How can I write a macro to:
1) Filter by Start and End Dates then, 2) Filter by State name then, 3) Filter by Cash or Credit Card then, 4) Copy these filtered records (i.e. whole row/s) onto the 'Report' worksheet starting at Column A, Row 5. 5) Macro to end with a 'Successful' message.
I have a macro which opens a csv file, moves a few columns about then pastes the data into a master workbook. The problem I have is that even though there is only around 1,500 rows of data on the csv file, the sheet on the master workbook is showing up to row 1,048,576 after the data has been pasted in! This is causing issues as I use this data later on in the macro and there are a couple of 'find and replace' commands that take an age to run because of the number of blank rows.
I'm having an issue transposing vertical data to horizontal rows. I know how to do the first set, but I would like to continue down the file for about 40,000 names....
Name: Steve Address: 415 East Falls Ave Zip: 19258 School 1: USC School 2: None Relocate? Yes
Name: Phillis Address: 584 Fourth Ave Zip: 19555 School 1: UCLA School 2: NYU Relocate? Yes
I would like it to look like this:
Name Address Zip School 1 School 2 Relocate? Steve 415 East Falls 19258 USC None Yes Phillis 584 Fourth Ave 19555 UCLA NYU Yes
- The macro should then try to find this data on the worksheet "Sheet2" in the same workbook. This data on Sheet2 is essentially a table with four columns "Number" (Col A), "Country" (Col B), "Consol" (Col C) and "Bypass" (Col D) but can have around 70k rows
- It should look for Number first, and if its not found, the macro should insert the message "Update OK" in cell A8 on Sheet1
- If it finds at least 1 row for the Number but the Country is the same for all the rows and it matches the value input for Country on Sheet1, then it insert the message "Multiple Records - Update OK" in cell A8 on Sheet1
- If it finds at least 1 row for the Number but the Country is the same for all the rows and it does not match the value input for Country on Sheet1, and if all Bypass fields in Sheet2 have "Y" but the Bypass field input on Sheet1 has "N", then put "Multiple Records - Update OK" in cell A8 on Sheet1
- If it finds at least 1 row for the Number but the Country is the same for all the rows and it does not match the value input for Country on Sheet1, and if all Bypass fields in Sheet2 have "N" but the Bypass field input on Sheet1 has "Y", then put "Multiple Records - Bypass - Do Not Update" in cell A8 on Sheet1
- If it finds at least 1 row for the Number but the Country is the same for all the rows that have a Bypass value of "N" and it does match the value input for Country on Sheet1 then put "Multiple Records - No Need to Update" in cell A8 on Sheet1
- If it finds at least 1 row for the Number but the Country is different for all the rows that have a Bypass value of "N", then put "Multiple Records - Refer" in cell A8 on Sheet1
I've already found a TON of threads about this process but nothing that matches specifically what I'm trying to do.
I have a spreadsheet that I'm using to auto fill other tabs with data that only matches specific criteria. Here's what I'm looking to do:
Columns I, J, K, and L may be marked as either Y or N (or blank). I have different sheets that require 1, 2, 3, or 4 of those columns to match Y. For example, on sheet 2 I want to copy the entire row if there's a "Y" match on column I and J. On sheet 3 I want to match "Y" against, I, J, and K. Sheet 4 I need to match only L, etc.
I need the data copied into the existing sheets to start on row 7. I have other data on rows 1-6 that cannot be moved.
I've got a spreadsheet listing applications on PCs (assets), one line per application, and need to import that info into another document for each PC and save it with a file name which = the PC name (asset number). I've attached a couple of sample files to try to explain what i mean.For asset number PC037014 I need the corresponding fields filled and the list of applications pasted under where is says Additional Software List (inserting more rows if there are too many applications to fit in). Once the information has been populated, i'd like the file to be saved in a specific folder then move onto the next asset number in the list.
We have a company and need to automating workflow.
The Master sheet contains incoming mail details by customer. Each employee is assigned a set number of customers to respond to. We want the information on the Master sheet to filter to a specific employee assigned sheet. On the employee assigned sheet, once filtered, they are to provide updates in column E
Date Reference no. Name Employee ID 16-Feb-12 S/S/1
[Code] ........
We need a macro that can filter customers' details to the specific employee assigned sheet based on the employee ID in the master sheet. For example, all customers assigned to DW (i.e with the 'DW' employee ID) filters into a sheet called 'DW'. Please note that the Master sheet is a continuous log updated daily. This macro must not duplicate information previously filtered once the employee enters a status update in column E.
Attached is a master metrics deck, where data needs to be refreshed every week, from two different workbooks.
The catch is, the two parent workbooks would be new versions every week (data would be same format, and style within), but file name would change each week, for eg: for 1st workbook, 'XXX_Weekly_Week24.xlsx' to 'XXX_Weekly_Week25.xlsx' and so on.
for 2nd workbook, 'YYY_Weekly_Week24.xlsx' to 'YYY_Weekly_Week25.xlsx' and so on.
In the master metrics deck, a consolidated vew of some of data from workbook 1 and workbook 2 is presented for each week.
This master file would remain same, and only be refreshed each week (preferably with a button on its sheet "REFRESH!!")
Next, need to manually change cells C2:G2 each week to reflect week titles correctly.
For e.g.: week6 would show week 1 through week 5, but during week7, it needs to show week 2 to week 6. Only last five weeks of data any given time.
The first datarows of each set are conditionally formatted (they are compared with other rows in the set and need to reflect danger values, good values etc) (I have done that already).
I have a spreadsheet that imports data, manipulates it then deletes 2 of the sheets then saves the file under a different name to the network. Is there any way to save this new worksheet without it storing the macros - so when the user open it, only the data is there and they get no prompt to enable macros?
I have created a spreadsheet to show some reports and I wanted to serch for some datas which overloops themeselves. If you can have a look at a test file I attached you will see the full picture. I have 2 tables, where the 2nd one is on the right side of the 1st one. 1st table:..............
The last few days I have been trying to figure this out with no luck whatsoever. I am using Excel 2010 32-bit with power query on a Windows 7 64-bit computer. I was going the use the html creator, but the dl link was down and I had to use screenshots.
I have a sheet titled "LeadSheet" that contains multiple data blocks of information (around 20). I have attached 2 examples of these data blocks and 2 examples of results needed below. I tried to create them so they would fill in the gaps of my explanation.
All of these data blocks are 7 columns wide and vary in row size from 10-250. The blocks of data all have titles on the 5th row, but are not headers, and then data beginning directly underneath. I hesitate calling them ranges because I only selected one data block as a range and named it "lead1" and then stopped not knowing if I was headed the right direction.
I first tried to create a table out of the range, but was unable to do so because the "Name" column is an array. The phone and address columns are populated by VLOOKUP. And although the images show the column names as the same for name, phone and address theyare actually different, like name-firm1, name-firm17,address-firmxyz, etc, etc. I not putting that in the images. The "Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3" and "Option 4" columns are generated using a =IF formula.
I have another sheet titled "ResultsSheet".I'm needing a way or code to copy entire rows from the multiple data blocks/ranges in the "LeadSheet", and paste it in the"ResultsSheet", based on any value occurring in any of the"Option" columns within the individual data blocks/ranges along with appending the "Option #" title to either end of the copied row.
The "LeadSheet" is constantly being updated so information is being added and taken off all the time. That being said, is there anyway to make it update as soon as the "LeadSheet" does or on a timed interval so that the"ResultsSheet" is always up to date. And also prevent it from continuing to re-copy over duplicates of information that has not changed?
Ifthe "Option #" result is the exact same percentage then the order does not matter between them.
Ifwithin the same data block/range both "Option" columns have data it is usually because of some error and is most likely bad datathat does not need to be copied. i.e. "Steven Seagal". If that makes this task much more difficult I can live with it.
If within two or more different data blocks/ranges the same name and info appears that if fine because the "Option #" will always be different. i.e. "Chuck Norris".
I am also trying to make the "ResultSheet" ordered from largest percentage to lowest, but I assume that should be done once the data is on the "ResultsSheet". No headers or titles are necessary on the "ResultsSheet"
I need to build a macro which copies 3 rows every day and pastes the row data into an identical sheet. The three rows will have column "D" as =today(). As the days progress the three rows will change accordingly ( tag to the today's date)
e.g. 28/1/2014 28/1/2014 28/1/2014
I need the macro to recognize the date when pressed and copy the corresponding rows of data and paste them into an identical sheet with the same date. The second sheet is an archive sheet. The date will tick over as per the calendar.
need to create a macro that inserts 3 rows below each existing row of data and simply copies and pastes that data into each of the empty rows before moving on to the next unique row and doing the same thing again.
This is what I have so far, but I can't seem to get the loop right.
i have multiple worksheets which has data (similar to sheet "Homewares") which need to be summarised in the summary sheet, i need macro that will grap all the info from all worksheets and pull data into sheet summary. The headings in data sheets will always be in Col A, i need to populate the summary sheet with this data please see below example
I want to be able to paste the large amount of data I get each day into the first sheet in my workbook ("data dump" sheet), the data will be formatted in the way i have used in the example workbook.
I then would like to be able to just have to enter 2 values into columns A and B of "1st output" sheet (Label in A, and Item in B), then have it look up the data that corresponds to those 2 values that are both in the same row in the "data dump" sheet, and have it copy and paste all of the relevant data in that row into the row in the "1st output" sheet.
The data I would want excel to find and place for me in the first sheet is highlighted in yellow
As a way of keeping track of this every day, I then need the data from the "1st output" sheet, to be fed into the "2nd output" sheet. This sheet would have all of the peoples' names already in it, but would just need to look in the "1st output" sheet for references to these names. If one of the names pops up, I'd need the date shown in the row of that instance to be placed after their name. This will allow me to keep a log of how many times their name gets flagged up, as well as the dates on which it happens. Again, the data I'd need excel to look up in the "2nd output" sheet is highlighted in yellow.
If there was a way of having the 2nd sheet add new names it finds on the 1st output sheet, that aren't already referenced on the 2nd output sheet in column A, that would be amazingly handy if it could then enter that name into column A and start a new row for them
Currently, Im running a button macro. When this button is clicked, the table from "315 Employee Data" will copy the names from column C to "315" sheet B12 onwards.
Now, what i want is when I update the employee data on "315 employee data" sheet, I want "315" sheet to automatically match the names from "315 employee data", delete and add names when I add or remove employees from the column the next time i click on that button again.
After the above is achieved, when i add new employees,run the macro and it displays the updated list of names, I want "315" sheet column A to do automatic numbering.
I have attached the file for your reference.samplesample.xlsm
I have created a form in a worksheet which I have added questions too and then locked all cells except the ones where I want the answers in.
I have then added a button to the bottom of the sheet called "Print and Save". This work sheet is called "form"
On a second sheet called "database", I have all the titles of the questions running from a -> k and nother else.
What I want to happen is the user input the information on "form" into the boxes available. Once they have completed the questions, I want them to be able to click on "Print and Save" so that firstly the page "form" prints, and then for all of the answers to be saved in "database" below the titles for each question.
I have had a play, but just don't know where to start. Also, once there is a row of questions below the titles, I don't want it to overwrite information already there, it needs to go onto the next empty row available.
Attached is my excel file.
You will see in the code that I have the code for printing.. I just found this on the net and it seems to work fine for me.
I have a lot of sheets, in my workbook. It keeps expanding, as I add them. How do I make multiple rows of sheet tabs, to keep from having to scroll across all the time?
I'm trying to set up a small database using excel ... utilising a userform to populate the database.
I have a userform set up with the following fields:
Bike Odometer Date Task1 Parts1 Cost1 Task2 Parts2 Cost2 Task3 Parts3 Cost3
What I would like the form to do is create rows based on the task, and generate rows of data as per the example below. For the 'activity' the bike, odometer and date are common, and a new row is created for each task.
In this example I have three tasks/parts/cost in the userform, but I plan on having around 20ish (xheck boxes, combo etc) ...
In the attached wb I have 4 sheets. The macro selects a row then copies it to specified location. This works great. What I would now like it to do is match data in (MonthStats) column b then copy those rows to specified location. eg All rows containing AAA would be selected then copied to sheet AAA. I have searched various threads but without success
I have a large data set which is basically just transactions on accounts by date and I want to return the transactions in date order by account number. I've attached an example where sheet 2 is the transaction listing and sheet 1 is what I'd like to return.